艾启蒙,(1708—1780)字醒庵,生于波西米亚,原名Jgnatius Sickeltart,天主教耶稣会传教士,乾隆十年(1745)来中国,四洋画家之一。
艾启蒙[清](1708—1780)字醒庵,生于波西米亚,原名Jgnatius Sickeltart,天主教耶稣会传教士,乾隆十年(1745)来中国,从郎世宁学画,得郎氏指授,使西法中用,很快受到清廷重视,诏入内廷供奉。
工人物、走兽、翎毛,与郎世宁、王致诚、安德义合称四洋画家,形成新体画风,对当时 宫廷绘画有一定影响。乾隆二十年(1755)曾制作紫光阁武功图中《准噶尔战功图》;乾隆三十六年(1771)孝圣皇后八旬万寿,命绘《香山九老图》,著录于《国朝院画录》;三十七年《十骏图》。传世作品有乾隆三十八年(1773)作《宝吉骝图》轴,绢本,设色,现均藏故宫博物院。
Sichelbart, (1708-1780), the word come to temples, Bohemia wavelengths, formerly known as Jgnatius Sickeltart, Catholic jesuit missionaries, qianlong decade (1745) to China, one of four New York artist.
The artistic achievement
Workers and animals and feathers, and lang shining, attiret, joannes damascenus salusti called the four foreign painter, a new system of form drawing style, has certain of at palace painting. 20 years of qianlong (1755) worked on council fighting skill in the junggar exploits figure; Qianlong 36 years (1771) xiao SAN queen s flower, draw the xiangshan nine old figure, description on the countries towards YuanHua record; Thirty-seventh year ten jun figure. Handed down works include qianlong thirty-eight years (1773) as a "treasure JiLiu map" axis, silk scroll, painting, all hidden Palace Museum now.