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仇英( ㄑ一ㄡˊ )(约1494年-1552年)字实父,号十洲,中国明代画家,原籍江苏太仓,后移居苏州。生年不详,考订约生于弘治甲寅(一四九四年),卒于嘉靖壬子(一五五二年)秋冬之际。吴门四家之一。擅画人物,尤长仕女,既工设色,又善水墨、白描,能运用多种笔法表现不同对象,或圆转流美,或劲丽艳爽。偶作花鸟,亦明丽有致。与沈周、文征明、唐寅并称为"明四家"。

  • 中文名仇英
  • 性别
  • 祖籍江苏苏州太仓
  • 出生日期约1494年
  • 逝世日期1552年
  • 职业中国明代画家
  • 代表作品《汉宫春晓图》、《桃园仙境图》《赤壁图》等
  • 所属年代明代
  • 实父
  • 十洲

美术网 07-04 浏览



       仇英是明代有代表性的画家之一,与沈周,文征明和唐寅被后世并称为"明四家"、"吴门四家" ,亦称"天门四杰"。沈、文、唐三家,不仅以画取胜,且佐以诗句题跋,就画格而言,唐,仇相接近。仇英在他的画上,一般只题名款,尽量少写文字,为的是不破坏画面美感。因此画史评价他为追求艺术境界的仙人。


仇英擅长画人物、山水、花鸟、楼阁等题材,画法苍秀,构思巧妙,笔墨俊雅。他功力精湛,常临仿唐宋名家稿本,如《临宋人画册》和《临萧照高宗中兴瑞应图》,前册若与原作对照,几乎难辩真假。画法主要师承赵伯驹和南宋"院体"画,青绿山水 和人物故事画,形象精确,工细雅秀,色彩鲜艳,含蓄蕴藉,色调淡雅清丽,融入了文人画所崇尚的主题和笔墨情趣 。
       仇英的山水画师法赵伯驹、刘松年,发展南宋李唐、刘松年、马远夏圭的"院体画"传统,综合融会前代各家之长,即保持工整精艳的古典传统,又融入了文雅清新的趣味,形成工而不板、研而不甜的新典范,还有一种水墨画,从李唐风格变化而来,有时作界画楼阁,尤为细密。常作上林图,人物、鸟兽、山林、台观、旗辇、军容,皆忆写古贤名笔,斟酌而成,可渭绘事之绝境,艺林之胜事。张丑在《清河书画舫》中对其评价说:仇英画"山石师王维林木李成,人物师吴元瑜,设色师赵伯驹,资诸家之长而浑合 之,种种臻妙"。


       仇英人物图 初为漆工,为人彩绘栋宇,有志丹青,周臣发现有异才,收为弟子教之,得文徵明称誉,知名于时。临摹唐宋名笔十分刻苦,规仿之迹自能乱真。擅画人物,尤长仕女,既工设色,又善水墨、白描,能运用多种笔法表现不同对象,或圆转流美,或劲丽艳爽,《明画录》谓其:"发翠豪金,丝丹缕素,精丽艳逸,无惭古人。"画山水以青绿为多,细润明丽而风骨劲峭,董其昌称其"赵伯驹后身,即文(徵明)、沈(周)亦未尽其法"。偶作花鸟,亦清丽有逸致。晚年客于收藏家项元汴家,为之摹仿历代名迹。与沈周、文徵明、唐寅并称为"明四家",为明代工笔之杰。
       传世作品有《桐阴清话图》轴,图录于《故宫名画三百种》; 《右军书扇图》轴、《柳下眠琴图》轴现藏上海博物馆;《人物故事图册》《莲溪渔隐图》轴等藏故宫博物院;《捣衣图》轴、《松溪横笛图》轴藏南京博物院;《清明上河图》卷藏辽宁省博物馆;《桃源仙境图》轴藏天津市艺术博物馆;《煮茶论画图》卷藏吉林省博物馆;《清溪横笛图》轴藏四川大学博物馆;《秋江待渡图》《仙山楼阁图》藏台北故宫博物院。女名珠,号杜陵内史,亦擅画。据玉狮老人《读画辑略》谓,尝见其抚李公麟白描《群仙高会图》长卷,款题"仇珠"。 仇英,画师周臣,工山水,人物,女,而格力不逮。特工临摹,粉图黄纸,落笔乱真。至于发翠豪金,丝丹缕素,精丽艳逸,无愧古人。尝作上林图,人物,鸟兽,山林,台观,旗辇,军容,皆臆写古贤名笔,斟酌而成,可谓绘事之绝境,艺林之盛事也。董其昌题其仙弈图谓:"仇实父是赵伯驹身,即文,沈亦未尽其法。"洵非过誉。尤工女,神采生动,为明代工笔之城。正德十五年(一五二○)与文徵明合仿李公麟莲社图,藏故宫博物院。仇英早年当过漆匠,并为人彩绘栋宇,后为文征明所称誉而知名于时。后来仇英以卖画为生,周臣赏识其才华,便教他画画,仇英临摹宋朝人的画作,几乎可以乱真,例如《清明上河图》。仇英作品题材广泛,擅写人物、山水、车船、楼阁等,尤长仕女图,擅长界画。


仇英擅人物画,尤工仕女,重视对历史题材的刻画和描绘,吸收南宋马和之及元人技法,笔力刚健,特擅临摹,粉图黄纸,落笔乱真。至于发翠豪金,综丹缕素,精丽绝逸,无愧古人,尤善于用粗细不同的笔法表现不同的对象,或圆转流畅,或顿挫劲利,既长设色,又善白描。人物造型准确,概括力强,形象秀美,线条流畅,有别于时流的板刻习气,直趋宋人室,对后来的尤求、禹之鼎以及清宫仕女画都有很大影响,成为时代仕女美的典范,后人评其工笔仕女,刻画细腻,神采飞动, 精丽艳逸,为明代之杰出者。杰出作品有《人物故事图》、《汉宫春晓图》卷、《供职图》等。
       仇英的山水画多学赵伯驹、刘松年,发展南宋李唐、刘松年、马远、夏圭的"院体画"传统,综合融会前代各家之长,即保持工整精艳的古典传统,又融入了文雅清新的趣味,形成工而不板、研而不甜的新典范,还有一种水墨画,从李唐风格变化而来,有时作界画楼阁,尤为细密。常作上林图,人物、鸟兽、山林、台观、旗辇、军容,皆忆写古贤名笔,斟酌而成,可渭绘事之绝境,艺林之胜事。张丑在《清河书画舫》中对其评价说:仇 英画"山石师王维,林木师李成,人物师吴元瑜,设色师赵伯驹,资诸家之长而浑合 之,种种臻妙"。



English is introduced

Qiu Ying (ㄑ a ㄡ ') (about 1494-1552 years) the word real father, number ten continent, the Chinese Ming Dynasty painter, origin of Jiangsu Taicang, moved to Suzhou. Unknown birthday, test contract was born Hongzhi Jia Yin (1494), died in Jiajing Prince (1552) autumn and winter. Wu door four one. Good painting figures, especially long ladies, both Gongcolor, and good ink, white description, can use a variety of brushwork performance of different objects, or round turn the United States, or Jin Liyan cool. Even for flowers and birds, but also brightly induced. And Shen Zhou, Wen Zhengming, Tang Yin and known as the "Ming four."
       Qiu Ying origin of Taicang, Jiangsu, moved to Suzhou. Born in Ming Hongzhi about eleven years (1498, Note: Some people think that is 1509), died in Ming Shizong Jiajing thirty-one years (1552). There are "Han Gong Chun Xiao map", "Taoyuan Wonderland map", "Chibi map", "Yudong Xianyuan map", "peach village cottage", "jiange map", "Songxi diagram drawing" "" "," "," "Map", "Lianxi fishing map", "Tong Yin clear dial", "Qiujiang to be crossing map" and so on.
        Qiu Ying is one of the representative painters of the Ming Dynasty, and Shen Zhou, Wen Zhengming and Tang Yin was later known as the "Ming four", "Wu door four", also known as "four doors". Shen, Wen, Tang three, not only to win the painting, and accompanied by poems inscriptions, on the grid, the Tang, hatred close. Qiu Ying in his paintings, generally only title section, as little as possible to write text, in order not to undermine the beauty of the screen. So the history of painting to evaluate his pursuit of artistic realm of immortal.

Painting style

Qiu Ying good at painting figures, landscapes, flowers and birds, pavilions and other themes, painting Cangxiu, clever ideas, ink Junya. His exquisite workmanship, often Pro imitation of the Tang and Song dynasties famous manuscripts, such as "Lin Song album" and "Pro Xiao Zhao ZTE Rinux map", if the former book with the original control, almost Nanbian true. The painting is mainly composed of Zhao Boju and the painting of "the courtyard body" of the Southern Song Dynasty. The paintings and pictures of the green landscape and characters are precise, elegant and elegant. They are colorful and subtle, elegant and elegant in color and into the themes and ink taste of the literati painting.
       Qiu Ying good figure painting, especially the ladies, attention to the description and description of historical themes, the absorption of the Southern Song Dynasty and the Yuan and Ma Yuan techniques, pen force healthy, good at copying, pink paper yellow paper, As for the hair Cui Haojin, synthetic Dan lime element, refined Li Yi Yi, worthy of the ancients, especially good at using different thickness of the brushwork performance of different objects, or round to smooth, or frustration Jinli, both long color, good white sketch. Character modeling is accurate, general and strong, beautiful, smooth lines, different from the flow of plate engraving habits, directly toward the Song of the room, especially for later, Yu Zhiding and the Qing court painting has a great impact, as Time ladies beauty model, descendants of its fine ladies, portray delicate, look flying, Jing Li Yan Yi, for the Ming Dynasty painting of the outstanding. Handed down works of "ancient bamboo products", "Han Gong Chunxiao map" volume (with the picture part of this painting), "service map" and so on.
       Zhao Yingju, Liu Songnian, the development of the Southern Song Dynasty Li Tang, Liu Songnian, Ma Yuan, Xia Gui's "body painting" tradition, the integration of the previous generation of various long, that is to maintain the neat fine classical tradition, but also into the Elegant and fresh taste, the formation of the work instead of the plate, but not the new model of sweet, there is a kind of ink painting, from Li Tang style changes from time to time for the painting pavilion, especially fine. Often for Shanglin figure, characters, birds and animals, mountains, Taiwan concept, flag chariot, military capacity, all recalled the ancient Yin name pen, considered, Wei painting things can be the despair, Yi Lin wins. Zhang Chou in the "Qinghe Painting and Calligraphy Fang" in its evaluation, said: Qiu Ying painting "Wang Shi Shishi division, tree division Li Cheng, Wu Yuanyu figures, coloring division Zhao Bo Ju, capital of various long and muddy, .

Artistic achievement

Qiu Ying is the most representative of the Ming Dynasty painter, and Shen Zhou, Wen Zhengming and Tang Yin was later known as the "Ming four", also known as "the door four Jie." Shen, Wen, Tang three, not only to win the painting, and accompanied by poem inscriptions on the grid, the Tang, Qiu close to the enemy in his paintings, generally only title section. Qiuying real father, a real real, No. 10 Chau, Taicang (now Jiangsu Taicang) people, moved to Wu County (now Jiangsu Suzhou). Born in Ming Wuzong Masanori around four years (that is, 1509 years, and said about the birth of the Ming Hongzhi eleven years or so, 1498), died in Ming Shizong Jiajing thirty-one years (1552). He was born artisans, early for the painter, and painting for the people, but after the industry painting. The beginning of the painter, had the division Zhouchen learn painting, study hard success, is a character, landscape painting of a expert, Wen Zhengming praise for the "heterogeneity", even Dong Qichang also praised him "Chau for the modern master first. He has met many famous artists of the Ming Dynasty, such as Wen Zhengming, Tang Yin, and Zhou Chenmen. He also had a lot of masterpieces in ancient famous works, such as Xiang Yuanbian, Fine. His creative attitude is very serious, meticulous, each painting is rigorous and thorough, carved. Qiuying life short life, only live more than 40 years of age.
       Chou Ying figures early for the painter, painted Dongyu, aspiring Danqing, Zhou Chen found a different talent, received for the disciples to teach, was Wen Zhengming reputation, known at the time. Copy the Tang and Song is very hard, imitation of the trace from the spurious. Good painting characters, especially long ladies, both Gongcolor, and good ink, white description, can use a variety of brushwork performance of different objects, or round turn the United States, or Jin Liyan cool, "Ming painting recorded" "Painted landscape to green for many, fine run bright and strong and strength of Qiao, Dong Qichang called" Zhao Bo Ju back, that is, the text (Zhengming), Shen (Shen), " Week) has not done its law. " Even for flowers and birds, but also elegant and Yat-induced. In the late years of the collectors item Yuan Bianjia, whom imitate the ancient track. And Shen Zhou, Wen Zhengming, Tang Yin and known as the "Ming four", for the Ming Dynasty fine brushwork.
       "The Book of Figure Stories", "The Legend of the Right Army", "The Legend of the Right Army", "The Book of the Characters", and the " ; ";"; ";"; ";"; ";"; ";"; "; Fishing trail" axis ";"; ";"; ";"; ";"; ";"; Museum of Sichuan Museum; "Autumn River to be crossing map" "Pagodas map" Tibetan National Palace Museum in Taipei. "Museum of Sichuan Museum"; Female name beads, No. Duling history, also good at painting. According to the old man of the lion, "read a little" that the painting, the taste of its metaphor Li Gonglin white sketch "group immortal high map" scroll, section title "Qiu Chu." Qiu Ying, artist Zhou Chen, workers and landscape, figures, women, and Gree not. Agents copy, pink map yellow paper, pen and paper spurious. As for the hair Cuijin, silk Dan-element, Jing Li Yan Yi, worthy of the ancients. Taste for Shanglin figure, figures, birds, animals, mountains, Taiwan concept, flag chariot, military capacity, are written in ancient Yin name pen, considered, can be described as painting the desperate. Dong Qichang title Xian Yi diagram that: "hatred is the father of Zhao Bo Ju body, that is, the text, Shen also not do its law." Xun non-reputation. Eugene female, vivid, as the city of the Ming Dynasty meticulous. Masanori fifteen years (1520) and Wen Zhengming Li Gonglin lotus map, possession of the National Palace Museum. Qiu Ying as a painter in the early years, and painted Dongyu, Wen Zhengming after the well-known at the time. Later Chou Ying to sell paintings for a living, Zhou Chen appreciated his talent, he taught him to paint, Chou Ying copying the Song Dynasty paintings, almost real, such as "Qingming River." Qiu Ying works a wide range of subjects, good at writing characters, landscapes, travel, pavilions, especially long ladies figure, good at painting.
       Qiu Ying young to get to know a lot of contemporary masters, as Wen Zhengming, Tang Yin by the weight, Qiu Ying Peng year of the friend records: "ten continents less seen in the Heng Wang (Wen Zhengming)", and worship Zhouchenmenxiaoxue , And in the famous connoisseur Xiang Yuanbian, on Saturday saw a lot of ancient masterpieces masterpiece, copy a large number of fine. His creative attitude is very serious, meticulous, each painting is rigorous and thorough, carved.






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