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谢遂,乾隆时期著名宫廷画家(生卒年不详,约活动于18世纪中期)祖籍四川,居吴县(今江苏州)人。擅长人物、山水楼阁,画风细腻、精致,人物描绘传神。山水以清雅见长。乾隆中期,弘历皇帝的艺术欣赏品味,已逐渐从对本朝文治武功的自我陶醉中渐入追求精致优雅,自在怡情的佳境。谢遂在众多宫廷画家中恰恰以工于北宋院体山水人物的画风而著称,因此也就自然而然地渐得弘历皇帝的欣赏和重视,除多次奉召参与了平定台湾战图等重大史录型作品的创作外,还独自完成了现珍藏于台北故宫的《职供图》,收藏于北京故宫的《寒林楼观图》,《仿宋院本金陵图》,《楼阁图册》,以及在今春保利公司春季拍卖中以高价成交的《松巗仙奕图》 等一批重要宫廷绘画作品。

  • 中文名谢遂
  • 性别
  • 祖籍祖籍四川
  • 职业清代宫廷画家
  • 代表作品《职贡图》《楼阁图》册
  • 所属年代清代
  • 生卒年不详

4.为了推动中法两国之间的文化交流,法国政府将2004年定为法国的中国文化年。期间两国政府部门和民间团体都举办了一系列各种形式的文化交流活动。其中一项活动由法国各大博物馆与图书出版机构发起,并经法国文化部推动的文物史料展览和图书出版项目被命名为“从凡尔赛到紫禁城”。其中,由法国国家图书馆根据馆藏数据编辑出版的一部名为《Chine l’Empire du trait》——Calligraphies et dessins du V au XIX siècle( 出版机构将书名译为“笔墨乾坤”)的大型精装本图书中,在第222-223页,刊印介绍了一套拼集而成的清宫山水楼阁八开册页藏品中的两幅经典作品。其中由谢遂所画的一幅山水楼阁,无论在笔墨、构图的风格上,款识、钤印的运用上,甚至在纸本和装裱的材料、尺寸以及画面的折痕、返铅漫漶痕迹上,都与这件拍品完全一致。(注:这本册页于1913年由比利时收藏家Auguste Lesouef在古城列日收藏,并曾著录于《Manuscrits orientaux Smith-Lesouef chinois》见51(1),51(3)。
来源:法国知名收藏及鉴赏家 Frantz FRAY 夫妇。


《楼阁图》册,清,谢遂绘,绢本,设色,纵33.5cm,横49cm。 本幅款署:“臣谢遂恭画。”首开钤“避暑山庄”一方,末开钤“乾隆御览之宝”一方。 此册共8开,描绘的是圆明园中各式楼阁。画家在技法上利用透视线描表现亭台楼阙的纵深,用淡墨渲染区分建筑的明暗面,屋檐、回廊、窗牖、涵洞之下以水墨作上深下浅的渲染,表现出这些部位在漫射光的作用下逐渐变暗的视觉效果,有效地强调了凹入的部分,增强了画面的立体感,是中国画家采用欧洲建筑渲染画法描绘中国古典建筑的佳作








[职贡图]是一套瑰丽的中外民俗画史,由于清朝政府积极促进边疆与内地的政治、经济、文化关系,各民族日益融合,奠定我国多民族的基础,「职贡图」的绘制充分反映了乾隆皇帝对东西洋各国、朝贡属邦的贸易政策,以及对边疆地区的民族政策。 此卷爲其所绘职贡图,分绘清朝统治下,本土以及四方藩属境内各民族,官吏、土司、酋长、人民、男、女、妇、孺之状貌。著色鲜丽,神情栩活。不惟令人欣赏其人物描绘之精工,尤堪供爲民族风俗服饰考证之史料。又同样题材,除此绘画外,尚有皇清职贡图刊本。

English is introduced

Xie Sui, the famous court painter Qianlong period (birth and death unknown, about activities in the mid-18th century) ancestral home in Sichuan, home Wuxian (now Jiangsu) people. Good character, landscaped pavilion, fine style, fine, vivid portrayal of characters. Landscape is known for elegant. In the middle of the reign of Emperor Qianlong, the artistic appreciation of the emperor had gradually been gradually refined from the narcissism of the martial arts to the pursuit of exquisite elegance. Xie Sui in many court painter just to work in the Northern Song Dynasty courtyard body landscape style is known, so it is natural to gradually appreciate the emperor's appreciation and attention, in addition to repeatedly called participated in the pacification of Taiwan plans and other major Historical works of the record-type creation, but also alone to complete the collection of the Forbidden City in Taipei, "the job for the map," collected in the Forbidden City in Beijing, "Hanlin Lou view", "imitation Songyuan Jinling map" , As well as spring in the spring of the company's auction of high-priced transactions in the "Song Xi Xian Yi map" and a number of important palace paintings.


Four Seasons landscape floor view book
Xie Sui painted this group of four "Four Seasons Landscape House" album in the ink, techniques, Qiyun, fun, the following unique points worthy of knowledge of interesting:
1. To light color ink color, elegant colors, simple composition. Ink refining and refined, smooth strokes calm yet, so that each picture is filled with fresh quiet Youyuan mood. Most of the court works are usually rigorous neat, bright and gorgeous style of contrast exaggerated noble royal weather, especially when Qianlong. But Xie Sui's works in this group but to the literati of the mountains of water and the meaning of the admiration and pursuit, on the luxury, Cun wiping points out of a ray of elegance and elegance of the precious Qingqi expensive gas.
2. Drawing on the perspective of Western painting line drawing techniques in China's ink, making landscape view of the near and far points, pavilions have the depth of the Pro, a stone of a tree are yin and yang opposite, Chunhua Qiuyan discernible dark reality . Especially in the deep forest dense place, the cloister eaves of the place, to the ink and the deep on the shallow rendering of the law is to point out the picture of the level of points, three-dimensional sense. At that time, the background of the time, the Chinese painter to use the European landscape architectural painting rendering of the Chinese landscape landscape of the excellent.
3. A kiosk cool, two rows of autumn geese, pink Liulv, Samuume warm curtain ... ... without the expense of pen and ink chapter, only seemingly inadvertently a few pen on the extraction of the four seasons, can make the spring and autumn oil Health, cold and warm feeling restrained in the chest, and so the cultivation of fun, even when compared with the literati painting masters are at least not downwind.
4. In order to promote cultural exchanges between China and France, the French government will be 2004 as the Chinese culture in France. During the two governments and civil society organizations have held a series of various forms of cultural exchange activities. One of the activities by the French major museums and book publishing agencies initiated by the French Ministry of Culture to promote cultural and historical materials exhibition and book publishing project was named "from Versailles to the Forbidden City." Among them, by the French National Library in accordance with the collection of data compiled and published a "Chine l'Empire du trait" - Calligraphies et dessins du V au XIX siècle (publishing agency will be translated into "pen and ink") large Hardcover book, in the first 222-223 pages, published a set of paintings from the piled Qinggong landscape pavilions eight album collections of two classic works. One of the landscape by Xie Sui painted a pavilion, both in the ink, composition style, knowledge, the use of seal, and even in the paper and mounting materials, size, and the screen crease, trace back to the traces of lead , Are fully consistent with this auction. (Note: This album was collected by the Belgian collector Auguste Lesouef in the ancient city of Liège in 1913 and was published in Manuscrits orientaux Smith-Lesouef chinois. 51 (1), 51 (3).
Source: French well-known collection and connoisseur Frantz FRAY couple.

Pavilion diagram

"Pagoda" book, clear, Xie Sui painted, silk of this, color, vertical 33.5cm, horizontal 49cm. This section of the Department: "Xie Xie Sui painted." First opened the "Summer Resort" party, the end of Qian Qianlong "treasures" party. This book a total of 8 open, depicting the Yuanmingyuan in various types of pavilions. In the technique, the artist uses the line drawing to describe the depth of the pavilions, and uses the light ink to render the bright and dark sides, eaves, corridors, window lattices, and under the culverts of the buildings. The effect of diffuse light gradually dimmed visual effects, effectively stressed the concave part of the screen to enhance the three-dimensional sense of the Chinese painter using European architectural rendering painting depicting the Chinese classical architecture masterpiece

For the map

The National Palace Museum Collection "Gong Gong Tu", Qianlong years Xie Sui drawing, a total of four volumes, the volume of about thirty-three ˙ nine centimeters, about 140-140 centimeters to 1836 ˙ one centimeter.
The first volume of 70 maps, for the Western, foreign and tributary state image;
The second volume is a total of sixty - one map, for the northeast, Fujian, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces border image;
The third volume of a total of 92 figure, Gansu, Sichuan and other provinces border image;
The fourth volume of a total of seventy-eight figure, for the Yunnan, Guizhou and other provinces border image.
A total of three 0 1 map, all along the edge of the provincial governors Fujin into a pattern, to the ground phase, sub-volume rendering from the supplement, Han, Man Tu said that the title and title.
As a result of the Qing government's active promotion of the political, economic and cultural relations between the frontier and the interior, the various ethnic groups have increasingly merged and laid the foundations of the multi-ethnic groups in China. Fully reflects the Qianlong emperor of the Western countries, the tributary of the state's trade policy, as well as the border areas of ethnic policy. This volume shows the state of the nation, the officials, the chieftain, the chiefs, the people, the men, the women, the women and the children, under the rule of the Qing Dynasty, the native land and the Quartet. Coloring bright, look Xu live. Not only to appreciate the depiction of its figures Seiko, especially for the national customs and clothing for the research of historical data. And the same theme, in addition to this painting, there are emperor Qing Zhi Gong Ben.






    最近更新:2025-03-10 12:52:54
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