琼岛春荫。是对北海琼华岛春景的描述。这里建筑不多,但春景秀丽。树木成荫,苍翠欲滴;怪石奇峰,透剔嵯峨;绿树白塔,交相辉印,别有意境;碧波环岛,莲叶亭亭,分外幽静。 乾隆御制诗释文:“艮岳移来石岌峨,千秋遗憾感怀多。依岩松翠龙鳞蔚,人牖篁新凤尾娑。乐意讵因逢胜赏,悦心端为得嘉禾。当春最是耕犁急,每较阴晴发浩歌”。
太液秋风。此景位于今中南海内。太液指的是皇家宫苑西苑,由北海、中海和南海三部分组成,太液秋风描述的是西苑水域在秋季晴空下的景色,乾隆御书太液秋风碑位于中海东岸水云榭中。 乾隆御制诗释文:“微见商颸苹末生,镜栏玉蝀影中横。非关细雨频传响,何事平流忽有声。爽入金行闾阖表,波连瑶渚趯台瀛。高秋文宴传佳话,已觉犁然今昔情”。
玉泉趵突。此景位于北京玉泉山。玉泉趵突指的是玉泉山。玉泉山位於颐和园之西,山上有泉水流下,金章宗曾在玉泉山麓建玉泉水院作为行宫。玉泉山泉水甘冽,明清两代是进贡宫廷饮用的水源,乾隆皇帝曾经赐名玉泉山泉水为天下第一泉。在民间玉泉垂虹的说法流传也很广。乾隆御书玉泉趵突碑位于玉泉山上的静明园中。 乾隆御制诗释文:“玉泉昔日此垂虹,史笔谁真感慨中。不改千秋翻趵突,几曾百丈落云空!廊池延月溶溶白,倒壁飞花淡淡红。笑我亦尝传耳食,未能免俗且雷同”。
西山晴雪。此景位于北京香山公园。西山晴雪指的是北京的西山,北京西山是太行山脉的一个支脉。西山晴雪描述的是在北京城内远眺冬季雪后西山山脉白色积雪的景色。乾隆御书西山晴雪碑位于香山公园香雾窟北侧岩石上。 乾隆御制诗释文:“久曾胜迹纪春明,叠嶂嶙峋信莫京。刚喜应时沾快雪,便数佳景入新晴。寒村烟动依林袅,古寺钟清隔院鸣。新傍香山构精舍,好收积玉煮三清”。
蓟门烟树。此景位于今北三环蓟门桥南边。蓟门烟树指的西直门以北的元大都城墙遗址西段,这段城墙为夯土构建,元末明军攻陷大都后,将元大都北侧城墙南移5里,蓟门烟树所指一段城墙遂遭荒废,在夯土城墙的遗址上树木生长,遂称蓟门烟树。景名取自唐代诗人李益的诗《秦城》:“惆怅秦城送独归,蓟门烟树远依依。秋空莫射南来雁,纵遗乘春更北飞”。乾隆御书蓟门烟树碑位於今北京电影学院附近的元大都城墙遗址上。 乾隆御制诗释文:“十里轻杨烟霭浮,蓟门指点认荒丘。青帘贳酒于何少?黄士埋人即渐稠。牵客未能留远别,听鹂谁解作清游?梵钟欲醒红尘梦,断续常飘云外楼”。
卢沟晓月。此景位于北京卢沟桥。卢沟晓月指的是位于北京西南横跨永定河的卢沟桥。卢沟桥建于金大定二十九年,曾经是出入北京的咽喉要道,从北京出发的旅客行至卢沟桥常已天黑,便在附近住宿,从而得以欣赏卢沟桥的夜景。卢沟晓月的说法自金代就有,金章宗亦曾经题写卢沟晓月御书碑,但该碑现已无存。乾隆御书卢沟晓月碑位于卢沟桥进京一侧桥头。 乾隆御制诗释文:“茅店寒鸡咿唔鸣,曙光斜汉欲参横。半钩留照三秋淡,一练分波平镜明。入定衲僧心共印,怀程客子影尤惊。迩来每踏沟西道,触景那忘黯尔情?”
金台夕照。所指的地点不明,有人认为金台是朝阳门外关东店金台路附近,有人认为金台夕照指的是广渠门内夕照寺。金台典出于燕昭王筑黄金台广纳天下贤士的历史故事。乾隆御书金台夕照碑位于朝阳门外关东店附近,今已无存,在1935年出版的《旧都文物略》中收录了倒伏路边的金台夕照碑的照片。 乾隆御制诗释文:“九龙妙笔写空蒙,疑是荒基西或东。要在好贤传以久,何妨存古托其中。豪辞赋鹜谁过客,博辨方孟任小童。遗迹明昌重校检;睾然高望想流风”。此景位于居庸关西南4公里处。
居庸叠翠。指的是居庸关以及附近的山区,居庸关又称军都关、蓟门关,是中国古代九大名关之一,位于八达岭山区的关沟内,居庸关一带的山区植被覆盖率高,重峦叠翠。乾隆御书居庸叠翠碑位于居庸关关城东南。 乾隆御制诗释文:“断戌颓垣动接连,当时徒说固防边。洗兵玉垒曾无藉,守德金城信不穿。泉出石鸣常带冷,日含峰暖欲生烟。鸣鞭阿那羊肠道,可较前兹获有田”。
Zhang Ruocheng, (Qing) birth and death unknown. Word mirror sink, the word chain snow, since the number of Long sleep Shanqiao, Huayu owner, Anhui Tongcheng people. Qianlong ten years (1745) Jinshi, official to the palace cabinet bachelor, engineering and landscape, flowers, feathers are good. His works are kept in the court, folk rare spread.
Qianlong Yi Chou Scholars, change Shu Ji Shi, grant editing, calendar official cabinet Bachelor, and the Ministry of Rites Lang title. He is the son of three prime minister Zhang Tingyu. Zhang Tingyu won the trust of the emperor, so when he was old, Zhang Ruocheng called to the South study to him as an assistant, so step by step promoted to the.
Zhang Ruocheng painting rigorous, pen and ink show strength, yin and yang to the back, over the screen are all upside down, Shu volumes freely. And the ink of the shades of dry, shallow depth of density, are smooth and angry. Its life is dedicated to the Qing court, painting belongs to the orthodox school, compared with the opposition camp, nature can not be spontaneous with, but from his works, we are not difficult to see traces of change, and respect for nature .
"Eight Yanshan map" This book to the famous Beijing "Yanjing Eight" as the title and painting. The book depicts the construction of the boundaries of the building, but the characteristics of the building is vivid and accurate description of the lively performance without losing the stable, is the painter of the real masterpiece of King. Painting from the title: "Zhang Chengruo Cheng Jing wrote." Under the seal, "Chen Ruocheng", "Pen Lu Siyu" the two sides printed. On the site are the poems of the Qing Emperor Qianlong. Qian Qing Qianlong house collection of India.
Qiongdao spring shade. Is a description of the North Sea Spring Island Qionghua. This building is not much, but the beauty of spring. Green trees Baita, cross-hui India, do not have the mood; Bibo around the island, lotus leaf booths, exceptionally secluded. Emperor Qianlong imperial poem interpretation: "Gen Yue moved to the stone in the Emei, Chiaki regret feeling more and more. Iyamatsu Cui Long scales Wei, who lattice window Huang new Fengsuo. Happy because of every reward, Yue heart end was Golden Harvest. Spring is the most urgent plowing, each hair than Haoqing Hao Ge.
Too liquid autumn wind. This scene is located in this Zhongnanhai. Too liquid refers to the Royal Palace Xiyuan, by the North Sea, in the sea and the South China Sea is composed of three parts, too liquid autumn wind is described Xiyuan waters in the autumn clear sky scenery, Qianlong Royal book too autumn monument is located in the East China Sea water cloud In the pavilion. Emperor Qianlong imperial interpretation of the poem: "see micro-business Shang Ping end of life, mirror column bar jade jade shadow in the horizontal cross.Non-related drizzle frequency sound, what is the advection suddenly sound.Yang into the gold line Lu family table, wave Lian Yaozhu Taiwan Ying. Gao Qiuwen feast pass the story, has felt plaintary past and present situation.
Yuquan Baotu. This scene is located in Beijing Yuquan Hill. Yuquan Baotu refers to the Yuquan Hill. Yuquan Mountain is located in the West of the Summer Palace, the mountains have spring water, Jinzhang Zong Yuquan foothills in the spring as the palace. Yuquan spring water Ganlie, Ming and Qing dynasties is the tribute to the court drinking water, Emperor Qianlong has given the name of Yuquan spring water for the best in the world. In the folk Yuquan Chuihong argument spread is also very wide. Qianlong Yu Shu Yuquan Baotu monument is located in Yuquan Hill in the park. Qianlong imperial poem interpretation: "Yuquan former this rainbow, history pen who really feeling in. Do not change the ages turn Baotu, a few Baizhang off the clouds! Gallery dissolved on the dissolved moonlight, inverted wall fly light pink. Try to pass ear food, not the same as the same. "
Xishan clear snow. This scene is located in Beijing Fragrant Hill Park. Xishan Qing Xue refers to the Western Hills of Beijing, Beijing Xishan is a branch of the Taihang Mountains. Nishiyama Qingxue describes the snow in the city of Beijing overlooking the winter snow after the Xishan mountain white snow scenery. Qianlong Yushu Xishan Qing Xue Bei is located in Xiangshan Park on the north side of the foggy cave rocks. Emperor Qianlong imperial poem interpretation: "long had the site of Ji Chunming, stacked peaks rugged letter Mok. Just like when the quick dip in the snow, then the number of good King into the new sunny.Han village moving by smoke Lin Yun, the ancient temple bell clear. Structure fine homes, good harvest jade cook three clear. "
Jimen tobacco tree. This scene is located in the North Third Ring Jiemeng Bridge south. JiMen tobacco tree refers to xizhimen north of yuan dadu wall ruins west, this section of the ramparts for the rammed earth construction, YuanMing army after the fall, will yuan daduo north side of the city wall 5, JiMen tobacco tree A section of the wall was abandoned, rammed earth walls of the site on the growth of trees, then called Jimen tobacco tree. King name from the Tang Dynasty poet Li Yi's poem "Qi City": "melancholy Qincheng send alone, Jimen tobacco tree far Yiyi. Autumn Mo Mo She Nan to Yan, vertical by North spring. Qianlong Royal book JiMen tobacco monument is located in the Beijing film academy near the YuanDaDu wall ruins. Qianlong imperial poem interpretation: "ten light Yang smoke Margaret float, Ji door pointing recognition barren hills .Wine curtain wine in the less? Huang Shi buried people that gradually thick .Leave the guest can not stay away, listen to Oriole who solution for clear tour? Brahma bell dream of red dust, intermittent often floating clouds outside the building.
Lugou aria. This scene is located in Beijing Marco Polo Bridge. Lugouxue refers to the Marco Polo Bridge located in the southwest of Beijing across the Yongding River. Marco Polo Bridge was built in Jin Dading twenty-nine years, was out of Beijing's throat thoroughfare, starting from Beijing to the Marco Polo Bridge passenger line is often dark, they stay in the vicinity, so as to enjoy the Marco Polo Bridge night. Lugou aphrodisiac argument since the Jin Dynasty, Jin Zhangzong also inscribed Lugou Aria book monument, but the monument is now no deposit. Qianlong Yushu Lugou Aria is located in the Marco Polo Bridge side of the bridge to Beijing. Qianlong imperial poem interpretation: "Mao Dian Chicken babble Ming Ming, the twilight of Han Yu want to participate in the cross. Half of the hook to stay according to Sanqiu light, a practice sub-wave-level mirror out into the heart of Indian monks were printed, Near every ditch West Road, the scene that forget the Seoul Seoul?
Golden sunset. The location is unknown, some people think that Kim Tae-sun outside the Kanto shop near Jintai Road, some people think that the Golden Sunset refers to the Guangqumen Xi Zhao Temple. Jintai Code for Yanzhao Wang built gold station 广纳 world Magi historical story. Qianlong Yutai Jintai sunset monument located in Chaoyang outside Kanto near the store, now no deposit, published in 1935, "the old cultural relics in a little" in the roadside side of the Jin Taizhixiang monument included photos. Qianlong imperial poem interpretation: "Kowloon wonderful pen write empty Mongolia, suspected is a waste base West or East .To be in good Yin Chuan for a long time, why not keep ancient care which .However, who drove to pass away, Bo Fang Meng Ren children. Check; ran high winds. " This scene is located 4 km southwest of Juyongguan.
Ju Yong Pinnacle. Refers to the Juyongguan and the vicinity of the mountain, Juyongguan, also known as the military off, Thistle Gate, is one of nine ancient Chinese customs, located in the Badaling Mountains in the ditch, Juyongguan area mountain vegetation coverage, heavy Luan Pinnacle. Qianlong Yushu Juyong Pinnacle is located in Juyongguan customs southeast. Qianlong imperial poem interpretation: "broken Xu Xu wall movement series, then only said solid anti-side .Beach soldiers Yu Lei had no borrow, Shou De Jincheng letter does not wear .Ischu Shi Ming often with cold, with peak warm to smoke Ming whip Ana intestinal tract, may be more than the former was a field.