张即之书法深受唐人影响,初学欧阳询、褚遂良和颜真卿,后转师米芾,参以汉隶及晋唐经书,加上受禅宗哲学思想的影响,故形成一种独特的书法艺术风格。并能“独传家学”,以张孝祥书为主调,而自成一家体系。这种体系是他在继承古人前辈传统技法的基础上,汲取众多营养而后大胆创新形成的。张即之擅长楷书和榜书,尤喜作擘窠大字。他博学多识,“性修洁,喜校书,经史皆手定善本。” 张即之是南宋书坛首要人物,《中国书法发展史》宋六人,张即之在内,另五人为北宋四家与赵佶。张即之是南宋后期力挽狂澜、振兴书法艺术、穷毕生之力以改变衰落书风的革新家,称雄一时,且有“宋书殿军“之誉”。《宋史》本传称其“以能书闻天下”,“大字古雅遒劲,细书尤俊健不凡”。其下笔简捷凝练,运笔坚实峻健,点画顾盼生情,结字俊秀而骨力遒劲,使字字结体生动明快,清爽不落俗套。其所书《大字杜甫诗卷》前人评为“有长风破浪气象”。女真族虽然远在北方,与南宋政权处于敌对地位,但对于张即之的翰墨作品,却不惜用重金购求。传世作品有楷书:《佛遗教经》《金刚般若波罗蜜经》《太上洞玄灵宝无量度人上品妙经》:行书《双松图歌》《待漏院记》《书杜诗》《汪氏报本庵记》等。
作品一 《金刚般若波罗蜜经》
作品二 《书华严经》
Zhang Jizhi (1186 - 1263) was a calligrapher of the Song Dynasty, Ziwenfu, Number Miao, and Liyang (now Anhui and County). Born in a prominent family, he is the son of Zhang Xiaobo, a political advisor, and the nephew of Zhang Xiaoxiang, a patriotic poet. He is the eighth grandson of Zhang Ji, a famous poet in Tang Dynasty. Li Guan Jianping Jiangfu Academy of Food Sciences will be the supervisor and the Minister of Sinong Temple. Prince Taifu and Zhi Mi Ge were appointed as officials. Let's talk about Jiaxing.
1 Social Assessment
Zhang Jizhi's calligraphy was deeply influenced by the Tang people. He studied Ouyang Xun, Zhu Suiliang and Yan Zhenqing at first, then transferred to Mifu, took part in the scriptures of the Han Dynasty and Jin and Tang Dynasties, and was influenced by the philosophy of Zen, thus forming a unique artistic style of calligraphy. And can "solely inherit family learning", with Zhang Xiaoxiang's book as the main tone, and self-contained system. This system was formed on the basis of inheriting the traditional techniques of the predecessors of the ancients, absorbing many nutrients, and then boldly innovating. Zhang Jizhi is good at regular scripts and lists, especially in big characters. He is knowledgeable and knowledgeable. "Sex is clean and clean. He likes to study books. History is a good book." Zhang Jizhi is the leading figure in the Southern Song Dynasty. There are six people in the Song Dynasty in the History of the Development of Chinese Calligraphy, including Zhang Jizhi. The other five are four schools in the Northern Song Dynasty and Zhao You. Zhang Jizhi was a renovator in the late Southern Song Dynasty who made great efforts to pull back the storm, revitalize the art of calligraphy and devote his whole life to changing the declining style of calligraphy. The biography of Song Shi claims that it "hears the world with its able books" and "the ancient and elegant, powerful and fine books are excellent and handsome". Its writing is concise and concise, solid and robust, dotted paintings look forward to life, the knot is handsome and strong, so that the knot is vivid and lively, refreshing and not out of style. His book "Du Fu Poetry Volume with Big Character" was awarded "Weather of Long Wind and Breaking Waves" by predecessors. Although the Nuzhen nationality was far away in the north and was hostile to the regime of the Southern Song Dynasty, they did not hesitate to buy Zhang Jizhi's calligraphy works with heavy money. The handed down works include regular scriptures: Buddhist Religious Sutra, Diamond Prajna Polomi Sutra, Taishangdong Xuanlingbao Unmeasurable Man's Superior Taste Sutra, Traveling Book Shuangsong Tuge, Records of Unleaked Courtyards, Shudu Shi, Wang Shibao Ben An Ji, etc.
2 representative works
The regular script "Buddhist Religious Sutra" volumes are now in the Palace Museum of Beijing; the running script "Records of the Courtyard to be Leaked" volumes are in the Shanghai Museum; the running script "Wang Shibao Ben An Ji" volumes are in the Liaoning Museum; and there are still volumes such as "Big Character Du Poetry".
Appreciation of works
Op. 1 The Diamond Prajna Baltic Sutra
This roll of paper is 34.6 cm in length and 1286.9 cm in breadth. Tibet Liaoning Museum.
This volume is 34.6 centimeters in length, and the font should be large. It is not very common in the Song Dynasty's calligraphy works. It has a great relationship with his study of Yan Zhenqing's calligraphy. Zhan Jingfeng, a Ming Dynasty man, said that he had scratched the itchy spot by saying that he had "written by letter in Lu Gongfa, with his ancient strength, cut the nail and cut the iron, and then spread his ears".
From this calligraphy, we can see that Zhang Jizhi's pen is very spicy, decisive and sophisticated. Brush it out with a brush, but get it in place, and see a setback in the closing place. It can also be seen that Mifu had influenced it. There are light and heavy strokes alternately between strokes, especially vivid. On the other hand, Zhang Jizhi's calligraphy is "well-versed and vulgar, lacking in ancient interest." To build up his desire for the ancients is to lose the ancients and shallow; to become the gods, but also to lose the gray and immerse; to be clumsy, but also to lose the humble and humble, illness is not beyond the world, intending to work hard for its ears (Zhan Jingfeng language).
Works 2: Shuhua Yanjing
This volume is a fragment of Huayan Jing, which has been converted into a volume and is now stored in Anhui Museum. No money. There are two sides of the plate. The authenticity of Zhang Jizhi was confirmed by appraisers of calligraphy and painting such as Zhang Heng.
3. Artistic Achievements
Zhang Jizhi's calligraphy was deeply influenced by the Tang people. He later transferred to Mifu, took part in the Jin and Tang scriptures, Han Li, and was able to "solely impart family knowledge" and form a system of his own. Zhang Jizhi is good at regular scripts and lists, especially in big characters. Regular scripts are well-structured and dignified, while running scripts are hardened and almost exposed, without any feeling of gentleness and elegance. Some people call it the "Song Shudian Army".
4 Careers
Zhang Jizhi was a transit envoy between Zhejiang and China by his father Yinquan. Jinshi. Li Guan Jianping Jiangfu Academy of Food Sciences will be the supervisor and the Minister of Sinong Temple. Let's talk about Jiaxing. Prince Taifu and Zhi Mi Ge were appointed as officials.
Five people influence
As a famous calligrapher in the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhang Jizhi was born in the Tang Dynasty. He was well-knit, vigorous and courageous. It had a great influence on the literary world at that time. The Jin people especially liked his ink and valued it as rare. The Jin people in the north also played a more effective role in it.