在起义军中的表现,以及辛弃疾惊人的勇敢和果断,使他名重一时 。宋高宗便任命他为江阴签判,从此开始了他在南宋的仕宦生涯,这时他才二十五岁。
淳熙十五年(1188年)冬,其友陈亮从故乡浙江永康专程拜访辛弃疾,两人于铅山(yán shān)长歌互答,称第二次鹅湖之会——辛陈之晤;鹅湖之会后又陆续出山两次做官。
当然,辛弃疾的词时常也有过分散文化、议论太多,以及所谓“掉书袋”即用典用古语太多的毛病,但不管怎么说,他确实把词大大地改造了;他的词不仅是 “无意不可入,无事不可言”,而且是任何“意”和“事”都能表达得很自由很充分。这样,词的创作才完全摆脱了羁绊,进入了自由的境界。
辛词现存六百多首,是两宋存词最多的作家。其词多以国家、民族的现实问题为题材,抒发慷慨激昂的爱国之情。如《水龙吟》 (渡江天马南来)、《水调歌头》(千里渥洼种)、《满江红》(鹏翼垂空)等,表现了恢复祖国统一的豪情壮志;《驾新郎》(细把君诗说)、《菩萨蛮》(郁孤台下清江水)、《破阵子》(醉里挑灯看剑)等,表现对北方地区的怀念和对抗金斗争的赞扬。《水龙吟》(楚天千里清秋)、《摸鱼儿》(更能消几番风雨)、《贺新郎》(老大那堪说)、《鹧鸪天》(壮岁旌旗拥万夫)、《永遇乐》(千古江山)等,表现对南宋朝廷屈辱苟安的不满和壮志难酬的忧愤。这些作品大都基调昂扬,热情奔放。
故宫博物院藏南宋辛弃疾的《行书去国帖》为纸本,是辛弃疾目前仅见的书法作品。行书十行,为酬应类信札。末署“宣教郎新除秘阁修撰权江南西路提点刑狱公事辛弃疾札子”。中锋用笔,点画规矩,书写流畅自如,于圆润爽丽中不失挺拔方正之气象。曾经过元朝赵孟頫,明 黄琳、项元沛,清朝永理等鉴藏,《书画鉴影》著录。
刘克庄《辛稼轩集序》说:“公所作,大声鞺鞳(tāng tà),小声铿鍧(kēng hōng),横绝六合,扫空万古,自有苍生以来所无。其秾纤绵密者,亦不在小晏、秦郎之下。”
Early experience
When Xin Qiji was born, the north had fallen into the hands of the Jin people. Although his grandfather, Xin Zan, served in the Kingdom of Jin, he always hoped that he would have the opportunity to take up arms and fight with the people to death, because Xin Qiji's ancestors and the people had a common hatred, and often carried Xin Qiji "to climb the high horizon, to draw mountains and rivers" (from the Ten Treatises on Celery). At the same time, Xin Qiji kept witnessing the Han people. The humiliation and suffering suffered under the rule of the Jin people. All these made him set up the ambition of restoring the disgrace of the Central Plains and serving the country in his youth. Therefore, he has a chivalrous spirit of Yan Zhao Qishi.
Uprising against gold
In the 31st year of Shaoxing (1161), Wan Yanliang, the gold lord, invaded the South in a large scale, and the Han people behind him rose up against the severe oppression of the Jin people. Xin Qiji, a 21-year-old, also gathered 2,000 people to join a powerful rebellion led by Geng Jing and serve as secretary-in-chief.
When contradictions broke out among the Jin people, Wan Yanliang was killed by his subordinates on the front line and the Jin army retreated northward, Xin Qiji was ordered to contact the Southern Song Dynasty in the thirty-second year of Shaoxing (1162). On his way back from his mission, when he heard that Gengjing had been killed by the traitor Zhang Anguo and that the rebels had collapsed, he led more than 50 people to attack tens of thousands of enemy camps, captured the traitors and brought them back to Jiankang, where they were executed by the court of the Southern Song Dynasty (when they marched in the streets and beheaded).
Entering the official career
His performance in the Rebel Army and Xin Qiji's astonishing courage and decisiveness made him famous for a time. Song Gaozong appointed him to sign the judgment for Jiangyin and began his official career in the Southern Song Dynasty when he was only 25 years old.
Down South
When Xin Qiji first came to the south, he did not know about the cowardice and cowardice of the Southern Song Dynasty. In addition, Zhao Gu of Song Gaozong had praised his heroic deeds. Soon after, Song Xiaozong, who took office, also showed a keen desire to recover his lost land and avenge his shame. Therefore, during the period before he took office in the Southern Song Dynasty, he wrote a lot about resisting Jinbei. Suggestions on cutting, such as the famous Ten Treatises on Celery and Nine Comments, etc. Although these proposals were highly praised and widely read at that time, the imperial court, which was no longer willing to fight, was indifferent. It was only interested in Xin Qiji's practical abilities in the proposals, so he was successively assigned to Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan and other places as transit envoys and pacifiers. Official positions, to control famine and rectify public order. This is obviously quite different from Xin Qiji's ideal. Although he has done a good job, he feels more and more depressed and painful because he feels the passage of time, the short and ambitious life is hard to pay.
Reality is cruel to Xin Qiji. Despite his outstanding talent, his heroic and stubborn character and persistent enthusiasm for the Northern Expedition made it difficult for him to gain a foothold in official circles. In addition, the embarrassing status of "returning to the right person" also hindered the development of his official career. Making his official position as high as possible from the four-pin Dragon Pavilion.
Rise and fall of life
In the seventh year of Chunxi (1180), when Xin Qiji, 41, was appointed the Zhifu of Longxing (Nanchang) and the Minister of Jiangxi, he planned to build a garden-like manor in Shangrao and settle his family. Chunxi eight years (1181) spring, construction began with the lake new residence and manor. According to the topography around the lake, he personally designed the manor pattern of "building buildings at high altitudes and cultivating fields at low altitudes", and said to his family, "Life is diligent, we should take Litian as the first place." Therefore, he named Daihu Manor Jiaxuan, and named himself Jiaxuan Resident. He also realized that he was "self-confident and ungrateful for many years" (On Thieves'Notes), so he was ready to retire. Sure enough, in November of the same year, because of impeachment, the official position was dismissed, and the new residence with Lake was just completed. Xin Qiji returned to Shangrao and began his leisure life after middle age. During the next 20 years, he spent most of his time in the countryside, except for his two annual appointments as Fujian Tiding Prison and Fujian Conciliation Envoy.
In the winter of the fifteenth year of Chunxi (1188), Chen Liang, his friend, visited Xin Qiji from Yongkang, Zhejiang Province. They sang and answered each other in a long song at Yn shn, calling the second meeting of the Goose Lake, Xin Chen's meeting. After the meeting of the Goose Lake, they became officials twice in succession.
In the summer of Shaoxi's fifth year (1194), Xin Qiji was dismissed from office and returned to Shangrao. He lived in Poquan. He started to build a new house and run Poquan Manor. He was determined to "come here and settle down, wait for learning, grow more and grow five willows in front of his door".
In the summer of the second year of Qingyuan (1196), a fire broke out in the Daihu Manor. Xin Qiji and his family moved to Laoquan. Xin Qiji lived in the village life of traveling mountains and rivers, drinking poems and idle wild cranes in Laoquan. Xin Qiji was deeply moved by the tranquility of the countryside and the simplicity of the villagers in Shisi. He was inspired to sing about it. He wrote a lot of poems describing the four seasons scenery, customs and gardens of Panquan, and expressing his feelings. "Linjiang Xian Jiu Sizhan Laoshou", "Huanxi Sha Father and Lao Zhengyun even", "Yulou Spring Opera Fuyunshan" and so on are all the representative works of Xin Ci describing the life of the village of Pouquan. "Castle Peak is full of vigor and vitality, which seems to be a charming life for me to come back" ("Qinyuan Spring, and then the expiration of Sibu"): "I see many charming Castle Peak, I should like to see Castle Peak, see me like this. The feeling and appearance are slightly similar ("He Groom Yizhong Garden Pavilion"). These words and sentences show Xin Qiji's deep love for the scenery and scenery of Laoquan.
In the fourth year of Qingyuan (1198), Xin Qiji was awarded the post of director Chong You Guan.
Unpaid ambition
Jiatai three years (1203), advocating the Northern Expedition of Han Youqi to use the main Warring faction, 64-year-old Xin Qiji was appointed as Shaoxing Zhifu and Eastern Zhejiang comfort envoy, the elderly Xin Qiji spirit is one of the revitalization. He was successively appointed as Shaoxing Zhifu and Zhenjiang Zhifu. Next year, he came to see Song Ningzong, believing that the Kingdom of Jin was "doomed to chaos" (the second volume of Chao Ye Za Ji since the founding of Yan Dynasty), and was added to the Pavilion of Baomo to treat the system, to promote the concept of God-blessing, and to submit a petition. Shortly afterwards, he was appointed Zhizhenjiang Prefecture and was awarded a gold belt.
When Xin Qiji was appointed to Zhenjiang Zhifu, he came to Beigu Pavilion and lamented his disappointment that he had no way to serve his country. With his high vision, he traced back the past and wrote "Yongyule Beigu Pavilion in Jingkou" which is a masterpiece of singing for thousands of years. However, under the attack of some admonishers, Xin Qiji was demoted to be a doctor of Chaoshang and promoted to Chongyou. He was also sent to Shaoxing Prefecture and Eastern Zhejiang Road to appease the ambassadors, but he refused to take office. Later, he was worshipped as Baowen Pavilion, Longtou Pavilion and Zhijiang Lingfu. The court ordered Xin Qiji to go to perform a memorial service and try to serve as a waiter in the military department, but Xin Qiji was dismissed again.
In the autumn of the third year of Kaixi (1207), Xin Qiji was once again appointed by the imperial court as the Privy council, so that he could come to Linan (Hangzhou) as soon as possible. But by the time the edict arrived at Mount Lead, Xin Qiji was seriously ill and was confined to bed, so he had to play his resignation. On the tenth day of September of the same year (October 3), Xin Qiji died at the age of 68 with a sense of sadness and patriotism. It is said that on his deathbed he shouted "Kill thieves!" Kill thieves!" (Records of Jinan Fuzhi and Characters in Kangxi). After the court heard the news, he gave the clothes and gold ribbons to the four officials as his duty of guarding the Dragon Pavilion. Shaoding six years (1233), a gift to Dr. Guanglu. In the first year of Deyou (1275), after Xie Huade's application, Emperor Gongdi of Song bestowed Xin Qiji as a teacher with the nickname "Zhongmin".
Ideological content
Xin Qiji has many similarities with Lu You: he always regards washing the national shame and recovering lost land as his lifelong career, and in his literary creation he writes the expectations and disappointments of the times, the enthusiasm and indignation of the nation. In terms of literary creation, unlike Lu You, who likes to write poems, especially the seven regular patterns, he devotes all his energies to words, which is more suitable for expressing turbulent and changeable moods.
Xin Qiji's great contribution in the history of Ci lies in the expansion of content and theme. His existing more than 600 poems, writing politics, philosophy, friendship, love, rural scenery, folklore, daily life, reading experience, can be said that anything that could be written into any other literary style at that time, he wrote in the poems, the scope is much wider than that of Su Ci. With the change of content, theme and emotional tone, Xin Ci's artistic style has also changed. Although his words are mainly magnificent, bold and vigorous, they are also very handy in writing traditional euphemistic style words. Such as the famous "Touching Fish", Shangtai writes about cherishing spring, Xia writes about Palace grievances, borrows a woman's tone, writes a lonely and frustrated mood layer by layer in a very tortuous and euphemistic way, with a very delicate pen. Many of his works describing rural scenery and peasant life are so simple and beautiful and full of vitality. For example, the lower part of Parakeet Sky:
"Mountains are far and near, roads are inclined, and there is a house for Qingqi Gu wine. Peaches and plums are sad in the city, and shepherd's purse and cauliflower are in Xitou in spring. As well as Xijiang Moon's Xia Qian: "Seven or eight stars, two or three points in front of the rain mountain. In the old days, Maodian club was near the forest, but the road turned to the river bridge was not seen. It is difficult for ordinary people to reach the realm of being refreshing and old in simplicity. Therefore, Liu Kezhuang's Preface to Xinjiaxuan Collection said: "The public works, loud, low-pitched, absolutely six-in-one, swept away all ages, since the beginning of life nothing. The slim and dense grain is not under Xiaoyan and Qinlang either. This is a more comprehensive and fair evaluation.
Xin Ci and Su Ci are both famous for their broad realm and open-minded feelings, but the difference is that Su Shi often experiences life with broad-minded mind and transcendent view of time and space, often expresses philosophical perception, and uses this perception to penetrate life to turn emotion from impulse to deep calm, while Xin Qiji always uses hot feelings. Embrace life with lofty ideals, showing hero's pride and grief more. Therefore, the strong subjective feelings and the persistence of subjective ideas constitute a major feature of Xin Ci.
Style of Art
Song Ci created a bold, broad and open style in Su Shi's hands, but it has not been strongly inherited and developed. Until the beginning of Nandu, Zhang Yuangan, Zhang Xiaoxiang, Ye Mengde, Zhu Dunru and others took the theme of resisting the golden shame as their lyrics, which inherited more of Su Shi's style of Ci and played a role of connecting the past with the future. However, their works are mainly the result of their inner passion under the special background of the times. They have not become conscious artistic pursuit, nor have they expanded to other subjects in a larger scale, so their achievements are not very high. When Xin Qiji appeared in the field of Ci, he not only followed the direction of Su Ci, wrote many works with magnificent momentum, but also with his heroic demeanor of contempt for all stereotypes, rich literacy and outstanding talent, created his own unique style in the field of Ci, and promoted the style of Su Ci. It breaks through the scope of Su Ci and opens up a broader world of Ci.
In his words, such as "General Hundred Battles Fame Break". Looking back to the river and back for thousands of miles, we have a long history. Yi Shui Xiaoxiao westerly wind cold, full of clothes like snow. The hero, the sad song is not thorough"("He Groom"),"at midnight, the wild song and sad wind, listen to the clang, the iron between the eaves. Southern Communist Party and Northern Communist Party are splitting ("He Groom") and even "hate the extreme, hate the extreme can not be grinded. Afterwards, Qian Hongshi and Humanity changed their blood into blue for three years, which is the sad voice of indignation, such as "the wind, the sea and the rain", which shocked the readers'hearts with great strength. Xin Qiji also believed in Laozhuang and spoke broad-mindedly in his poems, but he could not turn his impulsive feelings into calm ones. Instead, he vented his grief and indignation in the direction of depression and even despair, such as "when Yuanlong is old, he might as well lie high and cool curling pot". The rise and fall of thousands of years, a hundred years of grief and laughter, a temporary visit"("Water Dragon Yin"),"I'm dying. I am sad all my life and have few friends. White hair hangs 3,000 feet, laughing at everything in the world"("He Groom"),"Everything is empty in the cup of life. Three or five heroes from ancient times, where is the rain and wind blowing, the Qin Palace of the Han Dynasty ("Lang Tao Sha"), these seemingly broad-minded and decadent sentences, but also make people feel his heart's extremely high expectations shattered into despair can not wear away the pain.
And his hero's heroism and despair intertwined knots, ups and downs, strong contrast, but also formed a waterfall-like impact force. For example, from the beginning, I wrote the scene and atmosphere of training and killing the enemy in my imagination, which was full of joy and magnificence. But after "the king's world, win the name before and after life", suddenly followed by the last sentence "pitiful white happened", pointing out that all that is a vain dream, the fact is that white hair, empty ambition, like a ladle of ice water spilled on the fiery fire, it is shocked and shocked.
In the use of images, Xin Qiji has his own characteristics. Generally, he seldom uses orchids, willows, flowers and pink beauties as ornaments, which are common in traditional ci-poetry. They are consistent with the melancholy and magnificent emotional tone to be expressed. The natural scenery depicted in his works has a surging and unconstrained air. For example, "Xiashu Cangjiang opposite, dangerous buildings, want to fly back to convergence" ("Water Dragon Yin"), "Who believes that Tianfeng falls to the ground and opens Qingbi by the lake"("Man Jianghong"); the historical figures he picks also belong to the type of magnificent heroes, unrestrained, or generous and sad, such as "Shehushan riding horizontally, cracking rocks and striking strings". Li Guang (Eight Voices of Ganzhou), Liu Yu (Yongyule), the "Golden Golden Horse" and Sun Quan (Nanxiangzi), who was young and had never stopped the Southeast War, and so on. This selection of natural and historical materials, and the emotional power of the words become just the right match, it is exciting.
Therefore, both belong to the bold and magnificent style. Su Shi's Ci prefers to be unrestrained, open-minded and superb, while Xin Ci gives people a feeling of generosity, tragedy and passion.
Xin Qiji and Su Shi are both powerful pioneers in the language skills of Ci. The predecessors said that Su Shi used poetry as his Ci and Xin Qiji used Wen as his Ci. Of course, this is somewhat simplified, but it does point out that in Xin Qiji's hands, the language of Ci is more liberated, unprovoked and no rules exist. In Xin Ci, there are very popular and childish folk languages, such as "some facts, misleading people that". Not really homesick"("Parrot Sky"),"Recently sad like heaven, who pity each other? Who can solve mutual pity and make sorrow a day"("Ugly Nur"), there are also many classical sentence patterns with function words, such as"those who do not know the clouds are rain, those who do not know the rain are cloudy"("Hangong Chun"),"those who do not hate the ancients do not see me, and those who hate the ancients do not see my crazy ears"("Congratulations to the bridegroom"); there are lively dialogues, self-questions and self-answers. To shout, such as "the hero of the world who adversaries? Cao Liu"("Nanxiangzi"),"Cup, come before you!" (Qin Yuan Chun) also has quite complete sentences, such as "Eight hundred miles under the scorch, fifty strings turn over and plug the sound outside" ("Break the time").... Generally speaking, one of the characteristics of Xin Ci's language skills is its loose form, coherent semantic flow and long sentences. In Xin Ci, the way that literati use intensive imagery to assemble sentences and jump to connect sentences to form the whole artistic conception is completely broken. But it does not mean that Xin Qiji's so-called "writing as a word" no longer has a musical rhythm. While using a lot of prose sentences and keeping a vivid tone, he can still use various means to create a rhythm of change. Such as "Water Dragon Yin" in the "sunset tower, broken Hongsheng, Jiangnan tourists. Looking at Wu Gou, taking pictures all over the column, nobody knows how to do it. The meaning is coherent. It is a long sentence in the word, but it is frustrating and powerful. It is not just a paragraph of article in the form of the word.
Another major feature of Xin Ci in terms of language skills is that it extensively quotes vocabulary, sentences and historical allusions from various classics, histories, sub-classics and predecessors'poems, melting or embedding them in its own words. This is easy to cause rigid and difficult problems, but with Xin Qiji's talent, most of them can be used appropriately, naturally, or otherwise interesting. As Liu Xizai of the Qing Dynasty said in his Yixue, "Ren Gushu's rationale and parole, once used, will be popular." Taking "Yongyule Jingkou Beigu Ting Nostalgia" as an example, more than a hundred words are used to narrate the deeds of Sun Quan, Liu Yu, Liu Yilong, Tuobatao and Lianpo, which are closely related to the subjective feelings and ideas expressed by the author. It is not only rich in connotation, but also vivid in tone and expressive in expression. Easy things.
Of course, Xin Qiji's words are often too prose-oriented, too talkative, and the so-called "lost book bags" are too many old allusions, but in any case, he did greatly change the words; his words are not only "inaccessible, nothing to say", but also any "meaning" and "things" can be expressed. Very free and full. In this way, the creation of Ci completely got rid of the fetters and entered the realm of freedom.
Contribution impact
Xin Qiji's great contribution in the history of Ci lies in the expansion of content and theme. His existing more than 600 poems, writing politics, philosophy, friendship, love, rural scenery, folklore, daily life, reading experience, can be said that anything that could be written into any other literary style at that time, he wrote in the poems, the scope is much wider than that of Su Ci. With the change of content, theme and emotional tone, Xin Ci's artistic style has also changed.
Although his words are mainly magnificent, bold and vigorous, they are also very handy in writing traditional euphemistic style words. Such as the famous "Touching Fish". Chunxi Jihai... "Shang Ta writes about cherishing spring, Xia Ta writes about Palace grievances, borrows a woman's tone, writes a lonely and desolate mood layer by layer in a very tortuous and euphemistic way, with a very delicate pen. Many of his works describing rural scenery and peasant life are so simple and beautiful and full of vitality. For example, "Parrot Sky" Xia Wan: "The mountains are far and near, the road is inclined, Qingqi Gu wine has a home. Peaches and plums are sad in the city, and shepherd's purse and cauliflower are in Xitou in spring. As well as Xijiang Moon's Xia Qian: "Seven or eight stars, two or three points in front of the rain mountain. In the old days, Maodian club was near the forest, but the road turned to the river bridge was not seen. It is difficult for ordinary people to reach the realm of being refreshing and old in simplicity.
Xin Ci, with its patriotic thought in content and innovative spirit in art, has exerted a great influence in the history of literature. Chen Liang and Liu Guo, who were singing with Xin Qiji, or Liu Kezhuang and Liu Chenweng later, were similar to his writing tendency, forming a great patriotic poetry school after the middle of the Southern Song Dynasty. Whenever the country and nation are in crisis, many writers draw spiritual inspiration from Xin Ci.
Folding Art Achievement
Xin Ci, which has more than 600 poems, is the most popular writer in the Song Dynasty. His poems mainly focus on the realistic problems of the country and the nation, expressing the generous and passionate patriotism. Such as "Water Dragon Yin", "Water Tune Song Tou", "Man Jianghong" (Peng Wing hanging in the sky) and so on, which show the great ambition of restoring the reunification of the motherland; Driving the bridegroom (a detailed poem of the emperor), "Bodhisattva Man" (clear river water under Yu Gutai), "Breaking the Front" (picking up the lamp and looking at the sword in drunkenness), and so on. He expressed his nostalgia for the northern region and praise for the struggle against gold. "Shuilong Yin" (Chu Tian Qianli Qingqiu), "Tou Yu Er" (more than a few storms), "He Xinlang" (elder brother Nakang said), "Parrot Heaven" (strong banner support Wanfu), and "Yong Yue Yue" (thousands of years old rivers and mountains), and so on, show their discontent with the Southern Song Dynasty court's humiliation and ungrateful ambition. Most of these works have a high-pitched and enthusiastic tone.
In addition, his works describing rural scenery and reflecting peasant life, such as Qing Ping Yue (low eaves), Xijiang Moon (another Magpie in the bright moon), Yulou Chun (which daughter in twos and threes), are full of life flavor and give people a fresh feeling. His lyrics, such as "ugly slaves" (young people do not know the feeling of sadness), and "Qingyu case" (thousands of trees blooming at night in the East Wind), are short and meaningful. Xin Ci inherits Su Shi's bold and unconstrained style of Ci poetry and the fighting tradition of patriotic CI poets in the early Southern Song Dynasty, further expands the realm of CI poetry, expands the subject matter of CI poetry, almost to the point that it can't enter CI without incident or intention, and creatively combines the advantages of various literary forms such as poetry, prose, Ci and fu, enriching the expressive techniques of Ci It has become the unique style of Xin Ci.
Xin's Ci is mainly bold and unconstrained, but not rigid. It is melancholy, lively, inspiring and charming. He is good at using metaphor and fantastic imagination to endow the mountains, rivers, winds, moons, grass and trees with emotion and character, and to place some trust in them. He is also good at absorbing folk spoken words, especially in using allusions, using things and quoting predecessors'poems and sentences, often slightly modified and innovative. But some works are obscure and dull because of too many allusions and discussions. "The summary of the general catalogue of Siku Quanshu" said: "Its words are generous, vertical and horizontal, and can not be generalized for a lifetime. Wu Hengzhao's "Lianzi Ju Ci Hua" said: Xin Jiaxuan is different from the world and transcends the past and the present. On, Meng, the preface of poems, Zuo's Spring and Autumn Period, Nanhua, Lisao, history, Han, Shishuo, Xue Xue, Li, Du's poems, and their miscellaneous use reveals the steepness of his brushwork.
Folding Calligraphy Achievements
Xin Qiji's Exercise Book to the State Title of the Southern Song Dynasty is a paper book in the Palace Museum, which is the only calligraphic work Xin Qiji has ever seen. Ten lines of running letters are reward letters. At the end of the paper, Xin Qiji's Notes on the Official Affairs of the Penitentiary in Jiangnan West Road was signed. The center uses his pen, draws rules and writes smoothly and smoothly, which makes him stand tall and upright. Zhao Mengfu, Ming Huanglin, Xiang Yuanpei and Yongli of the Qing Dynasty were collected and recorded in JianYing of Calligraphy and Painting.
Ideological content
Xin Qiji has many similarities with Lu You: he always regards washing the national shame and recovering lost land as his lifelong career, and in his literary creation he writes the expectations and disappointments of the times, the enthusiasm and indignation of the nation. In terms of literary creation, unlike Lu You, who likes to write poems, especially the seven regular patterns, he devotes all his energies to words, which is more suitable for expressing turbulent and changeable moods.
Xin Qiji's great contribution in the history of Ci lies in the expansion of content and theme. His existing more than 600 poems, writing politics, philosophy, friendship, love, rural scenery, folklore, daily life, reading experience, can be said that anything that could be written into any other literary style at that time, he wrote in the poems, the scope is much wider than that of Su Ci. With the change of content, theme and emotional tone, Xin Ci's artistic style has also changed. Although his words are mainly magnificent, bold and vigorous, they are also very handy in writing traditional euphemistic style words. Such as the famous "Touching Fish", Shangtai writes about cherishing spring, Xia writes about Palace grievances, borrows a woman's tone, writes a lonely and frustrated mood layer by layer in a very tortuous and euphemistic way, with a very delicate pen. Many of his works describing rural scenery and peasant life are so simple and beautiful and full of vitality. For example, the lower part of Parakeet Sky:
"Mountains are far and near, roads are inclined, and there is a house for Qingqi Gu wine. Peaches and plums are sad in the city, and shepherd's purse and cauliflower are in Xitou in spring. As well as Xijiang Moon's Xia Qian: "Seven or eight stars, two or three points in front of the rain mountain. In the old days, Maodian club was near the forest, but the road turned to the river bridge was not seen. It is difficult for ordinary people to reach the realm of being refreshing and old in simplicity. Therefore, Liu Kezhuang's Preface to Xinjiaxuan Collection said: "The public works, loud, low-pitched, absolutely six-in-one, swept away all ages, since the beginning of life nothing. The slim and dense grain is not under Xiaoyan and Qinlang either. This is a more comprehensive and fair evaluation.
Xin Ci and Su Ci are both famous for their broad realm and open-minded feelings, but the difference is that Su Shi often experiences life with broad-minded mind and transcendent view of time and space, often expresses philosophical perception, and uses this perception to penetrate life to turn emotion from impulse to deep calm, while Xin Qiji always uses hot feelings. Embrace life with lofty ideals, showing hero's pride and grief more. Therefore, the strong subjective feelings and the persistence of subjective ideas constitute a major feature of Xin Ci.
Style of Art
Song Ci created a bold, broad and open style in Su Shi's hands, but it has not been strongly inherited and developed. Until the beginning of Nandu, Zhang Yuangan, Zhang Xiaoxiang, Ye Mengde, Zhu Dunru and others took the theme of resisting the golden shame as their lyrics, which inherited more of Su Shi's style of Ci and played a role of connecting the past with the future. However, their works are mainly the result of their inner passion under the special background of the times. They have not become conscious artistic pursuit, nor have they expanded to other subjects in a larger scale, so their achievements are not very high. When Xin Qiji appeared in the field of Ci, he not only followed the direction of Su Ci, wrote many works with magnificent momentum, but also with his heroic demeanor of contempt for all stereotypes, rich literacy and outstanding talent, created his own unique style in the field of Ci, and promoted the style of Su Ci. It breaks through the scope of Su Ci and opens up a broader world of Ci.
In his words, such as "General Hundred Battles Fame Break". Looking back to the river and back for thousands of miles, we have a long history. Yi Shui Xiaoxiao westerly wind cold, full of clothes like snow. The hero, the sad song is not thorough"("He Groom"),"at midnight, the wild song and sad wind, listen to the clang, the iron between the eaves. Southern Communist Party and Northern Communist Party are splitting ("He Groom") and even "hate the extreme, hate the extreme can not be grinded. Afterwards, Qian Hongshi and Humanity changed their blood into blue for three years, which is the sad voice of indignation, such as "the wind, the sea and the rain", which shocked the readers'hearts with great strength. Xin Qiji also believed in Laozhuang and spoke broad-mindedly in his poems, but he could not turn his impulsive feelings into calm ones. Instead, he vented his grief and indignation in the direction of depression and even despair, such as "when Yuanlong is old, he might as well lie high and cool curling pot". The rise and fall of thousands of years, a hundred years of grief and laughter, a temporary visit"("Water Dragon Yin"),"I'm dying. I am sad all my life and have few friends. White hair hangs 3,000 feet, laughing at everything in the world"("He Groom"),"Everything is empty in the cup of life. Three or five heroes from ancient times, where is the rain and wind blowing, the Qin Palace of the Han Dynasty ("Lang Tao Sha"), these seemingly broad-minded and decadent sentences, but also make people feel his heart's extremely high expectations shattered into despair can not wear away the pain.
And his hero's heroism and despair intertwined knots, ups and downs, strong contrast, but also formed a waterfall-like impact force. For example, from the beginning, I wrote the scene and atmosphere of training and killing the enemy in my imagination, which was full of joy and magnificence. But after "the king's world, win the name before and after life", suddenly followed by the last sentence "pitiful white happened", pointing out that all that is a vain dream, the fact is that white hair, empty ambition, like a ladle of ice water spilled on the fiery fire, it is shocked and shocked.
In the use of images, Xin Qiji has his own characteristics. Generally, he seldom uses orchids, willows, flowers and pink beauties as ornaments, which are common in traditional ci-poetry. They are consistent with the melancholy and magnificent emotional tone to be expressed. The natural scenery depicted in his works has a surging and unconstrained air. For example, "Xiashu Cangjiang opposite, dangerous buildings, want to fly back to convergence" ("Water Dragon Yin"), "Who believes that Tianfeng falls to the ground and opens Qingbi by the lake"("Man Jianghong"); the historical figures he picks also belong to the type of magnificent heroes, unrestrained, or generous and sad, such as "Shehushan riding horizontally, cracking rocks and striking strings". Li Guang (Eight Voices of Ganzhou), Liu Yu (Yongyule), the "Golden Golden Horse" and Sun Quan (Nanxiangzi), who was young and had never stopped the Southeast War, and so on. This selection of natural and historical materials, and the emotional power of the words become just the right match, it is exciting.
Therefore, both belong to the bold and magnificent style. Su Shi's Ci prefers to be unrestrained, open-minded and superb, while Xin Ci gives people a feeling of generosity, tragedy and passion.
Xin Qiji and Su Shi are both powerful pioneers in the language skills of Ci. The predecessors said that Su Shi used poetry as his Ci and Xin Qiji used Wen as his Ci. Of course, this is somewhat simplified, but it does point out that in Xin Qiji's hands, the language of Ci is more liberated, unprovoked and no rules exist. In Xin Ci, there are very popular and childish folk languages, such as "some facts, misleading people that". Not really homesick"("Parrot Sky"),"Recently sad like heaven, who pity each other? Who can solve mutual pity and make sorrow a day"("Ugly Nur"), there are also many classical sentence patterns with function words, such as"those who do not know the clouds are rain, those who do not know the rain are cloudy"("Hangong Chun"),"those who do not hate the ancients do not see me, and those who hate the ancients do not see my crazy ears"("Congratulations to the bridegroom"); there are lively dialogues, self-questions and self-answers. To shout, such as "the hero of the world who adversaries? Cao Liu"("Nanxiangzi"),"Cup, come before you!" (Qin Yuan Chun) also has quite complete sentences, such as "Eight hundred miles under the scorch, fifty strings turn over and plug the sound outside" ("Break the time").... Generally speaking, one of the characteristics of Xin Ci's language skills is its loose form, coherent semantic flow and long sentences. In Xin Ci, the way that literati use intensive imagery to assemble sentences and jump to connect sentences to form the whole artistic conception is completely broken. But it does not mean that Xin Qiji's so-called "writing as a word" no longer has a musical rhythm. While using a lot of prose sentences and keeping a vivid tone, he can still use various means to create a rhythm of change. Such as "Water Dragon Yin" in the "sunset tower, broken Hongsheng, Jiangnan tourists. Looking at Wu Gou, taking pictures all over the column, nobody knows how to do it. The meaning is coherent. It is a long sentence in the word, but it is frustrating and powerful. It is not just a paragraph of article in the form of the word.
Another major feature of Xin Ci in terms of language skills is that it extensively quotes vocabulary, sentences and historical allusions from various classics, histories, sub-classics and predecessors'poems, melting or embedding them in its own words. This is easy to cause rigid and difficult problems, but with Xin Qiji's talent, most of them can be used appropriately, naturally, or otherwise interesting. As Liu Xizai of the Qing Dynasty said in his Yixue, "Ren Gushu's rationale and parole, once used, will be popular." Taking "Yongyule Jingkou Beigu Ting Nostalgia" as an example, more than a hundred words are used to narrate the deeds of Sun Quan, Liu Yu, Liu Yilong, Tuobatao and Lianpo, which are closely related to the subjective feelings and ideas expressed by the author. It is not only rich in connotation, but also vivid in tone and expressive in expression. Easy things.
Of course, Xin Qiji's words are often too prose-oriented, too talkative, and the so-called "lost book bags" are too many old allusions, but in any case, he did greatly change the words; his words are not only "inaccessible, nothing to say", but also any "meaning" and "things" can be expressed. Very free and full. In this way, the creation of Ci completely got rid of the fetters and entered the realm of freedom.
Folding Liu Kezhuang's "Preface to Xinjiaxuan Collection" said: "The public office, made loudly (t_ng t225;), low-pitched (k ng h ng), cut across six in one, swept through the ages, since the beginning of life nothing. The slim and dense grain is not under Xiaoyan and Qinlang either.
Liu Chenweng's Preface to Xinjiaxuan Ci Poetry says, "If you use such a phrase before Xinjiaxuan, you must hide it. He Jiaxuan is like a Zen stick, and his head is everywhere. He is also like a tragic drum, and he has a lifetime of injustice and drinking, but he has a good feeling of being a guest, and he is too busy to talk about it. So far, words are enough.
Later generations: Jiaxuan, the outstanding person, the dragon in Ci
Dragon in Folding Words
Xin Qiji is good at poetry and prose, but his poetry is of the Ming Dynasty. His "Jiaxuan Ci" contains six
More than 120 pieces, regardless of the quantity and quality, are crowned in the Song Dynasty and the Song Dynasty. He is the greatest of men and the dragon of words.
Jiaxuan's Ci has always been called "the Ci of Heroes". These words mainly express the hero's ambition and pride to restore the central plains. He often recalls the heroic deeds of the teenager who broke into the Jinying camp and captured the traitor Zhang Anguo. For example, the film "Parrot Sky" says, "In the prime of life, Banner Chung Wanfu, Jin Xiantu rides across the river at the beginning. Yanbing nighttime silver beard, Han arrow toward flying golden maid. Xin Ci also expresses his grief and indignation that his ambition is hard to pay and his country has no way to repay. For example, "Water Dragon Yin. Dengjiankang Appreciation Pavilion" on the film: "Chutian Qianli Qingqiu, water with the sky to the autumn endless. Far from sight, offering sorrow for hatred, Jade Hammer snail bun. Sunset Tower, Broken Hongshengli, Jiangnan Tourist. Look at the Wu hook, the railings are patted all over, no one will, landing. "By looking at Wu Jiao Baojian and taking pictures of the typical movements of the railings, the lyrics vividly show the grief and indignation of the hero in his useless place. Xin Qiji's "heroic words" mostly make Qi Cen-cai's works, which are emotionally exciting and solemn, and have a melancholy and magnificent style.
In addition, Xin Qiji also wrote some words about rural scenery and idyllic interest: "Qingping Yue. Village Residence", "The eaves are low and the streams are green grass. In drunkenness, Wu Yin is beautiful. Whose family is Weng Yan with white hair? Daer hoes Dou Xidong, Zhonger is weaving chicken cage. The most favorite child scoundrel, Xitou lie in the lotus peel. " Xin Qiji's poems are also graceful in style and implied deep music works. For example, "Qingyu Case. New Year's Eve", the first film depicts the happy scenes of the Lantern Festival Night, and the second film depicts a quiet, extraordinary woman: "Moth snow willow golden thread, laughter Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying fragrance. Thousands of people searched for him, but suddenly looking back, the man was in a lamp-house. In fact, it expresses the poet's feelings of "self-pity and solitude".
Xin Qiji, with his unique heroic ambition and pride, tried his best to make his words succeed and use the prose as his lyrics, greatly expanding the scope of the subject matter of the lyrics, forming a melancholy and magnificent main style, as well as a graceful and profound melody and a fresh and simple style, which can be described as casting a hundred schools of thought, freely playing and colorful.
Name of Folding Cool Official
In the winter of Chunxi eight years, Xin Qiji was transferred from Jiangxi Province to West Zhejiang Province to be sentenced. Before he took office, he was impeached by King Shi, who supervised him. "Taichen Wang Jian, impeaching him to use money like mud, killing people like grass mustard." This means that he uses money like mud, killing people like mowing grass. As a result, Xin Qiji had a reputation as a cool official and was dismissed from all positions before he had time to take office.
It is not surprising that Xin Qiji left a cold impression. When he was young, he rode alone in the Northern Rebel Army to kill the monk Yiduan who stole the Rebel's seal. Later, he led a 50-horse raid on Jinying to capture the traitor Zhang An-guo, which proved that he was a ruthless character who dared to kill people. But what about the real situation?
In fact, Xin Qiji was generous to ordinary people and harsh to subordinate officials. He had been ordered to calm the tea merchants'rebellion in the south. In his report "On the Thieves' Notes" to Song Xiaozong, he pointed out clearly: "The people in the fields, the counties gather to harm them, the counties take advantage of their departments to harm them, the officials take advantage of their begging to harm them, the big names of the powerful people merge to harm them, and the thieves take advantage of them. The minister calls it "ear" if he does not go for theft and calls for peace." That is to say, the common people who farm the fields, the officials at the state and county levels use excessive taxation to harm them; the officials at the county level use various kinds of names and materials to harm them; the staff at the bottom use various names to claim, take, card and harm them; the landlords use mergers to harm them; and the thieves use mergers to harm them. Where can the common people go if they don't become thieves when robberies and plunders are used against them?
Xin Qiji realized that it was the officials at all levels, not the common people, who should be strictly managed. This has become the starting point of his ruling idea and government affairs. According to the collection of Zhenxi Mountain, Xin Qiji "has been authoritative, light on grammar, officials are afraid of dogmatism, not to be caught and sent". That is to say, he is very dignified to the officials under him, and he always pursues the law against them. Those officials are frightened and afraid of being condemned for not observing the doctrine in place.
On the contrary, he is very generous and caring to the people. Lou Kei's Collection of Attacking Shame says that "people in Fujian know more about prophecy than living outside the stage." It means that when Xin Qiji was a prisoner in Fujian Province, he obeyed the principle of leniency in sentencing prisoners. Every family in Fujian knows this. On one occasion, he sent an official named Fu Shou to a county under his jurisdiction to review prisoners in prison. After calling out to that county, Fu released more than fifty people after careful examination, leaving only more than ten. So many cases have been overturned that the county magistrate's face is hot, so he refused to entertain Fu loudly, even regardless of the meal. Xin Qiji personally examined these cases after hearing about them, and finally all the cases were handled in accordance with Fu's loud opinions.
Xin Qiji was thus stigmatized as a cruel official, mainly because he refused to mix with the official at that time. In his book to the emperor, Xin Qiji himself said, "In his life, his ministers were stubborn and confident. They had not been tolerated by the public for many years. They feared that they would not blurt out their words, and that they would suffer a lot." Because of his "stubborn and self-confident" character, he dares to say and do, and is unwilling to cater to others. In order to achieve success in his career, he can ignore all kinds of hidden rules. Therefore, the contradiction and conflict between him and the mediocre and conservative official atmosphere of the Southern Song Dynasty can not be avoided. But all of this, put in today, but let us particularly awe.
Righteousness and righteousness
After Yan Liang moved to Yanjing, some Han people who had been enslaved and oppressed for a long time could not bear it any longer. Finally, they carried the banner of anti-Jin. The most powerful one was the team of the uprising in Shandong Province. Geng Jing, the leader, was a Jinan man of peasant origin. In response to the Rebel's anti-Jin campaign, Xin Qiji, who was 22 years old, also took the opportunity to pull up a contingent of 2,000 people to Gengjing. But Geng Jing did not give too much favor to this talent who came to join the army. He was ordered to be an insignificant civilian officer, who was in charge of documents and seals. One thing that happened in the middle of this year made Geng Jing look at Xin Qiji with great surprise.
There was also a monk named Yiduan who joined Xin Qiji to join the Rebel Army. Yiduan himself is a flower monk who can not abide by the rules and regulations, because he can not stand the hardship of being a servant in the Rebel Army. He steals the commander-in-chief seal kept by Xin Qiji and is ready to go to the Jinying camp to invite meritorious deeds. Yiduan himself was also the leader of a small group of the Rebel Army. He was persuaded by Xin Qiji to join Geng Jing's account together. Geng Jing was so angry that he had to ask Xin Qiji for guilt. Xin Qiji Li Quci was poor, self-conscious of inadvertent friendship, shame, on the spot to Geng Jing issued a military warrant, to recover the commander-in-chief.
That night, Xin Qiji took a small group of people and horses to ambush on the way to Jinying. Sure enough, when daybreak came, Yiduan really came riding. Xin Qiji could not help saying that he cut off Yiduan with a knife. When I saw that Xin Qiji was frightened to death, I knelt down and begged for mercy and said, "I know your real body is a green bag. You can pull up mountains with great strength, and there will be a great transformation in the future. You spare my life!" In the face of such a rebel who is greedy for life and fears death, Xin Qiji, who is jealous and hateful, will listen to it. He can not help but say that his hands rise and fall, and his righteousness is different.
Folding celebrities meet
Ehu Mountain, Lingshan Mountain and Boshan are places where Xin Qiji often searches for ancient times and seclusion. The Goose Lake Temple under the Goose Lake Mountains is next to the ancient post station leading to Fujian Province. From the third to the eighth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar in 1175, famous scholars Zhuxi, Lv Zuqian, Lu Jiuling and Lu Jiuyuan held the famous "Goose Lake Meeting" (the first Goose Lake Meeting) in the history of Chinese philosophy at the Goose Lake Temple. Hence, the Goose Lake has become a cultural resort. Xin Qiji often goes to Goose Lake for recreation.
In the autumn of 1188, Chen Liang wrote to Xin Qiji and Zhu Xi and made an appointment to Zixi in Lead Mountain to discuss a unified plan. But later, Zhu Xi dismissed the meeting for some reason. This winter, when it came to the date, Xin Qiji was sick in bed, waiting for Chen Liang to rest in Pouquan. In the evening, after the snow, the sunset shines brightly on the snow-covered land. Xin Qiji looks over the railings of Pouquan Villa. He sees Chen Liang riding a big red horse on the post road in front of Jisi Village. He is overjoyed and his illness disappears.
Xin Qiji
Downstairs to meet the horse. The two met on the stone bridge in front of the village for a long time, feeling a lot: standing on the stone bridge, bathing in the sunset after the snow, talking about state affairs, grieving over the incompleteness of Jinou, the feeling of patriotism surging in their hearts, pulling out their swords and chopping their horses, pledging to fight for the reunification of the motherland. Xin Qiji's cries of "men die hard, see their hands and mend the fissure" in "See and answer with rhyme" written after his farewell to Chen Liang are just the reflection of this kind of heroism and ambition.
The meeting between Xin Qiji and Chen Liang made a good story in the literary circle by sharing a drink in Pouquan, traveling together in the Goose Lake, answering each other with long songs, making a critical comment on the world and staying at the end of the twentieth day. In order to commemorate these two patriots, later generations called this meeting the second "Goose Lake Meeting", called the stone bridge in front of Jisi Village "Chopping Horse Bridge", and built a Chopping Horse Pavilion beside the bridge. Up to now, there are also stories about Xin Qiji and Chen Liang's "Chopping Horses to Make Oaths". The Cutting Horse Pavilion is still there. Despite the storms, there are still many glazed tiles inscribed with the words "Cutting Horse Pavilion" covering it, which is the cultural relics protection unit of Qianshan County.
Folding and crying for Zhuxi
When Zhu Xi died of illness, his theory had been declared "pseudo-learning". Under the pressure of the Han You-xi faction, many disciples of Zhu Xi's disciples dared not go to mourn, but Xin Qiji, who had "cut off the road of wealth" by Zhu Xi, went to cry and offered sacrifices in spite of the prohibition, leaving a memorial message that was passed down for thousands of years: "The immortal, dying for thousands of generations, what is public death? Rigorously and respectfully!"
Jiaxuan Middle School
Licheng No. 2 Middle School is located in Yaoqiang Town, Licheng District. In order to study and commemorate this famous poet in history, there is also a resounding name in Licheng No. 2 Middle School - Jiaxuan Middle School.
Xin Qiji Memorial
Qiji Memorial Hall is located in the south of Sifeng Gate Village, Yaoqiang Town, Licheng District, Jinan City. It covers an area of 31 mu. It consists of a memorial hall and Xinjiafen grave, with a total building area of more than 4000 square meters. There are six exhibition rooms, such as Shifang, Hexagonal Stele Pavilion, Xin Qiji Statue, Xin Qiji Memorial Temple, Jiaxuan Ci Calligraphy Art Stele Gallery, as well as cultural relics, calligraphy and painting, folk customs, pictures, "a generation of Ci Zong" and "Yidan Zhongsoul".
Former residences and tombs
On the banks of Xiaoqing River in Jinan, there is a town called Yaoqiang Town, which is the home of Xin Qiji, a famous poet of the Song Dynasty. It was there that he got up and pulled up his team to fight against gold. Xin Qiji is a very distinctive writer in the history of Chinese literature. He is different from the general feudal literati. He is not only a famous patriotic poet, but also an excellent patriotic general and national hero.
Xin Qiji died and was buried in Yongping Town, Shangrao County, Jiangxi Province. Xin Qiji's tomb is on the hillside of Yangyuan, Hutoumen, Guashan County. Look south. Standing in the period of Shaoding (1228-1233), there is a Golden Inscription of Mr. Jiaxuan's Shinto beside its side post road. The original monument destroyed the remains of the tomb. The descendants of Xin Qiji in the Qing Dynasty erected new tablets in front of their tombs. Today, they are also mottled and separated. Their handwriting is vague. The inscriptions on the tablets are "Renovated in Spring and Moon in the Mao Year of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty". In the middle is the tomb of Gongjia Xuanfujun. The descent is "Xuanxuan Sun Kou Xia Xia Kou Kou Ling Hu Kou Dong Shan Gu Ran An Bei Kou Li" which was established by descendants of Xin Qiji's Zhongzi Xin Cabinet. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the tomb of Xin Qiji was listed as a key protected cultural relic in 1959. In 1971 and 1981, they were renovated twice. The tomb is lined with stone and divided into four layers, with loess piled on the top and two consecutive enclosures surrounded by a grave cabinet. The tomb is 2.5 meters high and 2.5 meters in diameter, accounting for 51.5 square meters. The tomb path is very short, there is a couplet written by Guo Moruo: "Iron plate and copper pa, following the east slope singing the river east; celery and millet, southern Hebei Song Dynasty with wild goose flying south."
Memorial Hall
Xin Qiji Memorial Hall is located in the south of Sifengzhan Village, Yaoqiang Town, Licheng District, Jinan City. It covers an area of 31 mu. It consists of two parts: the memorial hall and Xinjiafen, with a total building area of more than 4000 square meters. There are six exhibition rooms, such as Shifang, Hexagonal Stele Pavilion, Xin Qiji Statue, Xin Qiji Memorial Temple, Jiaxuan Ci Calligraphy Art Stele Gallery, as well as cultural relics, calligraphy and painting, folk customs, pictures, "a generation of Ci Zong" and "Yidan Zhongsoul".