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元朝至正元年(1341),经大臣引荐,出任经筵检讨,负责编修宋、辽、金三朝国史及注释《尔雅》。书成后,顺帝奖给金银和宫女,他不接受。五年,改任国子助教。七年,改任翰林编修,他负责编纂后妃等传和宫廷纪事,苦于没有现成资料,便用自己的俸金买动宦官和皇亲国戚,向这些人打探后宫有关情况,详细询问,亲自笔录,得以成史。十一年,升为太常博士,后任兵部员外郎、监察御史、工部侍郎、大司农丞。十七年,升礼部尚书。十八年,参中书省事,专任甘肃平章事,总西部兵马。他整治边防、任用贤吏,安抚边民,力图中兴,深得皇太子赏识,称他"澄清忠义,清白起家"。不久,进御史台治书侍御史、中书左丞。 至正二十年(1360),官拜参知政事。他"为人侃直,数有建白,敢任事"。上都(今内蒙古锡林郭勒盟正蓝旗东北闪电河北岸)宫殿失火,顺帝下令重建大安、睿思二阁。危素以民间疾苦,苦谏不要大兴土木,并亲自到河南、河北、江淮一带发钱、发粮,赈救灾民。二十四年,为翰林学士,奉旨出任岭北行省左丞。后弃官,隐居房山达四年,潜心史学著作。




明洪武二年(1369),危素被任为翰林侍讲,与宋濂同修《元史》。朱元璋多次召见危素,询问元朝兴亡缘由,并令其撰写《皇陵碑文》。不久,危素被劾,罢官一年。后官复原职,兼弘文馆学士,并赐小车,免朝谒。太祖常赐酒宴与诸学士,并有诗词酬唱。危素呈诗虽在最后,往往独得太祖称赞,说危素"老成,有先忧之意",此时,危素已70多岁。皇帝对危素的宠信,引起某些大臣的嫉妒,御史王著等屡进馋言,说危素是亡国之臣,不应重用,危素被谪居和州(今安徽和县),令守元臣余阙庙。洪武五年正月二十三日 (1372年2月27日),卒于和州含山县寓所,享年70岁,后归葬金溪高桥。学士宋濂为其撰墓志铭。






















 1.徐人歌 危素 季子剑有秋水色,徐君见之惜不得。徐君墓上荒草寒,季子解剑挂树间。一死一生见交义,嗟哉延陵吴季子。题宋好古墨竹 我忆东曹粉署郎,琅玕写就拂云长。只疑散步云林曲,独听秋声待晚凉。题赵子昂竹石 丛篁偏听映寒云,古石犹疑碧藓痕。曾是碧澜堂上月,独临苕水照王孙。竹坡诗 五云坊下暮烟斜,夹道疏槐照碧波。却忆江南风景好,修修纤竹翠连坡。




3.照夜白图(韩干 卷 纸本 水墨 纵30.8厘米 横33.5厘米 [美]大都会艺术博物馆藏)












8.燕京学报新二期 ( 一九九六年 ) 危素与《宋史》的纂修---孔繁敏,《宋史·忠义传》由危素所修。




10.危素《云林集》卷二《叔仪送扇》 抚州竹扇制来新,邓子持归赠野人。六月江南如此热,海风一起静黄尘。


11.【西宁王忻都公神道碑】简称"西宁王碑",该碑位于甘肃省武威城北15公里的永昌镇石碑村, 首领忻都公,先祖世为北庭名族,自立为国,又称臣于元朝,并随元政权从征西方,有功勋于王室,也来到这里,元至顺三年(公元1332年)卒于永昌,"葬于永昌之在成里"。其子干栾为元朝中书平章政事,元惠宗皇帝为表彰其先祖功勋,加封忻都公为西宁王,并诏命制作《西宁王忻都公神道碑》,于公元1362年立于他的墓地。全碑分碑座、碑身、碑首3部分,通高6米。碑座为龟趺,制作十分精致,高1.6米,长2.4米,宽1.6米;碑身高2.8米,宽1.5米,厚0.4米;碑首高1.6米,宽1.6米,厚0.45米,刻蟠螭,为光禄大夫、中书右丞同知经筵事、提调国子监大都府学陈敬伯篆额"大元敕赐西宁王碑"八字。碑文为通奉大夫、中书参加政事、知经筵事、提调四方献言详定使司危素撰文,由光禄大夫、滕国公、集贤大学士张 书丹。全文共32行,满行63字,碑正面为汉文,背面为蒙文。碑文载于《陇右金石录》、《武威县志》、《凉州府志备考》等。1949年美国哈佛大学博士珂力甫进行了研究,用英文写了《西宁王碑蒙汉文碑之研究》,全文发表于《哈佛大学学报,亚洲研究》,并刊布了碑的蒙、汉文拓片;1983年道布先生对碑蒙文进行了研究,发表于民族出版社出版的《回鹘蒙古文献汇编》一书中;1992年,内蒙古图力尔用蒙文写了《忻都王碑文研究》,由内蒙古文化出版社发行。




13.胡青,桑志军.危素学术思想探析[J].江西教育学院学报,1998,(5). 《元史》纂修杂考 方龄贵 文献来自:社会科学战线 1992年 第02期


14.任公钓江海 世人不识之--元任仁发《张果见明皇图》研究 洪再新 文献来自:故宫博物院院刊 2000年 第03期 北京故宫博物院所藏《张果见明皇图》是元代画家任仁发的代表作品,它历来被称为鞍马画佳作。本文试图从画卷拖尾上康里巎、危素两人的题跋入手,结合画家的创作母题、创作背景以及任氏的生平传记,考证其托名于道教仙像所要传达出的鞍马以外的特殊用意,为元代初中期文化史的研究提供一个带有象征意义的典型个案。


15.竹斋集 三卷,续集一卷 卷上 七言律诗 危太朴奉使求史馆遗书於河南江西历四明会叶君常借船过东湖访古迹其乐好事者画之太朴 匏翁家藏集 七十七卷,补遗一卷 第十四卷追和元 危太朴 学士游石湖宝积寺 方山薛先生全集 六十八卷 卷四十 宋元通鉴摘论宪章录摘论 危素 运甓漫稿 七卷 卷之五 七言律诗 张舒州家观元承旨 危素 画像


16.青阳集 四卷(编修励守谦家藏本) 元余阙撰。阙字廷心,一字天心,色目人。世居武威。以父官合肥,遂家焉。元统元年进士。累官淮南行省左丞,分守安庆。陈友谅陷城,自刭死。赠行省平章,谥忠宣。事迹具《元史》本传。阙以文学致身,於五经皆有传注。篆隶亦精致可传。而力障东南,与许远、张巡后先争烈。故集中所著,皆有关当世安危。其《上贺丞相》四书,言蕲、黄御寇之策,尤为深切。使阙计果行,则友谅之能陷江东西否,尚未可知也。其第二书谓往时泰不华、蛮子海牙并力攻蕲、黄,贼几就灭。忽檄散各军,止有卜颜帖木儿驻札兰溪。盗之复陷沿江诸郡,实人谋不臧。证以卜颜帖木儿本传,知丞相托克托虽有功於江淮,而实阶乱於蕲、黄之地。又第四书曰,兰溪之功,卜颜帖木儿平章为最,蛮子海牙中丞特因之成事。《卜颜帖木儿传》亦采用之。则又是非之公,足以信诸后代者也。其诗以汉魏为宗,优柔沈涵,於元人中别为一格。胡俨《杂说》曰:"初危太朴以文学徵起,士君子皆想望其风采。或问虞文靖公曰:'太朴事业当何如?'曰:'太朴入京之后,其词多夸,事业非所敢知。必求其人,其余阙乎。'问何以知之,曰:'集於阙文字见之。'后阙竟以忠义显。乃知前辈观人,自有定鉴"云云。然则文章虽阙之馀事,而心声所发,识度自殊,亦有足觇其生平者矣。- ---出《四库总目提要》




18.云 林 危素《云林图记》:"云林山在金溪县东……蜀都简君天碧,与余客吴文正公所,为作《云林图》。道士方壶子亦爱余山居幽僻,数为之图。张彦辅真人奉敕写钦天殿壁。余时在经筵,用米氏法为余图之,翰林侍讲学士虞公尝为赋诗,海内之名胜继有作于是。有声之画,无声之诗,悉萃于几席,南金大贝,不足为贵矣。然故旧人而以云林为余别号,则非余志也。"(《元人文集珍本丛刊》) 说学斋① 李存 《说学斋铭》:"临川危太朴,游京师承旨,多尔济巴勒筑室以客之。学士清江揭公匾之曰'说学斋'。" 王祎《说学斋记》:"说学斋者,临川危太朴先生读书之室也。先生间谓祎,盍为我为之记。呜呼,学非易言也。学而至于说,尤不易言……先生德行信于人,文章名于世,见于外者如此,则学而自得于说可知矣。" 注 ①说学斋:《论语·学而》:"子曰:学而时习之,不亦说乎!"说同悦,危素斋名取义于此。


19.方从义 ( 约1302 -1393 )字无隅,号方壶,又号不茫道人、金门羽客、鬼谷山人。贵溪(今江西贵溪)人。上清宫道士。工诗文,善古隶、章草。画山水,初师董源巨然米芾高克恭,极潇洒。峰峦高耸,树木槎丫,云横岭岫,舟泊莎汀,墨气冉冉,品之逸者也。传世不多。人以礼求之,始为出其一二。尝言:"太行、居庸天下之岩险,其雄杰奇丽,皆古之名画,余所愿见者今皆见之,而有以慊吾志,充吾操,吾非若世俗者区区而至也。"盖学仙之颖然者,由无形而有形,虽有形终归于无形。画能如是,其至矣乎?至元四年(1338)尝为危太朴作《云林图》,洪武十年(1377)作《云林钟秀图》。《式古堂书画汇考、图绘宝鉴、画史会要、艺苑卮言、青阳集、俟庵集》




21.元代棺形双砚(图) 发布时间: 2004-07-28 魏玉光 上下组合式端砚一方,合起来呈棺材形。棺材谐音官财,即升官发财之意。分开来则成两方砚,任何一方均可单独使用。此砚系端溪宋坑石,紫红色,石质温润如玉、细滑柔嫩。阳光下,可见闪灼的点点银星。















English Introduction

 brief introduction

Wei Su began to study at the age of 4, and became proficient in the Five Classics at the age of 15. He had studied under Wu Chengmen and respected Li Cun as a teacher. Wu Cheng appreciated him very much and introduced him vigorously. He was able to make a wide acquaintance with literary celebrities. At that time, Fan Bian, Yu Ji, Jie Lusi and others were also impressed by his profound knowledge and looked at him differently.

From Yuan Dynasty to the first year of Zheng Dynasty (1341), he was recommended by the minister and served as a review of Jingyan. He was responsible for compiling the history of Song, Liao and Jin Dynasties and annotating Erya. After the book was finished, the Emperor Shunde awarded gold, silver and palace maids, which he did not accept. Five years later, he was transferred to assistant professor of Guozi. Seven years later, he was replaced by Hanlin, who was responsible for compiling biographies and court chronicles of queens and concubines. Without ready-made information, he bought eunuchs and royal relatives with his salary, inquired about the situation of the rear court, inquired in detail, and wrote down in person to make history. Eleven years later, he was promoted to Dr. Taichang. He was appointed as a foreign soldier, a supervisor of the imperial history, a waiter of the Ministry of Industry, and a chief minister of agriculture. Seventeen years ago, the Ministry of Rites upheld the book. Eighteen years, Shen Zhongshu Province, full-time Gansu Pingzhang affairs, the total Western soldiers and horses. He renovated the frontier, appointed virtuous officials, appeased the frontier people, tried hard to revitalize, won the appreciation of the Crown Prince, called him "clarifying loyalty, starting from innocence". Shortly afterwards, he went to the Imperial History Station to administer books to serve the Imperial History and Zhongshu Zuo-cheng. Up to the twentieth year (1360), the government visited the magistrate. He is "honest, honest, and dare to act". The palace of Shangdu (now the north-east Bank of Lightning River in Zhenglan Banner of Xilingol League, Inner Mongolia) caught fire. Emperor Shunde ordered the reconstruction of Da'an and Ruisi Pavilions. Dangerous people always suffer from civil misery, and they advise not to develop civil engineering. They also pay and distribute food in Henan, Hebei and Jianghuai to relieve the victims. Twenty-four years, as a Bachelor of Hanlin, he was appointed Zuo Chan of Lingbei Province. After abandoning his official post, he lived in seclusion in Fangshan for four years and devoted himself to historical works.

In July of the 28th year (1368), Zhu Yuanzhang invaded the metropolitan area. He felt that his country had broken down and he wanted to jump into the well to commit suicide. However, he was persuaded by his poet friends that "the history of the country is unknown and that public death is the history of the dead country". When the soldiers of Zhu Jun wanted to enter the historical database, he urgently told Wu Mian to calm down, so that the Records of the Yuan Dynasty could be preserved.

In the second year of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty (1369), Wei Su was appointed as a lecturer in Hanlin and co-practised with Song Lian in History of Yuan Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang summoned Danger Su many times to inquire about the cause of the rise and fall of the Yuan Dynasty, and ordered him to write the "Imperial Mausoleum Stele". Shortly after, he was impeached and dismissed for a year. The latter officer was reinstated and Hong Wen Guan bachelor's degree was awarded a car to avoid pilgrimage. Taizu often gave wine and banquets to scholars and rewarded them with poems. Although Wei Sucheng's poems are at the end, he is often praised by his grandfather, saying that he is "mature and has the meaning of worrying about the past", at this time, he is over 70 years old. The emperor's favorite belief in dangerous elements aroused jealousy of some ministers, and the imperial writings of the emperor's history made repeated comments, saying that dangerous elements were subjugated ministers and should not be reused. The dangerous elements were banished to Hezhou (now Anhui and counties) and ordered to guard Yuque temple. On January 23, 1372, Hong Wu died at his residence in Hanshan County, Hezhou. He was 70 years old and was later buried at Jinxi Gaoqiao. Song Lian, a bachelor, wrote his epitaph.

Having lived through two dynasties, Wei Su has served as a minister. But he was a surrender, and the feudal rulers of all dynasties, out of the idea of loyalty to the monarch, did not place it in an important position to publicize. History of Ming Dynasty, Records of Fuzhou Prefecture compiled in successive dynasties and the old Records of Jinxi County only introduced him in Wenyuan. In fact, he has made indelible contributions in the field of history. The history books of Song, Liao and Jin Dynasty were compiled by Wei Su, but they were signed as the chief editor of Yuan Dynasty's Prime Minister Tuo Tuo. He became a minor figure. Wei Su is knowledgeable and good at ancient Chinese. His poetry creation occupied a high position in the late Yuan Dynasty and had a great influence. His poems are magnificent and vigorous. His poems are collected in Volume 2 of Cloud Forest Collection. His prose is praised as one of the great masters of the Yuan Dynasty. There are four volumes of his anthology, Shuo Xue Zhai Manuscript. Wang Mao of the Qing Dynasty called his prose "plain but not accessible". In addition, there are 19 volumes of Er Ya Liao Yi, as well as the Chronicle of Cao Lu and the Records of Yuanhai Shipping. In Taihe Zhengyinpu, there is a Zaju play of Dangerous Taifu Houtinghua. Wang Guowei suspects that it was written by Dangerous Elements. He is also good at calligraphy, and the pieces of paper and words he writes are treasured by people.

At the end of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Ming Dynasty, a dangerous factor of great reputation appeared again in Chinese academic circles. As we all know, to study Chinese history, "twenty-four histories" are indispensable and important documents. Among the twenty-four histories, the four histories of Song, Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasty have their own dangerous features. His contribution to traditional culture is self-evident. According to historical records, he was from Jiangxi Province. In his early years in the Yuan Dynasty, he took part in the compilation of Song History, Liao History and Jin History, which made him very popular. In the Ming Dynasty, he and Song Lian practised the History of the Yuan Dynasty together, which laid a high academic position for him. It is said that when he compiled the biography of empresses and concubines in the History of the Yuan Dynasty, he bought a lot of food and gave it to some white-haired eunuchs because he did not trust the ready-made materials. He managed to get to know the actual situation and then wrote a book, refusing to perfunctory at all. Tiger.



History of Ming Dynasty, Records of Fuzhou Prefecture compiled in successive dynasties and the old Records of Jinxi County only introduced him in Wenyuan. In fact, he has made indelible contributions in the field of history. The history books of Song, Liao and Jin Dynasty were compiled by Wei Su, but they were signed as the chief editor of Yuan Dynasty's Prime Minister Tuo Tuo. He became a minor figure. Wei Su is knowledgeable and good at ancient Chinese.


His poetry creation occupied a high position in the late Yuan Dynasty and had a great influence. His poems are magnificent and vigorous. His poems are collected in Volume 2 of Cloud Forest Collection.


His prose is praised as one of the great masters of the Yuan Dynasty. There are four volumes of his anthology, Shuo Xue Zhai Manuscript. Wang Mao of the Qing Dynasty called his prose "plain but not accessible". In addition, there are 19 volumes of Er Ya Liao Yi, as well as the Chronicle of Cao Lu and the Records of Yuanhai Shipping. In Taihe Zhengyinpu, there is a Zaju play of Dangerous Taifu Houtinghua. Wang Guowei suspects that it was written by Dangerous Elements.


He was also good at calligraphy, and the pieces of paper and words he wrote were treasured by people. He was a representative calligrapher in Yuan Dynasty. His representative works include Zhu Yuanzhang's Imperial Mausoleum Stele, Balu Cambodia's Books and Essays, Yimen Wang's Previous Stele, Pucheng Wang's Temple Stele, Chen's Fangcun Building Records and Regular Book Volume. Among them, "Yimen Wangshi Xianmian Stele" was originally written in Shangwangxiang, Pucheng County, Shaanxi Province. It was established from Yuan Dynasty to the 15th year of Zhengzheng (1355). It recorded the changes and filial piety of the Wangshi family in Dongwei Village, which was named "Xiaoyi Yi Yu Xiang Li" in the Five Dynasties. It was written by Ouyang Xuan, a "generation master", Yizhuan, and Dangerous Shushi. The tablet has been lost, but the text is included in the whole book of the four libraries. The inscription of Pucheng Wang's ancestral temple is located in Shangwangxiang, Pucheng County, Shaanxi Province. It was established in the Yuan Dynasty. It records the history of patriotism, religion, charity, etiquette and talented people of the Wang family in Dongwei Village. It is also written by Ouyang Xuan, Yizhuan in Zhao Dynasty and is a dangerous official script. The monument is now in the Pucheng Museum and is also included in the Four Books.


1. Xu Ren's song Dangerous Su Ji Zijian has the color of autumn water, which Xu Jun regrets. On Xu Jun's tomb, the grass is cold, and the season is hanging between the trees and the sword. A lifetime of friendship, the Yanling Wu Jizi. Song Dynasty is a good ancient ink bamboo, I remember the East Cao Fen Department Lang, Lang Ji wrote on the clouds. I only suspect walking in the clouds and woods, listening to the autumn sounds to stay cool at night. Zhao Zi-ang's bamboo groves are inclined to reflect the cold clouds and the ancient stones are hesitant about the blue moss marks. It used to be Bilantang last month, standing alone in Tishui to shine on Wang Sun. Bamboo Poetry Wuyunfang dusk smoke inclined, the road sparse Zhao Bibo. But I remember the beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River, repairing the fine bamboo green slope.

2. He Qiaoyuan's Ming Dynasty "Mingshan Tibet" said: "Understanding Jinxue's calligraphy is at stake. "

3. Photographs taken at night (30.8 cm in length and 33.5 cm in breadth in ink and wash in Korean dry rolls, Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection)

The night photo in this picture is Han Gan's favorite horse painted by Emperor Xuanzong in the Tang Dynasty. The picture is tied to the horse's pole at night, hooting and hooting, with an air of high spirits and full of the dynamic feeling of life. The horse's body is strong and vigorous, full of Tang rhyme. According to expert research, the horse's head, neck and forebody are authentic works, while the latter half of the body is a pen for future generations, and the horse's tail has disappeared. On the back of the picture are the five words "Han Gan Ye Zhaobai" written by Li Yu, the emperor of the Southern Tang Dynasty, and the two words "Yanyuan" written by Zhang Yanyuan, a famous art historian of the Tang Dynasty. He Ziquan and Wu said the title before the volume. There are eleven inscriptions and postscripts by Wei Su and Shen Deqian in the Yuan Dynasty.

4. Zhuangsu, a collector of the Yuan Dynasty. Uncle Gong, No. Polygonum Pond. Songjiang (now Shanghai) is a native of Qinglong Town. Shi Song is a secretary. When Song Dynasty died, he abandoned his official position and traveled to the sea and lived in seclusion. Concentrate on collecting books, collecting 80,000 volumes. Handwritten scriptures, histories, philosophies and collections are collected from barnyard grass official novels and hundreds of schools of thought. Up to Zhengjian (after 1341), in order to repair the three histories of Song, Liao and Jin Dynasty, he ordered suicide letters and bought books from his family at risk. He got 500 volumes.

5. Calligraphy in the Ming Dynasty is characterized by the pursuit of Jin and Tang Dynasty by the Song and Yuan Dynasties. As the mainstream, there are Liu Ji, Song Sui and Dangerous Elements.

6.285 cm wide and 145 cm wide. Written by Ouyang Xuan of Yuan Dynasty, Wei Su Shudan and 1023 words in the text, it describes the beginning and end of the construction of "Nine Lao Xiandu Palace" and the experience of presiding over Tang Dongyun in the mysterious view. It is a valuable historical material of Taoism.

7. Ouyang Xuan's "Yimen Wang's First Ming Stele" is a dangerous book and Zhao Shiyi's seal. Fifteen years to Zhengzheng (1355) in Pucheng, Shaanxi Province. The tablet was written when Wei Qin was 61 years old. Dangerous Qin calligraphy was far from the Jin and Tang Dynasties, near to pine and snow, but slightly short in structure.

8. The new second issue of Yanjing Journal (1996) was edited by Wei Su and the compilation of Song Shi, Kong Fanmin, and Zhongyi Biography of Song Shi was edited by Wei Su.

9. Christie's Auction House's "Iron Roll Schema, Cursive Calligraphic Slips, Letters and Letters" has become the highest price in the special exhibition of ancient books with a price of 410.405 million yuan. The front end of the handscroll is mounted on Qian Hao-zong's Ink-and-wash Edition of Iron-scroll Schema, Qian Lu's Cursive Calligraphy Bamboo Slips and Zhu Xi's Traveling Letters and Letters respectively, followed by the inscriptions of Qian Zhiru, Jia Xiandao and Dangerous Su from Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. This volume was brought to Shanghai and Beijing in March 1998 and invited experts from the cultural and exposition circles to consult and appraise. At the Shanghai Museum, the Zhejiang Museum dispatched staff to the meeting with the collection of Qian Hao and Qian Hao's approval rolls (i.e. Er Wang Hand Ze). The two rolls were displayed at the same time and compared, regardless of the paper, ink, style of writing and flower pledge. And there are missing postscripts such as Qian Zhiru, Dangerous Elements, Qian Shangde and so on, which are all in this volume. Therefore, experts from Shanghai Bo, Zhejiang Bo and Christie's Auction House all believe that the two volumes of calligraphy should be the same volume in the early stage, and then be dismantled, which is undoubtedly true.

10. Wei Su's Yunlin Collection Volume II "Shuyi Sends Fans" Fuzhou bamboo fan system to the new, Deng Zizhi returns to the savages. In June, the south of the Yangtze River was so hot that the sea breeze stilled the yellow dust together.

11. [Xining King Xindu Shinto Monument] is abbreviated as "Xining King's Monument". The monument is located in Shibei Village, Yongchang Town, 15 kilometers north of Wuwei City, Gansu Province. The head of the monument is Xindu Gong. His ancestors are Beiting Famous Clan, and he is self-reliant, also known as a minister in the Yuan Dynasty. With the Yuan Dynasty's conquest of the West, he made meritorious contributions to the Royal family, and also came here in the third year of Yuan Dynasty to Shun (A.D. 13). He died in Yongchang in 32 years and was buried in Chengli in Yongchang. His son Ganluan was the official affairs of Zhongshu Pingzhang in the Yuan Dynasty. Emperor Huizong of the Yuan Dynasty, in recognition of his ancestors'merits and deeds, added Xindu Gong to the title of King Xining and ordered the production of the Monument of Xining Gong Shinto, which was erected in his cemetery in 1362 A.D. The whole stele is divided into three parts: the stele, the stele body and the head of the stele, with a height of 6 meters. The tablet is made of tortoise shell, which is 1.6 meters high, 2.4 meters long and 1.6 meters wide. The tablet is 2.8 meters high, 1.5 meters wide and 0.4 meters thick. The head of the tablet is 1.6 meters high, 1.6 meters wide and 0.45 meters thick. It is carved into a cockroach. It is the seal of Dr. Guanglu, the right scholar of Zhongshu, and Chen Jingbo, the governor of Guozi. The inscription was written by Dr. Guanglu, Dr. Teng Guogong and Zhang Shudan, a scholar of Jixian University. The full text consists of 32 lines, 63 words, the front of the tablet is in Chinese, and the back is in Mongolian. The inscriptions are contained in Longyou Jinshilu, Wuwei County Chronicle and Liangzhou Prefecture Chronicle for Examination. In 1949, Dr. Coliff of Harvard University studied the Mongolian and Chinese inscriptions on the Mongolian tablet of King Xining in English. The full text was published in the Journal of Harvard University, Asian Studies, and rubbings of Mongolian and Chinese inscriptions on the Mongolian inscriptions were published. In 1983, Mr. Doub studied the Mongolian inscriptions on the Mongolian inscriptions and published the Hui inscriptions in the national press. In 1992, Inner Mongolia Tulier wrote The Study of Xindu King's Stele Inscription in Mongolian, which was published by Inner Mongolia Culture Publishing House.

12. Public taboo, the word too simple, surname Wei. Wei Benji's surname is Shuzi of King Wu of Zhou. He was born with a literary saying that he was in danger. It was followed by Guangzhou. Jin Yongjiazhong, Jianzhou Cishijing, relocated to the south city of Chang. Tang Huangchao Rebellion, full of irony and his younger brother advocated, bare-handed, capturing the Chao party Liu Yanzhang in Ivory Pond, Fuzhou assassination history, tired official Dr. Jin Ziguanglu, prosecutor Taifu, Fengnanting County King. After Nanting, Baima Township of Jinxi was relocated. When the spectrum dies, it deserves its name. The fifteenth Sun of Nanting, Jinshi, Tong Zhilang, Renhe County of Zhilin'an Prefecture in the third year of Jingding, Song Dynasty, and Dr. Zhongfeng and Zhejiang Provincial Counselors, Guards, and Gongyan Earthquake of Runan Prefecture in Zhongshu Province were presented by Yuan Lei, and the great father of Gongzhi was also named Gongyan Earthquake of Runan Prefecture. Reciprocally donated Dr Zishan, Henan and other places in Zhongshu Province Zuo Cheng, Shang Jianjun, Linchuan County Gong Long You, Gong Zhi's eldest father. Dr. Ronglu, Jiangxi and other places in Pingzhang, Zhongshu Province, Zhuguo, Yuguo Gong Yongji, the father of the public. The great-grandparents Wang, Peng and Liu are all ladies of the county. The name of the county is like their husband. Mother Deng, Huang, and Mrs. Yu Guo.

13. Hu Qing, Sang Zhijun. Probing into the Academic Thought of Wei Su [J]. Journal of Jiangxi Institute of Education, 1998, (5). Fang Linggui's miscellaneous texts in Yuan Shi are from: Social Science Front No. 02, 1992.

14. Ren Gong Diaojiang is not known to the world--Yuan Renfa's "Zhang Guo Jianming Emperor Tu" study of Hong Zaixin's literature comes from: The Imperial Palace Museum Journal of Beijing Palace Museum in the year 2003 "Zhang Guo Jianming Emperor Tu" is the representative work of Ren Renfa, a painter of the Yuan Dynasty, which has always been called a masterpiece of pommel horse painting. This paper attempts to start with the inscriptions and postscripts of Kang Lisi and Danger Su on the tail of the scroll, combining the painter's creative motif, creative background and Ren's biography, to verify the special intentions of his name on the pretext of the Taoist immortal statue besides the pommel horse, and to provide a symbolic model for the study of the cultural history of the early and middle Yuan Dynasty. Individual case.

15. Zhuzhai collects three volumes, a sequel to a volume of seven-character poems, the remains of Dangerous Taipu Embassy and History-Seeking Museum. Ye Jun of Lisiming Hui in Jiangxi Province, Henan Province, often borrows boats to visit historical sites in the East Lake. The collection of 77 volumes of Taipu Siaoweng's family, painted by his enthusiasts, supplements a volume of 14 and the complete collection of Mr. Fangshan Xue of Baoji Temple of Yuanwei Taipu Scholar's Travel to Shihu Eighteen Volumes, Forty Songs and Yuan Dynasty General Abstracts on Charter Abstracts

16. Yuque Yuan, compiled four volumes of Qingyang Collection. The word Tingxin, the word Tianxin, the color of the eye. In the world, Wuwei. Hefei is the father of Suijiayan. Jinshi in the first year of Yuan Dynasty. Lai Guan, who travels to the south of Huainan Province, separately guards Anqing. Chen You forgives falling into the city and kills himself. Provincial Pingzhang is donated to the bank and Shizhong Xuan is given. The story is the biography of Yuan Shi. He devoted himself to literature, and there were annotations in the Five Classics. Seal inscriptions are also exquisite and transferable. In the southeast of Libao, they competed with Xu Yuan and Zhang Xun first. Therefore, all the works in this collection are concerned with the current security. His Four Books of Shanghe Prime Minister are particularly profound in their comments on the policies of Qi and Huang Yukou. It is not yet known whether friendship will sink into the river or not. In his second book, it is said that in the past, when Thailand was not Chinese, the barbarian Hague attacked the cockroaches and the yellow, the thieves would be destroyed as soon as possible. Suddenly they dispersed their armies, and there were no more Buyan Timur stationed in Zalanxi. In the counties along the Yangtze River where the pirates fell again, the real people could not plan for it. According to the biography of Bu Yan Tie Muer, the prime minister, Tocteau, although he contributed to the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, was in a chaotic position in the land of Qi and Huang. And the fourth book says that the achievement of Lanxi is the most important of all, and that of Mintein in The Hague, the barbarian son. The biography of Boyan Timur is also adopted. But it is not public enough to trust future generations. His poems are based on the Han and Wei Dynasties, which are unique among the Yuan Dynasty. Hu Li's "Miscellaneous Talks" said: "Taipu in the early danger is characterized by literature, and gentlemen all want to look forward to its elegance. Or ask Yu Wenjing Gong to say,'What is the cause of Taipu?'and say,'After Taipu entered Beijing, his words were exaggerated and his career was unknown. Ask for the rest. 'Ask how you know it, and say:'Focus on the imperfect words. 'Hou Que shows loyalty and righteousness. We know that our predecessors are watching people, and we have our own judgment. However, although the rest of the article is scarce, the voice of the mind, with its own distinctive awareness, also has enough to cover his life. Out of the Summary of the General Contents of the Four Treasuries

17. Volume 2 of "Danqiu Collection" by Yuanke Jiusi, titled "Danger Taipu Tibetan Xingyang Zhengqian painted"Autumn Range Cross Haze Picture","Tiger Head used to be called "Three Wonders", which is called "New Picture" and "Zhengqian Picture". There are no clear peaks in purple green, green and red before sunset. From the knowledge and reward to the Lord, he promised the God of Meixixian. The autumn eyes are full of no place to look, and this body is suspected of being on the top of the blue clouds. "Dangerous Taipu, that is, the dangerous element of Yuan Dynasty, has a picture of Zheng Qian's mountains and waters, the cross-haze picture of the autumn mountains. According to the description in the poem, this picture should be colored mountains and waters. According to Mr. Zheng Yimei's "Persons and Collections" book "Anecdotes of Wuhu Sailing Tibetan Paintings", it said: "At that time, Wu Xing Panglaichen's"Xuzhai Tibetan Paintings"printed a number of collections, regretting that there was Zheng pious but no Zheng Nan. "Ponlaichen is a famous collector between the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, but there are still works of Zheng Goddess handed down from the Republic of China. There is also a scholar Yuan's Diary of East Lake, September 5, 1953, "Zheng Ruoqi is good at painting landscapes and works poems, which Tang Minghuang calls"Three Wonders". His paintings used to be in Hangzhou. Qin Zi Yasheng once showed the axis of Jiao ink in his friend's place. At that time, according to Yun's wish, he sold them for 50,000 yuan, and gave them a taste of Quwen VI in order to disrelish Ang's return. Last month Yasheng wrote from Guiyang, saying that this painting was used by his friends when Rizhao and Prince Taizi came to Luzhou to contribute, rewarding 200,000 yuan of silver. There are six-inch photos of a beggar, Shi Xia collection, exhibition and transfer, also unknown. "If this material is reliable, Zheng's masterpiece will flow into Japan between the Republic of China, unfortunately.

18. Yunlin Dangerous Element "Yunlin Tuji": "Yunlin Mountain in the east of Jinxi County... Shu Du Jian Jun Tianbi, and Yu Ke Wu Wenzheng Gong Office, for the "Yunlin Tu". The Taoist pot also loves the seclusion of Yushan Mountain, which is a map of numbers. Zhang Yanfu wrote the wall of Qintian Temple. Later in the banquet, Mi's method was used as Yu Tu's. Yu Gong, a lecturer in Hanlin, tasted the poems as Fu Poems, and the famous places in China were successively created. Sound paintings and silent poems can be found in a few seats. Nanjin Dabei is not valuable enough. However, it is not wishful thinking for the old people to use Yunlin as the remaining nickname. "Shuo Xue Zhai (Collection of Precious Books of Yuan Dynasty) Li Cun's"Shuo Xue Zhai Ming":"Linchuan is dangerous and Taipu, and you are the master of Beijing, so you can build a room in Dorzibale. Bachelor of Qingjiang Jiegong plaque said'Shuo Xue Zhai'. Wang You's Story of Talking about a Student's Studio: "Those who talk about a Student's Studio are also in Mr. Wei Taipu's reading room in Linchuan. You are my memory. Whooping, learning is not easy. As far as learning is concerned, it's not easy to say... If you believe in people's morality and conduct, and the article's name is in the world, and you see it in the outside world, then you can learn and be proud to say it. "Note:" The Analects of Confucius, Xue Er:"Confucius said,"Learning from time to time, not to mention it!""Say Tongyue, the name of Wei Su Zhai is derived from this.

19. Fang Congyi (about 1302-1393) has no corner. He is called Fang Hu, and he is also named not only Taoist, Golden Gate Feather and Ghost Valley Mountain People. Guixi (now Guixi, Jiangxi) people. Taoist priests in Shangqing Palace. Gongshiwen, Shanguli, Zhangcao. Painting landscapes, the first teacher Dong Yuan, Juran, Mifu, Gao Kegong, very smart. Peaks and hills are high, trees are tall, Yunhengling Headland, Zhouposhatin, ink is strong, and people who enjoy good taste are also. Not many are handed down. Man begs for etiquette from the very beginning. Taste: "Taihang and Yongyong are the most dangerous rocks in the world. Their magnificent and beautiful paintings are all famous paintings of ancient times. Everyone else can see them today, but I do not come from secular areas with my ambition. "The outstanding person of Gai Xuexian is from invisible to tangible, though the tangible is ultimately from invisible. The painting can be like this, so far as it is concerned? In the fourth year of Yuan Dynasty (1338), Wei Taipu's "Yunlin Tu" and Hongwu's "Zhongxiu Tu of Yunlin" in the 10th year (1377). A Collection of Calligraphy and Painting in Style Ancient Hall, a Treasure Book of Painting, a Summary of Painting History, Inscriptions of Art Court, Qingyang Collection and Lian Collection

20. Dangerous Tour: [Ming] Boming, Jinxi (now Jinxi, Jiangxi) people. Plain son. Calligraphy has a paternal style. Gongshi, in the three-body poems of Lie Guangyue and Yinghua. Daguanlu

21. The release time of the coffin-shaped double inkstone (figure) in Yuan Dynasty: 2004-07-28 Wei Yuguang upper and lower combined end inkstone side, together in the shape of a coffin. Coffin homophonic official wealth, that is, the meaning of promotion and wealth. Separated into two inkstones, either party can be used alone. This inkstone is Duanxi Songkeng stone, purple-red, the stone is as warm as jade, delicate and tender. In the sunshine, you can see shining silver stars.

Inkstones are 26.4 cm long, 11 cm wide and 14.5 cm high. The coffin-shaped inkstone carver is very exquisite. The upper inkstone surface is tile-backed. The oval inkstone hall and ink pool are carved near the tail of the raised back. The round carving at the right ridge edge carves a dragon thoroughly. Dragon's eyes, beards, horns, noses, scales, claws, tails and so on are all very real images, with the style of the Yuan Dynasty dragon. The lower inkstone hall is in the shape of an inkstone plate, and the forehead of the inkstone is carved with a half-moon ink pool. The whole inkstone is cuboid, while the four feet are carved into a very fine three-dimensional animal face.

The forehead of the upper inkstone is engraved with the big character "honesty" and the small character "Linchuan dangerous element" next to the left. On the right side of the inkstone, the cursive script "smoke opens and the back searches for green" and on the left, the cursive script characters "Wuyin August" and "Shashenzhi" are inscribed. On the right side of the inkstone, the inscription "the first income of the inkstone officers" and the inscription "to the first year" in the inkstone.

Inkstone inscription two: dangerous vegetable, Shashenzhi.

Another inscriber was Sha Shenzhi.

He was born in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, in the Qing Dynasty. He was a calligrapher and painter. He studied Huai Su and was vigorous in writing. He is also good at plum painting and seal cutting. According to historical records, he can carve books and paintings in the penholder. Once a red sandalwood cylinder was engraved with a small statue of Tao Jing Festival. The ancient pine lay in bed with the title "Fugusong and Panhuan". Carved on the bottom of the barrel, filled with red gold, the gloss can be learned, "Real stunt also".

This unique shape, exquisite craftsmanship and two historical and cultural celebrities inscribed inkstone has great collection value. It was made in the Yuan Dynasty and was used in the dangerous element study. Spreaded to the Ming Dynasty, I do not know who collects maintenance, into the Qing Dynasty by the calligrapher Sha Shenzhi inscriptions and postscripts collection. After more than 660 years, it has been circulating in an orderly way, and its appearance is still intact.

The Yuan Dynasty was a short-lived dynasty, which lasted less than a hundred years from its entry into the Central Plains to the exile of Emperor Shun. It fought fiercely, blindly and immediately, and there was a constant struggle for power and position in the palace, full of knife light and blood shadow. Han people and intellectuals are discriminated against and excluded, and cultural development is hindered. Therefore, the literature logistics of Yuan Dynasty has been relatively rare since then, and there are good market prices for calligraphy and painting, ancient books, ceramics and currency. As a fully preserved inkstone with a clear age, its rarity can be imagined. Wei Yuguang is also a school of nonsense. Wei Yuguang calls himself "Linchuan Dangerous Element", which can "play the role of supplementing history and proving history"? Dangerous Element is only originated from Linchuan. Xia Houyuan Rengjian.






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