中国美术网 09-18 浏览
Art history scholar, commenter, curator of art gallery of Chinese academy of fine arts, professor. Ceng Ren " decorate " academy of fine arts of university of magazine chief editor, Tsinghua is artistic history art of the Yangtse River of university of head of the director that talk a department, Shan and design institute are standing the duty such as assistant dean of academy of fine arts of university of assistant dean, Tsinghua.
Unripe 1961, person of Zhejiang justice black. Literary doctor, chinese academy of fine arts is taught, doctoral student adviser, adviser of doctoral student of graduate school of Chinese artistic academy is held part-time since 2005. Ceng Ren " decorate " academy of fine arts of university of magazine chief editor, Tsinghua is artistic history art of the Yangtse River of university of head of head of the department that talk a department, Shan and design institute are standing the duty such as assistant dean. Brushwork of university of American health like this and town planning institute are advanced 2006 visit scholar. Hold foundation of Ministry of Education part-time to teach now (art) teaching material juror meets a committee member, committee member of committee of theory of Chinese artist association waits for duty. Committee member of degree of Ceng Huo Ministry of Education, the State Council turns around " paper of countrywide outstanding doctor's degree " award, Ministry of Education the 4th " award of college youth teacher " wait for award. Main composing has " Chinese craft is aesthetic history " , " China designs history " , " the kindness of the design " , " cicada sound: The memory 1990 " (peotry anthology) wait; Chief editor has " a series of books of interview of learning of Chinese famous stylist " , " culture of material of Chinese ancient time is classical the plan says collection " , " Chen Shuliang collected works " etc.
1983. 9-1987. Institute of 7 central arts and crafts history baccalaureate of the undergraduate course that talk a department; 1991. 9-1995. Institute of 1 central arts and crafts history doctor's degree of literature of graduate student of the doctor that talk a department.
1981. 12-1983. Mill of justice black carpet designs 6 Zhejiang; Arts and crafts of institute of 1996.8 central arts and crafts learns 1994.9 ~ is instructor holds concurrently " decorate " magazine subeditor; 1996.9 ~ institute of 2000.1 central arts and crafts " adornment " magazine chief editor holds arts and crafts concurrently to learn to fasten associate professor Master to lay committee member of committee of adviser courtyard learning; 2000.1 up to now Tsinghua university academy of fine arts is artistic history committee member of committee of education of committee of degree of committee of learning of courtyard of adviser of doctoral student of professor of head of the department that talk a department; Art of assistant dean of art of the Yangtse River of university of 2005.7 Shan head and design college learns 2003.7 ~ course leader committee member of committee of education of college of head of Shan of committee member of committee of learning of Shan head university; 2005.7 up to now Tsinghua university academy of fine arts teachs doctoral student adviser; 2006, art of university of Kang Nai Er of 11-2007, 6 United States and construction program institute are advanced visit scholar; 2008 - assistant dean of academy of fine arts of 2012 Tsinghua university; It is curator of art gallery of Chinese academy of fine arts now, professor.