陈恩深 (1953.7—) 四川乐山人。擅长漆画、水彩画。1977年毕业于四川美术学院并留校任教, 现为教授。 作品《四月的漫步》获第七届全国美展银奖,中国美术馆收藏。《云与鹤》获第八届全国美展优秀奖,《阴影》获首届中国漆画展优秀作品奖,《瞿塘峡之晨》、《巫峡云霭》陈设在人民大会堂重庆厅。
陈恩深, 男,1953年生于四川乐山。1977年毕业于四川美术学院并留校任教,现为四川美术学院教授,硕士研究生导师,中国美协会员,中国美协漆画艺委会委员,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家,重庆市首批美术学科带头人。其学生作品在学院、省市及全国美术展览中多有展示与获奖。
2004年 漆画作品《四个乐章:崛起的风景》入选第十届全国美展。
Chen Enshen, male, was born in Leshan, Sichuan in 1953. He graduated from Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in 1977 and stayed at the school as a teacher. He is now a professor of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, tutor of master's degree students, member of China Association of Fine Arts, member of lacquer painting art committee of China Association of Fine Arts, expert with special allowance from the State Council, and the first batch of art subject leaders in Chongqing. Most of his students'works are displayed and awarded in the art exhibitions of colleges, provinces and municipalities as well as the whole country.
The work "Walking in April" won the silver prize of the 7th National Art Exhibition and is collected by the Chinese Art Museum.
"Cloud and Crane" won the Excellent Award of the Eighth National Art Exhibition.
Shadow won the award of Excellent Works in the First Chinese Lacquer Painting Exhibition.
Create the painting sculpture "auspicious color training" and the large-scale lacquer wall "Wuxia clouds" and "Qutangxia Morning" of the Chongqing Hall of the Great Hall of the People of Beijing, which are gifts from the Chongqing Municipal Government to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
In 1999, the lacquer painting "Canyon Clear Sky" was awarded the Excellent Works Award of the Ninth National Art Exhibition.
Watercolor "After Rain" won the Silver Prize of "Chongqing First Watercolor Painting Exhibition".
In 2001, "Mangxi River" won the first prize of "Chongqing Second Watercolor Painting Exhibition".
In 2002, Lacquer Painting Cloud Sand Wordless was selected as the First Academic Nominated Exhibition of Chinese Lacquer Painting.
The Silent Fourth of Cloud Sand is collected by Guangdong Art Museum.
In 2003, he published his monograph Contemporary Lacquer Art.
Five lacquer paintings of the Cloud Sand Silence series were selected for the First Academic Nomination Exhibition of Chinese Lacquer Painting, one of which was collected by Guangdong Museum of Art.
No. 1, 1991, was selected into the First National Lacquer Painting Exhibition and published in the Collection of Works of the First National Lacquer Painting Exhibition.
The work "Chinese Landscape: Alpine Clouds" was selected in the "First Beijing International Biennial Exhibition Peripheral Lacquer Painting Exhibition".
The paper "Question of Direction" was published in the Journal of Art College of Harbin Normal University "Art Exchange".
Lacquer Painting "Four Movements: Rising Landscapes" was selected in the 10th National Art Exhibition in 2004.
The paper Lacquer Painting is published in Art.
The teaching achievement "Lacquer Painting Creation and Production" won the first prize of excellent teaching achievement of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts.
The teaching achievement "The quintessence of Chinese culture, the times, innovation - the comprehensive establishment of modern lacquer painting teaching system" won the first prize of Chongqing Higher Education Teaching Achievement.