裔萼,中国美术馆展览部主任,研究馆员,策展人。江苏滨海人。1991年毕业于南京艺术学院工艺美术系;1998年毕业于中国艺术研究院中国美术史专业,获硕士学位并留该院美术研究所。1999年调入中国美术馆理论研究部,2010年至今任展览部主任。主要研究方向为20世纪中国画。2009年获首届“中国美术奖• 理论评论奖”。出版著述《20世纪中国人物画史》《徐悲鸿画论》等十部。策划《新境界—中国当代艺术展》《现实的光芒——中国画现代人物画研究展》等十余个美术展览。
裔萼,中国美术馆展览部主任,研究馆员,策展人。江苏滨海人。1991年毕业于南京艺术学院工艺美术系;1998年毕业于中国艺术研究院中国美术史专业,获硕士学位并留该院美术研究所。1999年调入中国美术馆理论研究部,2010年至今任展览部主任。主要研究方向为20世纪中国画。2009年获首届“中国美术奖• 理论评论奖”。出版著述《20世纪中国人物画史》《徐悲鸿画论》等十部。策划《新境界—中国当代艺术展》《现实的光芒——中国画现代人物画研究展》等十余个美术展览。
English Introduction
Yue Ye, Director of Exhibition Department of China Art Museum, Research Librarian and Curator. Jiangsu coastal people. He graduated from the Department of Arts and Crafts of Nanjing Academy of Art in 1991, and from the Chinese Academy of Art in 1998, majoring in Chinese Art History, with a master's degree, and stayed at the Academy's Academy of Fine Arts. He was transferred to the theoretical research department of the Chinese Art Museum in 1999 and has been the director of the exhibition department since 2010. The main research direction is 20th century Chinese painting. In 2009, he won the first "Chinese Art Award, Theory Comment Award". He has published ten works, such as History of Chinese Character Painting in the 20th Century and Xu Beihong's Painting Theory. More than ten art exhibitions have been planned, such as New Realm - Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition, Lights of Reality - Research Exhibition of Modern Figure Painting in Chinese Painting.