李文亮 号量公、量工,1960年生,山西临汾人,中国美术家协会会员、中国书法家协会会员、中国书画家艺术研究会理事、山西书协、美协理事、山西省花鸟画学会副会长、山西中国画学会副会长、山西画院画家、北京品逸文化艺术总监。其作品多次参加国内外艺术大展并获奖。诸多作品曾被中国美术馆、国家画院、中国艺术研究院、北京画院、北京国际艺苑、国家国书馆、西安画院 、陕西国画院、天安门城楼、钓鱼台国宾馆、天津人民美术出版社、上海书画出版社等机构收藏。作品曾多次被全国学术刊物专题介绍,并出版个人画集十余种。
Li Wenliang, name amount is fair, 1960 stranger, shanxi faces Fen person, chinese artist academician, Chinese calligrapher academician, credential draws an artistic seminar governor in, shanxi book assist, thing of beautiful assistant manager, Beijing " taste ease " culture art chief inspector.
Main ginseng exhibits:
Work of first picture of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style is exhibited (award of an excellent work) , Shanxi province beauty is exhibited (silver is exhibited) , art exhibition of the 2nd painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of countrywide (outstanding award) , picture of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of art exhibition of first landscape of countrywide, China is exhibited greatly (outstanding award
Basically collect:
National library of imperial art academy of artistic academy of art and literary circles of international of academy of picture of Chinese art gallery, China, Beijing, China, Beijing, Beijing, China external hall of congress of a tower over a city gate of press of beauty of person of press of painting and calligraphy of imperial art academy of artistic exhibition company, Xi'an, Shanghai, Tianjin, Tian An Men, people
Basically publish:
" art " , " China is drawn " , " Jiangsu pictorial section of a newspaper " , " Oriental art " , " art observation " , " home of traditional Chinese painting " , " collect heaven and earth " , " Rong Baozhai " , " the brim " , "
Basically publish:
" Li Wenliang of · of series of contemporary artist figure " , " essay of picture of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style is pithy now article of · Li Liang " , " wind,flowers,snow and moon " (1, 2) , " close see hill " , " the dispatch that believe a pen is promoted " , " autumn flower writes a person " .