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  • 中文名朱军
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍河南省孟津县
  • 出生地甘肃省兰州市城关区
  • 出生日期1964年(甲辰年)4月26日
  • 职业主持人
  • 毕业院校北京大学(艺术硕士)
  • 主要成就2007年,“中华慈善人物”杰出贡献奖


  说起为什么画画,朱军好像能聊三天三夜。他说,“画画其实是我从小的梦想。我小的时候,从来不敢妄谈梦想,那个时候只能填饱肚子。而且当时的美术院校更是凤毛麟角,但是我画画的这个梦想一直没丢,有的时候需要一种坚持,往往再坚持那么一下就有希望了。 ”

  而朱军显然是那种可以坚持下来的,他说:“有些人可能就是在绝望的时候放弃了,但我可能是那种不见棺材不落泪的人,所以画画就坚持了下来。 ”“你看,我们古人十分讲究修养。文人雅士们也都会去丰富自己,他们更是有所情有所感。而我们老在抱怨社会和环境的浮躁,甚至忙碌得来不及回望,那么为什么不让人生与艺术重逢呢?”朱军深有感触地说。

  朱军介绍,自己拿话筒有三十年了,而拿画笔却已经有四十年了。许多人不知道的是,朱军曾拜著名艺术家范曾为师学习画画,成为范曾的关门弟子。谈到最开始能有幸与老师范曾相识,朱军透露是姜昆帮忙搭桥的,“当时我画了一只翠鸟,就这样成为了范曾的关门弟子。 ”


  “很多人都说,哎哟,你作为主持人多忙啊,有节目要做,还哪有时间去练习画画呢?实不相瞒,我每天基本都有三个小时的时间去练习画画。如果说你觉得睡觉很重要,就会为睡觉腾出时间,我觉得画画重要,那么为了画画,每天挤出三个小时,根本也不是什么难事。 ”朱军说。



  “其实我也是希望能够通过这样一种方式,让自己平静下来,让思想和精神都安静下来。当静心冥思的时候,你的创作往往就会出现一些不同凡响的结果。绘画也因此不同于任何一个行业。 ”朱军说。“同时,我也会有不能够在节目中表现的自己,不能在节目中宣泄的情绪,通过绘画,我找到了更好的舞台。 ”朱军说着,眼睛发出别样的神采,“很多主持人都说自己其实是被掏空了,但是我真的没有这种感觉。可以说,就是因为做过的《艺术人生》为我自己沉淀下了很多东西,我很充沛,我可以说一直都在学习。 ”

  采访中,朱军还自曝会吹单簧管,“我不认为这些业余爱好会分散自己的精力和时间,你看有一年的春晚上,我还担任了一把单簧管演奏员,这些爱好在未来的日子都有可能派上用场。所以即使是主持人,多会点也没什么不好。 ”


  朱军上一次掀起这么多文艺界名人为他捧场,是因为他的新书发布。这一次画展,又请来这么多圈中好友。朱军人缘怎么那么好?!“每一次他们都这么给力地来捧场,我也挺凌乱的。好在,小伙伴们都是看了一圈我的画再走,这又让我很欣慰。 ”朱军说。“那么多位老师甚至都没有座位,陪我一直站着。所以我说很感谢大家是真真实实的想法。就差没给大家跪下磕头了。 ”


  朱军最著名的节目除了央视春晚,仍然是《艺术人生》。而目前,《艺术人生》已经采访过一千多个名人。朱军说,“节目自然需要剪辑,你们只看到了二分之一,而剩下那二分之一都被我自己留下了。 ”



  朱军的个展取名为“杜蘅情怀”。“杜蘅”出自《楚辞》,是一种生长在水边的植物,不很起眼,可以入药。不过入药要适度,过量的话它会有毒。“我希望我能够像杜蘅一样能够给大家带去美感,在别人生病时还能够做一味药。当然遇到特别不太懂事的,用量大的我还有毒。 ”

  那么,朱军到底画得如何?看完部分参展作品图片后,重庆市美术家协会副主席兼秘书长、艺术家徐亮这样告诉记者,“朱军距离好的专业艺术家肯定还是有很大的差距,但在业余水平里算是不错的了。 ”“人物画是中国画里最难画的,朱军敢画人物画,而且非常注重对人物精神面貌、神态的刻画,这很不错,说明他对生活是非常关注的。 ”徐亮说,例如朱军对藏区老人脸上皱纹的刻画就很细致,还有画的同事,大家一眼就能看出是哪位主持人。在徐亮看来,朱军的人物画好于花鸟画。



English Introduction

With a close disciple of a kingfisher fan
Why talk about painting, Zhu Jun seems to be able to talk for three days and nights. He said, painting is actually my childhood dream. When I was young, never dared not talk about dreams, that time can only fill the stomach. And then the art college is very rare, but the dream of my painting has not lost, sometimes need a stick, tend to insist so what there is hope."
And Zhu Jun is obviously kind of can stick to it, he said: "some people may be in despair when give up, but I may be the kind of people who do not see the coffin does not shed tears, so the painting insisted on down." You see, our ancients are very particular about self-cultivation. Scholars will also to enrich themselves, they are to have a sense of the situation. We always complain that the impetuous society and the environment, even busy time to look back, so why not let the life and art of reunion?" Zhu Jun said with deep feeling.
Zhu Jun introduced himself to take the microphone for thirty years, and take the brush has been for over forty years. Many people do not know is that Zhu Jun was a famous artist worship fan teacher to study painting, become a close disciple of the fan. It's beginning to have the luck with teacher fan acquaintance, Zhu Jun said Jiang Kun is to bypass, "at that time I drew a kingfisher, so became a close disciple of the fan."
Every morning break out three hours painting
Many people say, "Oh, you as the host how busy ah, have a show to do, have no time to practice drawing? To tell the truth, every day I basically have three hours to practice painting. If you think that sleep is very important, it will make time for sleep, I think painting important, then in order to draw, squeeze out three hours a day, it is not difficult." Zhu Jun said.
Host Zhu Jun day, basic no work in the morning to go to work units. Zhu Jun said that he used to get up early, after sending her son to school, will go to the studio practice for a while, so only the painting work days and months multiplying, and so much work today.
In fact, versatile exposes the clarinet
In fact, I also hope that through such a way to calm themselves down, so that the mind and spirit are quiet down. When meditation meditation, your creation often there will be some of the results be not of the common sort. Painting is therefore different from any one industry." Zhu Jun said. At the same time, I also can not be able to show themselves in the program, can not vent the emotions in the show, through painting, I found a better stage." Zhu Jun said, eyes look different, "many presenters have said that he is in fact being hollowed out, but I really do not have this feeling. It can be said that because of the "art life" for my own precipitation under a lot of things, I am very abundant, I can say that has been learning."
During the interview, Zhu Jun also exposes the clarinet, "I don't think these hobbies will distract their time and energy, you see a year Spring Festival, I also served as a clarinet, these hobbies in the future are likely to come in handy. So even the host, there will be no point is not good."
Thousands of celebrities visited the "art of life" was cut in half
Zhu Jun once again set off so many celebrities in literary and art circles for his support, because his book published. This exhibition, and invited so many circles of friends. Zhu Jun liked how so good?! "Every time they are so awesome to come, I am also very messy. Fortunately, small partners are watching a circle of my painting to go, which makes me very pleased." Zhu Jun said. "So many teachers do not even have seats, accompany me standing. So I say thank you for being real. The poor did not give you kneel and kowtow."
Although Zhu Jun did not give us a kowtow, but in the exhibition site, Zhu Jun jijieshishi to all site made three 90 degree bow, thanks.
Zhu Jun's most famous program in addition to CCTV Spring Festival Gala, is still "art life". Currently, art life has interviewed more than 1 thousand celebrities. Zhu Jun said, the program naturally needs clips, you only see 1/2, and the remaining I left the 1/2."

Zhu Jun's figure painting is better than flower and bird painting
Zhu Jun's solo exhibition named "Du Heng feelings". "Du Heng" from "Chu Ci", is a growth in the water plant, not very much, can be used as medicine. But as to moderate, excessive it will be poisonous. "I wish I could like to bring beauty to Du Heng to everyone, in others ill can also do a medicine. Of course, in particular not too sensible, the amount of large I also toxic."
So, how was Zhu Jun painting? Read the part of the exhibition pictures, Chongqing Artists Association vice chairman and secretary general, artist Xu Liang told reporters, "Zhu Jun from good professional artists will still have a big gap, but in the amateur level is pretty good." "Figure painting is the most difficult to draw in Chinese painting, Zhu Jun dare to draw figure painting, and very focused on the spirit of the characters, the portrayal of the demeanor, which is very good, that he is very concerned about life." Xu Liang said, such as the depiction of Tibetan old wrinkles on the face of Zhu Jun very carefully, as well as painting colleagues, you can see at a glance which hosts. In Xu Liang's opinion, the figure painting of Zhu Jun is better than the flower and bird painting.

In 1988, Zhu Jun from Gansu province troupe transferred to the Lanzhou military region song and dance troupe as a comic actor battle. 1.8 meters tall, handsome Zhu Jun is not only humorous, can say, can sing, play, is group taizhuzi, he even overshadowed in many well-known old actor. In the regiment, he naturally became the rise above the common herd girls ideal "Prince charming".
Among the many admirers of Zhu Jun was a girl named Tan Mei. Tan Mei is from Xi'an in 1987 specially recruited into the army of the dancers, beautiful and quiet, lovingly pathetic, also let Zhu Jun love, Zhu Jun is always looking for opportunities to get close to her.
In May 1989, the regiment organized under the company of actors to show sympathy, Tan Mei carrying a heavy suitcase, walking very difficult. Zhu Jun saw, busy came forward from her hand took the suitcase. Two people would walk and talk, talk the way down, they found that two people were so many things, to view and understanding has amazing consistency.
In 1991, Zhu Jun transferred to Gansu Province television variety show "perfect conjugal bliss style of humor", he was quickly recognized by the audience, the ratings soared, soon became the flagship program in taiwan. After that, almost all of the large-scale literary and artistic evening hosted by Zhu Jun, Gansu became a household name in Gansu host. May 1993, Zhu Jun and friends in the blessing of the voices of the relatives of the red carpet on the marriage of the red carpet in the red carpet of the marriage of the red carpet, the red carpet in the marriage of the red carpet.
Has been successfully broadcast 3 years of variety show, I want to Spring Festival Gala, officially launched the 2013 program recording. In the recording scene program launch ceremony, 2012 "through its" top three Ping, Xu Yina, and Zhu Zhiwen all star "Sasa return, it is worth mentioning that Zhu Jun had also appeared together on stage for the first time, two people sang" because of love ", Zhu Jun said, this song is for to commemorate the 20 anniversary of their marriage while singing, he also praised my wife sing better than me".
August 22, 2014, "Lu Yu's gift" micro-blog released a video of the wedding held in France in France, Zhu Jun. In the video to see Zhu Jun wearing suits debut in the grass nervously waiting for his wife, when seen wearing a beautiful wedding wife Tan Mei appeared in front of their own, Zhu Jun said: "happy to see his wife was like a little girl." he also sang the wedding scene in France Italy folk song "my sun".
In August 25, 2014, the media rumor said Zhu Jun divorce French marriage is not the case.
In June 3, 2016, Beijing poly 2016 spring auction Juchui in beijing. In the afternoon of Chinese contemporary ink special, CCTV host Zhu Jun's ink painting "shepherd" shoot 1 million 300 thousand yuan.






    最近更新:2025-01-14 12:16:00
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