马云,男,1964年10月15日生于浙江省杭州市,祖籍浙江省嵊州市(原嵊县)谷来镇, 阿里巴巴集团主要创始人,现担任阿里巴巴集团董事局主席、日本软银董事、TNC(大自然保护协会)中国理事会主席兼全球董事会成员、华谊兄弟董事、生命科学突破奖基金会董事。1988年毕业于杭州师范学院外语系,同年担任杭州电子工学院英文及国际贸易教师,1995年创办中国第一家互联网商业信息发布网站“中国黄页”,1998年出任中国国际电子商务中心国富通信息技术发展有限公司总经理,1999年创办阿里巴巴,并担任阿里集团CEO、董事局主席,2013年5月10日,辞任阿里巴巴集团CEO,继续担任阿里集团董事局主席。2015年6月30日,马云当选全球互联网治理联盟理事会联合主席。2016年1月19日马云受邀成为联合国“可持续发展目标”的倡导者。2016年9月21日,马云出任联合国特别顾问。
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马云,阿里巴巴集团主要创始人之一,原阿里巴巴集团主席和首席执行官,马云创立的阿里巴巴被国内外媒体、硅谷和国外风险投资家誉为与 Yahoo、Amazon、eBay、AOL比肩的五大互联网商务流派代表之一。他创办的个人拍卖网站淘宝网,成功走出了一条中国本土化的独特道路,从2005年第一季度开始成为亚洲最大的个人拍卖网站。
1964年9月10日出生于浙江省杭州市 ,马云的爷爷抗战时做过保长,解放后被划为“黑五类”,取名为“马云”,就是希望马云以后乖巧懂事,少惹是非。12岁时,马云买了台袖珍收音机,从此每天听英文广播,对英语开始感兴趣,13岁起,马云因为打架记过太多,曾被迫转学到杭州八中。之后马云参加中考,考了两年才考上一所极其普通的高中,其中一次数学只得了31分。
1999年3月,马云和他的团队回到杭州,以50万元人民币创业,开发阿里巴巴网站 。他根据长期以来在互联网商业服务领域的经验和体会,明确提出互联网产业界应重视和优先发展企业与企业间电子商务(B2B ),他的观点和阿里巴巴的发展模式很快引起国际互联网界的关注,被称为“互联网的第四模式”。阿里巴巴网站成功,使马云多次获邀到全球著名高等学府讲学,当中包括宾夕法尼亚大学的沃顿商学院、麻省理工大学、哈佛大学等。
2014年8月28日,根据彭博社最新的“彭博亿万富翁指数”(Bloomberg Billionaires Index),阿里巴巴集团创始人兼董事局主席马云净资产为218亿美元(约合1339亿元人民币),跃居中国首富。
《福布斯》中文版发布了2015华人富豪榜,马云凭借227亿美元净资产位列第四 ,与BAT另外两位大佬马化腾、李彦宏一起进入前十。
下一个比尔·盖茨就是马云。 ——微软公司总裁比尔·盖茨
阿里巴巴在英国很有名,他们正在改变全世界做生意的方式。 ——英国前首相托尼·布莱尔
我曾多次透彻地感受他作为一个创业者的优秀程度,那时我才深深地体会到,一个经历过事情的人、真正做出过事情的人和没做过什么事的人是多么不一样。 ——《赢在中国》总制片人王利芬
他热心做媒,撮合百万意中人;他牵线搭桥,衔接200多国家和地区。你在他那里登记个名字,他让你挑选整个世界。 ——“CCTV年度经济人物”颁奖词
马云和曾梵志联合创作的油画。油画创作于2014年,名为“桃花源”,直径为79.6厘米。两人先以涂、再以点,最后以刮擦的方式,在平躺的画布上, 反复来回,描绘的是行星地球。
马云与名家携手作油画 只为保护地球
《桃花源》是马云与中国艺术家曾梵志携手,为桃花源生态保护基金会筹款创作的。马云说,第一次画画,与梵志一起画画,我深感荣幸,这也是我第一次用油画画画,感觉挺好。“我觉得我们画一个地球,保护地球,保护海,保护空气,保护水。” 据悉,这幅画拍卖所得将捐给桃花源生态保护基金会。
Ma Yun, one of the Alibaba Group founder and former Alibaba Group Chairman and CEO, Ma Yun founded the Alibaba by domestic and foreign media, Silicon Valley and foreign venture capitalists as with Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, AOL par five Internet business schools on behalf of one of the. He founded the personal auction site Taobao, successfully out of a unique path of localization in China, from the first quarter of 2005 to become Asia's largest personal auction site.
Ma Yun is the earliest in China to develop e-commerce applications and stick to the Internet in the field of entrepreneurs, he and his team created many Chinese Internet business first. He opened the first China Internet business website, he proposed and practice of B2B e-commerce model for small and medium-sized enterprises in Asia, he in March 10, 2002 in the China website of the full implementation of the "home" program, resulting in the world's first enterprise online credit business platform, he initiated and planned the famous "West Lake mountain" conference, the a young entrepreneur exchanges and development platform.
Ma Yun is the first Chinese mainland boarded the U.S. authoritative financial magazine "Forbes" cover entrepreneur, Harvard University two times he and Alibaba management practices included MBA case. In second cases of MBA management Alibaba issued in January 2002, Harvard Ma Yun was quoted on Alibaba's core value is elaborated, "Ma Yun believes that the Alibaba value is not how much is the daily pageviews, but that can bring value to customers." In order to demonstrate the rapid development of Alibaba recognition. Ma became Japan's largest Nikkei magazine cover in May 2002.
Early years
September 10, 1964 born in Zhejiang city of Hangzhou Province, Ma Yun's grandfather did a long war, after the liberation was designated as the "Five", named "Ma Yun", is the hope of Ma Yun after the well behaved sensible, less trouble. At the age of 12, Ma Yun bought a pocket radio, listen to the radio every day from English, to become interested in English, 13 years old, Ma Yun for fighting a demerit too much, had been forced to transfer to Hangzhou eight. After Ma took part in the exam, took two years before entering an extremely ordinary high school, one math had only 31 points.
In 1982, Ma for the first time to participate in college entrance examination, exam for the first time, mathematics had 1 points. Ma is full of frustration, then he and his cousin to a hotel for a waiter, the results of the cousin was hired, he was brutally rejected, the boss given the reason is Ma thin and short, looks bad. Later Ma served as secretary, handling workers. Ma entrance exam, father Malay see him depressed, let him send books to dengsanlun magazine.
In 1983, Ma second times to participate in college entrance examination, re exam in mathematics to 19 points. Ma Yun's parents advised him to die in the heart of the University, learn the craft, after Ma Yun began riding the old bike, shuttle in the streets of Hangzhou.
1984, Ma regardless of his family strongly opposed to the third college entrance examination, the math exam of 89 points, but the total separation of the undergraduate line is also poor at least 5 points. Because of the professional enrollment index of English is not full, part of the English get the excellent opportunity, Ma was exceptional to foreign language majors of Hangzhou Normal University. After entering the University, Ma became a good student with excellent English excellent in character and learning, in foreign language department before five. After Ma was elected president of the student council, and later served as the two session of the Hangzhou Municipal Federation president.
Teachers work
In 1988, Ma from Hangzhou Normal University of foreign languages English majors, bachelor's degree, after being assigned to the Hangzhou Insitute of Electronic and Technology (now Hangzhou Dianzi University), a lecturer in international trade and English. After Ma became outstanding young teachers in Hangzhou, launched the first English corner on the edge of West Lake, began to be famous in Hangzhou translation circles.
In 1992, due to a lot of people to do the translation please Ma, Ma set up Haibo translation agency, please do the retired teacher. To survive, Ma to Yiwu, Guangzhou to purchase a large sack back, Haibo translation agency began to sell flowers, sell gifts, sales also had a year of selling medicine, object to hospital, next to the barefoot doctor.
In 1994, Haibo translation agency revenue flat. Which comes from Seattle foreign teachers Bill and Ma chat Internet, Ma began looking for opportunities to decide entrepreneurship.
In early 1995, Haibo translation agency started to make money. Ma Yun came to Losangeles as a translation communication implement together the highway investment failed. Fly from Losangeles to Seattle to find Bill, Bill led ma to visit the first ISP company VBN in Seattle.
Early entrepreneurial experience
Founded 1992, Haibo translation agency, established the first professional translation agency in Hangzhou. In 1995, translation agencies began to make profits, and then gradually become the largest professional translation agency in Hangzhou.
In 1995, during his visit to the United States for the first time to contact the Internet, after returning to the creation of the Chinese first truly commercial website, China yellow pages, this is also the first company in the world Chinese online business information site, the formation of the earliest Internet business model for enterprise services.
At the end of 1997, Ma and his team in the Beijing development of the Ministry of foreign trade official site, China online commodity trading market, Internet China technology export fair, China investment, foreign trade and Chinese Canton Fair Online and a series of national sites.
Alibaba period
March 1999, Ma and his team back to Hangzhou to 500 thousand yuan venture, the development of Alibaba website. According to his long time in the Internet business services and experience, put forward the Internet industry should pay attention to and give priority to the development of enterprise and inter enterprise electronic commerce (B2B), the development mode of his point of view and the Alibaba soon attracted international attention in the Internet, known as the "Internet mode fourth". Alibaba website success, so that Ma was invited to many global famous university lectures, including the Walton business school at the University of Pennsylvania, MIT, Harvard University.
In October 1999 and January 2000 two, Alibaba received a total of $25 million invested in international venture capital, Ma Yun with "the wisdom of the East, West operation, the global market" management philosophy, quickly attract international talent to develop the international market, and developing the domestic e-commerce market, for China enterprises especially small and medium-sized enterprises to join WTO the challenge to construct a perfect e-commerce platform.
2003, the establishment of an independent third party electronic payment platform, ranked first in the Chinese market.
2005, and then the world's largest portal YAHOO strategic cooperation, mergers and acquisitions of all its assets in China, so Alibaba has become China's largest Internet Co.
In 2006, Ma became the two sets of CCTV "win in China" the most distinctive, the most influential judges, with Yahoo China and Alibaba to "win in Chinese" provide a platform for the official website, to provide a platform for millions of entrepreneurs.
August 2007, Ma launched a network advertising win win project marketing platform Ali mother, Alibaba to pay the low-end threshold to attract a large number of small Adsense to join.
November 2007, Alibaba Network Co., Ltd. listed on the Hongkong stock exchange.
October 31, 2008, Alibaba Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Normal University to build Alibaba School of business, Hangzhou Normal University, Ma, chairman of the board of directors.
July 2010, the State Council Information Office officially launched the "national image series Promo" shooting. As a participating personnel, selected in 2010 "propaganda China national image film" characters.
June 2011, Alibaba group will spin off Taobao three independent companies: Taobao, Tmall and a Amoy, in order to more accurate and effective service online shopping crowd in china. In named after Alipay equity transfer to their own name, "Ma suffered public opinion questioned violated the spirit of the contract". June 14, 2011, Ma Yun responded that its transfer of equity decisions "imperfect" but "correct"".
February 2012, Alibaba announced the proposed privatization of the company's listed companies offer, repurchase price of HK $13.5 per share.
May 21, 2012, YAHOO and Alibaba group jointly announced that the two sides have reached an agreement, Alibaba group will total value of $7 billion 100 million to repurchase its holdings of 20% Alibaba group shares YAHOO. Because YAHOO will make a seat Ali group board, which means Ma will regain control of Ali group.
June 20, 2012, Alibaba announced the end of the 5 year listing of the hkex. So far, Alibaba group listing route surfaced.
Ma resigned as CEO
January 15, 2013, chairman of the board of directors of Alibaba group and CEO Ma sent letters to employees, announced in May 10, 2013 no longer served as Alibaba group CEO post, took over by Lu Zhaoxi. Ma Yun said that in the next few years, the strategic decision will be mainly responsible for the board of directors of Alibaba, training to support CEO for organizational culture and talent, "and will be together to strengthen and improve the welfare of ali".
The evening of May 10th, the board of directors of Alibaba in Hangzhou Ma Yun published outgoing speech said, "I thank you for this era of change, I thank the countless people complain, because when others complain, will have the opportunity, only the times of change, is everyone see what, what, what to give up time."
Rookie network
In May 28, 2013, Alibaba group joint intime group, Fosun Group, Fuchun group, SF group, Tong, tact, Shen Tong, rhyme and other private courier companies, jointly established the rookie Network Technology Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen, and also start China intelligent backbone network (referred to as CSN, said Ali internal logistics network) project construction Alibaba, Ma outgoing group CEO position after coming out again to set up logistics network platform and served as chairman of the rookie Network Technology Co. ltd..
Big data layout
2014 is a big data fiery year! Ma spent 3 billion 300 million acquisition of Hang Seng in April 3, 2014 why many people puzzled. Some even issued a sigh: April Fool's day saw only 5 billion 370 million stake intime, and now see the Hang Seng shares of 3 billion 300 million. All kinds of integration line is easy, a trend which cannot be halted! The line is not easy, and cherish." In fact, when you understand what the big data, you know the MA in cloth a big Bureau, he also began to force the field of big data.
Davos forum director
In August 21, 2014, the World Economic Forum (Davos Forum) Fund announced that the board of directors, elected chairman of the Alibaba board Ma as the World Economic Forum Foundation Board of directors, this is the first appointed World Economic Forum Foundation Board of directors of the China mainland business circles.
Asia's richest man
In August 28, 2014, according to Bloomberg latest Bloomberg billionaires index (Bloomberg Billionaires Index), the Alibaba's founder and chairman of the board Ma net assets of $21 billion 800 million (about 133 billion 900 million yuan), Chinese ranked the richest man.
December 12, 2014 morning news, the latest data from Bloomberg billionaires index released by Alibaba founder Ma Yun over Hongkong tycoon Li Jiacheng, to become the new richest man in asia.
Since 2014, Ma Yun's wealth increased by $25 billion, mainly due to Alibaba shares rose after listing. According to Bloomberg data, Ma Yun's total wealth reached $28 billion 600 million, while Li Jiacheng $28 billion 300 million.
Alibaba's market capitalization has reached $259 billion, more than the sum of Amazon and eBay, the standard & Poor's 500 index fell behind only about 8 companies. Ma Yun's more than half of the wealth from his holdings of 6.3% Alibaba shares, the value of this part of the shares reached $16 billion 300 million. In addition, he also holds nearly half of the shares of ant finance.
Rich list
Forbes Chinese version released the 2015 Chinese rich list, Ma with $22 billion 700 million in net assets ranked in the top, with the other BAT chiefs of the two Ma Huateng, together with the top fourth into the top ten.
Immigration Hongkong
September 2014, the media said Ma has settled in Hongkong through investment immigration, is expected to officially become a permanent resident in Hongkong by the end of 2015. He has revealed that he has been in Hong Kong home ownership, and hope to spend his last years in Hongkong.
Hang Seng Electronics
In October 21, 2014, Hundsun announcement that Zhejiang rosan intends to cash transferee 100% Hang Seng group shares matters, the company received notice of the Hang Seng group, according to the agreement the parties completed the settlement procedures, and has completed the corresponding change of business procedures. Hold about 99.13% stake in Zhejiang Rong Ma became the actual controller of the company.
August 28, 2014, according to Bloomberg billionaire index, Ma has $21 billion 800 million in net assets, becoming China's richest man.
In December 11, 2014, according to the Bloomberg billionaires index, Ma net worth overtake Li Jiacheng $300 million, to become Asia's richest man.
In August 28, 2015, according to the Bloomberg billionaires index, Ma with $29 billion 800 million in net wealth of $300 million, narrowly defeated Wang Jianlin to regain the throne of the richest man in mainland.
In October 15, 2015, Hurun Research Institute released the "Hurun", Ma and his family at the age of 51 to 145 billion yuan of wealth relegated to the second, 3% less than last year, mainly because of the performance of listed companies by shares listed on the first day just passable, Ali's $93 fell 20%.
In December 2015, Bloomberg billionaires list shows that Ma is worth a total of $29 billion 900 million, respectively, ranked 21 in the global rich list, ranked third in Asia, is the world's richest ranking in third chinese.
In February 24, 2016, Hurun Research Institute released the "2016 Hurun global rich list", the Ma Yun family wealth to 140 billion, ranked thirty-sixth in the world, second, 2 lower than last year.
May 4, 2016, the New Fortune 500 rich list released, Ma wealth is $125 billion 660 million, ranking third.
35 year old founder of Alibaba, 49 year old resigned as CEO, as Chinese Internet gurus, Ma Yun Alibaba and Ma Yun himself has had a significant impact on the Internet China, while Ma Yun is unique in the establishment of the board system, cultivate successors and rights of control allocation and other aspects of management thinking, for the Internet industry and commercial areas provide a reference an important template. Although Ma has also been transferred Alipay equity and Alibaba "fraud door" events such as the negative impact, but did not affect its firm belief. Wen Jiabao had evaluated Ma is an ideal person, with an unyielding soul. The two time by the Chinese economic figure Ma through the online platform, creating ten million entrepreneurial opportunities, every day more than one hundred million people log on spending, but also to help many Asian companies embarked on the road to globalization.
The next Bill Gate is ma. -- Microsoft Corp President Bill Gate
Alibaba are famous in Britain, they are changing the way the world does business. - former British Prime Minister Tony Blair
I have repeatedly thoroughly feel him as a excellent entrepreneur, I was deeply aware that an experienced person, things really made people and things did not do what things are so different. - "win in China" chief producer Wang Lifen
He is enthusiastic about all matching million person; he matchmaking, linking more than and 200 countries and。
regions. You registered a name with him, he asked you to pick the world. -- "CCTV economic man" award
2009, Ma began to popularize Tai Chi in the company, according to Alibaba public relations department staff, currently Ali group has boxing people nearly 5000 people. Ma Yun also set up Tai Chi International Development Company with Jet Li, Ren CEO.
In December 2010, Ma joined TNC (TNC), and after Ou Yaping, 100 homestead Beijing Zhongkun Huang Nubo, Chunhua capital Hu Zuliu, Shanghai Fosun Guo Guangchang, Stella foundation, Niu Gensheng and a total of 16 people, to the Sichuan provincial Civil Affairs Department for the establishment of "Sichuan nature conservation foundation".
From 2011 onwards, Ma became the director of the foundation, strategic decision and Feng Lun, and Liu Chuanzhi, Ma Huateng, Jet Li, Ma Yuhua, Niu Gensheng, Wang Shi, Yang Peng, Zhou Qiren, Zhou Weiyan jointly responsible for the one foundation.
January 19, 2016 afternoon news, Alibaba Group Chairman Jack Ma was invited to become the United Nations "sustainable development goals" advocates. United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon announced the news, with sixteen outstanding people, including Ma Yun, will be the "sustainable development goals" advocates, Ma Yun as invited only one Chinese entrepreneur. "Sustainable development goals of the United Nations Conference on sustainable development in September 2015 by the global leader through, is a joint participation by all countries committed to the proposal, in the efforts of all parties, to curb poverty, the pursuit of common prosperity, create world peace, for the construction of the global village and the descendants of a mutual respect, healthy development star.
Ma Yunhe once jointly created oil paintings. Oil painting in 2014, called "the Peach Garden", the diameter of 79.6 cm. The first two people to apply, and then to point, finally to scratch the way back and forth in the flat on the canvas, depicts the planet earth.
Huaxi Dushi Bao (client reporter Cui Jiang) in October 4th, the first oil paintings of Ma Yun "the Peach Garden" in Hongkong by Sotheby's HK $42 million 200 thousand (about 34 million yuan) to be auctioned. Auction site abnormal madness, after 40 times the fare increase, eventually shot at high prices. During the period, some even directly increased from 3 million 600 thousand to $5 million, then someone from the price increase of 9 million to $18 million.
WCC reporter learned from the official website of Sotheby's, Sotheby's had to "the Peach Garden" published by the valuation of about 1 million 200 thousand - 2 million yuan.
Ma Yun works with famous artists only to protect the earth
"The Peach Garden" is Ma and Chinese artists have Vatican hand in hand, for the Peach Garden Ecological Protection Foundation fundraising creation. Ma Yun said, the first painting, drawing together with the Brahmas, I am deeply honored, this is my first time with oil painting, I feel very good. "I think we draw an earth, protect the earth, protect the sea, protect the air, protect the water." It is reported that this painting auction proceeds will be donated to the the Peach Garden ecological protection foundation.
Sotheby's website of "the Peach Garden" comment said, it is reminiscent of the works of the song dynasty. In the process of creation, two people or with, to point, finally to scratch the way back and forth in lying on the canvas, as statues of the earth.
Once considered as one of the most representative and international artists in contemporary china. From 1990s, Zeng Zhi's writing was praised by critics for its unique language style and keen social criticism. In 2013, Zeng Fanzhi's "Last Supper" sold 180 million Hong Kong dollars, the most expensive Asian contemporary art.
Ma Yun: once the history of calligraphy auction ridicule words written.
This is not the first time Ma auction his paintings. In December 9, 2014, Ma Yun's masterpiece "Zen" auction at a charity dinner, and ultimately to 4 million 680 thousand yuan turnover. Ma Yun wrote the calligraphy and painting out, causing the host of ridicule, "this is the Zen Zen or live it?" But this work still triggered the climax scene, eventually Zhejiang Wynn Group Chairman Zhou Yongli to buy 4 million 680 thousand yuan.
In December 22, 2013, a picture of Ma Yun on the creation of the auction before and after the 63 increase of delay, the final shoot 242 yuan. The auction from Ma "shuangshier" before the wild love get together in a joke. At that time, Ma said, if the two former friends to get together heap of more than 100 thousand, on the creation of a horse calligraphy".
"Rivers and lakes" shuangshier day get together heap friends reached nearly 400 thousand, then Ma promises, said the auction paintings donated to the Beanstalk baby for public welfare. Ma Yun joked that if someone bought 500 years later to repurchase 5 billion. It is understood that the final shot is a painting of Hongkong people.