现为中央美术学院教授,曾任版画系主任。1946年,他和张梅溪结婚。 黄永玉、中国画院院士,受过小学和不完整初级中学教育。因家境贫苦,12岁就外出谋生,流落到安徽、福建山区小瓷作坊做童工,后来辗转到上海、台湾和香港。14岁开始发表作品,以后一段时间主攻版画,其独具风格的版画作品饮誉国内外。16岁开始以绘声绘色画画及木刻谋生。曾任瓷场小工、小学教员、中学教员、家众教育馆员、剧团见习美术队员、报社编辑、电影编剧及中央美术学院教授、中国美协副主席,中国文学艺术界联合会第十届荣誉委员。2023年6月13日病逝,享年99岁。
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黄永玉,1924年出于湖南省凤凰县,土家族人,受过小学和不完整初级中学教育。十六岁开始以绘声绘色画及木刻谋黄永玉(1924.7—)笔名黄杏槟、黄牛、牛夫子,土家族,湖南凤凰人。擅长版画、彩墨画。曾在香港从事木刻创作活动,任长城电影公司剧本特邀撰写人,香港《新晚报》画页编辑,1953年后任中央美术学院教授。中国美术家协会常务理事、副主席、顾问。作品有《春潮》、《百花》、《人民总理人民爱》、《阿诗玛》。巨幅画有《雀墩》、《墨荷》等。1986年荣获意大利总统授予的意大利共合国骑士勋章。出版有《黄永玉木刻集》、《黄永玉画集》等。 生。曾任瓷场小工、小学教员、中学教员、家众教育馆员、剧团见习美术队员、报社编辑、电影编剧及中央美术学院教授、中国美术家协会顾问。
2010年7月,国务院新闻办公室正式启动了《国家形象系列宣传片》的拍摄工作。作为参演人员,入选2010年《中国国家形象宣传片》人物。该片是为塑造和提升中国繁荣发展、民主进步、文明开放、和平和谐的国家形象而设立的重点项目,是在新时期探索对外传播新形式的一次有益尝试。 黄永玉先生参拍“国家形象宣传片”出场于版本二画面三。
1949-1966年——第二次在香港思豪酒店举办个人画展。第三次在香港思豪酒店举办个人画展。参加港九慰问解放军的《劳军画展》,创作木刻《劳军图》。经严庆树、罗承勋先生介绍,任《大公报》临时美术编辑。回北京任教于中央美术学院版画科,先后任讲师,版画系副教授、教授。参加中国美术家协会,先后任理事,常务理事、副主席、顾问。创作木刻《齐白石像》(1954)、《雪峰寓言插图》《叶圣陶童话》插图、《森林组画》及《阿诗玛》 插图(1956)等。创作森林建设组画邮票四枚。在美协美术馆举办西双版纳写生展。
2006年——1月8日,创作了一组“老鼠图”制成鼠年挂历。每页挂历用宣纸画作了一副老鼠图,可以装裱后独立成画;创作“快乐鼠” 限量发行1000件。10月8日,在家乡湘西,黄永玉无偿捐赠的个人博物馆在湖南省吉首大学落成,该馆陈列了黄永玉近200件作品和收藏,并展示有黄永玉极具创作代表性的大型青铜雕作品《山鬼》。11月12日,在深圳大剧院音乐厅作演讲。
2009年自传体长篇小说《无愁河的浪荡汉子》 开始在《收获》杂志连载。
黄永玉喜欢建房子在文化界是出了名的,湖南凤凰、北京、香港、意大利都拥有自己的豪宅。这些住宅无论是建筑风格还是规模上,都很有讲究,比如老家湖南凤凰的玉石山房、北京的“万菏堂”、香港的公寓以及意大利达芬奇故乡的城堡,都各具特色,且耗资巨大。很多人都认为他这样做无非是有钱了之后显阔罢了,而他却说 “房子是艺术创作的一部分,盖房子不仅是一个人的开心,它是很多人的开心
Huang Yongyu, in 1924 from Fenghuang County, Hunan Province, Tujia people, primary and incomplete primary school education. The sixteen year old began to hit off painting and woodcut seeking Huang Yongyu (1924.7 -) under the pseudonym Huang Xingbin, cattle, Niu Fuzi, Tujia, Hunan phoenix. Good prints, ink and color painting. Had engaged in woodcut creation activities in Hongkong, as the the Great Wall film company invited written script, "Hongkong Evening News" the new page editor, in 1953 he was appointed professor of the China Central Academy of Fine Arts. Executive director, vice chairman and consultant of Chinese artists association. Works of "spring tide", "flowers", "people's premier" Ashima "," love the people. There is a large picture of "bird", "ink charge" such as pier. 1986 Italy president of the United Nations awarded the Italy Cavaliers medal. The publication of "Huang Yongyu", "Huang Yongyu woodcut painting" etc.. Students. A former porcelain field laborer, primary school teachers, secondary school teachers, public education, art troupe apprentice librarian team, newspaper editor, Professor, screenwriter and China Central Academy of Fine Arts Chinese Artists Association consultant.
Woodcut works
The troops "map"
"Xuefeng" fable illustrations
"Ye Shengtao's fairy tales"
The hungry Galaxy
"Forest of paintings"
"Byron like"
"Maexo J J Ki like"
"Self portrait"
"The tree of spring"
"We in the day" "grass"
"Northeast ah! "
"Paradise Lost"
"Spring Hill spring" "end" (wood set) (1939)
The "Minjiang" (wood, 1940)
"Qi Baishi like" (1954)
"Ashima" (illustration, 1956)
Oil painting
Traditional Chinese painting works
Mouse (40 * 40cm)
"Bird" (39 * 55cm)
"Flower and bird" (89 * 68cm) (* 66 * 66cm; 2003)
"Egret Lotus" (119 x 240cm)
The "Lotus" double Heron (68.5 * 137cm)
"Plum blossom" (68 * 68cm; 1988)
"Cross map" (56 x 67cm) song "bird" (66.5 x 67.5cm; 1984)
"Scenery" (48 * 68cm)
"Ma" (102 * 100cm)
"Flamingo" (178 x 96cm)
"The birds" (98 x 70cm)
"Characters" (67 * 39cm) (* 65 * 65cm)
"Donkey" characters (67 * 67cm)
"Crane" (96 x 87cm)
Miao girls (54 * 40cm)
"Plum blossom" (100 * 45cm)
"Color Lotus" (69 * 63cm) "Qing Xia" (* * 89 97cm)
"Dark color bird" (68 x 69cm) three
"Xia Lotus" (96 * 89cm)
"Flowers" (68 * 158CM)
Owl (45 * 34cm) (* 69 * 48CM)
Eve "
Screenwriter works
The film director
The story of the sea
"Children by"
Make a person
The works of Huang Yongyu series: "permanent records" ("jade tank" to Zhai miscellanies "serious thought" notes "in the past" Mustard miscellanies "," hometown of love "in the" small sweat desert "walk") "Huang Yongyu painting" Water Margin "wife, don't cry" (Poetry) "sing all the way back home" (Poetry), "Wu Shimang forum" "the sun" landscape "the melancholy debris" "along Seine River to Florence," "fire phoenix" "old man" than me "from Hetang million to the jade Shishan room" "never come back" the scenery of "no worry the river dissolute man".
Italy commander in chief Award
In 1978, the British "times" with six pages, Huang Yongyu made a special report; in 1980, Huang Yongyu published the album "artist of Hongkong". The domestic press published Huang Yongyu's "Xiangxi painting", "never come back," Huang Yongyu "scenery" and many other books. CCTV "dongfangzhizi" section of his presentation, domestic media also frequently play his special. His work in Germany, Norway, France, Japan and Southeast Asia countries toured the exhibition, has won the Italy highest honor award "commander's medal".
He taught himself to art, literature, as a "genius", he designed the monkey stamp and alcoholic liquor packaging known to every family. His erudition, poetry and painting and poetry, prose, essays, novels, dramas written and published all the ancestors of various pictures, and "jade," Wu Shimang records "the permanent forum", "wife, don't cry," "the melancholy debris", "along Seine River to Fei Leng Chui," the sun "landscape", "river of no worry dissolute man" and other books. Painted "Ashima", Zodiac stamps "monkey" and Chairman Mao Memorial Hall landscape painting, etc.. In Australia, Germany, Italy and China from mainland China, Hongkong open art exhibition, the art achievement won the Italy commander award. High reputation at home and abroad.
National image character
July 2010, the State Council Information Office officially launched the "national image series Promo" shooting. As a participating personnel, selected in 2010 "propaganda China national image film" characters. The film is to shape and enhance China's prosperity and development, democratic progress, civilized and open, peaceful and harmonious image of the country and set up a key project is to explore new forms of foreign communication in the new era of a useful attempt. Mr. Huang Yongyu to participate in the national image Promo appeared in version two picture three.
The chronicles of characters
1924-1937 - born in Hunan, Changde, half years old with his parents back to Phoenix home. Fenghuang County into Rock Slope County Primary School and later into the brain model of Fujian Xiamen Jimei middle school. Anti Japanese War, the school moved into the mainland Anxi county.
1938 - in Jinhua, chaired by Mr. Jin Fengsun Yefu two Chinese southeast woodcut association.
1939 - "fate" published in Fujian from Yongan led by Sir Song Bingheng, "popular" woodcut issue, the first time to get the money the rest of life.
1940-1941 - handprint woodcut sets "flames of Minjiang" (25), Wang Huai preface.
1942-1943 - Changle Pui Ching Middle School at Fujian, engaged in woodcut creation, self printed woodcut set "Spring Hill spring water". Woodcut "spring tree", "the day we" published in Fujian County of Xianyou "Central Daily" (single edit Mr).
1944-1945 years in Jiangxi, Xinfeng, Peng Yanjiao, the poet Li Fen Xun's poems engraved illustrations for children's literature writers He Yi "melody of fairy tale" as woodcut insertion force, as the "Paradise Lost" like "Byron" "since the moment as" like "Maexo J J Ki". In search of Wu county held a personal exhibition landscape. At the moment of Shangyou County "hungry" the Milky Way "northeast ah!" "grass".
1946 - Nanan Furong Village in Fujian at the moment Guoguang middle school, Furong Village Scenery 11.
1947-1948, Li Hua, Chen Yanqiao, the wild, Mr. Zhang Xiya introduced in the national woodcut Association in Shanghai, dedicated to the woodcut movement and creation activities, carved against hunger and civil war leaflets and other woodcut woodcut. At the Shanghai Minhang county middle school. The executive director of the National Association of China successively in the wood. Shanghai art writers association. With the painter Zhang Zhengyu, Mr. Lu Zhixiang went to Taiwan to edit "snack bar", "creative" massage "the oxcart" stone "song". In the "human painting" in Hongkong, engaged in woodcut creation, as a freelance writer, film director (as the "sea story" "children"). Held the first personal exhibition at University of Hong Kong's Feng Pingshan library.
1949-1966 - second solo exhibition at Hongkong Marriott hotel. The third solo exhibition at the Hongkong Marriott hotel. In Hong Kong to salute the people's Liberation Army "the USO Exhibition", "map" s woodcut creation. By Yan Qingshu, Mr. Luo Chengxun, served as the "Ta Kung Pao" temporary art editor. He returned to Beijing to teach in the Department of printmaking, China Central Academy of Fine Arts. He successively worked as a lecturer, associate professor and professor of printmaking department. To participate in the Chinese Artists Association, has served as director, executive director, vice chairman, consultant. Woodcut creation "Qi Baishi as" (1954), "Xuefeng" fable illustrations "Ye Shengtao fairy tale" illustrations, "forest paintings" and "Ashima" illustrations (1956) etc.. The creation of forest construction about four stamps. Xishuangbanna held a painting exhibition in Art Museum association.
1966-1977 in the "exhibition" works for the monsters and freaks of all descriptions, woodcut "map", the painting shows "fish" etc.. To participate in the "ink painting exhibition". Selected ink painting owl.
1977-1991 - held personal Ink Exhibition in Guangzhou. Individual exhibition held in China Art museum. Design of golden monkey stamps. Solo exhibitions at the Metropolitan Museum of art. Hold an exhibition at The Mira Hong Kong Hotel. Hold an exhibition in Italy, Rome. Supreme commander of the Italy. Held a personal exhibition in Federal Republic of Germany Oberhausen. Hold a solo exhibition at the Oriental Museum in Melbourne, australia. Exhibition in Hongkong city hall. Exhibition of "three records of Yong Yu" held in Hongkong Sanlian bookstore. Organized "Water Margin" figures exhibition in Hongkong Sanlian bookstore. Hold the "Water Margin" figure painting exhibition in Taipei Langhammer xuan.
1992 - held a personal exhibition in Hongkong city hall.
1995 - held a personal exhibition in Hongkong city hall.
1999 - held a "streamer fifty years" personal exhibition at University of Hong Kong museum. In China Art Museum also held personal exhibition. "Chinese paintings of modern masters Huang Yongyu" published.
2006 - January 8th, to create a "mouse map" made in the calendar year. Each calendar with a mouse figure painting paper, can after mounting an independent painting; creation of "happy" limited edition 1000. In October 8th, in his hometown of Xiangxi, Huang Yongyu donated a personal museum in Hunan Province, Jishou University, the Huang Yongyu Museum nearly 200 pieces of works and collections, and show a very creative Huang Yongyu representative large bronze sculpture "goddess". Speech at the Shenzhen Grand Theatre Concert Hall on November 12th.
2008 - August 24th, won the "Olympic Art Award" to commend its contribution to the promotion of human art development. Huang Yongyu is the Olympic Games host country (China) only wins this honor the artist, also is in the modern Olympic history only wins this prize chinese.
2009 autobiography novel "no worry River dissolute man" began serialization in the "harvest" magazine.
2011 - the ninetieth anniversary of the CPC founding creation of "nine lotus" to the same year, National Academy of social Chinese officially announced the list of China's first batch of 16 National Academy of China. The following list (sorted by age): Zhang Ding, Wu Guanzhong, Huang Miaozi, Wang Bomin, Huang Yongyu, Ouyang Zhongshi, Qian Shaowu, pan he, Yang Zhiguang, Zhan Jianjun, Shen Peng, Fang Zengxian, Liu Wenxi, Yuan Yunfu, Shao Dazhen, Jin Shangyi.
The 16 academicians covered the Chinese painting, oil painting, printmaking, sculpture, public art, calligraphy and art theory research, basically the art of all professional fields full cover. Yang Xiaoyang said, does not necessarily have achieved excellent results obtained the title of academician, academician of honor, its artistic achievements to become the system, will have an impact on future generations, to have the absolute authority in his own field.
Cultural revolution experience
Huang Yongyu painting true love, true love. He traveled more than half a Chinese, experienced many political baptism, caring, love and hate, a strong personality to win a lot of sincere friendship for him. People in prosperity, adversity is not what make friends with congenial persons;, only feel the truth of it. During the "Cultural Revolution", many excellent paintings were exhibited as "negative materials" in art galleries. Huang Yongyu drew a turn a blind eye of the owl was named Jiang Qing, became more critical in main target. Can be in this black painting after the launch of one day in the morning, someone will be a rare owl in the capital quietly tethered to the door of Huang Yongyu. The expression of justice and truth that he touched, never forget. The day after, he painted the owl to commemorate. Huang Yongyu was criticized in the day, the old man is not afraid of a gardener to backfire, every day a bouquet of flowers sent to him. It is these ordinary people from the heart of the truth, become the spiritual support of Huang Yongyu suffering, making him more convinced that justice will eventually overcome evil, beauty is the most natural pursuit. He was gratified: "full enjoyment of friendship, feelings are not contaminated". Such a famous painter, but was used by Li Chengju, with his paintings do not cover fidelity certification, Li Cheng cited S--DNA Indonesia, took the paintings as the paintings of Huang Yongyu, sold to Anshan for help with a flat 28 thousand yuan aunt.
Packaging alcoholic
From the art master Huang Yongyu's hand "drunkard" packaging art design, Xiangxi regional cultural characteristics. The design conception of isolated, alcoholic liquor bottle ceramic crafts, flat Park in remarkable skill, casual free, unadorned chic, big park. Alcoholic wine bottle hit the most domestic packaging design fees. According to Mr. Li Fuqing recorded in the book "China wine culture": "after the sack of bottles in the market have appeared, bottle collection lovers of all ages."
"Drunkard" packaging box on one side of the decoration is Huang Yongyu's painting figure painting is a drunkard, carrying a "drunkard" in the drunk, one side of the box inscribed with 8 cursive Huang Yongyu: "not drunk, not too drunk." Figure and Huang Yongyu wrote and handwritten phrase: "drunkard drunkard back Jack too long, alcoholic drink cup 1000 ghost not drunk, drunk out of a million in Xiangxi." The 3 picture "drunkard" phrase is one of great charm of poetry, write "drunkard" is vivid, and later due to become "drunkard" and well known TV advertisements.
Drunkard wine culture and packaging culture complement each other, in 2002 selected China's ten major cultural liquor.
Enjoy life
- enjoy the life of Huang Yongyu
Huang Yongyu likes to build a house in the cultural community is famous, Hunan Phoenix, Beijing, Hongkong, Italy have their own luxury. Whether these residential architectural style or size, are very particular, such as the hometown of Hunan Phoenix Jade Mountain room, Beijing's "Hetang million", Hongkong apartment and Italy hometown of Da Vinci castle, is unique, and costly. A lot of people think he is doing nothing but money after the show wide bale, and he said, "the house is part of artistic creation, the house is not only a person's happiness, it is a lot of people happy
." Indeed, he designed and built the mansion has almost become a mecca for men of literature and writing readily. In March, he was still "Hetang million" done a few hundred people attended a large reception.
Huang Yongyu has just returned from Hongkong, he prepared a month stay in Beijing "million Hetang". "Hetang" is located in the eastern suburbs of Beijing, we drove from the city spent about 1.5 hours to reach. "Hetang" stands at the entrance of a small pavilion in the village, a few elderly people sit chatting leisurely in the pavilion, which is specially built to Huang Yongyu, he will be the pavilion named "McCain Pavilion", and by himself for the title of "kan Ting" two words a the plaque, the main hope passers-by, the villagers can rest and chat here. Can not think of later engraved with the "McCain Pavilion" two words. Soon after it was stolen, Huang Yongyu suspected "people from stealing". Since then, he has the inscription, in order to avoid theft again. "Kan Ting" became the "wordless pavilion". But from one side also reflects Huang Yongyu's fame, otherwise, people steal his word to do?
"Hetang" courtyard full of trees, tall buildings, spacious corridors, Lotus Pond lotus withered. In addition, people stop watching the courtyard and the dozens of trees, are said to have Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty and Qianlong, together, at least every line has a history of hundreds of years, presumably in the plum blossom open unexpectedly, the courtyard is fragrant. "Hetang" is Huang Yongyu took 7 months to complete the design, even the house tables and chairs, fireplace, droplight also by him personally design. The whole design is completely adopted the traditional structures, cornices, corridors, antique doors and windows, style is concise and lively, simple and smooth. No wonder people who have met Huang Yongyu think he is a person who understands art and enjoys it.