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( 中国美协常务理事 )

亚明(1924~2002年),安徽合肥人。原姓叶,名家炳,号敬植,后改名亚明。历任无锡市美协主席,江苏省美术工作室主任,华东美协理事,江苏省国画院副院长,中国美协江苏分会主席,中国美协常务理事,香港《文汇报》中国画版主编,南京大学艺术研究中心教授。 出版有《访苏画辑》、《亚明作品选集》、《亚明画集》、《三湘四水集》、《亚明近作选集》、《当代名家中国画-亚明》等。

  • 中文名亚明
  • 别名叶家炳
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍安徽合肥
  • 出生地安徽合肥
  • 出生日期1924年
  • 逝世日期2002年
  • 职业画家
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校淮南艺术专门学校
  • 代表作品《亚明作品选集》、《三湘四水集》、《亚明新作选集》等

中国美术网 09-17 浏览


1939年参加新四军。1941年毕业于淮南艺术专科学校。1943年加入中国共产党。曾任新四军第七师文工团美术股副股长、华东画报社美术记者。建国后,历任江苏省国画院副院长,中国文联第四届委员,中国美协第三届常务理事、江苏分会副主席。作品《孟良崮战役》1985年获第六届全国美术展览铜质奖。有《亚明作品选集》、《三湘四水集》、《亚明新作选集》等。 中国画坛重要流派——“新金陵画派”的中坚推动者和组织者。
他以50余年的卓越艺术实践和成就,在中国美术领域特别是对新时期山水画的发展,作出了令人瞩目的贡献,因之被国际权威文化机构誉为当今世界文化名人。 亚明主张“中国画有规律无定法”。他提出国画去向应是立足继承民族文化传统,面向生活,融汇外国美术之精华,以促进其艺术的不断拓展。亚明艺术之作既是中国传统哲学和文化的延续,又溢满着新的时代风采。他先后多次受命出访,进行友好访问和开展中外文化交流工作。他的大量艺术作品曾在前苏联、德国、日本、美国、法国、意大利及台湾等地展出。中国各大美术馆、博物馆及重要国事活动场所,美国大都会博物馆、日本名古屋博物馆、澳大利亚悉尼美术馆等文化机构收藏有亚明之作。
亚明 曾任苏南农民画报社主编。江苏国画院副院长。中国美术家协会江苏分会副主席、主席。南京大学教授,中国美术家协会常务理事、理事,中国文联委员。江苏省文联顾问、中国美协常委。江苏省国画院副院长,一级美术师。作品有《货郎图》、《山河新貌》、《秋山吟》等。出版有《亚明画集》等. 虽已年逾古稀,但仍以其大量新作面世,显示着他特有的不倦创作潜力。







English Introduction

1939 to participate in the new fourth army. Graduated from Huainan Art College in 1941. 1943 joined the Communist Party of china. A former army seventh division deputy section chief, East China Art Troupe pictorial art press. After the founding of the PRC, served as vice president of Jiangsu Chinese Painting Institute, China Federation of the Fourth Committee, vice chairman of the association of the third Chinese executive director, Jiangsu branch. "Works" Menglianggu 1985 won the Sixth National Art Exhibition bronze award. A "Ya Ming anthology" works, "Sanxiang four water", "Ya Ming's anthology" etc.. China painting important genre of "new Jinling school" of the core promoter and organizer.
In his 50 years of excellence in art practice and achievement in the field of art China, especially for the development of landscape painting in the new period, make a great contribution, because of the authority of international cultural institutions as the world cultural celebrities. Ya Ming maintains that "Chinese painting has regularity and no law"". He proposed to traditional Chinese painting should be based on Chinese culture, the essence of life, to promote foreign art, expand their art. Ya Ming is China art as a continuation of traditional philosophy and culture, and overflowing with new era style. He has repeatedly ordered to visit, visit and carry out the work of the Sino foreign cultural exchanges. His extensive works of art have been exhibited in the former Soviet Union, Germany, Japan, the United States, France, Italy and Taiwan. China's major museums, museums and important state activities venues, the American Metropolitan Museum, the Nagoya Museum of Japan, Sydney Museum of art and other cultural institutions Ya Ming.
At home and abroad have published works of "Ya Ming anthology", "Ya Ming album", "Ya Ming's anthology" and other books.
Ya Ming served as the South of Jiangsu farmer pictorial editor. Vice president, Jiangsu Chinese painting institute. Vice chairman and chairman of Jiangsu branch of Chinese artists association. Professor of Nanjing University, Chinese Artists Association executive director, Chinese Federation members. Jiangsu Province Federation of consultants, China Artists Association committee. Vice president of Jiangsu Chinese Painting Academy, first class artist. Works with the "shining map", "new" mountains and rivers, "Akiyama Yin" etc.. The publication of "Ya Ming album". Although it has over seventy years of age, but still with the large number of works available, showing his own tireless creative potential.

Ya Ming, Anhui Hefei. 1941 graduated from Huainan art school, sixteen years of age to participate in the New Fourth Army, served as a reporter, editor, pictorial editor, vice president of Jiangsu Chinese Painting Institute, Nanjing University Professor, China Federation members, executive director of the association of Jiangsu Artists Association, Chinese branch president, tadana Wu Park, Sha Yan Ju Zhai, mcgregor.
When young mengfa painting interest based on Ya Ming in the Anti Japanese propaganda work, master some basic painting techniques. From the army to the place, met a group of local Chinese painter, Qian Songyan, Zhou Huaimin, Lv Fengzi, Qin Gu liu. The art community is very fashionable "cancel Chinese painting", he was a storm to denounce this absurd point of view, and the Chinese painting in 1953. The same year to Nanjing, in Jiangsu Province Federation committee responsible for the art work, began his art career and leadership, Lv Fengzi, Fu Baoshi, Chen Zhifo, Qian Songyan and a number of masters live together, specializing in China painting, good character, landscape.
1956, approved by the state conference in Beijing, the establishment of two Chinese Academy in Shanghai, Ya Ming was responsible for the preparatory work of Jiangsu Chinese painting institute. Because the United Nations and led the Chinese painting painter Ya Ming creation, the new Jiangsu Chinese painting in the art circle Chinese A new force suddenly rises., created a large number of outstanding works full of the spirit of the times, so that people see as a traditional art in the new society, which won the reputation in the domestic art world. In 1960, Ya Ming organized by the team leader of the Jiangsu Chinese Painting Institute, a line of thirteen people, began in the history of modern art has a profound impact on the travel sketch of the twenty-three thousand miles of the.
In this sketch activities, Ya Ming witnessed the whole process of the old painter sketch creation. For him, this is an excellent learning opportunity, at the same time give him a new artistic inspiration, feel lend people lyrical than borrow scenery write heart, began to turn painting landscape. When the "new" mountains and rivers exhibition at the Museum of fine arts and China when painting caused attention, Fu Baoshi said many old painter's mind: "times have changed, and will not change". For Ya Ming, it was just to learn the traditional techniques used in real creation. His "Three Gorges", following a "lights", "Huashan" Qifeng as early landscape paintings, the impact is not as Fu Baoshi, Qian Songyan, but the performance of a new atmosphere. He summarized his creative experience: learning from tradition, learning from life.
The "Cultural Revolution", Ya Ming as the number one figure in Jiangsu art circles, jailed for five years. But because of his revolutionary experience, he became the first batch of "liberation" painter, and in 1973 took the door, the rate of Chinese artists delegation to visit vietnam. This is exactly the first time he went abroad for 20 years. In 1953, he visited the Soviet Union after the publication of "sketch series" visited the Soviet Union, for people to. Vietnam for the sketch, insiders sit up and take notice. Ten years later, he traveled to the Nordic five countries travel sketch, in 1985 in Beijing exhibition received praise, established his foreign style works of historical status. If in twentieth Century the history of art Fu Baoshi created exotic sketch and creation of the traditional Chinese painting is not the theme, explored a new way for the innovation of traditional Chinese painting, then Ya Ming is widening the road.
In late 70s, Ya Ming began to write poems of famous ancient landscape painting, as the "Cultural Revolution" of the late landscape painting has injected a fresh air. He hopes to explore some of the traditional theme, China painting eternal artistic conception, taste, flavor, find the traditional ink from dust laden, restore the unconscious traditional pen and ink, so that the traditional painting Chinese passing the resume. He went to Beijing to participate in diplomatic embassies, guesthouses and national important architectural layout painting creation, while participating in the preparation of Chinese Painting Institute, trying to create a glorious era of glory through the north and South painters.
80s, Ya Ming's artistic creation into the peak. In 1984 the creation of "mengliang'gu" selected the sixth national art exhibition, in 1989 the creation of "sea breeze" was selected in the Seventh National Art exhibition. Until 1995 created the "Nanjing Massacre", with his review of Anti Japanese career fifty years ago and bid farewell to thematic creation. Another representative of "Yangtze map", with its careful thinking, great length and detailed characterization, the original painting, become a classic peak of his life.

Ya Ming is also a very traditional painter. He painted a painting from the beginning of 50s, is facing "Bunian Tu", followed by Li Gonglin, Ren Bonian, Chen Lin Lin. To landscape painting, he and Shen Zhou's "Snow Mountain" on Shen Zhou's style, in fact just as he has established the basic structure of the ink, and the bamboo grove on track and the five generation of Xu Xi or wild style, coupled with 40 years living in Nanjing, injected a gene for the blood of his thought and the culture of the.
Ya Ming years of creation, has participated in exhibitions at home and abroad and has been widely collected. Figure painting "shining map" was selected in the national art exhibition held in the Soviet Union socialism; landscape paintings are mainly "Wu cloud" etc.. China Art Museum has a collection of "morning song" and other works. Works for the New York Metropolitan Museum, Nagoya Museum, Jamaica National Museum, the Swedish Oriental museum. Many foreign and led a delegation to visit in 1981 and 1987 respectively in the lectures, Singapore, Japan held a personal exhibition. The publication of "Jin Ming" on the album, "Ya Ming's anthology", "Ya Ming", selected works of "Sanxiang four water" etc..
The 15 year old Ya Ming joined the army at the age of 17, embarked on the road of art, new Chinese after the establishment of a longtime Jiangsu Chinese Painting Institute responsible person, Jiangsu Province Artists Association chairman, and served as executive director of Chinese artists association. In the long-term practice of the arts, he has always advocated art to people's life, and the traditional teacher. In 1960, he led the Jiangsu painting Working Group in-depth life sketch and creation, travel twenty thousand 3000, the Chinese traditional landscape painting in thought, painting a historical transformation, has a great influence in the world of art, the "new Jinling school" and its representatives as well as the world recognized.
For decades, Ya Ming in various parts of the country and Europe, the United States, Asia, Australia, many countries held exhibitions, his works with its rich artistic conception, pen and ink clever and widely loved by people. In the past 10 years, Ya Ming painstaking creation "Yangtze map", "Mount Huangshan rover," map "the Nanjing Massacre by the Japanese" and other pieces of Ju long, and completed nearly 20 large-scale landscape painting. In 2001, Ya Ming will be more than and 110 works donated to his hometown - Anhui Hefei city people.






    最近更新:2025-01-25 20:23:31
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