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( 中国美协理事 )


  • 中文名于志学
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍吉林省抚余县
  • 出生地黑龙江肇东市
  • 出生日期1935年
  • 职业画家
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校哈尔滨春华美术学校
  • 主要成就中国画学术精诚奖
  • 代表作品《塞外曲》《杳古清魂》《雪月送粮图》

中国美术网 09-18 浏览














 第九届全国政协委员、中国美术家协会理事、黑龙江省画院名誉院长、黑龙江省美协名誉主席、黑龙江省国画会会长、 [1]  北京盘古艺术书画院名誉院长、美国国际传记协会副理事长、英国剑桥大学国际传记中心研究员、哈尔滨工业大学兼职教授。现为北京唐风美术馆高级顾问,特约艺术家。


 五十年来,于志学以 “继承不是重复,一切在于创造”的艺术宗旨、以天、地、人的 “三元绘画”为目标 进行 不懈的艺术实践。他创造的冰雪山水画,以其特有的原创性艺术语言和独特的技法,表现了“冷逸之美”的冰雪美学核心思想;他创作的人物和小品画,体现了中国画的 书卷气和笔墨气韵,彰显出时代花鸟画的民族文化内涵和传统笔墨与当代生活相结合的风范。 在中国画绘画理论上,提出“墨有韵、白有光”的中国水墨画审美内涵、“创建中国画第三审美内涵――用光”的美学观点和“中国美术进入新传统主义时代”的学术主张以及二十一世纪人类新型的审美标准“智邃远”和 “冷文化”等学术思想和概念。





























1935年 原祖祖籍山东省文登县,1935年元月31日生于黑龙江省肇东县昌五镇板子房屯。

1944年 道台小学读书。

1947年 在肇东县民主完小读书。

1948年 越级考入哈西公学(肇东二中)。

1949年 辍学.在家务农、种地、学席匠。


1950年 在肇东县初中读书,开始学画,受业于王修治先生和俄国教师画家索克洛夫先生。

1955年 毕业于肇东县高中。

1956年 到哈尔滨求学,在春华美术学校就读。

1957年 处女作连环画《空城计》发表于《黑龙江画报》。

1958年 创办问津美术社.兼任哈尔滨市东方艺术学校美术教师.进京为中国农业展览作画.1960年,任黑龙江省画报社美术编辑,开始对雪景画的研究。


1961年 调入黑龙江人民出版社,任美术编辑。

1963年 发现"水痕线",开始对中国画的调剂---水进行研究.创造了画雪的方法:"重叠法"、"雪皴法"、"泼白法"等基本技法。

1964年 连环画《暴风骤雨》参加全国第三次美术作品展览,被评为优秀作品,同年参加在沈阳召开的东北三省画家代表会议,做《暴风骤雨》创作经验专题发言。

1967年 创造了"倒锋用笔",并创作了新的雪景画《白山黑水》、《雪漫兴安》。


1972年 赴兴安岭深入生活,发现雪地里的河水是黑的,解决了冰雪山水画不能上重墨的问题.

1973年 创造了"滴白法",赴甘肃、敦煌、新疆深入生活.。

1975年 为诗集所作插图,在德国法兰克福如开的国际图书装帧博览会展出.。

1976年 用"滴白法"创作了《春曲》和《解冻》,赴大兴安岭体验生活。

1979年 应新加坡"海鸥画廊"邀请,赴京在中国国际书店作画、筹备在新加坡举办个人展。9月《春曲》《牧归图》在德国法兰克福举办的世界博览会上展出.作品《塞外曲》参加庆祝中华人民共和国建国三十周年全国美术作品展览并荣获文化部、中国美术家协会颁发的优秀作品三等奖。


1980年黑龙江省书画院、任创研室副主任.元月接受《中国建设》记者鲍文清采访,冰雪山水画被正式命名. 元月五日应北京画院院长尹寿石先生的邀请,在北海古柯庭举行学术交流会,讲述冰雪山水画初步形成经过,并首次提出"平和白""南虚北实";"南以石画山,北以树画山"的新观点. 中央电视台拍摄电视记录片 《于志学和冰雪》,元月《美哉冬雪》发表于香港《大公报》.3月到大兴安岭体验生活. 5月《北国银装》发表于《美术》封面.6月《春曲》发表于《中国画》封二.赴新加坡举办个人画展. 11月应日本邀请坡赴日本举行五人联展画展,展出冰雪画40幅,人物画10幅.被评为黑龙江省第五届劳动模范. 12月《雪树银花》等两幅作品参加美国举办的"中国现代美术作品展",在旧金山、芝加哥、纽约等地巡回展.北京中国新闻电影制片厂,拍摄《冰雪山水画》记录片.

元月《造化之功》等五幅冰雪山水画参加黑龙江省书画院首届院展。《中国日报》发表意大利文艺评论家吉丽丝文章《于志学的冰雪山水画独具一格》。作品《塞外曲》被中国美术馆收藏。《早春》参加中国画研究院建院首届展览.《雪松》参加中国共产党建党60周年全国美术展览,并荣获黑龙江省二等奖. 参加美国考夫曼画廊举办的"中国五画家联展"在休斯顿城展出。

1982年 《春曲》发表于《人民日报》封底。香港《美术家》第25届重点介绍冰雪山水画,共发表了14幅作品、两篇文章。 参加中央电视台《松》的拍摄,去小兴安岭深入生活。

1983年 被列入英国伦敦出版中心出版的《世界名人录》。《雪松》等20幅作品、参加"十大城市中年画家联展". 撰写《冰雪山水画技法》初稿. 筹建哈尔滨太阳岛"雪原"展厅. 为人民大堂作画《冰凌花》. 论文"吾将上下而求索"发表于《迎春花》。接待台湾画家、香港中文大学教授刘国松先生访问黑龙江,主持《刘国松美术作品展》。接受意大利电视台记者伊拉里奥,菲奥雪采访,拍电视片,撰写报告文学《雪地冰天入画来》,发表在《战地》. 接受中央电视台邀请参加庆祝建国35周年拍摄"九洲方圆"第二集电视片.

1984年 应邀赴日本举办个人画展。 被列入日本出版的《中国现代书画篆刻家名鉴》。被列入《中国美术家人名辞典》。

1985年 应邀赴日本举行三人美展. 会见日本著名画家丸木味里先生及夫人著名女画家赤松俊子. 中国冰雪山水画研究会在哈尔滨成立. 参加新加坡仙碧画廊举办的"黑龙江杰出五画家展"。

1986年 在黑龙江省美术馆举办的"黑龙江杰出五画家展"。日本《艺术公论》发表评论"中国冰雪画的创始者--于志学." 应日本新泻市邀请,赴日本举行个人展览--"于志学水墨画展". 会见日本著名画家加山又造.黑龙江电视台拍摄专题片《于志学和他的冰雪山水画》,由中央电视台译成四种外文版向外播出. 10幅冰雪山水画参加澳大利亚举办的《中国十位著名画家联展》.接待《加拿大周报》记者丹尼斯女士采访. 赴广州参加 《岭南水乡、塞北雪海风情画展》的开幕式. 接待泰国曼谷《中国日报》记者曾天采访.

1987年 主持《岭南水乡、塞北雪海风情画展》在哈尔滨开幕. 作品《冬景》获日本现代水墨画协会颁发的"日本现代水墨画87展优秀奖".获黑龙江省政府86--87年度省文艺创作荣誉金奖作品《兴安初雪》获省文艺创作一等奖.英国剑桥国际传记中心,授予"大洋洲、亚洲及远东等32个国家名人录"的特许会员. 6月4日接见苏联人民画家列奥卡阿里来访. "雪原 "展厅竣工. 10月英国剑桥大学传记中心来菡,被列入"世界成功者先驱"名人录. 10月英国剑桥传记中心主席厄耐斯特先生来函,被吸收为该协会的会员.12月-88年1月在日本东京举办"于志学冰雪山水世界"个展.

1988年 3月作品《春融》参加东北三省美协联合主办《关东画展》展出,并荣获优秀作品奖.作品参加日本丸善冈歧店、日本三井物产、黑龙江省政府举办的"中国绘画展". 5月荣获美国传记研究院颁发的金钥匙奖牌及美国传记研究院颁发的副理事证书. 6月美国传记研究院授予"终身荣誉纪念勋章". 7月参加第十五届国际文化艺术交流大会,发表论文《寒带艺术的拓展》,同时举办《于志学冰雪画展》,展出作品50幅. 7月受新加坡南洋美专邀请,进行讲学. 作品《寂静的雪野》参加国际艺苑基金会举办的国际艺苑第三届水墨画展.

1989年 8月列入英国剑桥出版中心出版的《世界第一五百人》名人录. 作品《寂静的雪野》等作品在日本参加《国际艺苑第三界水墨画展》. 《少女与冰雪》等作品在日本参加由日本三井物产和黑龙江省政府联合主办的《中国绘画展》.作品《雪景》被中国展览公司送往苏联参加《中国中青年国画展》.8月黑龙江省美协召开第二次代表大会,当选为省美协副主席. 12月在加拿大埃德蒙顿市东方艺术馆举办《于志学冰雪山水画展》.

日本的株式会社新日本印刷出版社出版《于志学画展》. 10月在北京香山饭店参加全国山水画研讨会.哈尔滨电视台拍摄《雪告诉您》电视片. 中央电视台《神州风采》转播专题片《冰雪画家--于志学》. 参加中国国际艺苑主办的国际艺苑主办的国际艺苑美术奖作品展.作品《雪漫荒原》、《故乡》参加中国画研究主办的"第三届院展".


1991年 2月为纪念毛主席诞辰一百周年作画,被中南海收藏. 3月为长春电影制片厂设计动画片《雪鹿》.冰雪画《杳谷清魂》荣获美国首届艺术大赛--绘画类一等奖。 收录印度、东南亚出版社出版的《世界名人录》. 作品《雪夜送粮图》参加中国美协、东北三省联合举办的《纪念九·一八事变六十周年画展》. 为全国义卖作品. 中央、哈尔滨电视台联合拍摄《文化人物》专题片《冰雪画家--于志学》.

1992年 作品《雪夜送粮图》获中国美术家协会颁发的"纪念九·一八事变六十周年画展"的金奖. 4月应俄罗斯伊尔库次克美术家协会邀请,对伊尔库次克进行为时一个月的访问. 6月赴京在钓鱼台国宾为总统楼做大幅冰雪画二幅. 获国务院颁发的证书,享受专家待遇. 10月在香港大会堂展览厅举办"白色体系"创始人于志学"冰雪画展". 10月由香港举办的"中国当代精英作品展"在台湾展出.参展作品《冰上人家》、《银装》、《北国银装》.中央电视台对此展专门进行了介绍. 10月在新加坡文物馆举办"冰雪山水画创始人于志学画展". 荣获英国剑桥颁发的《二十世纪杰出人物成就奖》. 香港豁之堂出版《于志学画集》.中国画报出版社出版《中国当代艺术家画库---于志学》. 12月参加在南昌召开的联合国教科文组织的《亚洲艺术教育研讨会》,在会议上宣读论文《艺术教育的断想》。

1993年 1月吉林美术出版社出版"于志学冰雪山水画挂历". 4月参加北京第二次全国画艺术讨论会,发表论文《发展探索中的龙江国画》. 5月为邮电部设计"冰雪风光邮资明信片". 7月参加全国第二届中国山水画展. 7月参加首届中国山水画展. 7月作品《杳谷清魂》获黑龙江省文艺创作大赛一等奖. 7月黑龙江中华文化发展基金会授予终生成就奖,杨振宁博士颁奖. 9月作为特邀佳宾,参加《正大综艺》节目拍摄,中央电视台向全国播出. 10月赴中南海参加纪念毛泽东诞辰百年活动. 10月赴美国参加《于志学、张景儒中国冰雪山水画展》巡回展. 11月美国远东基金会特别授予于志学"杰出成就奖".

1995年 应台湾海基会邀请创作《雪浴兴安》. 参加新华社组织的画家访问团赴朝鲜平壤、金刚山等地访问. 获中国画艺术研究院美术研究所颁发的"中国画学术精诚奖". 参加在泰国曼谷举办的"中国画交流大展"和中国画学术研讨会. 参加中国画研究院美研所举办的"95中国山水画研讨会". 参加广州民主建国会成立五十周年全国著名书画家联谊会. 参加丹东第三届中国东方丝稠节中国书画名人作品展参加安徽中国老子画院举办的"中国画研讨会". 参加山西中国艺术研究院美研所主办的"中国画现状研讨会".

中央电视台《新闻窗口》和《东方时空》节目拍摄《冰雪画家于志学》专题片. 参加全国第五届文代会和第六届作代会. 赴牡丹江参加中国冰雪山水画研究会成立大会. 赴长白山体验生活赴山东泰安参加全国扇面大奖评奖. 赴山东曲阜参加"中国曲阜国际孔子文化节". 赴厦门参加"海峡两岸书画名家促进祖国和平统一研讨会". 赴贵州参加"全国著名书画家研讨会". 赴安徽参加老子文化节. 赴山西参加第11届全国花鸟画展.

1997年 参加中国美协、中国诗书画院举办的"中国画人物画研讨会". 哈尔滨电视台《人生点题》节目组录制播放于志学冰雪山水画艺术成就. 参加黑龙江省八人画家采风团赴香港参加庆祝香港回归活动. 参加黑龙江省第四届文学艺术代表大会. 赴厦门参加福建连城冠山首届旅游文化节. 赴武汉宜昌参加"世界著名华人画家三峡刻石揭幕大典"庆祝活动. 参加文化部举办的"庆回归中国艺术大赛".

1998年 当选为第九届全国政协委员. 当选为第五届另美协理事. 赴澳门参加"中国当代画家笔下的澳门"作品邀请展. 参加陕西黄陵县祭黄帝陵活动. 赴越南采风. 赴长春参加联合国教科文组织招标项目的考察. 参加辽宁本溪的"98枫叶"活动. 赴黑河参加黑河画院成立庆典. 赴俄罗斯一日游参加安徽老子画院活动,选为名誉院长. 参加洛阳菊花节. 赴广东参加中国画学术研讨会.

1999年 赴泰国参加"泰中友好联合会庆典"活动. 中央电视台、中国美协拍摄庆建国五十周年"空中画院国画50家"系列专题片. 作品《北国风光》被中国历史博物馆征集为二十世纪收藏. 《中国书画报》连载《光开万物--我对中国画用光的研究》. 辽宁美术出版社出版跨世纪中国美术家协会会员精品画库于志学画集. 北京邮电管理局发行"于志学冰雪山水画"明信片. 参加厦门全国著名画家联谊活动. 赴去南丽江采风. 赴加拿大参加河山画会第五届巡回展.


2000年 作品参加中国历史博物馆举办的《世纪收藏展》.被黑龙江省委授予首届德艺双馨艺术家. 黑龙江美术出版社出版文集《雪园漫笔》. 黑龙江美术出版社出版《于志学画集》. 黑龙江省委宣传部、省美协、省画院在黑龙江国际博览中心举办"于志学画展". 参加中国当代著名画家代表团赴俄罗斯采风. 参加中国书画家代表团赴中东四国采风. 作品"塞外风情"由李瑞环主席赠送瑞士联邦前主席科蒂先生. 为全国政协组织的"21世纪论坛"大会献画.《美术观察》发表重要论文《墨有韵,白有光我对中国画第三审美内涵的研究》.作品参加全国政协在日本东京举办的"中国当代名家书画展".

2001年 元月参加文化部、文化艺术人才中心组织的中国书画代表团在法国巴黎举办的"中华世纪之光当代书画艺术大展",并对法国、比利时、意大利、卢森堡、突尼斯、摩纳哥荷兰、德国等国进行了考察. 3月参加第九届四次全国政协会议. 3月参加全国文联书画艺术中心组团赴广西采风. 5月为"五十六个民族画展"创作作品"雄魄依天"、天赖萦怀"、"赫哲渔歌". 6月参加文化部、人才交流中心举办的"情系奥运展"作画"赛马图". 6月在莫斯科中央美术之家,参加文化部、文化艺术人才交流中心、俄罗斯美术之家举办的"世纪之辰--情系奥运中国书画艺术大展". 7月赴青岛参加"2001年全国国画大展"的评选. 7月参加中国文联、书画中心主办的为太行山安阳山水画学习班讲学.

2001年 8月随中国书画代表团赴芬兰、瑞士、挪威、丹麦、冰岛进行考察. 9月提出"笔墨当随心境"的学术观点,(发表在2002年第三期的《中国书画报》). 9月为河北教育出版社出版《当代名家陶艺丛书》赴景德镇创作. 9月作品《雪漫兴安》入选文化部艺术司、中国美协主办的"中国画百年展". 10月参加文化部艺术司、中国美协主办的"中国画百年展学术研讨会",宣读论文《用光创建中国画第三审美内涵》. 10月参加《人民日报》主办的"庆祝毛泽东延安文艺座谈会讲话60周年中国画家南京行"创作、学术活动. 10月为中国贸促会迎接"WTO开放的中国"作画"雪浴兴安". 10月为中国美协兴办的"情系新疆画展"创作"新疆新貌图". 10月25日参加钓鱼台国宾馆举办的"九九重阳节"庆祝活动. 10月赴西安参加"全国画院首届双年展". 10月黑龙江美术出版社出版《冰雪山水画技法》.12月参加全国政协书画代表团赴澳门庆祝澳门回归2周年纪念及"全国政协书画作品展". 12月为"第四届当代中国山水画展"开幕剪彩.参加画展的研讨会,作题为"第四届当代中国山水画展展感怀"的发言. 参加"全国书画摄影艺术大展". 参加"中华书画名家迎大运会艺术精品展". 参加"中华书画之星精品大展" .参加"中国当代百家画扇精品展". 参加"纪念萧红诞辰九十周年书画展". 参加中国艺术研究院建院五十周年书画展. 参加"团结、友爱五十六个民族画展". 参加人美建社五十周年书画作品展。

1月担任全国政协、人民政协报主办的"中国西部风情书画展"的组委会副主任. 1月担任中国书画名家代表团团长,参加由中国美术家协会、澳中佛教协会、澳中友好协会联合举办的《21世纪中国画大展》.这是中澳建交三十年以来两国一次重要的文化交流活动. 1月北京电视台拍摄于志学专题片. 1月黑龙江电视台拍摄于志学专题片. 3月参加第九届全国政协第五次会议. 3月山东电视台拍摄于志学专题片. 4月参加中国扶贫基金的作品义卖活动. 5月在北京团委举办的"拯救工程周"活动中,将义卖的2万元捐赠给拯救工程领导小组用于为北京市监狱所属基层监所的200个分监区,建立新生图书室. 5月参加中央电视台为中国足球远征壮行的著名书画家笔会,所作作品用于支持中国足球参加"世界杯"比赛. 5月出席由江苏省文化发展基金会、江苏省委宣传部、文化部外联局在南京举办的"中国文化产业论坛国际研讨会". 5月参加由山东省文化厅、将军书画院举办的"将军杯全国书画大奖赛"被评为特邀奖. 5月在南京艺术学院讲学. 6月参加"首届中国少数民族风情书画大赛". 6月为庆祝第十六大召开,应邀为京西宾馆做巨幅冰雪山水画《雪岭寒溪图》. 6月《人民政协报》发表论文《中画画发展的太阳模型说》. 7月天津杨柳青画社出版《冰雪山水画法》. 7月被东方白马书画院聘为高级艺术顾问. 8月担任中国美术家协会举办的"2002全国中国画作品展"评委. 8月参加由中国美协和京西宾馆组织的著名画家代表团赴甘肃甘南地区采风. 8月参加中国美术家协会主办的"迎奥运全国中国画大展". 9月参加中国画艺委会组织的著名书画家代表团赴湖北武当山、神农架考察. 9月在中国艺术研究院为国画高研班讲学. 9月担任由山东省美术家协会主办的"山东省首届中国画双年展"评委. 9月中央教育电视台拍摄并播放《于志学专题片》. 10月参加由烟台山海美术馆、《中国美术》杂志社主办的"烟台之夏--全国中国画名家学术提名展". 10月参加由中国美术家协会在桂林主办的"全国美术理论研讨会",在大会上发表论文《中国画发展的太阳模型说》. 10月参加由中国艺术研究所、人民大会堂主办的"艺术的国家形象"理论研讨会,宣读论文《殿堂艺术中的国家形象与民族精神》. 10月参加中国艺术研究院国画创作座谈会. 11月参加由《江苏画刊》、中国画艺术研究院、 南京博物馆等主办的"江苏画刊2002年21世纪优秀艺术家年度邀请展". 11月参加黑龙江省画家代表团赴台湾国父纪念馆的参加庆祝孙中山先生诞辰136周年活动. 12月参加深圳举办的第三届国际水墨画双年展. 12月担任著名中国书画代表团团长赴澳大利亚、 新西兰考察. 12月参加中国画研究院举办的"发展国画艺术"座谈会. 12月参加由文化部中国对外艺术展览中心和中国艺术研究院美术研究所主办的"世纪风骨中国当代艺术50家展"及学术研讨会. 12月参加由国家文物局、 国家建设部、 中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会、 中国革命博物馆主办的"神州风采--画说世界遗产28"大型画展及学术研讨会.

2003年 1月中央电视台2套节目播出--于志学绘画艺术节目. 2月中央电视台4套节目《名家对对碰》播出于志学艺术人生. 2月当选为《大众文学》理事. 3月率领"中国书画名家代表团赴印度采风. 4月《东方美术》杂志社出版于志学专刊. 7月赴青海可可西里国家自然保护区为救助藏羚羊捐款. 7月参加中国艺术研究院主办的中国画家提名作品展. 7月参加美研所主办的上海艺术沙龙展. 8月《北京晚报》连续报道于志学"关于生命---可可西里行". 8月西苑出版社出版《古典山水画鉴赏大系--于志学画黄山》. 8月担任中国美术家协会举办的"2003年全国中国画作品展"评委. 9月参加中国文化促进会主办的深圳紫光阁首届名家展. 9月参加在长春召开的"关长画派"理论研讨会. 9月参加美研所主办的走进无锡名家展. 9月参加中国文化促进会举办的中国名家赴南韩作品展. 10月《文化时空》杂志社出版于志学专刊. 安徽美术出版社出版《触类旁通--冰雪山水》,天津美术出版社出版《走进画家--于志学》. 11月《中国书画报》整版报道于志学可可西里行. 11月参加黑龙江省第四届美协会议,当选黑龙江省美协顾问. 11月赴广州参加全国画院院长工作会议. 11月参加庆祝中法建交"中国民情当代中国书画展". 12月举办黑龙江第二届冰雪画展. 12月参加中国画研究院主办的"东方之韵2003中国水墨展". 12月出席中国美术家协会第六届代表大会,当选为第六届美协理事.

Introduction in English

 Yu Zhixue, pen name Wenjin, Gancheng, was born in Zhaodong City, Heilongjiang Province in 1935. He is the founder of the Department of Ice and Snow Landscape Painting. He is currently honorary Dean of Heilongjiang Academy of Painting, member of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee, director of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, creative researcher of the Academy of Fine Arts of China Academy of Art, vice-president of the China International Association of Calligraphy and Painting, vice-president of the Biography Association of the American Academy of International Biography, Cambridge University International, UK Researcher of Biography Center, Member of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee, Director of the Fifth China Association of Fine Arts, First Class Artist.

Personal resume


Yu Zhixue, pen name Wenjin, Gancheng, was born in Zhaodong City, Heilongjiang Province in 1935. He is the founder of ice and snow landscape painting.


Graduated from Harbin Chunhua Art School in 1957.


In 1979, his work "Serbian Opera" won the third prize of the Fifth National Art Exhibition awarded by the Ministry of Culture. In 1983, it was collected by London International Publishing Center in the World Celebrity List.


In 1987, he was awarded the Golden Key Medal and Lifelong Medal of Honor by the American Institute of International Biography.


In 1990, his work "The Pure Soul of the Ancient Times" won the first prize in painting category in the First International Art Competition of the United States.


In 1992, the work "Snow Moon Food Delivery Picture" was awarded a gold medal by the Chinese Association of Fine Arts.


In 1995, he was awarded the Academic Sincerity Award of Chinese Painting by the Institute of Fine Arts of the Chinese Academy of Art.


In 1997, the work "Shepherd Deer Woman" won the bronze prize of "National Chinese Painting Figure Painter Exhibition" awarded by the Ministry of Culture and the Chinese Academy of Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting.


In 1999, the work "Scenery of the North Country" was collected by the Museum of Chinese History as a "collection of the century".


In 2001, "Snow Man Xingan" participated in the 100-year Chinese Painting Exhibition. In 2004, he was awarded the Huang Binhong Award by the Chinese Academy of Art.


In 2006, he won the Heilongjiang Lifelong Achievement Award for Literature and Art.




Present post


Member of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee, Director of China Artists Association, Honorary Dean of Heilongjiang Painting Academy, Honorary Chairman of Heilongjiang Painting Association, Honorary Dean of Heilongjiang Painting Association, [1] Honorary Dean of Beijing Pangu Art Painting Academy, Deputy Director of American International Biography Association, Researcher of International Biography Center of Cambridge University, Hare Part-time Professor, Binhai University of Technology. Now he is senior consultant and special artist of Tangfeng Art Museum in Beijing.




Publication of works


He has published several collections of Yu Zhixue's paintings, Yu Zhixue's anthology "Snow Garden Man Brush", "Oriental Art. Yu Zhixue's Special Journal", "Cultural Space-time. Yu Zhixue's Special Journal", "Analogy. Ice and Snow Skills", "Yu Zhixue's Ice and Snow Skills Skills", "Ice and Snow Mountain Painting Skills", "Archives of Chinese Artists-Yu Zhixue Volume". And the monographs of Ice and Snow Landscape Painting Theory, Black and White System Theory of Chinese Painting, Ice and Snow Art Aesthetics, Complete Works of Chinese Famous Painters, Contemporary Volume, Yu Zhixue, etc. written by Chinese and foreign art theorists.




Representative Works


Over the past 50 years, Yu Zhixue has made unremitting artistic practice aiming at the artistic aim of "inheritance is not repetition, but creation" and "three-dimensional painting" of heaven, earth and human beings. His ice and snow landscape paintings, with their unique original artistic language and unique techniques, express the core idea of ice and snow aesthetics of "the beauty of cold and comfortable"; his characters and sketches reflect the calligraphy and ink charm of Chinese painting, and show the national cultural connotation of flower and bird paintings of the times, traditional brush and ink and Contemporary life. The style of combining living with living. In the theory of Chinese painting, this paper puts forward the aesthetic connotation of Chinese ink painting, the aesthetic viewpoint of "creating the third aesthetic connotation of Chinese painting - using light", the academic proposition of "Chinese art enters the era of new traditionalism", and the new aesthetic standards of human beings in the 21st century, namely "wisdom is far-reaching" and "cold". Academic ideas and concepts such as culture.


Girls and deer appear in the creation of Zhixue. Many people know that Yu Zhixue is the founder of ice and snow landscape painting, but they don't know that Zhixue's works of flowers, birds and figures are full of ink and scenery.


Artistic Achievements


Since 1960, the study of snow scenery painting has been carried out, and the techniques of "snow scabbing, splashing white, overlapping, dripping white, typesetting, grating" and "painting without stone, tree and branch" have been created. In theory, the "third aesthetic connotation of creating Chinese painting - using light", "new traditionalism" and "three non-painting methods" have been put forward. New aesthetic ideas such as "cold culture" and "brush and ink should follow the mood" created ice and snow landscape paintings.


Ice and snow landscape painting, with its unique artistic language and unique techniques, expresses the core idea of ice and snow aesthetics, such as "the beauty of cold and comfortable"; fills the gap that traditional Chinese ink painting can not directly draw snow for more than a thousand years, let alone ice; expands the object of expression of traditional Chinese painting from mountains, waters, clouds, trees to mountains, waters, clouds and clouds. Trees, ice and snow created the "white system" of Chinese painting.




personal honor


In 1979, his work "Serbian Opera" won the third prize of the Fifth National Art Exhibition awarded by the Ministry of Culture.


In 1983, it was collected by London International Publishing Center in the World Celebrity List.


In 1987, he was awarded the Golden Key Medal and Lifetime Medal of Honor by the American Institute of International Biography. In 1990, his work "The Old Soul" won the first prize of painting category in the First International Art Competition of the United States.


In 1992, his work "Snow Moon Food Delivery Picture" was awarded a gold medal by the Chinese Association of Arts.


In 1995, he was awarded the Academic Sincerity Award of Chinese Painting by the Institute of Fine Arts of the Chinese Academy of Art.


In 1997, the work "Shepherd Deer Woman" won the bronze prize of "National Chinese Painting Figure Painting Exhibition" awarded by the Ministry of Culture and the Chinese Academy of Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting.


In 2004, he was awarded the "Huang Binhong Award" by the Chinese Academy of Art, and in 2006 he was awarded the "Lifelong Achievement Award of Literature and Art" by Heilongjiang Province.


Art Evaluation




Yu Zhixue is a painter who can not extricate himself from the natural conditions. Shandong Hanmuyuan Gallery recommends the painter, whose painting veins are full of inextricable, strong feelings of nature and nature. The lines, brushes, and sentiments that make up his paintings constitute the unique symbols of his figure paintings. Through these vivid symbols, he shows the spiritual light of the art of Zhixue painting. He regards nature as his mother and sings for his mother with the pious and conscious spirit of a son of nature in his fifty-year painting career.


People are familiar with Zhixue, which is often the founder of ice and snow painting, who has found a new means of expression, revised and filled the gap in the history of Chinese painting for thousands of years, because his ice and snow painting makes people forget the flying snow that is raging and the severe cold that brings people. Psychological negative thinking set, he found the vitality and rhythm of nature, returned it to the origin of the creator, and guided people's aesthetic orientation back to the origin of art. These achievements can not but be attributed to the divine power of ice and snow art. However, in the practice of Zhixue painting, besides the frozen and snowy fields he created, his figure painting should not be ignored, which is also an important element of his "ternary painting" - man and life. As an artist, the former is based on the creation of biographies for the mountains and rivers of North China, and opens up a brand-new territory. The latter is his inheritance of the excellent traditional culture of the nation as a cultural person, and his humanistic concern for society, history and human destiny, which is his ultimate spiritual habitat.


Open the figure picture scroll of Zhixue, the kind of strong habitat coming from the heavens, the kind of persistent affection for nature and move you closer to his character world. The characters in his works not only show the superb skill of using traditional brush and ink to control the character's shape, but also reflect his unique individuality and pursuit of the traditional interest of brush and ink, book spirit, elegance and elegance.


Style of Art


His accurate and vivid characterization and image capture comes from the most real feelings of life, simplicity, authenticity and nature. This is an artist's most valuable view of painting and the most precious character of works of art, which is the result of his long-term inspiration from natural life. Without life, there would be no vitality of artistic life.


His figure painting is straightforward, vivid, soft and rigid, soft and hard, slender and powerful, steady and flexible. Open, easy to harvest, easy but not floating, ripe but not oil, smooth, old-fashioned, comfortable, free and easy, sometimes if the spring silkworm spins silk, sometimes the wire withered vine, the greatest embodiment of the essence of Chinese painting "line as bone".


His figure paintings are full of vigor, courage, speed, moistening with ink, vivid, desolate, simple and natural. In particular, he emphasized the writing grace of brush and ink and the free space of penetrating brush and ink, which included both the style of landscape painting and the spirit of flower and bird painting.


His figure painting style is elegant, healthy and upward, which reflects his years of cultural accomplishment, brush and ink skills, natural cultivation and understanding, and the development of art to a certain stage. The girls in his works are beautiful but not sweet and vulgar, showing the beauty of nature and the truth of spirituality; all things in his works are vivid and lovely, living in harmony with people, nature and man; the hunters in his works are the best virtues of the Chinese nation, diligence, kindness and simplicity. Huang Binhong said, "Painting is valued by people and art is respected by Tao". His character is high and his ink is superb.


Obviously, in the life of Zhixue art, landscape and characters can not be separated. His ultimate pursuit is to create a new world and add new factors. To reach the other shore in the future, he needs landscape, characters, flowers and birds to go hand in hand, to accumulate the ladder of artistic peak with a broad artistic base, and to realize the ideal of "painting is a literary dream". Only by carefully reading his figure paintings and re-reading his landscape paintings can we have a more comprehensive and profound understanding of his soul and his spiritual world.


Personal chronology


Before 1950s


Originally from Wendeng County, Shandong Province, in 1935, he was born on January 31, 1935 in Banzifangtun, Changwu Town, Zhaodong County, Heilongjiang Province.


Daotai Primary School in 1944.


In 1947, he finished his primary school in Zhaodong County.


In 1948, he was admitted to Hasi Public School (No. 2 Middle School of Zhaodong).


He dropped out of school in 1949. He worked in farming, farming and learning to be a carpenter.




In 1950, he began to study painting in the junior middle school of Zhaodong County. He was employed by Mr. Wang Xiuzhi and Mr. Soklov, a Russian teacher and painter.


Graduated from Zhaodong County High School in 1955.


He went to Harbin to study in 1956 and attended Chunhua Art School.


In 1957, the first comic strip Empty City Plan was published in Heilongjiang Pictorial.


In 1958, Wenjin Art Society was founded. He was also an art teacher of Harbin Oriental Art School. He went to Beijing to paint for China Agricultural Exhibition. In 1960, he was an art editor of Heilongjiang Painting Newspaper and began to study snow scenery.




In 1961, he was transferred to Heilongjiang People's Publishing House as an art editor.


In 1963, the "water mark line" was discovered, and the research on water, the adjusting agent of Chinese painting, was started. The basic techniques of painting snow were created, such as "overlapping method", "snow chaff method" and "splashing white method".


In 1964, the comic strip "Storm" participated in the third national art exhibition and was awarded excellent works. In the same year, it participated in the representative meeting of artists from three northeastern provinces held in Shenyang and made a special speech on the creative experience of "Storm".


In 1967, he created the "back-to-front pen" and created new snow scenery paintings "White Mountain, Black Water" and "Snow Man Xing'an".




In 1972, I went to Xing'an Mountains to go deep into my life and found that the river in the snow was black, which solved the problem that ice and snow landscape painting could not be heavily inked.


In 1973, he created the "White Dropping Method" and went to Gansu, Dunhuang and Xinjiang to live in depth.


Illustrations for Poetry Collections were presented at the International Book Binding Fair in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1975.


In 1976, he wrote "Spring Song" and "Thawing" with "Dropping White Method", and went to the Great Xing'an Mountains to experience life.


In 1979, at the invitation of the Seagull Gallery in Singapore, he went to Beijing to paint in the Chinese International Bookstore and prepare for a personal exhibition in Singapore. In September, Spring Opera and Muguitu were exhibited at the World Exposition held in Frankfurt, Germany. The work "Seiwaiqu" participated in the national art exhibition celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and won the third prize of excellent works awarded by the Ministry of Culture and the Chinese Artists Association.




In 1980, Heilongjiang Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, deputy director of Chuangyan Department, was interviewed by Bao Wenqing, a reporter from China Construction, and the iceberg landscape painting was officially named. On January 5, at the invitation of Mr. Yin Shoushi, president of Beijing Academy of Painting, an academic exchange was held in Coca-ting, Beihai, to tell the preliminary formation process of iceberg landscape painting, and for the first time.“ Pinghe Bai's new viewpoint of "Southern Xubeishi", "Southern Shihuashan" and "Northern Shuhuashan". CCTV filmed a TV documentary "Yuzhixue and Ice and Snow". In January, "Mei Lao Winter and Snow" was published in Hong Kong's "Ta Kung Pao". March to Da Hinggan Mountains to experience life. In May, "Northern Silver Clothes" was published on the cover of "Fine Arts". In June, "Spring Song" was published. In November, Poe was invited by Japan to hold a five-person joint exhibition in Japan, exhibiting 40 ice and snow paintings and 10 figure paintings. He was awarded the Fifth Labor Model of Heilongjiang Province. In December, two works such as Snow Tree and Honeysuckle participated in the "Modern Chinese Art Exhibition" held in the United States, and in San Francisco. Tour exhibitions in Chicago, New York and other places. Beijing China News Film Studio, filming documentary "Ice and Snow Landscape Painting".


In January, five ice and snow landscape paintings, such as The Gong of Creation, participated in the first exhibition of Heilongjiang Academy of Calligraphy and Painting. China Daily published an article by Gillis, an Italian literary critic, "Ice and Snow Landscape Painting of Yu Zhixue is Unique". The work "Serpentine Opera" has been collected by the Chinese Art Museum. "Early Spring" participated in the first exhibition of the Academy of Chinese Painting, Cedar participated in the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China National Art Exhibition, and won the second prize in Heilongjiang Province. It participated in the "Five Chinese Painters Joint Exhibition" held by Kaufman Gallery in Houston City.


In 1982, Chunqu was published on the back cover of People's Daily. The 25th edition of Hong Kong Artists focuses on ice and snow landscape paintings. A total of 14 works and two articles have been published. Participate in CCTV "Song" shooting, go to Xiao Xing'an Mountains in-depth life.


In 1983, it was listed in the World Celebrity List published by London Publishing Center. "Cedar" and other 20 works, participated in the "Ten Cities Middle-aged Painters Exhibition". Write the first draft of "Skills of Ice and Snow Landscape Painting". Prepare to build the "Snow Plain" exhibition hall of Harbin Sun Island. Paint "Ice Flower" for the people's lobby. Paper "I will search up and down" published in "Yingchunhua". Receiving Mr. Liu Guosong, a Taiwanese painter and professor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, to visit Heilongjiang Province, he presided over the "Liu Guosong Art Exhibition". Interview with Italian TV reporters Ilario and Fio Xue, shoot TV films, write a reportage "Snow and Ice into Painting", published in "Battlefield". Invited by CCTV to participate in the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic to shoot the second episode of "Jiuzhou Fangyuan".


In 1984, he was invited to Japan to hold a personal painting exhibition. It has been listed in the Famous Almanac of Modern Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Seal Carvers published in Japan. It was listed in the Dictionary of Names of Chinese Artists.


In 1985, he was invited to hold a three-person art exhibition in Japan. He met with the famous Japanese painter Mr. Maru Muweili and his wife, the famous female painter Junzi Akamatsu. The Chinese Ice and Snow Landscape Painting Research Association was established in Harbin. He participated in the "Five Outstanding Artists of Heilongjiang" exhibition held by Sinbi Gallery in Singapore.


The Exhibition of Five Outstanding Painters of Heilongjiang Province was held in Heilongjiang Art Museum in 1986. Japanese "Art Commentary" commented on "The Founder of Chinese Ice and Snow Painting--Yuzhixue." At the invitation of Niigata City, Japan, he went to Japan for a personal exhibition - "Yuzhixue Ink Painting Exhibition". He met with famous Japanese painter Kazan Yamagata. Heilongjiang TV filmed a special film "Yuzhixue and his Ice and Snow Mountain Painting", translated by CCTV into four. Ten iceberg landscapes were shown in foreign languages. They participated in the joint exhibition of ten famous Chinese painters held in Australia. They received an interview from Ms. Dennis, a Canadian weekly reporter. They went to Guangzhou to attend the opening ceremony of the exhibition of Lingnan Water Township and Seibei Snow Sea Style Painting. They also received an interview from China Daily, Bangkok, Thailand.


In 1987, he presided over the exhibition of Lingnan Waterfront and Saibei Snow Sea Style Painting, which opened in Harbin. Winter Scenery was awarded the "Excellent Award of 87 Exhibition of Modern Japanese Ink Painting" by Japan Modern Ink Painting Association. It was awarded the first prize of provincial literary and artistic creation by Heilongjiang Provincial Government for the Gold Award of Provincial Literary and Artistic Creation in 86-87 years. International Biography Center, awarded chartered membership to 32 national directories of celebrities in Oceania, Asia and the Far East. On June 4, it received a visit from Soviet painter Leo Kaali. The "Snow Plains" exhibition hall was completed. In October, the Biography Center of Cambridge University was listed in the "Pioneers of World Success" directory. In October, Er, chairman of the Cambridge Biography Center, UK. Mr. Nest wrote and was absorbed as a member of the association. From December to January 88, a solo exhibition of "Yuzhi Xue Ice, Snow, Mountains and Waters World" was held in Tokyo, Japan.


In March 1988, Chunrong participated in the exhibition of "Guandong Painting Exhibition" co-sponsored by the Northeast Three Provinces Art Association, and won the prize for excellent works. His works participated in the "Chinese Painting Exhibition" organized by the Japanese Wanshankaqidian, Mitsui Products, Heilongjiang Provincial Government. In May, he won the Golden Key Medal awarded by the American Biography Research Institute and the American Biography Research. In July, he attended the 15th International Conference on Cultural and Art Exchange, published his paper "The Development of Cold Belt Art", and held an Ice and Snow Painting Exhibition of Yu Zhixue, which exhibited 50 works. In July, he was invited to give lectures by Nanyang American University in Singapore. The work "Silent Snow Field" participated in the 3rd International Art Gallery Ink Painting Exhibition held by the International Art Gallery Foundation.


In August 1989, it was listed in the catalogue of the world's 1500 people published by Cambridge Publishing Center. Works such as Silent Snow Field participated in the Third International Art Garden Ink Painting Exhibition in Japan. Works such as Girls and Ice and Snow participated in the Chinese Painting co-sponsored by Mitsui Products of Japan and Heilongjiang Provincial Government. The work Snow Scene was sent to the Soviet Union by China Exhibition Company to participate in the Chinese Young and Middle-aged Painting Exhibition. In August, Heilongjiang Association of Fine Arts held its second congress and was elected Vice-Chairman of the Provincial Association of Fine Arts. In December, Yuzhixue Ice and Snow Mountain Painting Exhibition was held at the Oriental Art Museum in Edmonton, Canada.


Japan's New Japan Printing Press publishes "Yuzhixue Painting Exhibition". In October, it attended the National Landscape Painting Seminar at the Xiangshan Hotel in Beijing. Harbin TV filmed "Snow Tell You". CCTV relayed the feature film "Ice and Snow Painter-Yuzhixue". It participated in the National Art Park sponsored by China International Art Academy. International Art Academy Art Award Works Exhibition sponsored by International Art Academy. Works "Snowy Waste Land" and "Hometown" participated in the "Third Academy Exhibition" sponsored by Chinese Painting Research.




In February 1991, he painted in commemoration of Chairman Mao's 100th anniversary and was collected in Zhongnanhai. In March, he designed an animated film "Snow Deer" for Changchun Film Studio and won the first prize in painting category in the First American Art Competition. The World Celebrity List published by Indian and Southeast Asian Press is included. The work "Snow Night Food Delivery Map" participates in the "Painting Exhibition in Memory of the 60th Anniversary of the September 18th Incident" jointly organized by the China Association of Fine Arts and Northeast Provinces. It is a national charity sale. The CCTV and Harbin TV co-produced the special film "Ice and Snow Painters--Yu" Zhixue.


In 1992, the work "Snow Night Food Delivery Picture" was awarded the Gold Prize of "Painting Exhibition in Memory of the 60th Anniversary of the September 18th Incident" by the Chinese Artists Association. In April, at the invitation of the Russian Irkutsk Artists Association, Irkutsk visited Irkutsk for one month. In June, he went to Beijing and made two large-scale ice and snow paintings for the President's Building by the State Guest in Diaoyutai. Certificates issued by the State Council enjoy expert treatment. The founder of the White System, Yu Zhixue's Ice and Snow Painting Exhibition, was held in the exhibition hall of the Hong Kong General Hall in October. The Contemporary Chinese Elite Works Exhibition, held in Hong Kong in October, was exhibited in Taiwan. The exhibited works "Ice Home", "Silver Clothes" and "North China Silver Clothes" were specially developed by CCTV. It was introduced. An exhibition of Ice and Snow Landscape Painting Founder Yuzhixue was held in Singapore Museum in October. It was awarded the Achievement Award of Outstanding Persons in the Twentieth Century by Cambridge, UK. Yuzhixue Painting Collection was published in the Hall of Immunity in Hong Kong. Chinese Pictorial Press published the Painting Gallery of Contemporary Chinese Artists - Yuzhixue. In December, it participated in Nanchang Call. The UNESCO Symposium on Art Education in Asia was held, at which the paper "Ideas of Art Education" was read out.


In January 1993, Jilin Fine Arts Publishing House published the Calendar of Ice and Snow Landscape Paintings by Yu Zhixue. In April, he participated in the Second National Painting Art Symposium in Beijing and published the paper "Longjiang Chinese Paintings in Exploration of Development". In May, he designed "Postcard of Ice and Snow Landscape" for the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. He participated in the Second National Landscape Paintings Exhibition in July, and in the first Chinese Water Painting Exhibition. In July, the work "The Pure Soul of Yigu" won the first prize in Heilongjiang Literary and Art Creation Competition. In July, Heilongjiang China Cultural Development Foundation awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award and Dr. Yang Zhenning awarded the prize. In September, as a special guest, he participated in the shooting of "Zhengda Variety Art", which was broadcast by CCTV to the whole country. In October, he went to Zhongnanhai to commemorate Zedong's Centennial Birthday Event. In October, he traveled to the United States to participate in the "Yu Zhixue and Zhang Jingru's Chinese Ice and Snow Landscape Painting Exhibition". In November, the Far East Foundation of the United States awarded Yu Zhixue the "Outstanding Achievement Award".


In 1995, at the invitation of Taiwan Sea Foundation, he created "Snow Bath Xing'an". He participated in a visiting group of painters organized by Xinhua News Agency to Pyongyang, Korea, and Mount Kumgang. He was awarded the "Academic Sincerity Award of Chinese Painting" by the Institute of Fine Arts of the Academy of Chinese Painting Arts and participated in the "Chinese Painting Exchange Exhibition" and the academic seminar of Chinese Painting held in Participate in the "95 Chinese Landscape Painting Seminar" organized by the Institute of Fine Arts and Research of the Chinese Painting Academy, the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Guangzhou Democratic Congress, the National Association of Famous Calligraphers and Painters, the 3rd Chinese Oriental Silk Thick Festival in Dandong, and the "Chinese Painting Seminar" held by the Anhui Laozi Painting Academy. "Symposium on the Present Situation of Chinese Painting" sponsored by Institute of Fine Arts, Academy of Arts.


CCTV News Window and Oriental Time and Space produced a special film entitled "Ice and Snow Painters in Zhixue". Participated in the Fifth National Cultural Congress and the Sixth National Workshop Congress. Participated in the Founding Conference of the Chinese Ice and Snow Landscape Painting Research Association in Mudanjiang. Travelled to Changbai Mountain to experience life and attended the National Fan Award in Tai'an, Shandong Province. Qufu participated in the "China Qufu International Confucius Culture Festival". He went to Xiamen to attend the "Seminar of Famous Calligraphers and Painters across the Taiwan Straits to Promote the Peaceful Reunification of the Motherland". He went to Guizhou to attend the "National Seminar of Famous Calligraphers and Painters". He went to Anhui to attend the Laozi Culture Fe


In 1997, he participated in the "Symposium on Chinese Painting Figure Painting" organized by the Chinese Artistic Association and the Chinese Academy of Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting. The program "Life Points" of Harbin TV station was recorded and broadcast in Zhixue's Ice and Snow Landscape Painting Art Achievements. He participated in the Eight Artists'Collection of Heilongjiang Province to celebrate the return of Hong Kong. He participated in the 4th Literat Academic congress. To Xiamen to attend the first Guanshan Tourism and Culture Festival in Liancheng, Fujian Province. To Yichang, Wuhan, to attend the celebration of the "Three Gorges Carving Celebration" held by the Ministry of Culture. To participate in the "Return to China Art Competition".


In 1998, he was elected as a member of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee and a member of the Fifth American Association. He went to Macao to participate in the invitation exhibition of "Macao by Contemporary Chinese Painters". He participated in the activities of offering sacrifices to the Huangdi Mausoleum in Huangling County, Shaanxi Province. He went to Vietnam to collect wind. He went to Changchun to participate in the UNESCO bidding project. He also participated in the "Maple Leaf" in Benxi Activities. To Heihe to attend the founding ceremony of Heihe Academy of Painting. To Russia for a one-day tour to participate in the activities of Laozi Academy of Painting in Anhui Province, elected as honorary president. To participate in the Luoyang Chrysanthemum Festival. To attend the academic seminar of Chinese painting in Guangdong.


In 1999, he went to Thailand to participate in the celebration of the Thai-Chinese Friendship Federation. CCTV and CAPA filmed a series of special films entitled "50 Chinese Paintings of Aerial Painting Academy" to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic. The work "Scenery of the North Country" was collected by the Museum of Chinese History for the collection of the twentieth century. Liaoning Fine Arts Publishing House publishes a collection of excellent paintings by Yuzhi Xue, a member of the Association of Chinese Artists across the century. The Beijing Post and Telecommunications Administration issues a postcard entitled "Yuzhi Xue Ice and Snow Landscape Painting". It participates in the friendship activities of famous artists in Xiamen. It goes to Nanlijiang to collect styles and attends the Fifth Tour Exhibition of River and Mountain Painting Fair in Canada.






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