1934年参加“革命艺术研究社”,从事革命宣传 。
1936年开始自学木刻 。
1938年参加中华木刻界抗敌救亡协会的活动,后参加中华全国木刻协会,任理事 。
1942年入国立社会教育学院艺术系学习,在学期间遭反动派逮捕,作狱中速写多幅,1944年毕业后在重庆、上海从事革命文艺活动,1946年当选中华全国木刻协会监事会监事 。
1949年以来,历任中共贵阳市委宣传部文化科长,贵阳市文化局长,贵阳师范学院艺术系教师,《贵阳画报》社社长兼总编辑,当选中国美协贵阳分会副主席,省第四届人大代表 。
现任贵州省文联副主席、美协贵州分会名誉主席 。
中国美术家协会理事,中国版画家协会顾问 。
作品有版画《狱中纪实》、《八市喜盈盈》中国画《牡丹》等 。
出版有《王树艺木刻选集》、《王树艺花鸟画选集》和美术论文集《片瓦集》 。
1984年于贵阳举办“王树艺版画50周年回顾,国画近期作品展览” 。
Wang Shuyi was born in Bijie, Guizhou. He is good at printmaking, Chinese painting and art criticism. In 1934, he joined the Grassland Art Research Society and taught himself woodcut. In 1942, he studied in the Department of Art, National Institute of Social Education. He has successively been Vice-Chairman of Guizhou Provincial Literary Union and Honorary Chairman of Guizhou Branch of China Artists Association.
In 1934, he joined the Revolutionary Art Research Society and engaged in revolutionary propaganda.
Self-study woodcut began in 1936.
In 1938, he participated in the activities of the Chinese Woodcut Association for Resisting the Enemy and Rescuing the Nation, and later served as a member of the All-China Woodcut Association.
He joined the Art Department of the National Institute of Social Education in 1942 and was arrested by the reactionaries during his study. He sketched many pictures in prison. After graduation in 1944, he engaged in revolutionary literary activities in Chongqing and Shanghai. He was elected supervisor of the Board of Supervisors of the All-China Woodcut Association in 1946.
Since 1949, he has been elected Vice-Chairman of Guiyang Branch of China Association of Arts and deputy of the Fourth National People's Congress of Guiyang Province, Director of Culture of Guiyang Municipal Committee, Teacher of Art Department of Guiyang Normal University, President and Editor-in-Chief of Guiyang Pictorial, and Vice-Chairman of Guiyang Branch of China Association of Arts.
He is currently Vice-Chairman of Guizhou Provincial Literary Union and Honorary Chairman of Guizhou Branch of the Association of Arts.
Director of China Artists Association and Consultant of China Printers Association.
His works include printmaking "Records in prison", Chinese painting "Peony" and "Happy Yingying of Eight Cities".
He has published Selected Woodcarvings of Wang Shuyi, Selected Flowers and Birds Paintings of Wang Shuyi and Collections of Artistic Thesis of Tiles.
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