王合内 (1912.4—2000.1)原名ReneeYunne-nikel。女。中国籍法国巴黎人。擅长雕塑。1927年考入法国尼斯国立装饰美术学校雕塑专业,1933年毕业于法国尼斯国立图案学校,1933年至1936年在法国巴黎美术学院学习雕塑。
王合内 (1912.4—2000.1)原名ReneeYunne-nikel。女。中国籍法国巴黎人。擅长雕塑。1927年考入法国尼斯国立装饰美术学校雕塑专业,1933年毕业于法国尼斯国立图案学校,1933年至1936年在法国巴黎美术学院学习雕塑。1937年初来到中国,适值抗日战争爆发,随国立艺术专科学校颠沛流离于浙江、湖南、贵州、云南、四川等地,
Before liberation
Wang Henei (1912.4-2000.1) was originally Renee Yunne-nikel. Female. French Parisian of Chinese nationality. Good at sculpture. In 1927, he was admitted to the National School of Decorative Arts in Nice, France. He graduated from the National School of Design in Nice, France, in 1933 and studied sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Paris, France, from 1933 to 1936. He came to China in early 1937, just in time for the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan. With the exodus of the National College of Art, he left Zhejiang, Hunan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan and other places.
After liberation
After 1949, he was appointed Professor of Sculpture Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts. He became a Chinese national in 1955. In 1957, he held a joint exhibition with Xiao Shufang, Zong Qixiang and Li Dengzhu. His works Snow Leopard and Little Deer were well received. In 1958, he created large relief sculptures for the National Palace in Beijing. Subsequently, he created works such as "Children's Corps Sentinel" and "Women's Captain". Since 1978, he has continuously created sculptures of revolutionary martyrs such as Yang Kaihui. After liberation, he taught in the Department of Arts and Crafts of Peiping Normal University and the Department of Sculpture of Central Academy of Fine Arts. He has been a faculty member, associate professor and professor. His works include relief sculptures of Southeast Minority Nationalities, Xiangjianyu, Yang Kaihui, Old Uygur Peasant, Girl Delivery Captain and various animal sculptures, such as Black Panther, Tiger, Bison, Deer, Lamb and Cat. His works have participated in many national art exhibitions and have been collected by the Chinese Art Museum. The work "Mountain Horse" won the honorary prize of the 6th National Morbid Exhibition in 1984.