唐勇力,1951年生 ,河北唐山人。著名画家,中国工笔人物画家领军人物,兼擅写意人物画。原中国美院中国画系主任,2000年调入中央美术学院,现为中央美术学院中国画学院院长、博士生导师,中国工笔画学会副会长,中国国家画院研究员。
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事实上,长期以来笼罩在我们头脑中的意笔与工笔之分仅是手法与气味的分野,从更深的层次上说,工笔与意笔一样也在写“意”。只不过它们挥写时所依赖的程式不同罢了。顾恺之画裴揩4,在其头上添了三毫,使得其形象“神明珠胜”,可谓中国古代人物画家追求和表现对象本身之内在意储的典范。在工笔与意笔的简单对立中,人们似乎全然忘记另外这些动人故事所以 蕴含着的深意,不但如此,在文人画理论的笼罩下,人们也往往忽视了一个画学史上的重要事实,既最早的绘画理论大都是就任务画而提出的。正是从早期人物画的实践品评中,古人才引发出了“意与象”、“形与神”等诸种对立。最初的写意,最高妙的写意存在与对“目送归鸿”的敏锐把握之中,只是在元代之后,“写意”才成为自由、粗率的代名词。无疑,正是在这种认识的基础上,唐勇力的画才打破了工笔与意笔的传统对立模式,为现代工笔人物画开拓出个异常自由的创作空间。
唐勇力对传统工笔人物画的改造令人不由得想起沃尔夫林提出的关于秩序的第一对概念:线描性对图绘性(Linear und ma1erisch)。诚然,将这对概念移用到一传统工笔画与现代工笔画之上,无疑会有生搬硬套之嫌。然而,在关于中国画的传统与创新、关于中西艺术的对抗与融合等问题的争论如此激烈的今天,唐勇力的作品或许向我们提示了一个现实--在当代,尽管西方传统与中国的传统有着巨大的差异,但对每个画家而言,它们却同样作为我们的传统存在着。如何继承和改造这两种传统却又不落入"融合论"的圈套,如何将他们纳入到创作之中,使之成为个人创作的有机部分?这是必须在实践中加以解答的问题。
Tang Yongli was born in Tangshan, Hebei Province in 1951. Famous painter, leading figure painter of Chinese meticulous brushwork, and good at freehand figure painting. Former Director of the Department of Chinese Painting of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, he was transferred to the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2000. He is now the dean and doctoral supervisor of the Academy of Chinese Painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Fine Brushwork, and a researcher of the Chinese National Academy of Painting.
Tang Yongli, the character is silent and bitter, the name of Dayou Ren, Tangshan people in Hebei Province. Chinese contemporary representative meticulous figure painter, and long freehand figure painting. He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of Hebei Normal University and stayed at the University as a teacher. In 1982, he entered the Department of Traditional Chinese Painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts for further study. In 1985, he joined the Preparatory Department of the Department of Traditional Chinese Painting of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts, and taught in the Department after graduation. Member of China Artists Association, Director of Zhejiang Artists Association and Special Artist of Shanghai Academy of Painting. His works have participated in the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth National Art Exhibition and won many awards. Born in 1951. In 1985, he was admitted to the postgraduate class of fine brushwork figure painting in the Department of Chinese Painting of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (now China Academy of Fine Arts). Since 1988, he has been the director of the teaching and Research Department of figure painting in the Department of Chinese Painting, presiding over the teaching of figure painting. He advocates strengthening the basic training of figure painting and has been teaching sketch in grade one and grade two for many times. Since 1996, he has been the deputy director of the Department of Chinese Painting, focusing on teaching, following Mr. Pan Tianshou's academic thought of "drawing a distance between China and the West", advocating the teaching policy of deepening the two ends, integrating China and the West, and joining together in a pluralistic way, and adhering to the teaching line based on shape and centered on brush and ink. In 2000, he was transferred to the Department of Chinese Painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts to teach. He is now a member of the CPPCC National Committee. Professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Doctoral Tutor, Member of Academic Committee and Dean of Chinese Painting Academy. Director of the Chinese Artists Association and Deputy Director of the Chinese Painting Arts Committee. Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Fine Brushwork. Member of the Chinese National Academy of Painting. Director of National Thematic Art Creation Research Center. Senior Consultant and Special Artist of Beijing Tangfeng Art Museum. Contributor of National Key History Art Creation Project.
In Tang Yongli's paintings, at least two points are closely related to this idea. Firstly, texture is not only a means of shaping body and expressing texture, but also a specific aesthetic object with independent aesthetic value, so that "double narration" is developed on the screen - on the one hand, the author describes characters and backgrounds and tells stories through lines and textures; on the other hand, texture and lines are telling themselves. Under the influence of western modern painting concept, Tang Yongli found another conjunction point between modern Meticulous Brushwork and free brushwork. (In caring about strokes, the status of brush and ink is roughly the same as the texture at this time, and also has a highly independent aesthetic value. In addition, the so-called "stone like a box flying from a wood" in the theory of "drawing from books" also illustrates this point on one side. Secondly, Tang Yongli's paintings are very decorative, which is closely related to the concept of "painting plane". In traditional figure painting, the outline is very clear, and almost all the characters are depicted by lines. Beyond the clear outline, there is a blank space of emptiness and spirituality. Even if there are occasional illustrative scenery, it will never destroy the holistic spirit of the picture (see The Portrait of Yang Zhuxi, painted by Wang Yi and Ni Zan). But in Tang Yongli's paintings, the dominant position is the colour halo and chaff, and the outline is hidden in the diffuse colour. The background is no longer a simple blank, but has the same mottled texture effect. As a result, the characters and the background merge together to form a highly decorative and full-composition "picture".
Tang Yongli's transformation of traditional meticulous figure painting reminds us of Wolflin's first pair of concepts about order: Linear und ma1erisch. Admittedly, it is doubtful to apply these concepts to traditional Meticulous Brushwork and modern Meticulous brushwork. However, in today's fierce debate about the tradition and innovation of Chinese painting, the confrontation and integration of Chinese and Western art, Tang Yongli's works may remind us of a reality that, in contemporary times, although there are great differences between Western tradition and Chinese tradition, for every painter, they also exist as our tradition. How to inherit and reform these two traditions without falling into the trap of "integration theory"? How to incorporate them into creation and make them an organic part of individual creation? This is a question that must be answered in practice.