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  • 中文名年画
  • 外文名New Year paintings
  • 形成时间北宋
  • 来 源“门神画”
  • 用 途用于新年时张贴,装饰环境
  • 产 地几乎遍及全国

美术网 07-01 浏览



中国的年画(new year paintings),作为年节装饰绘画,年画的内容多为“表吉祥、志喜庆”一类,形式上则是红火活泼,单纯明快,色彩亦鲜艳明亮,多用单色平涂,题材上则包罗一切具有喜庆色彩的风俗生活,新闻轶事、传统戏曲小说、民间故事等,其创作与群众生活密切相关,地区特色显著。其中,以天津的杨柳青年画与江苏苏州桃花坊年画以及山东潍坊的杨家埠年画著称于世。
年画是中国画的一种。始于古代的“门神画”清光绪年间,正式称为年画,是中国特有的一种绘画体裁,也是中国农村老百姓喜闻乐见的艺术形式。大都用于新年时张帖,装饰环境,含有祝福新年吉祥喜庆之意,故名。传统民间年画多用木板水印制作。旧年画因画幅大小和加工多少而有不同称谓。整张大的叫“宫尖”,一纸三开的叫“三才”。加工多而细致的叫“画宫尖”、“画三才”。颜色上用金粉描画的叫“金宫尖”、“金三才”。六月以前的产品叫“青版”,七、八 月以后的产品叫“秋版”。
旧年画因画幅大小和加工多少而有不同称谓。整张大的叫“宫尖”,一纸三开的叫“三才”。加工多而细致的叫“画宫尖”、“画三才”。颜色上用金粉描画的叫“金宫尖”、“金三才”。六月以前的产品叫“青版”,七、八 月以后的产品叫“秋版”。年画画面线条单纯、色彩鲜明、气氛热烈愉快,如春牛图、岁朝图、嘉穗图、戏婴图、合家欢、看花灯,胖娃娃等,并有以神仙、历史故事、戏剧人物作题材的。颇多作为门画张贴之用,夹杂着“神祗护宅”的观念,如“神荼郁垒”、“天官”、“秦琼敬德”等,体裁(或形式)有门画(独幅和对开)四屏条和横竖的单开独幅等。宋代已有关于年画的记载,目前见到最早的一幅木版年画是南宋刻印的《随朝窈窕呈倾国之芳容》。清代中期,尤见盛行。建国后,年画在传统的基绌上推陈出新,丰富多采,更为人民群众所喜爱。



 年画起源于古代的门神画,而门神画早在尧舜时期就出现。据东汉《独断》记载,汉代民间已有门上贴的“神荼”、“郁垒”升像。现存最早的年画是宋版的《随朝窈窕呈倾国之芳容》,画的是王昭君、赵飞燕、班姬、绿珠,习称《 四美图》。






苏州桃花坞、天津杨柳青、山东潍坊和四川绵竹,是中国著名的四大民间木刻年画产地。 四川绵竹年画、江苏桃花坞、天津杨柳青、山东潍坊杨家埠的木版年画在历史上久负盛名,被誉为中国“年画四大家”。

朱仙镇木版年画历史悠久,堪称中国民间艺术宝库中的一颗明珠。 北宋年间,每逢过年过节,特别是过春节家家户户贴门神已成为一种风尚,以祈求人寿年丰、吉祥如意、招财进宝、镇邪除妖。后来北宋没落、灭亡,开卦几经战乱,木版年画便衰落下来。到了明代,开封年画虽然又获复兴,但已逐渐转移到朱仙镇。明朝末年洪水泛滥,开封被淹没,百业俱废,朱仙镇便成了木版年画的中心。明、清时期,朱仙镇就有300多家木版年画作坊,其作品畅销各地,于是开封地区的年画被统称为“朱仙镇木版年画”,影响深远。 朱仙镇在河南省开封市城南10公里,虽然是个小镇,在古代却名列中国四大古镇之一。特别是北宋末年岳飞曾率军在这里大破兀术的金兵,朱仙镇更为国人所知。为纪念岳家军的功绩,在朱仙镇建有一座规模不小的岳王座,而今朱仙镇木版年画社就设在这座古庙之中。
朱仙镇木版年画有五大特点:一是线条粗犷,粗细相间;二是形象夸张,头大身小;三是构图饱满,左右对称;四是色彩艳丽,对比强烈;五是门神神码多,严肃端庄。朱仙镇年画可分为两大类,一类是神祗画,如灶君神、天地神等,另一类是门神类,朱仙镇木版年画中最多的就是门神,门神中以秦琼、尉迟敬德两位武将为主。 那些大大小小的门神画中,两位武将或衣着不同,或形态各异:步下鞭、马上鞭、回头马鞭、抱鞭、竖刀、披袍等,不下20种样式。除此之外,还有各种文武门神。文门神有五子、九莲灯、福禄寿等;武门神常是戏曲中的忠臣义士和各类英雄好汉。不同人的房门常贴不同内容的门神:已婚子女辈房门贴“天仙送子”、“连生贵子”、“三娘教子”;中年人房门贴“加官进禄”、“步步莲生”;老年人房门贴“松鹤延年”和“寿星”之类;少年儿童居室房门贴“五子夺魁”、“刘海戏金蟾”等。


佛山年画 以门画为主,线条刚劲,粗放,用色多为大红、橘红、黄、绿、富于南方风情。










扑灰年画是中国民间年画中的一个古老画种,始见于明代成化年间(1465-1487年),盛行于清代。主要产地在高密北乡姜庄、夏庄一带30多个村庄。 所谓扑灰,即用柳枝烧灰,描线作底版,一次复印多张。艺人继而在印出的稿上粉脸、手,敷彩,描金,勾线,最后在重点部位涂上明油即成。扑灰年画技法独特,以色代墨,线条豪放流畅,写意味浓,格调明快。扑灰年画多以仕女、胖娃、戏曲人物、神话故事、山水花卉为题材,深受广大群众喜爱,多次在国内外展出。


English Introduction

The China (New Year paintings) New Year paintings, as the festival decoration painting, New Year paintings content for the auspicious festive table, Zhi "category, its form is flourishing and lively, lively, bright color, and more single Ping Tu, the theme is all inclusive with festive colors of the custom life, news the traditional opera stories, anecdotes, folk stories, its creation is closely related to people's life, significant regional characteristics. Among them, Tianjin Yangliuqing and Jiangsu Suzhou, Shandong Weifang Fang peach New Year paintings Yangjiabu New Year paintings is famous in the world.
Is a kind of Chinese painting New Year paintings. In the ancient "Paintings" in Qing Dynasty, officially called New Year paintings, is a painting genre China unique, but also the ordinary people China rural popular art form. Mostly for the new year posters, decorative environment with wishes for the new year auspicious meaning, hence the name. The traditional folk woodblock production with multi New Year paintings. How many old paintings because of painting size and processing have different titles. The whole wide called "Gong tip", a paper called "three three". More detailed processing called "palace painting tip", "painting succhi". The color painted with gold powder called "Jin Gong Jian", "three gold". June years ago, the product called "green version", seven, after the product called "Autumn Edition"".
New Year paintings
New Year Paintings Art, folk art is China precedent, but also the reflection Chinese social history, life, belief and customs. During the lunar new year to buy two New Year paintings on the door, so it is almost every, by the gate to the room, are covered with a variety of brightly coloured, auspicious symbol of wealth New Year paintings full of joy, the spring atmosphere is New Year paintings, play a role in this. Probably more rich people in the room, the total love hung old longevity, ZIWEIXING, Fu, Lu, Shou etc.. To flower and meilanzhuju figure, also in the list of natural.
How many old paintings because of painting size and processing have different titles. The whole wide called "Gong tip", a paper called "three three". More detailed processing called "palace painting tip", "painting succhi". The color painted with gold powder called "Jin Gong Jian", "three gold". June years ago, the product called "green version", seven, after the product called "Autumn Edition"". Simple lines, bright color screen New Year paintings, a warm atmosphere pleasant, such as Chunniu map, map, chart, Scarlett year old baby figure, ear play carnival, watching lanterns, fat dolls, and to gods, historical stories, drama characters as the theme. As a door painting posted, with "God protect home" concept, such as "Tu Yu Lei", "Tian Guan" and "Qin Qiong Jing", the genre (or form) (have the door painted on four independent pieces and open) and horizontal single set of hanging scrolls independent pieces etc.. The Song Dynasty had a New Year paintings record, currently see a woodcut New Year paintings is the earliest Southern Song Dynasty engraved with "a beauty of beauty" in slim. In the mid Qing Dynasty, especially prevalent. After the founding of new China, based on the traditional New Year paintings in an old, rich and varied, more loved by the people.New Year paintings originated in ancient paintings, and paintings appeared early in the period of Yao and shun. According to the "arbitrary" records, the Han people have on the door of "Tu", "Yu Lei" L like. The earliest version of the song is New Year paintings "with a graceful beauty of beauty" in, painting is Wang Zhaojun, Zhao Feiyan, Banji, Lu Zhu Xi said, "four beauties".
Another one: began in the Tang dynasty. The Song Dynasty was widely popular, but still posted to the goalkeeper, goalkeeper, New Year paintings can include.
New Year paintings, folk God, commonly known as "Hi painting", old people put in popular New Year paintings indoor, posted on the door to door, auspicious wishes for the new year, fierce drive yingxiang. New Year paintings is one of the most popular folk art Chinese, at the end, most places are posted, and the custom of New Year paintings Cech antithetical couplet, to add to the festive festive atmosphere. For one year to replace New Year paintings, or post for a year after the appreciation, it is called "New Year paintings".
New Year paintings is an ancient folk art China, and couplets, originated in the "keeper". According to the "The Classic of the Great Wilderness" on Tang Taizong said: when Li Shimin was sick, a dreadful clamor sound often heard the dream and sleepless nights. At this time, general Qin Shubao and Yuchi two people volunteered, armour standing on both sides of the palace, the palace was All is well. Li Shimin believes that the two generals too hard, the heart is guilty, and he will draw the two powerful image of the painting in the palace, known as the "keeper". The Eastern Han Dynasty Cai Yong "arbitrary" records, the Han Dynasty folk door "Tu", "Yu Lei" statue, to the Song Dynasty evolved into the wood New Year paintings. Later, people rush to follow suit, after the evolution, formed its own unique style, is now the New Year paintings. China is the earliest extant New Year paintings "Sui song version of a slim beauty map" of beauty.New Year paintings originated in China, as a formal folk painting, New Year paintings about five generation began in the Northern Song Dynasty, its origin can be pushed to the Qin and Han Dynasty or earlier, such as the patron saint of evil spirits door painting, formerly known as the "paper painting", "paper" and "painting".
The development of the Song Dynasty engraved version of carving and the celebration of Spring Festival to get rich New Year paintings development, theme rich, has the custom, ladies, dolls, drama etc..
In the early Ming Dynasty, found that two of the Song Dynasty in Gansu: a New Year paintings is "Four Beauties", are high off the long sleeved court; another is the kitchen and guanshengdijun. The two picture on the cover of Pingyang Ji Jia Lang carving "shop" shows in the Song Dynasty has a size of characters New Year paintings.
Since Zhu Yuanzhang advocated a New Year couplets, such development, also specially developed New Year paintings. Today is preserved, and color printing molinianjian most popular woodcut Fu Lu Shou Samsung, day official blessing figure, carved quite exquisite, is still the folk law. There are practical calendar painting, such as: Spring cattle, Zaoma, awn God; more historical stories "to her son," Yue Fei Liangwang small spear". "Cowherd", "White Snake" etc.. As for the Three Kingdoms, water margin and other classical literary masterpiece, has also been used as the theme of New Year paintings. Until the Ming Chongzhen, Tianjin Yangliuqing extremely well-known picture New Year paintings, the content becomes more and more rich.
With the rise in the late Ming Dynasty engraving, color printing technology has greatly promoted the sales of wood New Year paintings and drawing. During the Ming and Qing Dynasty is the heyday of the woodcut New Year paintings.
The Qing Dynasty people New Year paintings theme more widely, in addition to figures, flowers, landscapes and other works of art, and "marriedfemale rats", "scold the chicken" allegorical painting, and comic with Xiehouyu composition, giving people a sense of humor. There are a variety of printing, wood, printing, offset, a painting, watercolor, pattern, Dan Xianping painted. There are antique, color, carbon creation, even a reproduction of Western painting, such as Suzhou in the Western Theater of New Year paintings ".
At the end of the Qing Dynasty began to pop and lithographic offset printing New Year paintings, the prevalence of "calendar New Year paintings", mainly in Shanghai, Tianjin city.
The folk New Year paintings is a large category of art China folk art, it is from the early nature worship and gods belief for the progressive development of evil Naxiang, praying and festive decoration, landscaping festivals and customs activities, to express thoughts and feelings and aspirations of a better life for the people. The folk New Year paintings has a long history, there are many areas, is also very popular widely popularized, and has a large number of readers have been quite prosperous development. Whether the subject matter content, graphic technology, or art style, has its own distinct characteristics. It is not only on other categories of folk art have a far-reaching impact, but also as a form of mutual integration of mature paintings and other paintings, has the characteristics of both.
Now, more New Year paintings became a popular mass art, both in subject matter, or in the performance of techniques are becoming more and more rich.The folk New Year paintings is a large category of art China folk art, it is from the early nature worship and gods belief for the progressive development of evil Naxiang, praying and festive decoration, landscaping festivals and customs activities, to express thoughts and feelings and aspirations of a better life for the people. The folk New Year paintings has a long history, there are many areas, is also very popular widely popularized, and has a large number of readers have been quite prosperous development. Whether the subject matter content, graphic technology, or art style, has its own distinct characteristics. It is not only on other categories of folk art have a far-reaching impact, but also as a form of mutual integration of mature paintings and other paintings, has the characteristics of both.
Suzhou Taohuawu, Tianjin Shandong and Sichuan Weifang Yangliuqing, Mianzhu, is China Four Famous Folk Woodcut origin New Year paintings. Sichuan Mianzhu, Jiangsu Taohuawu, Tianjin Yangliuqing New Year paintings, Shandong Weifang Yangjiabu woodcut New Year paintings in the history of the famous, known as the "four China New Year paintings".
Suzhou Taohuawu New Year paintings began in the Ming Dynasty, Yong Zheng, Qian Long period of great prosperity in Qing dynasty. Taohuawu main door painting, New Year paintings, painting and other forms of the door painted a set of hanging scrolls, it sets the keeper of the book. The Taohuawu Department of block printing method New Year paintings, with a printed edition, exquisite craft, a painting to set four or five times to ten times, some even after the "gold" and "silver", and "powder" process. In the color, there are pink, red, blue, purple, green, light, and various colors such as lemon yellow. Taohuawu New Year paintings in the artistic style, rich composition, bright colors, decorative strong, rich flavor of life. In the figure, the blade and the color, is simple, concise, elegant and rich folk art features, so for hundreds of years has been popular in many European countries and Yu Hai, museum and art gallery has a collection.
Tianjin Yangliuqing began in the Ming Dynasty Chongzhen, popular in the Qing Dynasty Yong Zheng, Qian Long and Guangxu years. Based on the content of New Year paintings of traditional opera, beauty and fat baby etc.. In the artistic style, Yangliuqing composition plump, clean lines, bright colors, on the head, face and other important parts of the characters, with golden halo, Sui generis.
Shandong Weifang Yangjiabu New Year paintings has a history of 500 years, sung in the Qing Dynasty, popular in the lower reaches of the Yellow River area. The style of the reuse of primary colors, rich imagination, rough lines and strong contrast.
Sichuan Mianzhu is famous for its exquisite art of engraving New Year paintings, high artistic atmosphere. The form of a door painting, Doufang, painting and other types of. The shape is simple and concise, vivid and pleasing color.
Zhuxian Town woodcut New Year paintings has a long history, is a bright pearl in the treasure house of folk art China. The Northern Song Dynasty, during the Lunar New Year holiday, especially the Spring Festival every family posted goalkeeper has become a fashion, to pray for good luck, and the town of evil Chuyao, felicitous wish of making money. Later, the Northern Song Dynasty, the decline of death, open Gua after the war, he declined the woodcut New Year paintings. To the Ming Dynasty, it was New Year paintings although Renaissance, but has gradually shifted to the Zhuxian town. Flood flood at the end of Ming Dynasty, it was flooded, businesses shuttered, Zhuxian Town became the center of woodcut New Year paintings. The Ming and Qing Dynasties, Zhuxian Town has more than and 300 wooden New Year paintings workshop, his works around the best-selling kiafeng area, so New Year paintings are collectively referred to as "the zhuxiantown woodcut New Year paintings", profound influence. The town is 10 kilometers south of Kaifeng City, Henan province. Although it is a small town, it is one of the top ancient towns in China in ancient times. Especially in the Northern Song Dynasty Yue Fei rate army here broken Wushu Jinbing, Zhuxian Town more known to the Chinese people. To commemorate the yuegujun achievements in Zhuxian Town built a sizeable Yuewang seat, now the zhuxiantown woodcut is located in the temple New Year paintings agency.
Zhuxian Town woodcut New Year paintings has five characteristics: one is the rough lines, thickness is two; the image is exaggerated, big head and small body; three is the full composition, symmetrical; four colors, strong contrast; five is the goalkeeper Shenma, dignified and serious. Zhuxian Town New Year paintings can be divided into two categories, one is the gods such as the God of heaven and earth, painting, Zaojun God, another kind is the goalkeeper, the zhuxiantown woodcut is the largest in New Year paintings by Qin Qiong, goalkeeper, goalkeeper weichijingde two generals. Those small door god paintings, two generals or clothing, or different form: step under the whip, whip, whip, immediately back hold the whip, vertical knife, robe, no less than 20 kinds of style. In addition, there are a variety of civil and military cech. The goalkeeper has five sons, nine lotus lamps, gods and other; Wu goalkeeper is often in the traditional operas of the loyal righteous and all kinds of heroes. People often put different content door keeper: married children door posted "angel Songzi", "Takako", "Niang son"; the middle-aged door affixed to "win promotion" and "step by step Ephraim"; the elderly door paste like "Songhe sickness" and "longevity"; children's bedroom door stickers "five place", "Liu play toad" etc..Zhuxian Town woodblock New Year paintings, not only has high artistic value of the collection, and highly ornamental value, many celebrities have had a collection of Zhuxian Town woodcut New Year paintings, Mr. Lu Xun gives it very high appraisal: "Zhuxian Town woodblock carving New Year paintings are very good, rough lines health strong, and other places are different, not only polish. The wood is very simple, do not use makeup, no character color is very strong, the charm and local flavor, has a unique characteristic of northern wooden New Year paintings." This is a good summary of the zhuxiantown woodcut New Year paintings artistic characteristics. Now the Shanghai Lu Xun memorial hall is decorated with 26 pieces of Lu Xun's collection of works New Year paintings zhuxianzhen.
Wuqiang woodcut New Year paintings
Wuqiang New Year paintings because of its origin in the Hebei Wuqiang named. It is a folk folk art developed under the influence of primitive farming methods, Buddhist ideas, traditional ideas and ancient national habits. Wuqiang New Year paintings originated in the Yuan Dynasty, the early Ming Dynasty formed the scale, to the Qing emperor Kangxi to Jiaqing (1662 - 1820), entered the peak period. Until the end of Qing Dynasty, in Wuqiang County, South Gate with a test shop still has 144, 68 villages around it in a total of 1587 folk workshop in the production and sale of painting industry practitioners, thousands of people in the field, opened the wholesale Zhuang have more than 180, the highest annual sales reached 100 million on the opening of marketing at the time half a China. Wuqiang New Year paintings industry under the support of the nation, has obtained the considerable development, Wuqiang was established in 1985, New Year paintings agency; approved by the Hebei provincial cultural relics department, the famous "China woodcut New Year paintings town" built China's first museum, Wu Qiangnian Museum of painting New Year paintings. In 1992 and 1994 held the two session of the Wuqiang Art Festival "China New Year paintings". In December 1993, the Ministry of culture of Wuqiang officially named as the "hometown of Folk Woodcut New Year paintings".
Shaanxi Fengxiang South Village Xiao Tai Zengke posted in front of the printing New Year paintings. The original has been engaged in the production of Zengke Tai wood New Year paintings now abandoned this craft. Fengxiang wood New Year paintings over the years by Northwest popular, but the board in recent years by the impact of offset printing New Year paintings New Year paintings, the market downturn. Now Fengxiang County engaged in printmaking only Tai Liping, wife of Wang Huifang, and has no successor, print process lost face.
Wuqiang New Year paintings colorful, full composition, rough lines, exaggerated image. The door window painting, painting, lantern painting, Doufang, Gong Jian, Tang Kang Wai painting, painting, painting, painting, store ceiling screens, antithetical couplet, even the bullpen also has special posted New Year paintings stables.
Although the inheriting characteristics of Dong Feng Tai New Year paintings Yangliuqing, but also from the northeast, Jidong folk, Sui generis. In comparison, the use of color is more bright, the picture is more rough and exaggerated. In addition, the layout is unique, some of the lucky words at the use of bold, occupy the main screen; some window format picture, will be more than 10 pieces of art mosaic overprint, and reproduce the drama all blend into one harmonious whole; and can be made of 16 pieces of picture framed screen etc.. 2004 Spring Festival, Tianjin folk cultural workers in the town of Fengtai Ninghe Tianjin City, a year old workshop in the accidental discovery of a group of people hundreds of years ago, Dongfeng Taiwan woodcut New Year paintings. These have strong visual impact of the old painting was broad, day official blessing, Cech, Jiufeng Chaoyang, beauty map, send money dispenser etc..
The door to Foshan New Year paintings painting primarily, bold lines, extensive use, color is red, orange, yellow, green, and southern style.The same folk printing method New Year paintings, only slightly different practices in several different areas of the. Generally speaking, the original drawing to painting printed New Year paintings required four order:
A painter, drafting and finalized, with line sketch in flash or thin cotton paper;
Two, will be finalized with the artist carved the powder paste anti stick in the planed pear or Du board, leaving blank drawings Moxian Tiqu Moxian, complete edition;
Three, the ink painting painter printed, again in the drawing point color, carved according to different color points, carved color overprint, generally not more than five yuan;
Four, brush will each Moxian New Year paintings and chromatography are ready, the paper started hundreds of pressure in a fixed position on the table shuayin, drawing back on the paper to the left, with the hand over paper, evenly paint painting, brush brush painting on paper with right hand, so a picture in the fixed position, the paper brush, then change another color version, to brush the paper after another edition, until all the finish a picture so far behind.
The order is: first, shuayin color printing ink, yellow, and blue (blue, yellow two color overprint is stunning), purple, orange, red, and finally some overprint gold powder. This method of printed New Year paintings accounted for most of the workshops in all parts of the country, only Tianjin Yangliuqing workshop printing color version, but also by the local painters (to be good with the phase figure seven or eight manual powdery fill Red Hook eyebrow painted eye) and fill the empty (no printing clothing etc), until the end of live. In the early part of the Suzhou dolls and Shandong Weixian ladies painting painting had stained face phase but relatively simple. Shandong Gaomi New Year paintings in a kind of "gray paint shop". Use charcoal sketch outlet draft, again spread the paper in the draft, namely charcoal on paper was silhouetted, so shop 35, and then as a fill color painting freehand brushwork. The last point to powdery lips, painted eye opening. Sichuan Mianzhu ink printed version only New Year paintings, contour, color version without overprint, all by hand painting. Some fill gold medallions, by stamp method, the pattern carved seal type, and finally hand flick on the screen. There is also a method of leak printing New Year paintings, past Guizhou and Henan opened all the ancient heritage, namely woodblock printed ink color version New Year paintings, wood engraving and not, several layers of paper mounted into square hard paper, into melted beeswax, soaked out, dry, translucent cardboard then, according to the needs of the printing color in the original wax impregnated cardboard hollow, color edition; color, ink painting will be covered in the paper on the blank, with a brush dipped in color brush version, will paint on the screen in a leak. This method is easy to pollute the screen, now not passed. There is only a woodblock printed ink, printed or with a red and green, this method is often used as the statue of printed paper. In Sichuan, Mianzhu and Tianjin is the Song Dynasty "Yangliuqing release" techniques in New Year paintings in the workshop. "Release" is a painter to complete a painting after the release, as the bottom, and then use the thin powder paper cover in the bottom, repair again, so the ten, ten and 100, to meet the needs of the market. This is the Northern Song Dynasty Liu Zongdao, Du children and other folk artists taught. Sichuan Mianzhu and Tianjin Yangliuqing handed down the "bottom", there are many kept in private, very precious, should continue to pursue.Board New Year paintings
Yangjiabu producesplank is known for years and picture, Tianjin yangliuqing. Suzhou, Taohuawu and known as China's three major folk painting city. Yangjiabu wood New Year paintings has been 300 years of history. Reportedly originated in the Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi, Yong Zheng has been well developed. The village appeared Yongsheng, Gong Mao, Ji Sheng, Sheng Tai, Wanshun dozen brand shop. To the Qing Dynasty Xianfeng, Guangxu years, developed into hundreds of workshops. Painting over a thousand. All carved woodblock prints depicting a painting. There is a legend, the late Ming Dynasty eunuch to visit Yangjiabu, from the palace to a painting like a goalkeeper, villagers are very love. There was a good moment to draw people, cleverly put it copy down, carved wood version, color printing, so that the villagers were also posted in the Palace door like. Since then, gradually prevailed in Yangjiabu woodcut New Year paintings.
Yangjiabu New Year paintings is a wonderful work of folk art in Weifang. For many years. It attracts the masses with its unique artistic charm. It is based on folk life, but not rigidly adhere to the real life, not limited by time and space, the expression of the content to be highly generalized and exaggerated image. It uses the hook line of Chinese traditional techniques, composition of symmetric drink full, rough lines, bright color, red, green, blue, yellow, contrast and highlight the theme. Painting people material Park generous, exudes a rich local flavor.
Yang Jiabu New Year paintings genre genre widely. Imagination is rich. Tu Yu Lei, Qin Qiong, Zhong Kui and goalkeeper portraits, reflects the protection of farmers in the hope of God, and family happiness, "Lu he (Liuhe) spring", < >, < laoshouxing cat (MAO) Butterfly (as) opera peony. Reflect people to health and longevity will, "goldfish (jade)", "full swing Qian Shu", "cornucopia". The expression of the people desire to get rich, "ten male, ten female," busy busy "is the man, the activities of women in ten in general to solar term, a picture, the hard work of farmers, the love life of the scene. Some also New Year paintings people entrusted with the disaster, the disaster Xiao Qu live and work in peace. In conclusion, the expression of New Year paintings Yangjiabu wood farmers vivid and complicated life ideals and aspirations.
New Year paintings process
Yangjiabu New Year paintings production painting, engraving, printing, mounting several processes, each process is very accurate. It is the first sketch tick black draft, affixed to the planed pear or Tang wood, carved out of the main version. To print line release, respectively, of different colors, excellent engraved version, color printing, the last version of repair and mounting.
Pingyang wood New Year paintings
From the Song Dynasty in Pingyang (ancient Linfen) wood art New Year paintings in yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties widely development. After the demise of the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty rulers forced many printing workers from the South moved to Pingyang, making it the center of the printing industry, resulting in Pingyang New Year paintings. Most of the Pingyang wood paintings are printed by amateur farmers in this spare time. Based on local customs and legends, wooden paintings mainly include flowers, birds, fish and historical figures. The use of exaggerated vivid description and vivid color, the screen is full of local flavor, reflecting the local people's health, courage, romantic character. Pingyang New Year paintings of different types according to different uses. Some hang in the bedroom, some on the doors and windows, others used to decorate the kitchen or table.
The engraving festivals in the temple New Year paintings, which sell, people around, back the back stick in the hall New Year paintings, and pray for peace, the most favorable auspices.
Throws the ash to lunar new year's painting
Dust is Chinese folk New Year paintings in New Year paintings an ancient painting, beginning in the Ming Dynasty Chenghua period (1465-1487 years), prevalent in the Qing dynasty. The main origin in high-density hokugo Jiangzhuang, Xiazhuang area more than and 30 villages. The so-called dust, with willows burning ash, as a master line, more than one copy. Artist and then in the printed script, face powder, deposited color, gilt, hook line, and finally focus on the parts with a clear oil. Dust New Year paintings techniques unique to color instead of ink, smooth lines and bold, freehand Sauvignon, bright tone. Dust New Year paintings to ladies, fat baby, many opera characters, fairy tales, landscape flowers as the theme, loved by the masses, have been exhibited at home and abroad.
The beach New Year paintings
The beach is 43 km away from Shaoyang City, 33 kilometers away from Longhui County, Shaoyang and Longhui in the road close to the point where turned a corner, the deep deep in the mountains about 10 kilometers to the town. The beach, an ancient town in Southwest Hunan river water resources, bamboo, clear all over the mountains and plains of the cave streams and simple folk customs, the China folk art treasures - the beach has New Year paintings.
The beach is hand New Year paintings woodblock New Year paintings only in Hunan province. From the end of Ming Dynasty to the early Republic of China, the New Year paintings has gradually formed its own unique artistic style: bright and moist color, modeling exaggerated, full, unadorned, personalized, pure local materials and unique technology, which works with the artistic effect of general relief. A papermaking raw material selection, New Year paintings from the production of paper, brush bottom, to block, seven printing, seven hand-painted, producing a New Year paintings to go through more than and 20 steps. From handmade paper to New Year paintings finished in a local production in the country New Year paintings produced extremely rare.The beach is divided into statues, auspicious New Year paintings, a story of three categories, whether it is God or a story or auspicious content in small New Year paintings on the deduction was most incisive. "A mouse", "Qin Shubao", "Yuchi Gong." almost every piece of Good-naturedness leads to propitiousness., New Year paintings are circulating a touching story, more than and 40 varieties of existing become an important carrier to witness history, heritage of civilization.






    最近更新:2025-01-14 02:31:18
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