指护持佛法之十二天尊。乃诸天、龙鬼神、星宿、冥官之总主。由八方、上下、日月等合计共为十二天。即:东方帝释天(梵 Indra)、东南火天(梵 Agni)、南方焰摩天(梵 Yama)、西南罗刹天(梵 Nir!iti)、西方水天(梵 VaruN!a)、西北风天(梵 Va^yu)、北方多闻天(梵 Vais/ravaN!a,又作毗沙门天)、东北伊舍那天(梵 I^s/a^na,又作大自在天,镇守东北),以上为八方天。又有上方梵天(梵 Brahma^)、下方地天(梵 Pr!thivi^)、日天(梵 A^ditya)、月天(梵 Candra)等。
"For twelve days return goods" (Wade 21, 385) said: "if thou interest disaster Sakka LED; if demand to be adjusted gain Brahma; volt free LED; if thou beloved pishamen headed back along for more than. Or to stop the sword Sakka; in addition to Yaocha, Russian hard, with pishamen, Luo Chatian; to Chuyi flame magic day; if the flood, drought in all with water; if in addition to blame for the disaster on this day for a windy day and difficult wind; if people with Brahma; water the fire difficult days; fire to water; the fire or JiangMo in esher, day by day; the town of evil, and that the grain; if the position for Indra; if wisdom day by day; if for months; if used in addition to the cold day; to remove heat by day; if there are four serious illness, with four fine days, such as more than one is headed back for the cis. For the rich pishamen; for your support with Brahma, the storage device, perfume, incense, flowers, candles, rice grains, and feed the Yiqi plug sheng. General such as pure incense fumigation method, for each ceremony India Ming, and his portraits of various teachings, such as more than say. Samantabhadra as living beings, such as question and answer is karma, as is gratitude as wishes, such as is the concept of law such as three is dense, such as is convenient as is to offer free speech, buddha. Buddha said: righteousness is words, goodness! As you say, the truth is not empty. In twelve days, but the ancient Buddhas, as sentient beings and are also. It is not according to the situation, who only view anosky Fashen solemn. If people follow me and you said, support is the day, on this day as before, read the Prajna deep by law, so the heavens to the satisfaction of all, so the heavens rejoice, all beings will rejoice. All beings have joy so, the Buddha also like. The Foxi so, the world, the perfect world has."