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  • 中文名佛经
  • 外文名Buddhism

中国美术网 09-17 浏览

泛黄的书页上,小巧的正楷字体,清晰地记载着佛教的教义,保存最完整的一卷佛经伸展之后长达数十米。2月14日,在山东省垦利县董集镇赵马村刘红英老人家里,记者见到了这些珍藏数年的古佛经。  2月14日下...

长度适中,佛理精深,是佛教的核心经典之一,中国佛教很多人长持此经。需要注意的是:这部经主 要是佛对弟子中 ‘解空第一’的须菩提讲的,或者说,是全知者释迦牟尼佛对大修行人须菩提尊者讲的,非常精深和抽象、概要。所以这部经读虽容易,要准确理解则得精进研习, 乃至最好有一定的实修。对于大多数人来说,我不推荐你把此经作为了解佛理的首要经典。当然,在不了解其义理的情况下也可以专门念,亦是一种很好的修行。读佛经,读了一时不理解,是没关系的。但若是读了后作错误理解,或甚至谤经,可就反而糟糕了。
《楞严经》被称为‘开智慧的楞严’,这部经主要是释佛 对弟子中‘多闻第一’的阿难尊者讲的。多闻,也就是见识很广,相应的阿难在众大弟子中修行是最差的,乃至和一般人一样抗拒不了女色诱惑,很像现代人,见识 很广,修行很少,所以这部经非常适合现代人读。《楞严经》虽然长,但佛陀在经中细致开示,佛理讲得相当透彻和清晰易懂。而且这部经文字非常好,精妙高明, 令人惊叹,单就文字来看就堪称古文学的极精品之作。此经与《妙法莲华经》、《华严经》一起被宣化上人等佛门高僧并称为‘经中之王’。
此经被称为‘成佛的妙法’,经中有原文称此经为‘经中第一’,可见其重要性。此经也比较长,有28品,但也是比较容易读 的。需要注意的是:此经中佛理至深,读此经前读者一定要对佛陀有绝对的信心,否则如读了又不信,乃至谤经,反而可能遭大恶报,不如不读。佛讲此经之前,就 有5000弟子及居士自己主动离开,因为他们善根福德因缘不够,业障所阻,得少为足,不愿意听。如果你自信善根福德因缘足够,对佛有绝对的信心,绝不会诽 谤此经,当然应尽快找来看,大有益处。
此经是释迦牟尼成佛后首先讲的第一部经,最适合的也是大根器的人。释迦牟尼初成佛时,犹如太阳刚 升出来,光芒照耀高山,所讲的《华严经》下面中小根器的人尚听不见,或者听见了也等于没听见;到了最后讲《妙法莲华经》的时候,又似太阳快落山了,照的又 是山顶上的人;相对而言《楞严经》、《金刚经》、《心经》等则是如日当空,可照遍全人。《华严经》很长,比《妙法莲华经》、《楞严经》都长,可看其中有名 的几品,比如普贤菩萨行愿品、普贤菩萨净行品等。
此三经均是讲阿弥陀佛和西方极乐世界的(其中‘无量寿’即‘阿弥陀’的一个本 意),欲修净土往生西方极乐世界的人应将此三经作为首选经典阅读。有一种说法是‘净土五经’,即修净土读这五经就够了,其他经完全不读都没关系,主要是强 调修行的专一。那这‘净土五经’就是此三经外加上《华严经》中的‘普贤菩萨行愿品’,和《楞严经》中的‘大势至菩萨圆通章’,均包含在上面的推荐中。
前面经典多是讲修行、开智慧、教人成佛的,如果你要修行成佛,那当然要看上面的三大‘经中之王 ’,如果你要消灾、免祸、求福、避免遭三恶道苦,那么首选《地藏经》。现代人业障深重,修行不易,如果难以向上追求,那么首先要避免向下堕落遭苦,这时就 最好多读《地藏经》了。消除罪障、积累功德,也是上求佛道之正路。





English Introduction

The 1 "Heart Sutra" (referred to as the "Heart Sutra")
This was a very short, a few hundred words, but Buddhism speaks very deep, is easy to read. Some people Chinese dedicated to read Sutra, it is possible to obtain good achievements.
2 "Diamond Sutra" (referred to as the "Diamond Sutra")
Medium length, deep Buddhism, is one of the core of the classics of Buddhism, Buddhism Chinese many people hold this long after. Note: this part is mainly by Buddha to his disciples in the "solution space" Subhuti said, or that is the omniscient Buddha Shakya Muni to overhaul pedestrians to Subhuti said, very profound and abstract, summary. So it is easy to read, understand, and improve learning, good practice. For most people, I do not recommend you to the understanding of Buddhism as the first classic. Of course, do not know can read their physical situations specifically, is also a good practice. Read the Scriptures, read do not understand, is never mind. But if you read after the wrong understanding, or even slander by it, but bad.
3 "top card Miyinxiu Tathagata Buddha Bodhisattva Sutra of the righteous million" (referred to as "hedongshihou" or "hedongshihou")
"Hedongshihou" is called "open the wisdom of the Surangama ', this sutra is the Buddha to his disciples," he first' Ananda said. Duowen, is very knowledgeable, the disciples in the Ananda practice is the worst, and even the average person can not resist the temptation of sex, much like modern people, very knowledgeable, practice rarely, so it is very suitable for modern people to read by. "Hedongshihou" though, but in the detailed disclosure of the Buddha, Buddhism speaks very thorough and clear. And this text is very good, clever, amazing, single text can be regarded as the most exquisite works of ancient literature. This with the "Lotus Sutra", "by Kegon together by Xuanhua people such as Buddhist monks and known as" the king ".
4 "Lotus Sutra"
This is known as "Buddha Sutra", the original is called the "the first", showing its importance. This is also relatively long, there are 28 goods, but it is relatively easy to read. Note: This is by Buddhism deeply, read this before the reader must have absolute confidence in the Buddha, if read and do not believe, and may have been the evil, evil, do not read. Before the Buddha speak this sutra, there are 5000 disciples and lay their own initiative to leave, because of their good roots, not enough karma, karma resistance, less satisfied, not willing to listen to. If you are confident enough, good karma, have absolute confidence in the Buddha, will not slander this, should as soon as possible to find good.
5 "generous Kegon Guangfo" (referred to as "by Kegon)
This is the first Shakya Muni Buddha after the first, the most suitable for those who are. Shakya Muni at the beginning of the Buddha, just like the sun rise, shine mountains, said "by Kegon root is underneath the people still can not hear, or hear no time to hear; finally," Lotus Sutra ", like the sun go down, as it is the person at the top; relatively" hedongshihou "," Diamond Sutra "," Heart Sutra "is like the sun, can illuminate the whole people. "By Kegon long, than the" Lotus Sutra "," hedongshihou "are long, can see one of the famous few products, such as for goods, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Samantabhadra discerning etc..
6 "Amitabha", 7 "wuliangshoujing", 8 "concept wuliangshoujing"
The three is about Amitabha and the western Elysian Fields (the "infinite life" or "an intention of Amitabha"), to repair the land west Elysian Fields people should be here after three as the first classic reading. There is a saying that "the pure land sect is five," read the classics is enough, the other did not read and never mind, mainly emphasizes the specific practice. It is this "pure land five" three plus "line" by Kegon Samantabhadra in "let the goods", and "hedongshihou" in "mahasthamaprapta Yuantong chapter", are included in the above recommendation.
9 "long" agama
The core of classical Theravada Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism Chinese is often ignored this, but still be compiled into Mahayana pitakas. I think this look through it, is mainly about meditation practice etc., believe to be Buddhist practice will be helpful. Of course, in front of the Buddhist scriptures are about the depth of spiritual practice, only the involved in more details.
10 "Bodhisattva by the wish to" (referred to as "canon")
In front of the classic is talk about practice, wisdom, teach people to Buddha, if you want to practice Buddha, it should certainly look at the above three 'the king', if you want to get free of evil, to seek happiness, to avoid being three evil destinies, then the preferred "Tripitaka". Modern human karma deep, practice is not easy, if difficult to pursue, so first of all to avoid degenerating was bitter, then you'd better read "canon". Remove sins, accumulation of merit, but also on the way to seek buddhahood.

The Sutra has three functions, one is to induce you to the letter, the two is according to different teaching methods you practice, three is "initiation". The legend may be in order to show the magic of Buddhist philosophy and practice; part is worth pondering and learning the truth; I will be extended to the causal karma regardless of whether there are some reasonable explanation science can not explain the phenomenon, to guide people to perform good deeds for. There are many Buddhist expression is Buddha ", so the" koan "Damour wrote" hui-k'o (Shen Guang), said they can "initiation". Huangmei Wuzu and advocate the use of "Diamond Sutra" initiation. "Wrote that" control, Xiang Yan hit bamboo is a "self were established."
In our view, there are many articles to the interpretation of Scripture with Koan, mostly from justice to justice, may be misleading. No wonder the Shravakayana people to say, do not advocate only read the classics, read a "Amitabha".
Indeed, as long as you can "read" generation ", and" read "by" people empty empty. You look at the "Vimalakirti said the" said: "the trouble is a Bodhi realm", you do not reach a certain level could not appreciate, when can you "turn" to "only" to deep the italian. As the Zen poem of the cloud: "since I saw the peach blossom, even more doubt." As the drug: "cloud in the sky water in the bottle, the same is true.
According to different standards, Buddhist classics can be classified into many different categories. One of the most important is to carry out the classification in accordance with its contents, which can be divided into three types, namely, law, law, theory.
Buddhist classics are mainly classified as follows:
According to the contents contained in it can be divided into three kinds: classics, laws and theories. These three are collectively referred to as the Tripitaka, also called the tripitaka. Tang Seng Xuan Zang has been called the "three", because he knew all the Buddhist classics, law, theory of a monk, his.
Two. According to the Buddhist denominations classification, can be divided into Theravada Buddhism, Mahayana and Tantric monk Tripitaka tripitaka.
Three. According to the language of the different classification, can be divided into Chinese, Mongolian, Tibetan Tripitaka Tripitaka Tripitaka, Japanese Tripitaka, Pali Tripitaka etc.. But the existing Buddhist Tripitaka is systematic and relatively large impact there are three major categories, namely the Pali Tipitaka, Chinese Tripitaka, Tibetan tripitaka.
Four. According to the production technology of different classification, can be divided into hand, block printing, carving Tripitaka Tripitaka Tripitaka etc..






    最近更新:2025-01-14 12:20:44
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