完成于正统八年(1443年),明弘治十七年(1504年)至正德元年(1506年)曾进行过重修。修建者是明英宗朱祁镇的御用监太监李童,英宗亲赐“法海禅寺”匾额。当时的寺院包括大雄宝殿、伽蓝、祖师二堂、四天王殿、护法金刚殿、钟楼、鼓楼等,现只存大雄宝殿一处。 大雄宝殿内壁画分成三部分,一部分在殿前部,共六组,分上、中、下三层,上层为祥云,中间为佛国人物,下部为牡丹、莲花等各种花卉,面积60.72平方米;一部分在三世佛像龛背面,分三组,一组为水月观音,韦驮、善财童子、金毛吼、鹦鹉分列四隅,间以清泉、绿竹、牡丹为衬,一组为文殊菩萨,旁立青狮、驯狮人、信士,一组为普贤菩萨,有六牙白象、驯象人、信士相伴,水月观音居中,文殊、普贤居于左右,画面三等分,面积60.75平方米;一部分在大雄宝殿北壁(后壁)东西两侧面上,即法海寺主体壁画“帝释梵天图”,“帝释梵天图”东侧由西向东包括大梵天与持珊瑚瓶、撑幡、捧盘三天女、持国天、增长天、大自在天及天女、功德天及天女、咒师、日天、摩利支天、地天及天女、水天、密迹金刚;西侧由东向西包括帝释天及持花钵、捧盘、撑幡三天女、多闻天、广目天、菩提树神及天女、辩才天、月天、诃利帝母及毕哩孕迦、风天、焰摩天、密迹金刚,面积44.8平方米。
Beijing is located in the western suburbs of Cuiweishan Fahai Temple, built in the Ming orthodox four years (1439),
To complete the orthodox eight years (1443), Akihiro Ji seventeen years (1504) to the first year of Zhengde (1506) was rebuilt. The construction is Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen Royal eunuch Li Tong, British clan gave "Fahai monastery" plaque. At that time the monastery includes the main hall, two hall, four patriarch temple, king hall, the hall of King Kong, Zhong Lou, Gulou, the main hall is only a. The main hall of the mural is divided into three parts, one part in front of the temple, a total of six groups, divided into three layers, the upper layer is the middle of Buddhist figures, auspicious clouds, lower peony, lotus flowers, an area of 60.72 square meters; in part III Buddha niches back, divided into three groups, one group is elegant and delicate, Skanda, shancaitongzi, golden parrot roar, the breakdown of the four corner, in spring, green bamboo, peony lining, a group of Manjusri, stands beside the green lion, lion tamer, a group of believers, Samantabhadra, has six white teeth, oozie, believers together, middle water Guanyin month, Manjusri and Samantabhadra is around the screen is divided into three parts, an area of 60.75 square meters; a part of the north wall in the main hall (posterior) two side of things, that is the main Fahai Temple murals "Indra Brahma map", "Indra Brahma map" East from west to East Including Brahma with a coral bottle, streamers, holding support plate three Apsaras, held the country day, day in and day, growth, day and day, merit curse division, day, maricimandala, day and day, water, dense tracks from east to West West Jingang; including Indra and holding flowerpot, holding plate, supporting three streamers Apsaras, day, day, with wide eyes and Apsaras, Saraswati bodhi tree, July days, Hariti and Bi, and windy day, miles pregnant Ferris, dense flame trace diamond, an area of 44.8 square meters.