喜金刚,梵文 Hevajra,是萨迦派最重要的本尊,亦即以喜金刚为本尊所修的生圆二次第的「道果」法。
欢喜金刚的造像风格通常是双身、单腿稍弯曲立于莲花座上,左腿向内弯曲,右脚下踩两个仰卧人,象征摄受和降伏的邪恶与无明。欢喜金刚拥抱明妃金刚无我佛母,有五个头,五只眼,脸部色彩分别是黑、白、灰、红、灰蓝或黑色,有16只手臂。欢喜金刚的头顶骷髅冠上,一般有佛头、金刚杵或是马头等装饰标志。金刚的身色通常为魔色或是黑色。手臂佩有臂钗。最明显的标志是16只手臂分别都持有白色的骷髅碗,里面盛有各种神物,而且每个碗里都站有一个人物或是动物。右手碗里依次是:白象、青鹿、青驴、红牛、灰驼、红人、青狮、赤猫。天魔 和 红角 各是里面的一种动物;左边碗里依次是:黄天地、白水神、红火神、青风神、白日天、青骸帝、黄施财等,每种人物和动物在此都有一定的象征含义。
Hevajra is one of the five big statue of the Tibetan Buddhist Tantric meditation practice. The Tibetan language is called "Jiebaduo knot", also called "blood diamond" or "Happy Buddha", "deeper meaning of joy" is obtained through practice the great freedom and freedom and liberation, which is the unity of body and mind the realm of joy.
Image one
Hevajra the statues are usually single, single leg slightly bent in the lotus seat, left leg bent inwards, right on the two people taken by the symbol and supine, prostrate evil and ignorance. Hevajra embrace Princess Diamond nairatmya, has five heads, five eyes, facial color is black, white and grey, red, blue or black, has 16 arms. Hevajra head skull crown, there are Buddha head, Vajra or horse and other decorative signs. The body color of King Kong is usually black or black. Wear a hairpin arm arm. The most obvious sign is the 16 arms are holding a white skull bowl, containing a variety of fetish, and each bowl stood there was a person or animal. Right hand bowl are: white, green deer, donkeys, green, gray, camel Red Bull reds, blue lion, red cat. A kind of animal which is long and the like; the left bowl is in turn: the yellow earth, water, fire, Qingfeng white God God, day day, Qing emperor Huang Shicai, bones, each kind of animal characters and this has some symbolic meanings.
Hevajra main arm embrace the princess, King Kong Bulmo left hook around Ming neck, right hand holding a knife or a young crescent skull drum. Kiss with joy. Hang useful skull decoration on the necklace, symbolizing the 50 letters of the sanskrit.
Figure two
Hevajra blue body, eight faces and sixteen arms, the three eyes, brown hair into the air, to spot and five pestle skeleton for the wet skull headdress, beaded chain body. To hold hands around the central skull bowl, I hand hold a princess, white skull bowl, right hand eight cranial bowl elephants, horses and donkeys respectively, oxen, camels, lions, cats, etc.; eight left hand skull bowl respectively, mother earth, water, fire, wind, sun, the moon, Hades, the God of wealth. Three in front of eight face, left red right white, four in the post, the top surface is black, green color, has four legs, leg flexion, left half plate, left two feet to dance music, standing to stay in Lotus day round four magic overlapping seat. Princess Kong without my mother yoga, body blue gray, a head three head, right hand holding a machete, the left hand holds the skull bowl, left leg bent, right leg tightly wrapped around the Buddha statue was the father of waist, double naked, and embrace the mighty union.
Hevajra be pregnant, language, meaning the three gods.
The body likes King Kong: the body law is clean, empty Ming is different, have the body of seven King Kong law. This respect for the Hevajra body changes, so that the body like diamond.
Language is Buddha Hevajra: virtues in deep tight magic religious images in Tibetan Buddhism, the Buddha Buddha five become distracted, namely: as deep as sweet, pleasant, thunder, clear and melodious sound of ear. It is known as the language of hevajra.
Italy Hevajra: Tibetan Hevajra six law respectively: students from the dojo Tathagata, real, useful initiations without dew amount and singing praise ratnasambhava Buddha branch branch, Guangxing Dhyani branch and feed into the Vajrasattva branch with greed. The six amendment of the classic "and the" king of the Hevajra continued, with a lot of Hevajra image, which is "meaning" the unreal image, named Hevajra italy.
Hevajra is one of the five King Kong law, from the beginning of Zhuo Shakyachi from Gaya with MI dari to receive empowerments to the door, in order to spread, and belongs to the Sakya nephew Dahong, only added to yoga, as three fundamental (Sakya guru, yidams, blank lines, law enforcement).
In other churches may have a "parent" Hevajra inheritance, such as the (white teach) "he" is the Hevajra inheritance. So there will be caused by all the King Kong Heritage, mistakenly believe that the mother is inherited.
In fact, Hevajra inheritance, is the "mother" and "no two" and other heritage handed down. In the Sakya, this kind of inheritance is two, and the most important fundamental to Sagya "formula" is "Hevajra inheritance, no two" inheritance.
Sakya in the deepest and most widely used method to the essence of the "Tao" is the teaching method of fruit, all attached to the deity Hevajra sadhana, thus the Hevajra is Sagya most important, not (not and he sent the special one in common).
The king of Hevajra Dharma teachings:
"People and their families to have such sins, all for the good, and the pursuit of wealth and benefit, so all the Wudu (greed, hatred and delusion, slow, jealous) and other pollution. In order to put it in the "fight for V," in the past time, the Buddha with "Hey GA (such as" Heruga is slightly body is wrathful deities).
The incarnation of the mandala round radiate above 100 group Gutei unbelievable (million) four continents (four continents). Especially in this world, change out of the incarnation: the pride of his family in the past (Xi Jingang) of the household servants in production; the posture of the ring out in the periphery, such as more convenient, but taming the anger hanging (Wudu) stain.
Continued to declare that this method of teaching, is to avoid the decline of our time, such as the decline of the transfer, so there is this auspicious hey, such as GA - hi Kong body exposed. The father and mother of Yong yoga with respect to the main families, such as "unbelievable posture," continued fundamental (Hevajra fundamental continued) in the Xuan said, showing as king hey GA - like diamond.
If you have received this deity Hevajra mandalas and initiations, good keep samaya (do not violate the oath, discipline), can by sixteen within the world, the music, the wisdom of the mature fruit, the nature of law, all of the two double air transport.
Hey is as king of the GA hi righteousness (omitted for truth), namely general decline, general damage merit, a sammasambuddha self. The other, the cause in the lecture, practice, is extremely rare; and can be proved "special" and "common" of the great power of achievement.