西方三圣又称 阿弥陀三尊,中间是阿弥陀佛,左边观世音菩萨,右边大势至菩萨组成(此处的左和右是按照阿弥陀佛的左手边和右手边)。西方三圣乃是净土宗专修对象。阿弥陀佛是表无量光明,无量的寿命,无量的功德。观音菩萨是表大慈悲,宇宙的大慈悲。大势至菩萨是代表喜舍
大势至菩萨梵语称“摩诃那钵”,现今在极乐世界,是第二顺位递补佛位的菩萨。根据《悲华经》的记载,过去 阿弥陀佛仍为轮王时,大势至菩萨为第二王子,名字为“尼摩”。当时宝藏如来帮轮王(阿弥陀佛)及第一太子(观世音菩萨)授记以后,第二王子也禀白佛陀说:‘世尊,如我种种所有身口意业清净无染的福德善根,全部回向阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。愿遍出功德光明佛(即观世音菩萨),刚刚初成佛道时,我必于当时首先请佛。随著彼佛说法度众生所经历的时间,于其中间行菩萨道利益有情。此佛入涅盘之后,等到正法灭尽之时,我紧临其后,入补佛位圆满成就无上正等正觉。当我成佛之后,所作弘法利生的种种佛事、我国土世界的种种清净庄严,以及入涅盘后,正法住世的时间,都和遍出功德光明佛所作的所有的,平等无差异。’
黄春和这是一组佛教净土宗崇奉的题材,称“西方三圣”,是佛教宣称的西方极乐世界的三位尊神,由主尊阿弥陀佛与其两位胁侍观音菩萨和大势至菩萨组成。据《阿弥陀经》记载,阿弥陀佛具有不可思议的功德,如果众生临命终时念诵他的名号,他将手捧莲台,率领二十五位大菩萨前往接引,观音菩萨和大势至菩萨是二十五大菩萨的上首菩萨,是阿弥陀佛接引众生往生西方极乐世界的重要助手。净土思想从东汉末年传入中土,魏晋南北朝时期得到极大发展,隋唐时期形成我国著名的八大宗派之一的净土宗,唐代以后随着佛教的不断世俗化,更成为我国广大民众最为崇奉的佛教思想和宗派之一,至今影响仍然不衰。这组西方三圣造像就是唐末五代时期净土思想流行的重要历史见证。主尊阿弥陀佛结跏端坐于中央,头饰螺发,顶显高肉髻,大耳垂肩,面形丰满圆润,眉如弯弓,双目俯视,神态沉静内省,头后饰尖圆形头光,头光上刻画细密的火焰纹,工艺精巧。上身修长,身着袒右肩袈裟和僧裙,衣纹自然流畅,有唐代薄衣贴体之遗风。左手结施与印,表示能满足众生一切愿望,右手结施无畏印,表示能解除众生恐惧。身下为高束腰莲花座,上部饰仰莲三重,莲瓣错落有致,下部有覆莲一重,排列规整。主尊左侧为观音菩萨,左手当胸持莲花,右手下垂结施与印,右侧为大势至菩萨,左手下垂结施与印,右手当胸持莲花。二菩萨皆头戴宝冠,发髻高耸,面相安详,头后亦配有尖圆形火焰纹头光。身体修长,上身袒露,胸前佩饰璎珞,左肩斜披络腋,下身着长裙,衣纹呈U字形分布,如水波般优美自然,腰间束带,并露出蝴蝶结。双肩搭有帔帛,帔帛蛇形垂落,飘逸自然。侧身恭立于莲花座上,莲座形制与主尊相似。三圣像前又安立两尊金刚力士——密迹金刚和罗那延天。力士形象、衣饰完全相同,皆头束高髻,蹙眉阔鼻,面露愠色,头后有圆形头光,但其上无火焰纹饰,标明其身份尚未超凡入圣;上身袒露,胸腹部露出鼓胀肌肉,胸前饰璎珞;下身长裙掩足,腰间束带并打结,U字形衣纹衬托出衣质的轻薄柔软;周身亦披有大帔帛;双足立于单层覆莲座上。二力士中央置一香炉,其口沿有四枝莲花,两两相对盛开于炉口之上,炉下有鸠盘陀托举。下为方形四足壸门形座床,壸门上缘饰有锯齿纹,四围设有护栏和望柱。座床前两足旁各有一狮蹲踞,二狮前足直立,后臀着地,昂首翘尾,造型生动逼真。整组造像布局严谨、主次分明,形象生动、风格古朴,造型复杂、工艺精巧,题材新颖、材质独特,实为我国现存五代时期佛像珍品。唐代以后,佛像艺术流行写实之风。所谓写实,就是就是以艺术的手法表现现实生活中人物的真实特性。在写实风格的影响下,佛像艺术展现出新的时代风貌:造像面相方圆,肌肉饱满,躯体壮实,装饰繁复,而最为突出的是衣纹的表现,衣纹宽大流畅,质感较强,整体给人亲切自然的艺术美感;在艺术风格和表现手法已完全脱离了外来艺术模式,而呈现出鲜明的民族特性和浓郁的世俗社会审美情趣。这组西方三圣像以生动形象的艺术特征体现了鲜明的时代特点,正是这一时期佛像艺术的重要代表之作。 参阅:《中国美术全集》雕塑卷隋唐雕塑。
中国龙瓷作品《西方三圣》继承了瓷都千年来的传统雕塑技术,形成了自己独特的艺术风格,产品洁白坚硬、色泽莹润、胎体滑润致密。釉面晶莹光亮,是中国白(BLANC DE CHINA)德化白瓷器之尚品,东方之珍品瓷。2012年11月该作品荣获首届中国(大连)国际文化产业博览会优秀工艺美术作品“金奖”。2013年5月又获中国工艺美术“百花奖”金奖。
Sam West also called Amitabha statue is in the middle of three, Amitabha left flank, Bodhisattva mahasthamaprapta, Youxie composition (left and right here is according to Amitabha's left hand side and right hand side) pure land worship.
Namo Amitabha, namo Avalokitesvara and mahasthamaprapta are called "namo Amitabha statue three", also called "western trinity".
Amitabha is the founder of Western Elysian Fields yunan. Buddhist sutras, here without any sorrow and distress, residents can enjoy the kind of happiness, so called "bliss". Amitabha is also known as the Buddha jieyin. Namo Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, also known as Amitabha, the left retinue, is suffering the birth of buddhism.
Namo mahasthamaprapta Sanskrit transliteration is the Maha bowl, he is the Elysian Fields Amitabha right retinues.Amitabha
Amitabha Elysian Fields Western Enlightenment beings mentor, the Sanskrit "Amitabha", Chinese said "no", because no amount of light, life without Amitabha, so called Amitabha, according to "wuliangshoujing" records: in the past long past time to rob Wang at ease in the world, there is a king heard Wang Shi free argument, the heart is full of joy and joy, the real trend initiated the supreme Bodhi enlightenment to the heart of the tao. Give up the land to donate the throne, becoming a Salmonella, called fazang". With respect to Wang Shi free place, request the Buddha said, at that time, Wang Shi free, by Tibetan monks widely name twenty-one billion Buddhas in the world, and the world of nature, good and evil behavior of land, crude or foul essence and spiritual law Tibetan monks wish, all land all appeared to him see.
At that time by Tibetan monks, solemn pure land heard Buddha said, and the great power of the Buddhas and witnessed the rise, the supreme spiritual desire. This Law Tibetan monks carefully clean her mind without clinging stability. Up to five this time, choose the intake of pure contemplation for solemn Buddha would benefit all sentient beings, such as contemplation, person Wang Shi free place: "may the Lord Buddha beg to report to listen to the mercy thinking observation, if I made the vow, today should fully reveal that under the forty-eight to establish the method of Tibetan monks forty-eight great vows, single-minded ambition to win wonderful homeland solemn mind betting. The diligent practice inspired by the Buddhist world, there is no obstacle to broad, its unique spiritual transcendent beauty, a long long land there is no bad, angry without variation. At that age he is unbelievable may rob to actively cultivate the boundless laticana, bodhisattva. Never have the heart of greed, hatred, anger and the hearts of all beings. Don't want to hate, greed, anger and want to think, not senses outside. His strength strong achievement, regardless of who complain about everything. Contented, with no hatred of ignorance about the mind in samadhi, will live in constant Wuwei silence, all wisdom clear. No false flattery crooked heart, a benign countenance, soft words of love, always showing loving concern active mind. Strong in their own aspiration vows, never slack tired. The pursuit of pure white soul is good, with the interests of all beings. The respectful Sambo serve teachers, the solemn self, all kinds of, good deeds, makes all sentient beings, all achievements merit.
Stay in the air, no phase, may three door relief, or can not afford not false thoughts, observation of the world all dharmas would like to stay away from all evil, coarse and vulgar, self harm and harm each other's words and deeds. Take all the soft words of love, altruism and benefit others my good deeds. Give up the land and leave the throne, our color desire, practice six paramita, also teach others for six degree million lines. When long endless since the product too tired. As the reincarnation of a place, as his wishes and desires, no amount of treasure Treasury, appears naturally should now. Enlightenment Anritsu countless beings, living in the supreme enlightenment true liberation road. Or show for the elderly, rich, powerful caste family lay. Or show as Kshatriyas chakravartin king. Or for the feelings, and every day Lord brahma. Often in the diet, clothing, bedding, medical support four Buddhas as respectful Buddha, is beyond praise merit count. In the mouth sweet gas clean, like violet flowers. The body of the pores, exudes the fragrance Tan Chan, scattered aroma world without widespread infection. The correct color looks intact, body is intact extremely beautiful. Hands often naturally endless treasures, food, clothes, painting marvelous incense cover, meter stick flags and other decorative items. Such things all over the world all day's achievements merit, in all free method.
By Tibetan monks have now become a Buddha, the west, the distance world one hundred thousand billion land where the Buddhist world name called "happiness", since the law Tibetan monks since the Buddha, has been the ten time.
According to the "sad" Hua said: "over the past countless uncountable billions of eons of time ago, there is a world called" delete "," Lan provided "good". One wheel king called "no more, to read" Buddha treasure, Bodhi, is willing to uptake solemn pure land. The Buddha is his Vyakarana, from the west to the Buddha statue has Tsumoru clay, Soundking Buddha in the world, a hengheshashu not hundreds of billions of eons of time in the world to enter the second hengheshashu not hundreds of billions of eons of time, the world has been called "happiness", you at that time when the Buddha, as "amitayus Buddha". " Amitabha due to the practice, on the basis of "sad" recorded by China vows, issued by the Ontario and similar to "wuliangshoujing"."Buddha" has been born again: "Amitabha, in the boundless uncountable when rob time before the prince round the king, the name of" inconceivable merit wins ", sixteen years old, from Cybertron as king Bao merit, heard the Tuo Ronnie. In seventy thousand years, through diligent practice learning, not sleep, not a little break down. In the event that he later Jiushiyibaiqian by the Buddhas, Buddhas said in French, can be heard by the practice of learning at home, tired from the tonsure was born, home to salmonella. After making a more ascetic, in ninety thousand years, this Ronnie and Antonio Tuo, discovery for all beings are righteousness. A lifetime of effort to educate the sentient beings and the eight billion beings, bodhicitta. Accumulate work tired, to the land
"Lotus Sutra" also said: "in the past, Datong Buddha monk not outwit, sixteen princes, with the old monk and the monk boy. He has Buddha Buddha to Datong, and "Lotus Sutra", which entered the silent room, the eighty-four thousand. At the time of the sixteen princes Bodhisattva, each high seat, for monks and nuns, Yubose, Upasika four mass, extensive instructions were clear "Lotus Sutra" meaning, each of the Liubaibashiwanyi by him as living beings. The sixteen Buddha, one is Amitabha, the sixteenth is my prince Shakya Muni. " Thus Amitabha, by the desire, all kinds of special virtue rises, no amount of billions of eons, engaged in the work of pure land and solemn achievement. Now just take these verses, roughly mark Amitabha in forty-eight about the contents of the pure land to the solemn, the other is according to the newspaper reported that Elysian Fields, are completely recorded in the classic, today is not included.
On the difference between the three generation and Pureland beings, in accordance with the "wuliangshoujing" said: "those who can order their Pureland people who are abandoned at home instead of Eros, shaved his monk for Salmonella, bodhicitta has been specifically read amitayus, attend all the merits and virtues, so to be reborn to the heavenly paradise. This kind of like beings, Lin Mingzhong, amitayus pure and great bodhisattvas all appear immediately in the sea, in front of the person immediately following Amitabha, he died in Elysian Fields. For Qibao lotus, natural born, live to turn back. Wise thoughts with strong, theurgy freedom. Therefore, Ananda, if sentient beings want in this present life to see amitayus, should launch the supreme Bodhi Heart, practice all the merits and virtues, and aspire to be born in that country land.
Secondly, in order to those who died is a generation, if the ten world people have all the heavens, sincere heart to survive in this land, although not a monk for the pure ascetic, practice all merit, however, should be initiated by the supreme Bodhi Heart, always read the amitayus, how to practice some good deeds, to hold fast, build to build the Tower Temple Buddha, for these recluses, hanging point color Zeng light, scattered all kinds of burning incense to China, all the merit, to be reborn to Elysium. The man on the verge, amitayus is his solemn figure, with all the bright appearance, exactly as the real Buddha, and great bodhisattvas all appear in front of the pure sea. The embodiment of instant follow Amitabha, who lives in the country. Elysian Fields, do not turn back. Merit and wisdom than the previous one and a little old. As for those Xiabei died, if the ten party world heavens people, people with sincere heart to survive the pure bliss, without the ability to make all sorts of merit, should be initiated by the supreme Bodhi Heart, has always focused on the mind to read amitayus, and only ten read, read amitayus, to be reborn to Elysium. Heard this mantra is very deep or difficult to believe, joy to the heart by the letter Philharmonic, no doubt, and a mind to read Amitabha, and sincerely to survive in that country land. The man Lin Mingzhong, dream of Amitabha, also can go Elysian Fields, merit and wisdom than in a slightly older people.
According to the concept of "nine order amitayus Sutra" the place, which, in two, we take included in the "wuliangshoujing" of the three generation, and the concept of "amitayus Sutra" under the three beings, are made of all kinds of crimes in the course of life, and death a confession, back to the heart and vow to be reborn in the pure land achievements died, this is "wuliangshoujing" in the three generation not mentioned. On the basis of "broken" by nirvana, good roots icchantika beings also have the meaning of Buddha nature science purpose, "wuliangshoujing" of the three generation will need Sukhavativyuha Sutra "and" the concept of the nine together, it can complete all righteousness category, please readers with ideas.
Comment said: "the Buddha Dharma body, full of everything, so Amitabha Vairochana Buddha, as well. Everything from the fact, there is no difference between clean and polluted, there are East and west of the so-called? However, in a convenient way, and the evil of the world is such a completely different experience for beings. With the common and can not turn back, only Elysian Fields where the holy soil to cohabitation, this is not the other Buddhist world can achieve.As long as the living world of the five turbidities can initiate sincere sincere heart, ten Buddha can read the achievements and achievements of life and death, suddenly over dust robbing hard practice. I Buddha Amitabha Buddha in this infinite compassion and mercy, can be said to play to the extreme.
We are so lucky to the supreme general practice to hear Buddha Amitabha special grand may merit. If it is not rare rare launched heart health Xinmu Philharmonic memory or missing, as from fatherly fled from home, wandering in the poor dangers and the long road, after a long time drifting down in the pain and the sea, but no one can rescue compassion, so how can we not fear vigilance? How can to improve?
Namo Avalokitesvara
"It's a Sanskrit Avalokitesvara called Lou Ji low lost, today in the west is Elysian Fields, life can be a supplement of Buddha buddha. According to the "sad" by China records in the past when the robbery, when Amitabha is still king when Avalokitesvara the first Prince king, called "don't wink". When the treasure for future Buddha wheel king Vyakarana, not dizzy prince said: "Buddha Buddha came to beg to report, today I to the sound, informed of all sentient beings, I have many good roots, all to anuttara three small Bodhi (three unsurpassed enlightenment). I wish when the Bodhisattva path, if sentient beings suffer from various terrorist distress about the Lost Teachings of the pursuit of faith and power, did not fall into the light in the darkness, and uneasy when sad lonely poverty, can not help protect people, do not rely on no houses. If he can remember me, recite my name, and that the sound of distress until I heard, my eye can see, as is all suffering, if I cannot be exempt from all this pain, not the end of the achievements of anuttara three small three Bodhi buddhahood. Lord, I today when for the sake of all beings, launched the special on big wish, wish even when the chakravartin (Amitabha), in the heavenly paradise happiness in the world, after all the Buddhas and sentient beings to win something, after entering the Parinibbana, and the method is still live, I will be at that time the Bodhisattva path, to benefit all sentient beings. When amitayus method, after the first time points out, I immediately in the following night, achievement anuttara three small three Bodhi Buddhahood, of all beings to continue.
When the treasure Buddha, he said: "you were immediately granted to remember the remembrance of the heavens, and three people in all beings and the evil way, from the heart of compassion to all sentient beings, except the distress, in order to make the living beings are due to the stable and happy place, I shall name you" view world sound "today. Amitayus Buddha nirvana, such as second asankhya robbery, that land transfer" for all the treasures of the world, all kinds of achievement "solemn treasure, boundless happiness in the world is not and you, under the bodhi tree, the achievements of anuttara three small three PU. Number of times:" all the light merit Mountain King buddha".
According to the "Avalokitesvara, the Bodhisattva is written by the trend of" records: Shakya Muni Buddha said: "in the past the old no amount of unbelievable asankhya robbery, the world" no amount of De Le show ", the" Golden Lion games such as "pure land of Buddha, the solemn, is praised by speech not come to an end. Within the Buddha Dharma education area, there was a king named "wade" king in one thousand worlds, then Wade king, in his garden view, when in samadhi meditation, there are two lotus in the king, gush from the ground, there are two scouts, in the lotus. And the king went to wade Buddha's throne, the head of foot worship Buddha, listening to the story.
The two boy said: "the verse Songyue Tianlong ghosts, listen to my lion roar, today we stand before the Buddha, Great Bodhi vows. There is no need for life and death to plunder, to calculate the source of the initial margin but not known (not available). In order to escape a Buddha for the sake of all beings, even millions to Bodhisattva, and now just a few long time, you can escape the measureless sentient beings, the successful practice of Bodhi, but has tired tired heart? I if from today, still have greed, is to deceive the ten Party of all the buddhas. If still angry, ignorance, greed, jealousy, or heart, it is the same with. Today I speak the truth away from the false heart. If I from today, from their selfish heart, not to escape all Bodhi Avenue, it is to deceive the buddha. I also don't beg Yuanjue Shengguo, not only economic interests of their own self, I must to rob trillion, with great compassion of Dutuo sentient beings. Like today the Buddha land, pure peaceful beautiful solemn, I would like to become a Buddha when I land beyond this solemn times may. Not all land is in me, no Yuanjue ride, only to feel the Mahayana Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, the number of unlimited. All beings are all pure, but the most wonderful joy of victory, was born in the right view of Buddhism, all the Tibetan Buddhism total. We have these vows if true, shall shake three thousand universe of 1,000,000,000 universes."When the boy finished two as Gatha, instant common earth shaking, many hundreds of thousands of the God of music and various musical instruments, playing a harmonious graceful music. Delicate clothing bright bright, rotating fall down from the sky, the heavens rain god scattered all kinds of beautiful at the end of incense in the void, the fragrance of the universal joy from the overflow of infection, the hearts of all beings. When the king is Wade and others? Is that I Shakya Muni, and then the two boy, is now, and the trend of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva mahasattva.
The two great bodhisattvas, in the Golden Lion games such as place, primary anuttara three small three bodhicitta. No amount of time can not count when rob Amitabha, when nirvana. Nirvana, method of live time, life is equal to Amitabha unlimited. Amitabha live and nirvana, the degree of the number of sentient beings, are all equal, boundless. Amitabha nirvana, certain that all human beings can not see the Buddha, but if the Buddha of samadhi Buddha, you can always see Amitabha's body is permanent. After Amitabha appeared out of Elysian Fields all treasures, water bath colored lotus, and all the treasure into all the rows of trees, still no difference with constant speech sound, Amitabha personal statement.
After a period of Elysian Fields method consumed, on that night in the midnight, when the Ming phase, Avalokitesvara in Qibao under the bodhi tree, knot Jia fuzuo, achievement unsurpassed enlightenment, the name "Puguang merit Mountain King Buddha", the Buddha land, naturally seven treasures, and to all sorts of cleverly arranged. The world scene solemn sweet land, even the Buddhas Lord, after countless of the robbery, there is no way to say it all. This is not the name of the country Yuanjue, pure is the other big Buddha Bodhisattva, filled the land, the land and the world known as "the public treasure Pu Ji solemn". The king of the hill with the Tathagata merit he lived the age, was not close to support all Bodhisattvas trend away from, and as to enter nirvana. Nirvana, was still in the trend of Buddha Dharma, until the mountain king Buddha Dharma Puguang merit consumed. After the method was destroyed, the trend of this Buddha land, the complete fulfillment of unsurpassed enlightenment, name: "Shan Bao merit king buddha". As the king of the hill as the same merit in his homeland, the world, on the boundless light, with no amount of life, and the number of the Bodhisattvas, and the method of live period, all equal only without distinction. "
As above two Sutra records, Avalokitesvara in his initial heart initiated this may merit, and uptake of pure land Buddha solemn virtue, and Amitabha the cause of the heart, no difference. Therefore the Buddha fruit clean solemn, is so special, so special! Others such as thirty-two kinds of coping with the suffering of sentient beings should incarnate, fourteen boundless divine beings giving fearless, four unbelievable no inaction wins miaode, but all without extensive repair prowess, skillful means, complete descriptions like "hedongshihou", "Lotus Sutra", and the other said, now not all quoted excerpts.
"And said:" the great mercy by the Buddha in Fuda fall Jia mountain, Guanyin palace, the solemn Temple treasure. This Avalokitesvara, light amplification ten unlimited three thousand universe of 1,000,000,000 universes speak for themselves in the past, no amount of light in a thousand billion eons ago, Wang Jing lived as premises, learn to accept "chulixin big Tuo Ronnie, immediately from the beginning to eighth immediately beyond Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, shall have qianshouqianyan. Because of this reason by the great compassion mantra, where all generation after generation, born in front of constant Buddha lotus. The Bodhisattva swore said: "if there are sentient beings who can accept and recite the great compassion mantra, if not dead Buddhas pure land, I swear not to unsurpassed enlightenment."
After the Buddha said, Shakya Muni Buddha told the public: "this Bodhisattva, in the past eons long, what name is not" Buddha, buddha". Because of his great vows, in order to launch all Bodhisattvas bodhicitta, in order to ease the way the achievements of all beings all beings, still showing bodhisattva. You should always support the Bodhisattva, to recite the Bodhisattva's name, can have no amount of merit, can destroy the immeasurable karma, on the verge of death after Amitabha Elysian Fields. " According to this passage, we should respect and support, can know the Bodhisattva and said to go back to the name of Avalokitesvara, Elysian Fields, and who has been specifically read Amitabha, also can be born in the pure land of the two for retribution is the same, Ontario, good roots are equal, you practice thought.
Namo mahasthamaprapta
Mahasthamaprapta called "the Sanskrit Maha pot", now in Elysian Fields, is the second pick for the position of the Buddha bodhisattva. According to the "sad" by China records, the past is still Amitabha wheel king, mahasthamaprapta second prince, named "nemo". When the treasure Buddha help wheel King (Amitabha) and the first Prince (Avalokitesvara) Vyakarana, second prince also said: "I beg to report the Buddha, such as, good roots and all my industry is pure, all to anuttara three small Bodhi three. May the merit times (i.e. light Buddha Bodhisattva), just as the beginning of Buddhism, at that time I will first ask the buddha. The Buddha said all the time testimonies, in line with the interests of the Bodhisattva. After the Buddha nirvana, until the method consumed when I close behind, fill in the position of the Buddha the complete fulfillment of unsurpassed enlightenment. When I Buddha, all the various Buddhist, the pure Dharma of my homeland of the world and solemn, Nirvana, Dharma live time and times all merit light Buddha made no difference, equality. "
When the Buddha told the second treasures: "you may consume the prince of today's world pure Buddha land, will be as you wish. You will be as pure world the most extraordinary achievements, unsurpassed enlightenment, name for "good living treasure mountain king buddha". Because you vow to the spiritual world of pure and sublime uptake so, hence the name "trend" for you. " Based on an article (Avalokitesvara) collected by mind karma together, should know and mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, a fellow may, after eons since, not contrary to each other away, and even solemn land, the order of the Buddha, spiritual merits are equal.
The first "hedongshihou" statement of the Buddha Famennian, earnestly especially important: mahasthamaprapta foyan: "beg to report in my memory, as in the past when the Buddha was born before the robbery," no amount of light". Twelve in a robbery in succession such as Buddha, finally a Buddha called "super moon", so I samadhi Buddha buddhism. For example, there are two people, one is to concentrate on each other, and the other one is devoted to forget each other, so two people, sometimes encounter sometimes do not meet, or meet or do not meet. If two people each other is, two people each other is the mind is very deep, so even as shadow generation after generation, is not far away from the contrary. The ten directions of the Buddhas, compassionate thoughts like beings, mother is my dearest son. If the children to stay away from escape, so although the mother of missing children and what. If the child can also miss mother, like mother missing child, mother and child had more students, will not violate each other away. If the hearts of all the Buddha, Buddha or the memory or missing, or the future will be able to see the Buddha, not far from the buddha. Don't leave by other convenient methods, as long as you concentrate on your memory of Buddha Dharma, nature can really show seeing nature. As the human body flavour, natural aroma, this is called "fragrant light solemn" (the Buddha Dharmakaya incense, Zhi Huiguang, solemn Buddha from the heart of this in my mind) for early spiritual practice, the Buddha's heart, no body could enter. Today in this world, people gather practice Buddha, guide to the Western Pure Land of ultimate bliss. The Buddha asked me for sophisticated method, I have no other choice but to close together, respectively, six, net read constantly as one Buddha, to hold the position of Dinghui samadhi, it is the most excellent and most convenient for the first of the Dharma gate. " Mahasthamaprapta, by reciting the Buddha's name in Buddhism, and practicing the Bodhisattva, sentient beings, do not leave the Buddha dharma. Practice the Pure Land Sect who should know what to imitate!
The mainland silver gilt
Split cast, Sam West
Huang Chun and this is a group of Buddhism worship theme, called the "Western Trinity", is the three God of Buddhism that western Elysian Fields consists of the main statue of Amitabha, and the two retinues of Avalokiteshvara and mahasthamaprapta. According to "Amitabha" records, Amitabha has unbelievable merit, if all life comes to recite his name, he will be holding a lotus, led by the twenty-five great bodhisattvas to connect, Avalokiteshvara and mahasthamaprapta are the first twenty-five Buddha Bodhisattva, is an important assistant Amitabha led all West Elysian Fields. The pure land thought spread to China from the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Wei and Jin dynasties have been greatly developed in the northern and Southern Dynasties, Sui and Tang Dynasties formed one of the famous eight sects in China Jingtu, after the Tang Dynasty with the continuous secularization of Buddhism, it has become China's most popular worship of Buddhist thought and religious school, has still not bad influence. This group of statues is an important historical Sam West Five Dynasties period of the pure land thought popular witness. The main statue of Amitabha sitting on the central cross junction, spiral hair headdress, top show high meat bun, large lobe shoulder, plump shape and rounded, eyebrow bow, eyes down, air quiet introspection, head with a pointed round head light, head light on the characterization of fine flame, sophisticated technology. Slender waist, wearing bare right shoulder robe and monk dress clothing lines smooth and natural, a legacy of the Tang Dynasty clothing of thin body. Left hand knot with India, said to meet all the aspirations of all sentient beings, right hand knot fearless, that can lift the fear of living beings. The body is high waist lotus seat, upper trim lotus three, lotus lotus well-proportioned, under a heavy arrangement. The main statue on the left side of the Avalokiteshvara, the left hand when the chest holding lotus, the right side of the application of the knot and India, the right side of the general trend to the Buddha, the left side of the application of the knot and India, the right hand when the lotus. Two Bodhisattvas are all wearing a crown, towering hair, face serene, the head is also equipped with sharp circular flame head light. Slender body, upper body bare chest, his left shoulder Baldric, oblique Phi network armpit, dressed in dress, clothing lines in a U shape distribution, such as wave like natural beauty, belt, and bare bow. There is a shoulder cape silk, silk Cape snake fell, natural and elegant. Stand sideways Gong lotus seat, similar to the main statue rosette shape. Sam like before Anritsu two bronze Vajra dense diamond and the trace of Luo Yantian. Lux image and clothing are exactly the same, all head beam updo, cumei platyrrhiny, scowled, after the first round head light, but the flame patterns, indicating their identity has not yet bare body, chest and abdomen overcome all worldly thoughts and enter sainthood; his bulging muscles, chest decorated necklace; dress pants foot mask, belted waist and knotted, U glyph of drapery off the thin soft cloth quality; also with a large body of silk cape; double foot in monolayer coated on the rosette. Two lux central a censer, its mouth along the four lotus flower in full bloom in 22 relative mouth on a dove pan Tuo lifting furnace. Under the bed is a square shaped seat four pot door, door trim pots serrate four lines, surrounded with fence and column look. A bed with a lion crouched beside each bipedal lion, two foot erect, after hip to head, tail, vivid and realistic. The whole group of statues precise layout, clear, vivid, simple style, complex shape and sophisticated technology, the theme of the novel, unique material, is China's existing five dynasties Buddhist treasures. After the Tang Dynasty, the art of Buddhist statues. The so-called realism, that is, to show the true character of the real life in art. In the realistic style of Buddhist art, showing the new spirit of the times: the statue with a full body, muscle, sturdy, ornate, and the most prominent is the lines of clothes, clothing lines wide smooth, texture strong, overall impression of cordial and natural beauty of art; artistic style and performance practices have been in completely out of the foreign art mode, showing a distinct national characteristics and rich secular aesthetic taste. This group of Western Sam as artistic features vividly embodies the distinctive characteristics of the times, it is an important representative of Buddhist art in this period of. See: "China art" sculpture sculpture volume of Sui and Tang dynasties.
Chinese dragon porcelain works "Western Trinity" inherited thousands of years of traditional porcelain sculpture technology, has formed its own unique artistic style, the product, the hard white color Yingrun, smooth and dense matrix. Glazed crystal bright, white is China (BLANC DE CHINA) Dehua white porcelain Luxuries Oriental porcelain treasures. In November 2012, the work won the first China (Dalian) International Cultural Industry Fair excellent arts and crafts works "gold medal". May 2013 won Chinese arts and crafts "Hundred Flowers Award" gold award.