燃灯佛是过去世为释迦菩萨授记的佛陀。燃灯佛授记,对于释尊的历劫修行,是一关键性大事。因为确认然灯佛授记时,‘释迦菩萨得无生法忍’。《心地观经》曰:“昔为摩纳仙人(儒童)时,布发供养然灯佛,以是精进因缘故,八劫超于生死海。” 据《修行本起经》卷上所述,往昔,提和卫国(Di^pavati^)有圣王,名灯盛。临命终时,将国政嘱付太子灯(锭)光,太子知世间无常,更将国政授与其弟,即时出家。成佛后,游行世界,开化群生。是时有梵志儒童,值灯光佛游化,乃散花供佛,并解髻布发于泥道上,请佛蹈之,佛乃为儒童授来世成佛之记。此儒童即现在的释迦牟尼佛。《瑞应经》上曰:“锭光佛时,释迦菩萨名儒童,见王家女曰瞿夷者,持七枝青莲华,以五百金钱买五茎莲,合彼女所寄托二枝为七茎莲奉佛。又见地泥泞,解皮衣覆地,不足,乃解发布地,使佛蹈之而过,佛因授记曰:是后九十一劫,名贤劫,汝当作佛,号释迦文如来。”《金刚经》中释迦牟尼佛亦以授记之事,为须菩提开演甚深般若之义。《称扬诸佛功德经》里谓释迦牟尼佛过去曾于锭光佛(燃灯佛)处,得闻金刚坚强消伏坏散如来名号,以此佛名号功德得超十万亿那术劫生死之罪。
燃灯佛是世为释迦菩萨授记的佛陀。燃灯佛授记,对于释尊的历劫修行,是一关键性大事。因为确认燃灯佛授记时,‘释迦菩萨得无生法忍’。《心地观经》曰:“昔为摩纳仙人(儒童)时,布发供养然灯佛,以是精进因缘故,八劫超于生死海。” 。《金刚经》中释迦牟尼佛亦以授记之事,为须菩提开演甚深般若之义。《称扬诸佛功德经》里谓释迦牟尼佛过去曾于锭光佛(燃灯佛)处,得闻金刚坚强消伏坏散如来名号,以此佛名号功德得超十万亿那术劫生死之罪。
佛教有三世佛:指过 去﹑现 在﹑未 来三世的一切佛。谓过去佛为迦叶佛等过去七佛,或特指燃灯佛,现 在佛是释迦牟尼佛,未 来佛为弥勒佛三者。
燃灯佛,梵文Dipamkar,意为「锭光」,德文Dipamkara,英文Dipankara,佛教中纵三世佛之过去佛,为释迦牟尼佛之前的佛,地位尊贵,如来佛主修今生,是现 在佛,燃灯佛则修过去为过去佛,弥勒主修未来,为未来佛,为佛教三大教主之一。因其出生时身边一切光明如灯,故称为燃灯佛,又名「定光佛」或「锭光佛」。
"The" volume three "Xian foreign goods" NANDA contained, long past two asankhya ninety-one robbery, jambudvipa big king, a wave of sage. Wang Le Prince name that knowledge only (i.e., Baoji) to become monk buddha. When a bhikkhu pear honey every day to the Buddha randeng Buddha Luo, is granted to remember to inform the monks, when Buddha, Buddha dingguang name. This is a once Congbao Dipamkara Buddha by the karma. "Ekottara Agama" volume thirteen, "four law" volume thirty-one, and also the Dipamkara the margin, but the slight difference.
"Now in the past," a Book of records, the date of the birth of the Buddha, the Quartet are clear, the sun and the moon are not used for fire beads. In this strange, named for the puguang. "Perspective on the" volume nine by randeng Buddha of health, all around as a lamp, named after the Buddha randeng, also called dipamkara.
"Perspective on the" nine said: "if dipankara Buddha, when everything around like a lamp, named dipankara prince. As the Buddha is also the name of the lamp, the old name ingot light buddha."
The Buddha appeared when the robbery, "ekottara Agama" volume thirteen, "Fobenxingjijing" volume three "heart supplies", said during the time of the robbery; "practice", "the volume of this volume by the" Prince's finest, it was said that in the past ninety-one robbery.
In the past the Buddha dipankara was the most famous, in the theory, a lot of the Buddha as the center and said the case occurred before and after the Buddha's person.
"Wuliangshoujing" that during the time of robbery, ingot Buddha light born, educate the masses. Followed by fifty-three Buddha born. Fifty-fourth, to respect the comfortable world Buddha, to teach a bhikkhu, said fazang, too. After a supreme enlightenment is so is Amitabha. "Mercy" by volume three "goods" that this good root colonization of Buddha after a lotus on the Buddha and seven Buddhas of the past, there are always fourteen buddha. "Mahavibhasa" volume 178 to third more said Buddha asankhya robbery had encountered seventy-seven thousand Buddha, one of the first, namely dipamkara.
Is there for the past Dipamkara Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha vyakarana. Dipamkara Vyakarana, for the Buddha ever practice, is a key event. Because the confirmation dipankara Buddha "in mind," Buddha Bodhisattva have no body couldn'. "A view" said: "Xi for the immortal (Ru Tong), Bufa for dipankara Buddha, to the eight enhancement is the karma, super sea life and death." According to the "practice" of the past, volume, and Wei (Di^pavati^) a king, a lamp sheng. Lin Mingzhong, the government will pay the Prince (ingot) lamp light, the prince will be known to the world of impermanence, government grant and his brother, instant monk. The Buddha, in the world, Kaihua group of students. Is there Rutong Fanzhi, value of tour conspersa is light Buddha, Buddha, and BUN in the mud cloth solution on the road, please Buddha dance, the Buddha is Buddha Ji Rutong granted the afterlife. This Rutong now known as Shakya Muni buddha. "After" Reiying on said: "light Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha ingot, a Rutong, see Wang Yi Qu woman said, holding the seven branches of China Qinglian, with five hundred money to buy five lotus stem, and her sustenance two branches of seven stems in lotus buddha. See also muddy, solution leather cover, lack of solution is released, the Buddha and the dance, hard Vyakarana said: after ninety-one eons, a bhadrakalpa, you will become a Buddha, Buddha, Shakyaven." "Diamond Sutra" Shakya Muni Buddha also granted to remember things, for Subhuti deep meaning on prajna. "Praise the Buddha by the foundation" that Shakya Muni was in the past in the Buddha (Buddha Dipamkara Buddha light ingot), Wen Jingang V de strong bad scattered Buddha name, this name, more than one hundred thousand of the merit and the crime of robbery billion.
According to the "Buddhist records" 2 of the North India, the Buddha Luo He Jie state support Dipamkara by the ruins. This India Yamazaki (Sanchi) pylons carved paintings, there is a city of light Buddha image, and the "rule of four" the consistency.
At first, Shakya Muni or Shanhui boy, a royal woman holding a lot of green lotus, he spent five hundred money to buy five branches, dedicated to the Buddha dipamkara. Another legend in the past eons, one day, Shanhui boy walking along the road, just meet Dipamkara also walked on the road. Good Hui boy found the ground has a pool of sewage, the Buddha thought is walking barefoot, the sewage will dirty the Buddha's feet. On the Dayton big heart, to flutter on the ground, with her hair, shop in the sewage, waiting Dipamkara went from his hair. When the boy see goodwill Dipamkara cloth hair mask mud on the scene, Vyakarana said: "a good man, you in the afterlife, as well as the Buddha, Shakya Muni."
Trikalea Buddhas
Buddhism has a third Buddha: refers to the past, present and future of all buddhas. That past Buddha Kasyapa etc. seven Buddhas of the past, or especially Dipamkara, now Shakya Muni Buddha is Buddha, Buddha of the future for the Maitreya Buddha three.
In the past the Buddha dipankara was the most famous, in the theory, a lot of the Buddha as the center and said the case occurred before and after the Buddha's person.
"Wuliangshoujing" that during the time of robbery, ingot Buddha light born, educate the masses. Followed by fifty-three Buddha born. Fifty-fourth, to respect the comfortable world Buddha, to teach a bhikkhu, said fazang, too. After a supreme enlightenment is so is Amitabha.
Is there for the Sakyamuni Buddha Dipamkara Buddha Bodhisattva vyakarana. Dipamkara Vyakarana, for the Buddha ever practice, is a key event. Because the confirmation of Dipamkara award in mind, "Buddha Bodhisattva have no body couldn'. "A view" said: "Xi for the immortal (Ru Tong), Bufa for dipankara Buddha, to the eight enhancement is the karma, super sea life and death.". "Diamond Sutra" Shakya Muni Buddha also granted to remember things, for Subhuti deep meaning on prajna. "Praise the Buddha by the foundation" that Shakya Muni was in the past in the Buddha (Buddha Dipamkara Buddha light ingot), Wen Jingang V de strong bad scattered Buddha name, this name, more than one hundred thousand of the merit and the crime of robbery billion.
At first, Shakya Muni or Shanhui boy, a royal woman holding a lot of green lotus, he spent five hundred money to buy five branches, dedicated to the Buddha dipamkara. Another legend in the past eons, one day, Shanhui boy walking along the road, just meet Dipamkara also walked on the road. Good Hui boy found the ground has a pool of sewage, the Buddha thought is walking barefoot, the sewage will dirty the Buddha's feet. On the Dayton big heart, to flutter on the ground, with her hair, shop in the sewage, waiting Dipamkara went from his hair. When Dipamkara see Shanhui boy this cloth hair mask mud scene, I remember saying: "good man, you in the afterlife, as well as the Buddha, Shakya Muni."
Trikalea Buddhas
Buddhism has a third Buddha: refers to the past, present and future of all buddhas. That past Buddha Kasyapa etc. seven Buddhas of the past, or especially Dipamkara, now Shakya Muni Buddha is Buddha, Buddha of the future for the Maitreya Buddha three.
The origin of the name
Dipamkara, Dipamkar in Sanskrit, meaning "light" ingot, German Dipamkara, Dipankara English, Buddhism Buddha Buddha III longitudinal past, as Shakya Muni Buddha before the Buddha, the Buddha noble status, in this life, is now the Buddha Dipamkara is past repair for the past Buddha, Maitreya major in the future, for the future Buddha as one of the three great Buddhist leader. Because of the birth of everything is bright as a lamp, so called Dipamkara, also known as "dingguang Buddha" or "Buddha" light ingot.
Two, have to be able to make light Buddha
According to the "classic" volume three "Xian foreign goods" NANDA contained, long past two asankhya ninety-one robbery, jambudvipa big king, a wave of sage. Wang Le Prince name that knowledge only (i.e. can light Buddha), become monk buddha. When a bhikkhu pear honey every day to the Buddha randeng Buddha Luo, is granted to remember to inform the monks, when the Buddha, "dingguang buddha". The Department of Dipamkara once made from light Buddha by the karma.
Three, as nigume Vyakarana
According to the "Reiying" volume of the world, Shakya Muni in the past was a Jingfo Shanhui boy, when he had offered to buy a rare five lotus stem, feeds dipamkara. The lotus is the Buddhist holy flowers ("Lotus Sutra" in lotus to symbolize the teachings of Buddhism, five pure elegant lotus stem) is the flower of holy treasures. Therefore, the support that deeply happy Buddha randeng Buddha, in joy than to the Buddha (Buddha's predecessor) Vyakarana, predicted that he will be in ninety-one. After this bhadrakalpa when Buddha, grant Shakya Muni buddha.
Four, the impact of Chinese folk beliefs
Along with the development of Buddhism in China into society, "randeng Buddha" by the Chongxin white lotus deep. In a large number of books, bailianjiao fabricated Baojuan, everywhere lamp name, such as "Buddha", "Lotus Lantern", "vacuum ancestors" and so on, meet the eye everywhere, this is not the only one.
The Qing Dynasty famous "Baneslayer detailed debate", the editor is above the white lotus teachings had been recorded that two words:
"The Longhua sun moon star, Longhua underground fire wind, people Longhua jingqishen, three with the world. Longhua is at the beginning of two will light the lamp, Longhua Buddha statue, three Longhua Longhua three Maitreya ancestors, would meet."
"After dipankara Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha after connecting chuandeng, Maitreya chuandeng Buddha Buddha Maitreya has succeeded, naive ancestors continue chuandeng. Innocent to whom to continue? There were three cases of five to send nine eighteen branch line, made the bar leader disciple, will continue chuandeng." (chuandeng, this refers to the Dharma, the white lotus passages, refers to a "succession, change dynasties, the founding monarch".)
Our country folk Dipamkara deified, enshrined in the high altar, this is not the intention of dipamkara. However, it never fell strange demon, save them in the fall and probably from the mire, a lamp into the world mind.