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新造型主义(NEOPLASTICISIME)是以皮特·科内利斯·蒙德里安(Piet Cornelies Mondrian,1872年3月7日-1944年2月1日)为中心的独立画派,风格接近于绝对的物质化,通过理想的绘画形式将宇宙的真理物质化。皮特.科内利斯.蒙德里安是荷兰画家,风格派运动幕后艺术家和非具象绘画的创始者之一,对后代的建筑、设计等影响很大。自称“新造型主义”,又称“几何形体派”。

  • 中文名新造型主义

新造型主义(NEOPLASTICISIME)是以皮特·科内利斯·蒙德里安(Piet Cornelies Mondrian,1872年3月7日-1944年2月1日)为中心的独立画派,风格接近于绝对的物质化,通过理想的绘画形式将宇宙的真理物质化。皮特.科内利斯.蒙德里安是荷兰画家,风格派运动幕后艺术家和非具象绘画的创始者之一,对后代的建筑、设计等影响很大。自称“新造型主义”,又称“几何形体派”。


这是以荷兰画家Piet Mondrian为中心的独立画派,风格接近于绝对的物质化,通过理想的绘画形式将宇宙的真理物质化。大体的绘画形式采用几何抽象,认为原始的形状高于大自然,着力于超越大自然的简单再现。归纳物像构图完美,是他的表象。


  Piet Mondrian是我们熟悉的现代艺术大师,有些风景作品深深地吸引着我,舒展快乐的颜色给人以愉悦的心情。继承了后印象派的遗风。在艺术批评家的文章中,蒙德里安总是被赋予" 冷抽象" 这三个字然后被匆匆带过。实际上蒙德里安对当代抽象艺术和建筑设计的影响远远大于他同时期的很多艺术家。他是一个理想主义者,一个敢于用艺术建构未来生活的人。蒙德里安打破了我们认为理所应当的现象:绘画总在平面上进行。蒙德里安对每一个长度都通过绘画中习惯性的透视效果,去摆脱我们眼睛已习惯的深度的影响。每一条倾斜的线对他来说都涉及了透视原理。在蒙德里安那里,空间在平面中是自我独立的。


  蒙德里安出生于荷兰中部的阿麦斯福特,成长在一个严格信奉加尔文教的家庭。他的父亲是一位业余画家,而叔父则是职业 艺术家 。良好的家庭教育给了他直接的艺术启迪。20岁时他在取得小学绘画教师资格和中学绘画教师资格以后,进入阿姆斯特丹的国立美术学院深造,成为一名勤奋刻苦、颇受老师赏识的好学生。他的早期绘画从学院派写实主义起步,受到过 象征主义 、 印象主义 、 表现主义 等风格影响。从一开始,对于形体构成因素的偏爱,便在其画中清楚地反映出来。

English Introduction

Neoplasticism (NEOPLASTICISIME) by Peter Cornelis Mondriaan (Piet Cornelies Mondrian, March 7, 1872 - February 1, 1944) as the center of the Independent School of painting style, close to the absolute material, through the ideal form of painting to the truth of the universe matter. Peter. Cornelis Mondrian is Holland painter, one of the style movement behind the artists and non figurative painting founder, has great influence on the architecture and design of offspring. Claiming to be a "new style", also known as "geometric form school"".
In general, the form of painting is abstract in geometry, and the original shape is higher than nature. Inductive object composition perfect, is his appearance. No matter what the theme, the artist will be the ultimate simplification in order, lines, color face of perfect and rational. The primary colors of pure frankness and balance of opposites, with two negative - black and white segmentation and composition.

This is the Holland painter Piet Mondrian as the center of the Independent School of painting style, close to the absolute material, through the ideal form of painting to the truth of the universe matter. In general, the form of painting is abstract in geometry, and the original shape is higher than nature. Inductive object composition perfect, is his appearance.
No matter what the theme, the artist will be the ultimate simplification in order, lines, color face of perfect and rational. The primary colors of pure frankness and balance of opposites, with two negative - black and white segmentation and composition.
Piet Mondrian is familiar with the modern art master, some landscape works deeply attracted me, the joy of stretching the color to give people a happy mood. Inherited the legacy of post impressionism. In the article of the art critic, Mondriaan is always given the three words of "cold abstraction" and has been taken in haste. Effect of Mondrian contemporary abstract art and architectural design is far greater than many artists of his time. He is an idealist, a man who dares to build a future life with art. Mondriaan has broken the phenomenon that we think ought to be: painting is always on the plane. Mondriaan uses the customary perspective of painting in every length to get rid of the influence of the depth of our eyes. Each of the tilted lines is a matter of perspective. In the Mondrian there, space is self-contained in a plane.
Mondriaan, with its unique "horizontal - vertical" and the original color and non color combination of minimalist painting, modern abstract painting to a new stage. However, it should be pointed out that the core of his painting is not abstract, but a spiritual pursuit. Critic George Schmidt said, "he (Mondriaan)'s painting is far more than just a form of trial -- they are, like any pure work of art, a great spiritual achievement. A Mondrian painting hanging in a complete design in accordance with the spirit of Mondrian house or a room, then here than the use of any material object, has a fundamentally different character and spirit more dignified. It is the spirit or attitude of the highest performance; it is balanced between the rules and incarnation of freedom; it is the embodiment of opposing elements in the equilibrium state; and these opposing mental action is not less than the role of substance. The spiritual power that Mondriaan gives in his art will always radiate the spirit and the flesh of his paintings." However, the pursuit of the spirit of the core of the painting, in fact, is not isolated from the objective nature. For Mondriaan, the spirit and the material are interlinked. He said, "in Neoplasticism, that will link the mind and life did not cut ties; so we never see it as contrary negation, to real life, we will see things heart and the duality of harmonious."
Mondriaan was born in Holland in the middle of a Mach Ford, grew up in a strict family education in Garr. His father was an amateur painter, and his uncle is occupation artist. Good family education gave him a direct artistic inspiration. At the age of 20, he obtained the qualifications of primary school painting teachers and teachers of secondary school painting, after entering the national Academy of Fine Arts in Amsterdam for further study, to become a diligent, very good teacher appreciation of the students. His early paintings from academic realism started, influenced by symbolism, Impressionism, expressionism, a style. From the very beginning, the preference for the constituent elements of the body was clearly reflected in the painting.






    最近更新:2025-01-14 09:14:43
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