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  • 中文名印度美术
  • 外文名India Fine Arts
  • 时期5000余年
  • 相关领域宗教












English Introduction

India is one of the ancient civilizations of the orient. India culture is a multi-ethnic, multi religious mixed culture, and Greek culture, Chinese culture tied for the world's three major cultural systems. The main ethnic Dravidian local India based on Aryan reproductive worship farming culture and exotic nature worship of nomadic culture penetration based on forming the main culture of India. The main religions in local India, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Islam culture and foreign cultures influence each other, so that India culture has the characteristics of diversity and unified.
Although the history of India frequent invasions, many small countries, long-term split, but India still has the cultural continuity and unity of the spirit of the traditional India native. India fine arts is an important part of India culture, has a history of 5000 years, the esoteric content, form rich, unique, self-contained, the Asian countries of art had a huge influence. India art not only has the general characteristics of India culture, but also closely related to India's religious and philosophical relations. For its original meaning, India art is often a symbol of religious beliefs or philosophical concepts of metaphor, rather than aesthetic object. From 19 to twentieth Century, the western countries and India scholars gradually found the aesthetic value of India art, style classification and referring to the European art history, divides the evolution of India art style for the ancient, classical, Baroque, Rococo and other development stages. Of course, due to different cultural backgrounds, this style of classification in the age and Europe does not correspond, in the connotation is not the same. The evolution of India art style is not only controlled by the law of formal beauty, but also restricted by the evolution of religion and philosophy in India.
In the two India art system, Buddhist art and Hindu art for example: Buddhist Ethics Thought on introspection, Buddhist art will be stressed in the classical quiet balance, the quiet harmony as the highest realm of Hindu cosmology; advocating life, art is the pursuit of Hindu dynamic changes, with the baroque style of excitement, exaggerated as the ultimate goal. Late Mahayana Buddhism was assimilated into Hindu Tantra, Tantric art also tend to elaborate gorgeous baroque. At the same time, India does not completely abandon the classical ornate decoration (one of the traditional characteristics of the art of India is fond of decoration); India baroque style is not completely excluded from the static performance ("Silence" is a Hindu Vedanta philosophy of the universe spirit "Brahma" the original meaning of). Therefore, only in-depth understanding of the religion of India, the esoteric philosophy, in order to accurately grasp the nature and essence of India art and culture of India.Prehistoric art
India prehistoric times including the old stone age (about 500 thousand BC to 10 thousand BC), Neolithic (BC 6000 ~ 3500), the India River civilization (BC 2300 ~ 1700), Vedic times (BC 1700 ~ 600). Prehistoric art basically belongs to the category of pre art or quasi art.
The old stone age art
India Paleolithic tools more than coarse quartz stone artifacts. Early Sok An culture and culture of Madras cut chop axe, stone scrapers middle culture, in Western India, the late Paleolithic (also known as the Stone Age Culture) and south of the stone, from rough to fine, from monotonous to rich, gradually showing the first signs of the original inhabitants of subcontinent of germination of aesthetic consciousness.
New Stone Age Art
India New Stone Age tools, materials have been limited to quartz stone artifacts, also is not only making a cutting, polishing, and groove shapes. Rock paintings found in central India and other places of Bong Pim Bade C since 70s, depicted the hunting dance scenes of war. Some scholars believe that the most ancient rock paintings in India in about 5500 years ago. About 4500 years before the emergence of the subcontinent of India pottery and painted pattern. Found in the Degannan Department of Andhra Pradesh and megalithic tombs, with common features of Neolithic cultures in the world, may be the historical religious buildings in India - blocking wave origin.
The art of India River
India river basin is the birthplace of India civilization. Taking the India River Basin excavated in Harappa and Mohenjo Daro, the ruins of the ancient city as the representative of the India River civilization, also known as Hara Pavon, presumably India indigenous Dravidian created farming culture. The prevalence of Dravidian Mother God and bulls, such as penis reproductive worship. India river city ruins unearthed civilization of mother of God, the priests, dancers, bull, figurines, zebu, unicorn, beast, the bodhi tree goddess seal, all black and red figure pottery depicted on the animal and plant pattern and geometric figure, belongs to the land, life may yield images of reproductive worship Abstract symbol. A India local traditional art the most significant features of the strong sense of life, like the Dravidian reproductive worship culture origin. As a native of India traditional arts features peculiar imagination and strong decoration, it can be found in the India River civilization art shape. Mohenjo Daro famous baths may be used to some primitive religious ablutions, show India art with the ancient religious indissoluble bound. About 1700 before the India River civilization suddenly interrupted (interruption of unexplained), but the history of art in India and the India river is still in the spirit of civilization art tradition echoes.
The art of the times
"Veda" is from the nomads of Central Asia Aryan canon. Along with the Aryan invasion of India and the East, the center of civilization gradually transferred to the Ganges RIver River, known as the Vedic culture or the culture of Ganges RIver. The Aryans worshipping the sun, thunderstorm, flame, rivers and other natural phenomena, the personification of the Vedic gods. Vedic times, rooted in the nature worship of Aryan nomadic culture, and rooted in Dravidian began reproductive worship farming culture of mutual penetration, integration, and gradually formed a unified India paper. At the same time, Dravidian in southern India retains more indigenous cultural traditions. From the Vedic era to the Maurya Dynasty about 1500 years, has not yet found the artistic legacy products, but the late Vedic and post Vedic Brahmanism produced (Hindu predecessor), Jainism and Buddhism, has become a historical era of India art theme.

India early Dynasty mainly includes the Maurya Dynasty (BC 322 ~ 185), sunga Dynasty (BC 185 ~ 73), Luo anda (Sa Tarra Hannah) Dynasty (BC third Century to third Century ad). Early Dynasty art in the development stage of Buddhist art, antique style dominant.
Peacock Dynasty Fine Arts
The lower reaches of the Ganges RIver River from Magadha (Bihar this area) the rise of the Maurya Dynasty, is the first history of India unified empire. The third generation of the Mauryan emperor Ashoka (BC 273 ~ 232 reign, reign) is the first exchange of India culture and Iran, Greek culture era, India architecture and sculpture absorption influence of Iran Achaemenid Dynasty and the Greek Seleucid Dynasty, appeared the first peak in India art history. The Mauryan capital of Pataliputra (now Patna) the magnificent palace had praised Greek envoys, Pataliputra hundred columns hall may be affected by a palace of persepolis. Ashoka conquest of Kalinga (Modern Orissa), the Buddhist, - make everywhere in India set up more than 30 single root stone Memorial column, column engraved paper tomorrow, stigma carving animals, mind syndrome slightly, the spread of Buddhism, is famous for the Ashoka pillar. The initial - blocking King time wave, Zhiti, Vihara Buddhist architecture, core - blocking wave and Sarnath Sanchi covered bowl was founded in the legend of Ashoka era. 7 Bihar Grottoes Bala Barr hills also dug in the meantime. The Peacock Dynasty sculpture introduced the Iran, Greece's stone carving technology, generally uses the sand and gravel as the carving material, takes the sand and gravel surface highly polished as the characteristic. Sal Nat the lion is a symbol of Ashoka stigma combination, realistic and perfect decorative carving masterpiece. Lan Bouvard's "stigma" zebu reminiscent of India River civilization zebus seal. Di A Gangi's "girl" is to brush Yaocha positive upright type and other ancient statues, but Wen Ya, is pregnant with the rudiment of plump rounded, India standard of female beauty. Palca, Mathura area "" Yaocha statue is template Kushan Mathura buddha.
Sunga Dynasty and anda Luo Dynasty art
At that time, the center of political and artistic activities in India had been transferred to the area around the central state. Early Buddhist Mauryan architecture become complete. Bharhut - blocking wave, blocking wave and Buddha Gaya - Sanchi has become the three largest example of early Buddhism in India building. Baja, Beidesa grottoes, Ajanta Grottoes Cave (cave tenth), Nasik caves, grottoes, and Karli caves root Zhiti and Vihara in succession cut. Bharhut fence, fence relief and relief Buddha Gaya Sanchi pylon carving, India early Buddhism sculpture masterpiece. Relief theme mostly from the life and Buddha biography story, compact compact composition, often a figure king. In the Buddhist story in relief never carved out human statues, only the bodhi tree, pedestal, Falun, footprint symbol implies the presence of the buddha. The Buddha's symbolism has formed India early Buddhism sculpture practice and application. In the relief of the characters and Yaocha, female patron saint of rustic style statue Yaocha coarse, stiff posture stiff, is typical of the antique style. Sanchi figure carving has made great progress. Sanchi east gate of the "female" like God Yaocha bracket, the performance of the three India start-up bend type standard female body beauty, followed by later generations.
Kushan Art
The Kushans formerly Western nomads (China Chinese historical records, darouzhi) in first Century in the Central Asian Summer (Bactria) area established Kushan Dynasty (C. 1 - third Century), the territory from the Amu Darya basin extended to Ganges RIver basin. The Kushan king Kanishka (about 78 or 128 to 144 during the reign of the golden throne), to promote trade and cultural exchanges between the East and the west, the development of the integration of India, Greece, Rome, Iran various cultural factors of the Kushan culture. Early Buddhism (Theravada) to the middle age Kushan Buddhist (Mahayana), caused by the change of Buddhist art. Kanishka Buddhism in Chongxin, under his rule in northwestern India Gandhara and Mathura in northern India, India broke the early Buddhist symbolism Buddha carved with practice, created the first buddha. In southern India the Amaravati Buddhism sculpture a faction, and Gandhara and Mathura and Kushan three art center. Kushan art at the prosperous stage of Buddhist art, the general style tends to from the archaic style to the classical style transition.
Gandhara art
Gandhara area is the political, trade and Art Center of the Kushan Dynasty wheree, Eastern and Western culture. Gandhara art foreign culture is very rich. Kushan dynasty capital of cloth Lu Luo Sabu (now Peshawar), and Shaijiadata - fork was greasy Luo Pagoda Temple has collapsed, a large number of relics is decorated stupa Buddhist story relief. Gandhara sculpture mainly absorbed the influence of Greek art, after Greece and Rome gods created Greek statues of Gandhara buddha. The carving material grey schist; other noble hearts, pleats thick, style tends to emphasize realism, the precise details of human anatomy. Gandhara art derived from the India - Afghanistan - School of Art (see Bamiyan Grottoes), as far as the influence of China Xinjiang and the mainland, and eastward to Korea and japan.
The art of MathuraMathura is one of religion and Art Center of the Kushan Dynasty, also belong to the intersection of the East West cultural area. Compared with the Gandhara and Mathura art India local cultural tradition more profound. There are ma de the ruins of Mathura Kushan royal temple, cloth Taiwan Buddhism, Jainism Sal - blocking wave. The princes of Mathura carved portraits, is the incarnation of nomadic deified kingship; lush Yaocha naked female statue of sensuality, is a product of India farming culture. What is the Gandhara and Mathura first created Buddha, nearly 100 years scholars have been arguing. Kushan Mathura Buddha, originally referring to Mathura local traditional Yaocha created the statue. The macular red sandstone carving material; other powerful stalwart, thin clothing through the body; style tends to idealism, the pursuit of strong bare physical beauty and sense of power. Art spread to Central Asia via Mathura Kashmir and Chinese.
Amaravati Art
The capital of Amravati is southern India and Kushan Empire confrontation anda Luo Dynasty Guosa Srivastava hanna. Amaravati art Bima local culture of India traditional Tula art more pure. Amolawodidata and Naga M Giulia Na, Jia Gaya, Tat - wave blocking pate carving, belong to Amaravati style. The white limestone carving material green, elegant and lively, slender body, style between antiquity and classicism, and revealed signs of Baroque style. The Buddha had to Amaravati in Sri Lanka and Southeast asia.
Gupta art
The Gupta Dynasty (320 ~ 600) is the second Mauryan after exposing a great empire and Morocco Tuo rise. Only two Indian dynasties established in India have achieved a temporary unity. With a strong external color Gupta art inheritance in the Kushan culture at the same time, more committed to advocating India local cultural tradition, the pinnacle of classical culture in India. The Gupta era, Buddhist art heyday, Hindu art development is regarded as the India classical golden age.
Gupta Buddhist art
The Gupta kings are mostly Hindu, Buddhist, Jain etc. but the pagan tolerant policy, the late Gupta kings even grants to build Buddhist universities of nalanda. No, the Gupta Dynasty Buddhist philosopher Vasubandhu the Mahayana Yogacara Buddhist philosophy to the peak, the classical art with the spirit of consciousness also become vigorous fantasy. Sal Nat Mike - blocking wave, sixteenth, 17, 19 Ajanta caves in the grottoes, Sanchi No. seventeenth, No. fifty-first, ancestral temple, Buddha Gaya Great Bodhi temple, Buddhist architecture is the classical style of surviving gupta. The Aurangabad caves dug in the post Gupta era, has deviated from the standard of classicism. The two center Gupta Buddhist sculpture and Sarnath in succession of Mathura, Kushan Gandhara and Mathura carved on the traditional aesthetic ideal, follow the classical Gupta era, creating a India style for Buddha statues and multimodal - Mathura type special salna Buddha, represents the highest achievements of classical art in India. Mathura Buddha style of Gandhara Buddha more than India, Mathura Buddha is more ideal than the face, Indians, eyes is meditation, spiral hair neat, tall, light behind the large and beautiful, and the most typical feature is the wet clothes effect translucent, the representative of "the Buddha statue" mathura. Sarnath Buddha and statues in Mathura style type similar, full of quiet, introverted, harmonious tone, the most typical characteristic is transparent stripes effect of exposure of naked, representative of Sarnath Buddha "is". Effect of Gupta Buddha in South and South East Asia, Central Asia and the Far East Buddhist art of Gandhara Buddha is more profound. India ancient painting legacy products rarely, Ajanta grottoes and Bagh caves murals will be more precious. Gupta era Ajanta murals in style from classical to noble pure luxury and beautiful Baroque during the transition period, the traditional India carving performance standards of female beauty three bent, was used by many of the murals, the representative of the "big -" must, "Bodhisattva with a lotus" etc.. The murals about Bagh caves in post Gupta era, secular, stylized tendency of increase reflects the decline of Buddhism in India native.
Gupta Hindu Art
The ancient Gupta era to the new transformation of Brahmanism Hinduism Brahmanism, Hindu art will flourish. Gupta of Hindu architecture structure left a Digewa temple, Pideergang temple, Auger temple, Uhde Jerzy Gio on behalf of the ten incarnation in the caves, and provides a prototype after centuries of India architectural paradigm. Gupta Hinduism sculpture of the representative of the "Mathura Vishnu statue", Uhde Jerzy Jiri's "Vishnu's incarnation, Auger" wild boar "Vishnu lying like", the style has gradually changed from classical to Baroque style evolution. Gupta Hinduist art opened the medieval Hindu art heyday of the magnificent prelude.Medieval India (7 to thirteenth Century) is a Hindu art heyday. Since the Gupta era Dynasty, Buddhism in India native is declining, Hindu dominant status. Medieval northern and Southern Dynasties throughout India local dynasties mostly believe in Hinduism, the rise of the construction of the Hindu temple craze, continued for hundreds of years and not bad. The Hindu temple is regarded as Hindu gods in the world of the home. The temple tower Xikaluo usually symbolizes the universe of the mountain gods. The temple's sanctuary "womb" (cosmic embryo) often dedicated to the Hindu universe of Vishnu, Shiva and incarnation, symbol or Xianlv statue, especially the symbol of Shiva Linga fecundity (male root) is the most common. The outer wall of the temple is often carved all the gods and goddesses and figures, animal, flower and other decorative reliefs, architecture and sculpture are all blend into one harmonious whole.
The Hindu temple type can be divided into 3 types: type (Southern Dravidian style), a Xikaluo pyramid; the north way (Aryan type or city type), Xika Luo Chengqu arch; the German dry (intermediate type), between the South and North type. Hindu gods basically is the natural power of incarnation, a symbol of the universe spirit, the nature of the metaphor of life, therefore, must pursue the dynamic changes of Hindu art, showing strength, instability, complicated and exaggerated Baroque style. The baroque style with distinct characteristics of India traditional culture, the impulse of life, imagine the strange and decorative luxury seems to exceed European Baroque art.
Art of the various dynasties in southern India
The Middle Ages in southern India Dynasty maintained a pure Dravidian culture tradition, the development of Dravidian art. Pallava Dynasty (600 to 897) the capital of kanchipura Kayla cernat temple with harbor Romania five car Maha Barry temple, temple and temple Grottoes is the origin of India coast, southern style temple, provides almost all southern style temple prototype. Barry Romania Maha temple wall "Ganges RIver" is a relief that fell paraoa carving masterpiece, reflects the characteristics of the early baroque style in India. The chola (846 ~ 1279) of the capital city of TANJORE Temple of Barry Hendy Shiva M and Zhu Luo - Gagongda Romania Temple of the same name, graphic design used paraoa temple, pyramid towering more Xikaluo. The chola bronze statue, such as "the dance king" Masterpieces of Shiva, elegant, dynamic and flexible, is a model of South India Baroque period of sculpture. Pandya Dynasty (1100 ~ 1331) of the capital city of Madurai Temple group inherited Zhu Luo style gatehouse (Qu Brochu) higher than that of the main hall, decorative sculpture complex too, belonging to the late Baroque style. The late medieval Vee Char Jerzy Naga M Dynasty (1336 ~ 1565) of the Temple group and Nayeka Dynasty (1564 ~ 1600) in Madurai to build the temple colonnade (Man Dabo) the prominent position, decorative Rococo style luxury cumbersome, too.
Germany and the fine arts
The medieval Deccan region of Dynasty in the Aryan culture and mixed Dravidian culture center, the frequent war led to the north and South art style communication. The early Chalukya Dynasty (535 ~ 753) in 3, Mysore, capital of badami huor and the temple of Padma Da Gal group, the original shape by the Buddhist chaitya hall evolved, influenced by medieval Southern Hindu temple, and into the northern temple composition. Padma Da Gal Vee Ruback Natsu temple is an imitation kanchipura Kayla cernat temple. The Rashit Lago de Dynasty (753 ~ 949) to build Ellora grottoes. Ellora Lhasa Kai sixteenth cave temple, the temple of Vee Ruback Natsu Padma Da Gal is modeled on the design of hollow block, rock hewn, worthy of the mega peerless masterpiece. Lhasa Kai Temple sculpture comprehensive Gupta era elegance, covering Lu Dynasty and Pallava Dynasty and gamma Xiuyi, dynamic change of strong, rich, vibrant, represents the highest achievement of Baroque art in India. About digging in the same period as the island grotto Temple of Shiva, carving of India rich Baroque art features, including rock carving "three" like Shiva beautiful, noble, ferocious in a body, lodges the creation, preservation, destruction of the Upanishads, the world sculpture works. The later Chalukya Dynasty (10 ~ twelfth Century) of the Temple group, the outer wall decoration is niche intensive, tedious. When the Sara Dynasty (1100 ~ 1300) in the Deccan built southwest of Belul, Beh Leibe de Poole, Somnath temple, graphic design is the star, Xikaluo low wall decorative relief fine and dainty, also flow along cocoa style.
Northern India Dynasty Fine Arts

The medieval North India Dynasty regarded as orthodox Aryan culture, more and more absorption factors Dravidian culture. Bangladesh, Assam - more popular Luojiao (force worship), while the impact of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and art. Barak Dynasty (about 750 ~ 1150) is the last refuge in India local buddhism. The kings of the Baltic expansion of the upgrading of Nalanda and Mahabodhi Temple Buddha Gaya temple. The pyramid tower shape Buddha Gaya diamond throne tower shrines and vertical stratification, the relevant Xikaluo Hindu temple. Such as the Baltic Nalanda unearthed stone or bronze statue, such as crown Buddha, Guanyin, the goddess of Dobby Tantrism Bodhisattva DORO statue, influenced by a classical sculpture Gupta and South India statue, infected Baroque luxury, elaborate, grotesque, known as the flame of art. Influence of Buddhist art art of Nepal, Chinese Bala Tibet, Burma, and other places of large java. Easthigh Jia Dynasty (8 ~ thirteenth Century) in the territory of Orissa created the great temple group. Is a subspecies of the northern Orissa temples temple, song Xikaluo arched was the representative of Bhubaneswar corn, the lingaraja temple - the temple, Khanna Lark, Bree Zage Nath Temple of the sun. The last Orissa carved decoration and dynamic exaggeration, belonging to the India Baroque period by. Khanna Lark Sun Temple great relief wheel magnificent, is regarded as a symbol of the culture of India. The Jindra Dynasty (950 ~ 1203) capital card Hou Zhu La Hindu, Jain Temple group and Orissa temples group par. A subspecies of Khajuraho temples is the northern temple, Xikaluo is like bamboo shoots, the main tower around the multi ring Zhi representative Gandaliyah Mahan tower, Deva temple etc.. C Jura Hou carving in high relief panels with the outer wall of the temple statues and women in different poses and with different expressions (dense tea lovers that statue) is known, deformation of beautiful and sexy strong, also belongs to the Baroque period in India by. Zhu Hou unearthed card pull carving treasures "love letter" is India carved the most outstanding masterpiece. North Western India Rajasthan osiya Sulye temple and Mount Abu bhimasena Luo tower, Gujarat Surya temple, also belong to the northern temple, well proportioned, ornate. Kashmir is still creating a Gandhara traditional temple, the Moertande and Awandi's temple.In thirteenth Century, the Turks, Afghanistan - Muslim invasion of India, Delhi, Sultan after China established, began to appear in India Islamic art. Fourteenth Century, the local Muslim Kingdom have independence, India Islamic Art popularization. In sixteenth Century, the rise of Mughal North India, India, Islamic Art flourished. Islamic Art in India is not only a variation of Islamic Art in India, but also a transformation form of India native art, as well as an example of Islamic culture and India culture.
The integration of these two different cultures (one of the fusion genes is a common hobby of decoration), results in a new and unique cultural model and artistic style.
Delhi Art
The architecture of the Sultan Dynasty (13 ~ sixteenth Century) in Delhi was mainly based on the Islamic style introduced by Central Asia, but also mixed some India factors. Sultan's Delhi Slave Dynasty (1206 ~ 1290) to build the Cobut Ule Islam mosque in Delhi and kutb pinnacles, Gao Huafeng Li, is the earliest example of Islamic architecture in India. Khilji Dynasty (1290 - 1320) built Jamal art Hanna mosque and Alai gate, are purely Islamic style. The field of the Luke Dynasty (1320 ~ 1413) building simple and rigid. The Saeed Dynasty (1414 ~ 1451) and Lodi Dynasty (1451 ~ 1526) of the building to revive Kargi style.
Local realm of Art
Local independent Muslim Kingdoms (14 ~ sixteenth Century) of the building are more affected by around the India traditional architecture, showing strong local color of India cultural diversity hybrid style. Jumple Kingdom (1400 ~ 1478) of the mosque of Atalay, obviously affected by the Hindu temple. The kingdom of Bengal (1336 ~ 1576) the ADINA mosque and small golden mosque and the golden mosque, the structure and decoration of the Hindu temple. The kingdom of Gujarat (1401 ~ 1537) the capital of the Great Mosque in Ahmedabad, to the local traditional brick 15 arched roof. The kingdom of Marwa (1401 ~ 1531) the capital of the Great Mosque in Mandu, is to keep the traditional Islamic style. The Deccan Bauman Kingdom (1347 ~ 1527) building mix India, Egypt, the Turks, Iran style, Gelb Fagafaga mosque, Daulatabad gold, Beadle's horse, delta promos are Gavan college, this hybrid style paradigm.
The art of the mo
The Mughal Dynasty (1526 ~ 1859) is the Department of the Turks, Mughals in the subcontinent of India established Islamic empire. The third Mughal emperor Akbar liberal religious integration policy, accelerate India traditional Islamic culture and cultural integration, paved the way for the full development of Islamic Art in India. Mughal architecture mainly absorbed the influence of Persian Islamic architecture, combines the India traditional architecture factors, form a kind of both simple and bright and richly decorated Mughal style, represents the greatest achievement of India Islamic art. The Mughal buildings on the capital distribution of Mo of Mughal Empire Delhi, Agra and the capital of Lahore, the second half of the sixteenth Century era mainly in red sandstone building akbar. In seventeenth Century, Sha Jia - age leaf mainly in white marble building, the representative of the Mausoleum of Humayun, Agra castle, Fatlepool Sikri castle, Lahore castle, Chris Itimad Uhde Daraj, baling, red fort, Delhi mosque, Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal is recognized as one of the wonders of architectural art in the world. The Mughal miniature painting achievements after construction, Humayun, Akbar, the Mughal emperor Jia Hanji is keen to sponsor painting. From Iran, India to court painter and made a lot of miniatures, depicting the pilgrimage, feasting, hunting and war scenes, portraits and harem life. Mughal Miniatures basically belong to the palace of art, delicate lines, rich colors, good style, pay attention to realism to portray the psychology at. Mughal India native states of the Rajput paintings, and Mughal Miniatures parallel development, mutual influence. Raj Fpoter's painting is divided into Rajasthan (plain Sunni faction) and pakhar faction (mountain school), school leader pakhar for ConAgra pie. Rajput miniature painting subjects taken from the India epic, mythology, especially on the pastoral God Krishna Krishna (one of the incarnations of Vishnu) and Munv love LADA folklore. Often works often idyllic color, pastoral sentiment and the beauty of music melody, rough lines, vivid picture, bold colors, contrasting characters, simple and natural.After India became a British colony in 1858, the traditional culture and art of India was endangered. Then many western people of insight and patriotic scholars of India, are committed to re excavation, collation and interpretation of India's cultural and artistic heritage, India art increasingly attracted international academic attention. Since ancient times between the China and India cultural and artistic exchanges in India for Chinese History is full of such instances., ancient law monk Faxian, Xuan Zang, Yi Jing's records has become a valuable literature on the arts and culture in India.






    最近更新:2025-03-04 12:30:29
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