纽约现代艺术博物馆The Museum of Modern Art(简称MOMA)。坐落在纽约市曼哈顿城中,位于曼哈顿第53街(在第五和第六大道之间),是当今世界最重要的现当代美术博物馆之一,与英国伦敦泰特美术馆、法国蓬皮杜国家文化和艺术中心等齐名。博物馆最初以展示绘画作品为主,后来展品范围渐渐扩大,包括雕塑,版画,摄影,印刷品,商业设计,电影,建筑,家具及装置艺术等项目,直到现在,其艺术品数量已达15万件之多。主要展示从十九世纪末至今的艺术作品。
中国美术网 09-17 浏览
开放时间:周日/周一/周三/周四/周六10:30–17:30;周五10:30 –20:00(每周二闭馆)
门票:成人:25美元 65岁以上老人:18美元 学生:14美元 16岁以下:免票
最佳游玩季节:纽约一年四季都有不同的东西可看。如果喜欢在户外逛,春季和秋季的天气是最惬意的。 如果喜欢文化,秋季冬季和早春是来纽约的好时间,是剧院和表演艺术季;百老汇的戏票冬季也是最便宜的。纽约冬天一般从11月到次年3月,冷且风大。但这些室内活动不会受到影响。 如果喜欢派对和感受节日气氛,12月到新年的纽约节日气氛很浓;有盛大的节日游行,也是各商家大打折的时候。这一时段,纽约的酒店价格也是最高的。 七月和八月是纽约气温最高的时候,但露天文化活动达到顶峰;纽约的众多海滩也非常受欢迎。
博物馆建于1929年夏天,由三位女士 Lillie P. Bliss,Mary Quinn Sullivan,Abby Aldrich Rockefeller共同创设,并将此馆开放给公众参观。同年11月8日正式开幕。营建和收藏品管理主要由Rockefeller家族财务支持。1940和50年代的背后赞助者,就是Abby Aldrich Rockefeller的儿子Nelson Rockefeller,他亦曾称此博物馆小名为“妈妈的博物馆”。该馆成立之时,纽约的其它博物馆尚未致力于收藏现代艺术作品,就连现代艺术博物馆的开馆作品,也只有收藏家赠送的8件油画与1件素描。第一位馆长Alfred H. Barr, Jr将开馆作品安置于曼哈顿海克薛大厦的暂时馆址(含办公室在内只有六个房间),首要之事便是寻找永久而够大的馆址。
纽约现代艺术博物馆(Museum of Modern Art), 在经过两年的休馆改建后,终于在2004年11月20日正式揭开它的面纱,并于开幕当日,与世人一起欢度它的 75 周年纪念。慕名而来的参观民众,早在清晨六点便在博物馆外排队进场,经过四小时的漫长等待,终于得以一睹它的风采。重新开幕的 MoMA 比起之前,增加了将近两倍的展览空间。有着整片玻璃落地窗和花岗石墙外观,斥资8.58亿美金打造的艺术殿堂,将继续为大家展出世界知名的艺术收藏。
早在多年前,MoMA 便买下隔壁的老饭店,决定为博物馆进行扩建。已设计过多所博物馆的知名日本东京建筑大师谷口吉生 (Yoshio Taniguchi ),面对重新设计 MoMA 的艰巨任务,其表现深获好评。 MoMA 自 1932 年迁址坐落于曼哈顿 53 街后,在1939 年,其外观始脱胎换骨成为现代模样,又于1948 年,由建筑师 Cesar Pelli 增修博物馆的外观,其利落的造型已在世人心中留下深刻印象。此次,建筑大师谷口吉生不但要修建原有旧馆,更要使旧馆与新建的新馆完全整合。比起其它在建筑外观多加夸饰的新兴博物馆,谷口吉生所设计的 MoMA 外观可谓简约内敛、沉静稳重,谷口吉生说;“做为博物馆外观而言的建筑物,它不应与艺术品争辉,在这逃艺术品面前,建筑本身应该消失。”“建筑物就像是一个容器,如果没有艺术品和欣赏它们的人进来,这建筑就不算完整。”“博物馆就像一只茶杯,它不会炫耀自己,但当你为它注入绿茶时,它就会显现出双方的美好。”虽然在基于现实和成本的考量后,谷口吉生有些许的设计必须更动,不如之前预期,但,当他看着完工后的 MoMA ,仍然高兴的说:“它已几近完美!”
由于大片落地窗的设计,自然光轻易地流进有着六层展览厅,高约 34 米 的主展馆室内,而大量白墙的运用,更可让 MoMA 尽情地展示无价收藏。为了秉持 MoMA 鼓励当代艺术的初衷,之前碍于场地限制所不能展出的六十年代之后的近代艺术品,都一一现身。在挑高的二楼大厅,莫内的知名画作睡莲 (Water Lilies) 就在白墙上延伸超过 50 公尺 ,越往上层你将越被更壮观的艺术品所慑服,例如普普艺术家詹姆士·罗森奎斯特( James Rosenquist )在 1965 年的画作 F-111 战斗机( F-111 Fighter Jet )所占据的六楼白墙长度,又更甚于莫内的睡莲。透过落地窗,便可欣赏在新旧馆之间的艾比·艾德瑞其·洛克斐勒雕塑花园( The Abby AldrichRockefeller Sculpture Garden ),谷口吉生将此著名花园保持原来大小,但更着重了建筑和花园在视线上的相互延伸,使民众也可享受在户外欣赏艺术的闲情逸致。当然,艺术不仅止于绘画和雕塑的型式, MoMA 在视觉与听觉方面的艺术收藏,也可谓是首屈一指“这次的改建, MoMA 不但扩充了视觉和听觉的艺术表现,更积极投入艺术教育,像是扩大的图书馆、档案室、阅览室、大讲堂、剧场、工作室,让艺术爱好者有更多的学习机会,如痴如醉地留连于如此多功能的空间中。如果在这座巨大的艺术殿堂逛累了, MoMA 也新设了两处 Cafe 和一间雅致的餐厅。临走时,别忘了到 MoMA 的礼品店和书店挑选一两件纪念品,为这一天的艺术之旅,画下完美的句点。
75 年前,MoMA在曼哈顿中城某办公大楼里的一间小办公室开幕,75年后,MoMA已扩建成有 63 万平方公尺规模的博物馆。伫立在1万2千多平方米的一楼大厅,你见证了MoMA从过去辉煌的 53 街跨越到引领未来的 54 街,如此美妙的历史一刻。 MoMA在艺术上的奉献,为所有博物馆开启的新时代意义,想必是当初创办人未曾预料却乐见其成的。 MoMA 理事长格林·洛瑞(Glenn Lowry)自信地期许:“我们对 21 世纪艺术的发展与影响,将会表现的如大家肯定我们对 20 世纪艺术的影响一样深远!”
每年吸引成千上万艺术爱好者从世界各地前来膜拜的大师作品,如梵谷、毕卡索、马谛斯、安迪·沃荷、杰克森·帕洛克,都如两年前一样地悬挂着,不同的是,在新生的 MoMA 里,它们都闪耀着前所未见的光芒。
悬挂在纽约现代艺术博物馆外墙上色彩鲜艳的彩虹标志是由瑞士艺术家Ugo Rondinone设计的,这栋耗资五千万美元,崭新的七层大厦就是矗立在纽约下东区的纽约现代艺术博物馆,这片区域曾经因为这里的救济所,平民窟和摇滚歌手而著名。“这一装置显示出新的当代艺术所表示的一种开放性、无畏和乐观精神,就像它过去曾经根植于社会生活一样。”博物馆总监Lisa Phillips说。虽然标志性的华埠包厘救济所和一些供应饭店的蔬果店和灯箱商店招牌仍然充斥在街道上,但是这个6万平方英尺的白色大型建筑的到来显然揭示了一个新的纽约城时代。一些高档时髦的宾馆像Sean McPherson、Eric Goode’s Bowery和Thompson Group都将取代下东区在曼哈顿旁边最后一个青年旅馆,如雨后春笋般涌现出来,建筑房顶上都建成时兴的透明玻璃式样。一些年轻前卫的画廊像Thierry Goldberg、James Fuentes和Eleven Rivington都摒弃了旧的艺术风尚,逐渐开始向如上东区的Salon 94、伦敦的Museum 52等新的画廊靠拢,并纷纷在周边建立了卫星画廊。
这个由现在日本前卫建筑设计师妹岛和世和西泽立卫设计的新大厦,在竣工伊始得到了许多肯定评价的同时,也收到了一些负面的批评。 博物馆总监Phillips评价说:“这个新的博物馆是一个向旧艺术建筑的挑战,但同时这也是一个给艺术家向大众展示他们不同想法和创意的机会。”但是,另一些评论家却认为,新的博物馆失去了设计重点,包括那些在博物馆开张主题会“21世纪的建筑”上出席的主流画廊艺术家John Bock、Urs Fischer和Rebecca Warren等。无神论者则认为博物馆的建造过多的被理事会所影响和控制,理事会成员包括上文提到的两个设计师,其余都是收藏家。而相邻的一些画廊指责新博物馆没有像当初承诺的一样,向周围的画廊提供包括信息交流和合作支持的帮助。
当然,在一些大型机构如音乐厅、足球场、图书馆等等,在试图彻底全新地改头换面的时候,它们总会受到一些来自各方面的反对意见。但值得称道的是,博物馆仍然秉承一个最纯粹的目标:让更多的人接触到艺术,把艺术带入每个人的生活中。在开放前期,为了纪念创馆30周年,博物馆方面决定向广大观众免费开放连续30个小时。博物馆的第五层专用于一个与其他艺术机构合作的项目“博物馆网络中心”,总监解释说,“这是与其他艺术机构合作的一个国际项目,目的是为了研究当代艺术在社会中所扮演的角色和我们怎样从艺术的角度来影响和改变受众。”此项目开始与2006年,合作的机构包括韩国首尔的Insa艺术空间,墨西哥的Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporaneo美术馆,开罗的Townhouse Gallery of Contemporary Art当代美术馆等。他们认为生活中不能缺少艺术,所有的合作艺术机构都将一直遵循他们的艺术“宗教”。
2000年之后,现代艺术博物馆由于馆藏扩充甚多,原馆址亦需整修,遂开始了新建物的计划。该馆在2002年5月21日关闭,将部份馆藏迁往皇后区长岛市的一个旧钉书针工厂继续展览,称做MoMA QNS。2004年11月20日,由日本建筑师谷口吉生设计的新馆开幕,门票从美金12元调涨到20元,引起了不少争议。使它成为纽约市中最昂贵的博物馆之一。幸而该馆经美国Target连锁店赞助后,保持于每周五下午四点后,开放访客免费参观。谷口吉生的作品也在开馆时广受评论,除批评外观不过是一个中规中矩的现代建筑外,亦有不少人对馆内动线感到不满。
The New York Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), located in Manhattan City, between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, is one of the most important museums of modern and contemporary art in the world. It is the same name as the Tate Gallery in London, the National Center for Culture and Art in Pompidou, France.
Museums initially focused on exhibiting paintings. Later, the scope of exhibits gradually expanded, including sculpture, printmaking, photography, printing, commercial design, film, architecture, furniture and installation art. Now the number of works of art has reached 150,000.
Best Play Season: New York has different things to see all year round. If you like to go outdoors, the weather in spring and autumn is the most pleasant. If you like culture, autumn, winter and early spring are good times to come to New York. It's the theatre and performing arts season. Broadway tickets are also cheapest in winter. Winter in New York is usually cold and windy from November to March next year. But these indoor activities will not be affected. If you like parties and feel the festive atmosphere, the New York festival atmosphere from December to the New Year is very strong; there is a grand festival parade, which is also a time for big discounts. Hotel prices in New York were also the highest during this period. July and August are the warmest months in New York, but open-air cultural activities peak; many beaches in New York are also very popular.
The Museum of Modern Art, located in the bustling Midtown of Manhattan, is one of the most famous institutions for collecting, exhibiting and researching contemporary art. For the construction professionals, it has a very special historical image because of its close connection with the word "international". At the end of the 20th century, the exhibition of "deconstructionism" architecture was held, which not only subverted its historical image, but also showed its persistent ambition of foreseeing and inducing the development of architecture and art. Looking back on the changes it has experienced in collection, operation, planning and construction and renovation of Libraries in the past 70 years, the large-scale mixed-race building complex strives to balance the various factors of art, technology and social fashion under the conservative appearance. The growth and change of the Museum of Modern Art is also the reproduction of the unique commercial culture of New York, the capital of contemporary art.
In today's Museum family with the title of modern art, the New York Museum of Modern Art ranks first. Its fame can make it call the Museum of Modern Art directly without place names in its full name. Within the scope of New York, many people call it "modern" or its English abbreviation MoMA.
The museum was founded in the summer of 1929 by three women, Lillie P. Bliss, Mary Quinn Sullivan and Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, and opened to the public. It was officially opened on 8 November of the same year. Construction and collection management are mainly financially supported by the Rockefeller family. Back in the 1940s and 1950s, Nelson Rockefeller, son of Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, also nicknamed the museum Museum of Mothers. When the museum was founded, other museums in New York had not yet dedicated themselves to collecting modern works of art. Even the opening works of the Museum of Modern Art included only eight paintings and one sketch presented by collectors. The first curator, Alfred H. Barr, Jr, placed the opening works at the temporary site of the Hackshire Tower in Manhattan (with only six rooms in the office). The first thing to do is to find a permanent and large site.
From 1929 to 1939, the Museum of Modern Art moved three times, and it was not until May 10, 1939 that it officially settled in its current location. The main building of the Museum of Modern Art, designed by architects Philip Gowen and Edward Stone, has a typical international style of horizontal and vertical lines.
New look
New York Museum of Modern Art, after two years of closure and renovation, finally officially unveiled its veil on November 20, 2004, and celebrated its 75th anniversary with the world on the opening day. Visitors from the Museum lined up outside the museum as early as 6 a.m., and after four hours of waiting, they finally got a glimpse of it. The reopened MoMA has nearly doubled the exhibition space compared with the previous one. With the appearance of a whole glass floor window and granite wall, the $858 million art palace will continue to exhibit world-renowned art collections for you.
Many years ago, MoMA bought the old hotel next door and decided to expand the museum. The renowned Tokyo architect Yoshihiko Taniguchi, who has designed many museums, is highly praised for the arduous task of redesigning MoMA. MoMA was relocated to 53 Street in Manhattan in 1932. In 1939, MoMA's appearance began to change into a modern one. In 1948, Cesar Pelli, an architect, renovated the museum's appearance. Its profitable shape has been deeply impressed by the world. This time, Gukou Jisheng, a master architect, should not only build the old museum, but also integrate the old one with the new one. Compared with other new museums with more exaggerated architectural appearance, the MoMA appearance designed by Jisheng Gukou can be described as simple, restrained, calm and steady, said Jisheng Gukou. "As a museum appearance, it should not compete with the works of art, and the building itself should disappear in the face of this fleeing works of art." "Buildings are like containers. If there are no works of art and people who appreciate them, the building will not be complete." "Museum is like a cup. It doesn't show off, but when you pour green tea into it, it shows the beauty of both sides." Although based on reality and cost considerations, Gukou Jisheng's design must be changed a little, not as expected, but when he looked at the finished MoMA, he was still happy to say: "It's almost perfect!"
Due to the design of large floor-to-floor windows, natural light easily flows into the main exhibition hall with six floors and a height of about 34 meters, while the use of a large number of white walls allows MoMA to display its priceless collection to its heart's content. In order to uphold MoMA's original intention of encouraging contemporary art, modern works of art after the 1960s, which were previously unavailable due to site constraints, appeared one by one. In the tall second floor lobby, Monet's famous painting Water Lilies stretches over 50 meters on the white wall. The higher up you go, the more spectacular works of art you will be overwhelmed by, for example, the white wall length of the sixth floor occupied by Pop artist James Rosenquist's painting F-111 fighter plane in 1965, which is even longer than the white wall of the sixth floor. Monet's water lily. Through the landing window, you can enjoy the sculpture garden of Abbey Adridge Rockefeller between the old and new pavilions. Gukou Jisheng keeps the famous garden in its original size, but emphasizes the mutual extension of architecture and garden in the line of sight, so that people can enjoy the leisure and leisure of art in the outdoor. Of course, art is not only about painting and sculpture, but also MoMA's collection of art in visual and auditory fields, which is also the first of its kind. "MoMA not only enlarges the artistic expression of vision and hearing, but also actively invests in art education, such as enlarged libraries, archives, reading rooms, auditoriums and dramas." Field and studio, let art enthusiasts have more learning opportunities, such as intoxicated to stay in such a multi-functional space. If you're tired of visiting this huge art palace, MoMA also has two new Cafes and an elegant restaurant. Before leaving, don't forget to pick up one or two souvenirs from MoMA's gift shop and bookstore to draw a perfect ending for this day's artistic journey.