梵蒂冈博物馆(The Vatican Museum)位于罗马市中心的天主教国家梵蒂冈,是世界上最小的国家的博物馆。
梵蒂冈博物馆的起源可以追溯到500年前购买的一座大理石雕像。这座名为拉奥孔与儿子们的雕像于1506年1月14日在圣母玛利亚主教堂附近的一个葡萄园里发掘出来。教皇儒略二世派Giuliano da Sangallo和米开朗琪罗去查看发掘成果。在他们的推荐下,教皇当机立断从葡萄园主那里买下了雕像。在发掘出雕像整一个月后,教皇就在梵蒂冈向公众进行了展示。
梵蒂冈博物馆(The Vatican Museum)是西欧收费最贵的博物馆之一,而且开馆时间奇短--当地时间中午13:30就闭馆了。每个月末的周日,梵蒂冈博物馆免票,可以节省下来十几欧元。于是很多游客都会排长队进馆。在这里,我见识了人生中最壮观的一次排队。这只是队伍中间的一段,在它首尾还有非常非常长的一大段。
梵蒂冈博物馆,是世界上最早的博物馆之一,早在公元5世纪就有了雏形。16世纪时,博物馆与圣彼得大教堂同时扩建,总面积为5.5公顷,为故宫博物院的 1/13,展出面积与故宫相仿。
(Museo Pio-Clementino):以希腊罗马时代的雕刻最为精彩,名作有“克尼多斯的维纳斯”(Venus of Cnidus)、“沉睡的阿莉亚多尼”(Sleeping Ariadne)、“望楼的阿波罗”(AppoolBelvedere)、“劳孔”(Laocoon)、以及“望楼的躯干雕像”(Male Torso)等。
(Museo Gregoriano-Etrusco):以公元前四世纪前的收藏品为主,重要作品有公元前五世纪赤土制的“飞马”、公元前七世纪伊突利亚的青铜“特迪的战神像”、以及公元前四世纪的“黑像式双耳壶”(Black-Figure Amphora)等。
(Stanza della Segnatura)以天花板壁画“雅典学园”(The School of
Athens)驰誉于世,是拉斐尔在25岁左右的作品,四幅主画为:“圣体的争论”、“雅典学园”、“三大德性”和“帕纳索斯山” (Parnassus) 。 *艾略多罗室(Stanza di Eliodoro)的作品以表现神意和奇迹的主题为焦点,“希略多拉斯的放逐” (Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple)描绘耶路撒冷遭掠夺的景象、“波塞纳的神奇弥撒”则表现足与提香媲美的色彩光辉。*拉斐尔回廊内的画作取材于旧约圣经,因此又被称为“拉斐尔的圣经”。回廊内最著名的画作为“波尔哥的火灾”(Fire in the Borgo)。
(The Vatican Pinacoteca):画廊是梵谛岗美术馆中较新设置的部门,收藏了许多乔凡尼、卡拉瓦乔、拉斐尔和达文西的作品。其中最著名的有拉斐尔的“基督变容图”、达文西的“圣杰洛姆”和卡拉瓦乔的“基督下十字架”。
(Cappella Sistina):米开朗基罗的巅峰画作“创世纪”和“最后的审判”是镇堂之宝,长方形的礼拜堂两侧共有十二幅壁画,左侧六面描写以色列救星摩西的生平;右侧六面描绘耶稣的生平;顶棚的“创世纪”画出上帝创造世界的过程;“最后的审判”则位于正面壁上,充满绝望阴沉的气息。
卡拉瓦乔的几幅绘画,包括基督下葬 (1602 - 1603);
古罗马雕塑、墓碑和碑铭,包括Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus的墓志铭;
地图廊:意大利各地全图,教皇格雷戈里十三世(1502年1月7日-1585年4月10日)委派佩鲁贾的Ignazio Danti绘于墙上。该画廊位于Belvedere庭院的西侧,长120米。Ignazio Danti 花了三年 (1580–1583) 完成了40幅画作。画廊天花上的装饰是一群风格主义画家(如Cesare Nebbia和Girolamo Muziano)的作品。
The Vatican Museum is located in the Catholic National Vatican in central Rome and is the smallest Museum in the world.
The Vatican Museum has six kilometers of exhibition space, among which the famous Sistine Chapel is the third or fourth Art Palace in Europe. The Museum covers a total area of 55,000 square meters. Its predecessor is the Pope's Palace. It is mainly used to collect and preserve rare cultural relics and art treasures.
The Vatican Museum dates back to a marble statue bought 500 years ago. The statue, Laocoon and his sons, was excavated in a vineyard near the Cathedral of Notre Dame on January 14, 1506. Pope Julian II sent Giuliano Da Sangallo and Michelangelo to see the results of the excavation. On their recommendation, the Pope decided to buy the statue from the vineyard owner. A month after the discovery of the statue, the Pope showed it to the public at the Vatican.
In October 2006, when the Vatican Museum celebrated its 500th anniversary, the excavation site of the Vatican Hill Cemetery was opened to the public.
The Vatican Museum is one of the most expensive museums in Western Europe, and its opening time is extremely short - it closes at 13:30 p.m. local time. On Sundays at the end of each month, the Vatican Museum is free of tickets, saving more than a dozen euros. So many tourists will queue up to enter the pavilion. Here, I saw the most spectacular queue in my life. It's just a section in the middle of the team, and there's a very, very long section at the beginning and at the end.
The Vatican Museum, one of the earliest museums in the world, took shape as early as the 5th century A.D. In the 16th century, the museum and St. Peter's Cathedral were expanded at the same time, covering a total area of 5.5 hectares, 1/13 of the Palace Museum. The exhibition area is similar to that of the Palace Museum.
The Vatican Museum has 12 pavilions and 5 art galleries, bringing together ancient relics of Greece and Rome and the essence of Renaissance art.
Originally the Pope's court, the museum was later transformed into the Vatican National Museum. It mainly collects works of art, most of which are the essence of Renaissance art, such as Genesis and the Last Judgment by Michelangelo. It is worth seeing. At the same time, for archaeological friends, the museum's collection of some ancient Greek and Roman cultural relics is also worth studying. Of course, in addition to the collection, the museum's own architectural style is also commendable.
On May 28, 2019, the Beijing Palace Museum and the Vatican Museum jointly held the "Beauty of Heart - the Vatican Museum Collection of Chinese Cultural Relics" in the Palace Museum Shenwu Gate Exhibition Hall. The exhibition is the first time that the Chinese cultural relics collected by the Vatican Museum are brought back to China for exhibition. The curatorial team selected 78 exhibits from the Vatican Museum collection, covering three aspects: Catholic art, Buddhist art and secular art. In order to make the exhibition more full and vivid, the Palace Museum provides 12 cultural relics related to Vatican Museum exhibits, including two valuable national first-class cultural relics.
The Apollo statue was completed in about 282 B.C. and was built entirely of marble. It was wrapped in bronze on the surface and reinforced with stone and iron pillars inside. It was about 33 meters high, similar to the 10-storey Statue of Liberty in New York. Legend has it that statues stand on two legs separately at the port entrance. Past ships pass through the statue legs and look up at the magnificent statues from the ship. The scene must be spectacular.
The great statue was broken from its knees by the earthquake of 226 B.C. and collapsed on the shore of Port Rhodes. More than 800 years later, in 654 AD, Rhodes Island was invaded by Arabs, and the remaining statues were transported to Syria by the invaders. Since then, there has been "no news".
The sun god of Rhodes Island is the most mysterious of the seven miracles. It fell in just 56 years. But as we can see from this picture alone, it should be well-deserved to be called one of the seven miracles.
The colossal statue is the bronze statue of Apollo, the sun god. It is made of numerous brazed weapons and bronze products. About 37 meters tall, as tall as the Statue of Liberty, stands at the port of Rhode on the Greek island of Rhode. The statue's feet span both ends of the entrance port, and ships can pass under its crotch. It is said that a few years after its completion, it collapsed due to a strong earthquake, leaving a piece of rubble, which is the shortest life span of the seven wonders.
In Athens College, Plato and Aristotle, who are at the center of the picture, point their fingers to heaven and their right fingers to the world ahead of them to express their different philosophical views: Plato's idealism and Aristotle's materialism.
With the two of them as the center, some famous scholars painted on both sides are vivid and not at all messy.