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 埃及博物馆是由被埃及人称为"埃及博物馆之父"的法国著名考古学家玛利埃特于1863年在开罗北部的卜腊设计建造的。埃及博物馆位于尼罗河东岸,在开罗解放广场靠近NileHilton酒店处,是世界最著名的博物馆之一。埃及博物馆位于埃及首都开罗的解放广场,是一座具有 3000 多年悠久历史的古代埃及文明的遗物宝库。这里收藏的各种文物有 30 多万件,陈列展出的只有 6.3 万件,约占全部文物的五分之一。因这座博物馆以广为收藏法老时期的文物为主,埃及人又习惯地称之为"法老博物馆"。

  • 中文名埃及博物馆
  • 外文名Museum of Egyptian Antiquities
  • 竣工时间1881年
  • 地点开罗解放广场靠近NileHilton酒店处
  • 最佳游玩季节四季皆宜。室内景点参观不受季节限制。
  • 门票价格门票60埃镑,持国际学生证(ISIC)享受半价优惠。博物馆内另有一个木乃伊馆,需要额外购票,票价100埃镑,学生证半价。
  • 开放时间9:00-19:00;斋月期间9:00-17:00。
  • 类别历史博物馆
  • 占地面积10000平方米
  • 馆藏精品古王国时期的卡夫勒王坐像、盘腿书记坐像等

中国美术网 09-17 浏览

在文明古国埃及,有着许多引人入胜的古老传说。它给埃及的一切都披上了一件神秘的外衣,让游客们那颗探寻古老文明的心蠢蠢欲动。不过,当地人会告诉你,了解埃及的历史要从埃及博物馆开始。  埃及博物...

 博物馆前面庭院内种植有代表古代上埃及的“莲叶”和代表下埃及的世界上最古老的造纸材料——纸草。馆内设有 50 多个陈列室。一层按埃及古代历史发展顺序展出,在这里可以看到从古王国时期(公元前 2686 年至公元前2181 年)到公元五、六世纪的罗马统治时期的珍贵文物。古王国时期的展品以孟菲斯为中心的北埃及王墓出土雕像为主,有卡夫勒王座像,盘腿书记坐像,拉赫梯普国王及王妃民费雷特坐像等。后者为石灰岩着色像,仍保持了鲜艳的色彩。中王国时期,木雕逐渐代替石雕。陈列的彩色木雕士兵像、送祭品人像等极为精致。






































Introduction in English

 The Egyptian Museum was designed and constructed by Mariett, a famous French archaeologist known by Egyptians as "the father of the Egyptian Museum", in Pra, northern Cairo, in 1863. The Egyptian Museum is located on the East Bank of the Nile River, near the Nile Hilton Hotel in Cairo's Liberation Square. It is one of the most famous museums in the world. The Egyptian Museum is located in the Liberation Square of Cairo, the capital of Egypt. It is a treasure house of ancient Egyptian civilization with a history of more than 3000 years. There are more than 300,000 cultural relics in the collection, only 63,000 of which are on display, accounting for about one fifth of all cultural relics. Because the museum is mainly a collection of cultural relics from the Pharaoh period, the Egyptians are accustomed to calling it the "phaaoh museum".

In front of the museum, the courtyard is planted with lotus leaves representing ancient Upper Egypt and papyrus, the oldest paper-making material in the world representing Lower Egypt. The Museum has more than 50 showrooms. The first floor is displayed in the order of ancient Egyptian history. Here we can see the precious cultural relics from the ancient kingdom period (2686 BC to 2181 BC) to the Roman rule period in the fifth and sixth centuries A.D. During the period of the ancient kingdom, the main exhibits were the statues unearthed from the tombs of Northern Egypt with Memphis as the center, including the statues of King Kaffler, the cross-legged secretary, the statues of King Lahtip and Princess Ferret. The latter is a limestone coloured image, which still maintains a bright colour. During the Middle Kingdom, wood carving gradually replaced stone carving. The coloured wooden carvings of soldiers and sacrificial figures on display are extremely delicate.

Egypt is known as a "desert country" and the whole area is almost tropical desert climate, but Cairo is different. To be exact, Cairo's climate shows the transitional characteristics of Mediterranean climate to tropical desert climate. Because the Nile River is moist, especially near the Mediterranean, hot and dry in summer and mild and rainy in winter, the Mediterranean climate is prominent, but Cairo is located near the north latitude of 30 degrees, controlled by the subtropical high pressure zone and affected by dry trade winds. It is surrounded by deserts on three sides. It is also the largest desert City in the world. The capital with the smallest precipitation has only 29 millimetres of annual precipitation. Therefore, Cairo's climate combines the characteristics of Mediterranean climate and tropical desert climate. The coldest month's temperature is less than 10 degrees, while the precipitation at this time is relatively large, which has the characteristics of Mediterranean climate. However, the monthly precipitation is very little, the temperature is very high, and it is very similar to the tropical desert climate.

Egyptian museums mainly collect cultural relics of the Pharaoh period, and the Egyptians are accustomed to calling them "pharaoh museums". The Egyptian Museum is an ancient and luxurious double-decked stone building designed by the famous French archaeologist Mariett, who was called the "father of the Egyptian Museum" by the Egyptians, in Braque, northern Cairo, in 1858. The museum was built to prevent the exhumed Egyptian treasures from flowing abroad.

The Museum has been relocated twice since then, and in 1902 it was relocated to the new Cairo Museum. In front of the museum, the courtyard is planted with lotus leaves representing ancient Upper Egypt and papyrus, the oldest paper-making material in the world representing Lower Egypt. The Museum has more than 50 showrooms.

The Egyptian Museum is divided into two floors. The exhibits are displayed in dozens of exhibition rooms in chronological order. The first floor displays historical relics from the ancient Egyptian era to the Roman rule period of the 5th to 6th centuries B.C. from the 27th to 22nd centuries B.C. and the second floor has special exhibition rooms for mummies, jewelry, coffins, paintings, funerals, papyrus and other documents.

The first floor is displayed in the order of ancient Egyptian history. Here we can see the precious cultural relics from the ancient kingdom period (2686 BC to 2181 BC) to the Roman rule period in the fifth and sixth centuries A.D. During the period of the ancient kingdom, the main exhibits were the statues unearthed from the tombs of Northern Egypt with Memphis as the center, including the statues of King Kaffler, the cross-legged secretary, the statues of King Lahtip and Princess Ferret. The latter is a limestone coloured image, which still maintains a bright colour. During the Middle Kingdom, wood carving gradually replaced stone carving. The coloured wooden carvings of soldiers and sacrificial figures on display are extremely delicate. The New Kingdom period, especially the Tutankhamun period (1584-1341 B.C.) of the eighteenth dynasty, was the flourishing period of Egypt. Besides the statues of Tutmus III, Ramses II and Amenhotep IV, there were also statues of kneeling and squatting. The Greek and Roman exhibits have different sculptures that blend Greek realistic styles.

The second floor is a special showroom. There are coffin room, mummy room, jewelry room, painting room, funeral room, prehistoric relics room, Tutankhamun room, papyrus office, etc. The Tutankhamun Room displays more than 1700 unearthed cultural relics. Among them, the "golden mask", "golden coffin" and "golden throne" of Pharaoh Tutankhamun's mummy can be compared with the most boastful cultural relics in any museum in the world. Especially the "gold mask" is made of gold plate according to the king's lifetime appearance, filled with rubies, with vultures and cobras symbolizing the rulers of upper and lower Egypt on the forehead. These brilliant gold products fully reflect the wealth of ancient Egyptian property and the great power of Pharaoh. The Mummy Showroom on the south-west corner of the second floor is the most attractive place for the Egyptian Museum. There are more than 20 mummies of Egyptian pharaohs and their concubines. The mummy was made thousands of years ago. On the cover and inside of the human-shaped coffin where the mummy is stored, there are paintings of the patron saint or Scripture of the deceased. For example, the color wooden coffin coffin coffin of Asimkab is 205 centimeters high, and the eyes and eyebrows are inlaid with enamel, giving people a sense of elegance and luxury. Some of the mummies in the Egyptian Museum have a history of more than 3,500 years, but they are still well preserved, and some can clearly see hair and toenails. Among them, the best preserved remains of Ramses II of the 19th Dynasty of the New Kingdom (about 1317 B.C. to 1251 B.C.). In Egyptian history, Ramses II was the first to conclude a peace treaty with the foreign enemy Hittites, so the exhibition room where the remains of Ramses II were placed is called "War and Peace Exhibition Room".

Treasures unearthed from Tutankhamun's tomb

The museum's most famous exhibits are the treasures unearthed from Tutanamon's tomb, including the human-shaped golden coffin, the golden chamber, the golden throne, the queen's golden crown and other royal utensils. Tutanamon Golden Coffin is made of 450 pounds of pure gold. It is the most exquisite and greatest gold product in human history. The young King Tutanamon died at the age of 18 and used three caskets to carry the body of the King. The Egyptian National Museum in Cairo has the innermost and outermost coffins. Golden coffin, painted paint, exquisite sculpture, with high aesthetic value. The throne of Tutanamon is also glittering with gold, with a golden lion's head on both sides of the front seat and a statue of a snake's head and an eagle's body on the armrest, representing the sovereignty of upper and lower Egypt respectively. The back of the throne is a picture of royal family life: in the sunshine, the queen touches the king on the throne affectionately. The two eyes are opposite and warm. The back of the chair is painted with stone inlaid on a gold plate. The museum's famous collection is similar to that of China's Jingtailan Museum. It also records the "Nalmai" slate, which completed the unification of ancient Egypt in the 31st century B.C., the statue of Pharaoh Hafra found in the pyramids of Hafra, the statue of "clerk" of limestone, Prince Lahortp and him. The sculpture group of his wife "Novlert" is a world-famous classic Egyptian art.


The statue group of "Prince Rahotp and his wife Novlet" is a sitting statue carved on two stones respectively. Two sitting statues

All of them are painted in colour. The built-in eyes are radiant and well preserved. Prince Lahotep was naked, wearing a white collar, a white waist skirt, a short beard on his upper lip similar to that of modern Arab men, and his skin was dark. Novlet had a dignified look, black hair and shoulders, a white-bottomed flowery hairband on his forehead, a black, green and red necklace on his neck, and a plump figure in a white dress and skirt. Black ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs appear on both sides of the head. On the white background, there are people, birds, plants, eyes, crops and so on. They are clear, concise and beautiful, which arouses people's infinite curiosity. This group of seats is also a representative of the distinction between male skin color and female skin color in ancient Egyptian art, and has an important position in the history of art. It's a great archaeological discovery!

History and Culture

Founded in 1881, it has more than 300,000 cultural relics in its collection and only 63,000 on display. But its collections range from prehistoric times to ancient, medieval, imperial times to Greek and Roman art. Including Egyptian pharaoh's giant stone statues and pharaoh's gold-plated vehicles, there are prehistoric pottery, stone tools, as well as various works of art elaborately produced by ancient artists, as well as papyrus papyrus documents recording ancient Egyptian science, literature, history, law and so on. You can also see mummies made thousands of years ago, lying in coffins inlaid with gold and precious stones, still in their original shape.

The Egyptian Museum was designed and constructed by Mariett, a famous French archaeologist known by Egyptians as "the father of the Egyptian Museum", in Pra, northern Cairo, in 1863.






    最近更新:2025-03-07 10:10:02
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