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 帝国战争博物馆(Imperial War Museum)战争纪念博物馆,分布于英格兰的五个地点,其中三处位于伦敦,一处位于英国大曼彻斯特地区特拉福德,是解构主义建筑的代表作品之一。曾获得2003年英国营造业建筑奖,常简称为IWMN,有时又译做英国皇家战争博物馆北部分馆。。它成立于第一次世界大战期间的1917年,记录大英帝国战争努力和牺牲。今天博物馆的使命为“使人们了解现代战争及其对个人与社会的影响”

  • 中文名帝国战争博物馆
  • 外文名Imperial War Museum London
  • 类 别战争博物馆
  • 地 点英国伦敦
  • 竣工时间2001年
  • 开放时间9000平方米
  • 总面积9000平方米





  1966年,Lambeth路博物馆建筑的首次扩建完工,这为艺术收藏品和档案文件的存放、相片冲洗暗房和研讨会举行提供了更多的空间。1936年以来,虽然Lambeth路的美术馆的馆藏范围扩大了,馆藏品也更丰富,但一直未曾扩建,对老建筑的维护和访客服务也未能妥善地安排。1986年,Lambeth路的博物馆建筑全面翻修扩建一期工程开工,旨在增加其有限的展区面积,为这座具有国际重要意义的博物馆提供相关配套设施,以及对老化、破损的建筑进行修复以符合现代标准。第一期工程耗资1670万英镑。政府要求博物馆董事会通过公众募集和从自营收入中拿出450万英镑。工程于1989年3月完工,1989年6月29日女王主持揭幕仪式宣布开放。二期工程,即对四层楼的East Infill的改造,通过新建和对原有美术陈列室粉刷修葺,新增展区1500平方米,于1994年底完工,耗资220万英镑,全部来自自营收入。三期工程和最后工程又新增建筑面积5300平方米,包括一个专门修建的教育中心、临时及长期展品美术陈列馆和全国大屠杀展。工程由英国文化遗产彩票基金(the Heritage Lottery Fund)资助,于2000年6月6日由女王主持揭幕仪式宣布开放。

  帝国战争博物馆于1970年和1980年新建了三座分馆。1976年,博物馆正式获得了剑桥郡(Cambridgeshire)的Duxford Airfield一地,此处被同时作为存放收藏品、档案和艺术品的收藏室和博物馆,如今则是董事会下面的Duxford执行小组和剑桥郡议会联合经营的一家非常出色的公共博物馆,其中,博物馆旁的跑道由剑桥郡议会所有。1978年,一艘名为“HMS Belfast”的(即贝尔法斯特号巡洋舰)、排水量为11,500吨的二战时期的巡洋舰被博物馆“收藏“了起来,加入了博物馆。这艘巡洋舰自1971年以来一直由一家私人信托公司停泊在伦敦池(the Pool of London)。

  第三,在1984年,位于白厅的内阁作战部作为博物馆向公众开放。1989年4月1日,帝国博物馆董事会全面接管了这座博物馆。此前,董事会只是替英国环境部代为管理。此外,1986年以来,博物馆一直使用位于Lambeth路的一栋建筑物,里面主要存放视听档案。这些视听档案此前曾藏于London SE11的Austral街的All Saints医院。2002年7月5日,位于特拉福(Trafford)的帝国战争博物馆北馆开始向公众开放。




  1920年6月9日,国王乔治五世在水晶宫主持博物馆开馆揭幕仪式。1924年至1935年期间,博物馆曾搬到当时的位于South Kensington地区的帝国学院旁的两间美术陈列馆内,当时的条件很差。



这座设有伦敦帝国战争博物馆的建筑以前是Bethlem皇家医院(通称Bedlam)的中心区域。大楼由James Lewis设计,于1815年完工。1846年,楼顶加了一个Sidney Smith设计的圆屋顶,并且带了一个小礼拜堂。1930年早期,其东西两翼被拆毁,以腾出地方来修建环绕博物馆的公园。

  Bethlem皇家医院的历史可追溯到1247年。当时,富有的伦敦市议员兼郡治安官Simon Fitz-Mary在利物浦Street Station处修建了St Mary of Bethlehem小修道院。14世纪时,修道院开始专门照顾精神病患者。1547年,亨利8世将医院赠予伦敦市。



  医院的病人包括:曾于1786年试图暗杀乔治三世的Mary Nicholson;纵火约克大教堂、于1829年伏法的onathan Martin;以创作卡通猫著称的画家Richard Dadd和 Louis Wain;《Frost in May》和《 Beyond the Glass》的作者Antonia White;设计国会大厦和博物馆对面的St George的罗马天主教大教堂的建筑师A W N Pugin。


这是德国柏林的建筑大师丹尼尔·里伯斯金(Daniel Libeskind)在英国的第一个建筑。该博物馆已受经到全世界的广泛称赞。博物馆建筑由三个联锁着的碎片集合组成,象征宽大弯曲的地球碎片构成博物馆空间,视觉上给人的印象就象是三个碎片相互冲撞挤压。坦率地表征着俗世中的冲突和战争。整个结构基于地球的几何学特征,甚至于主要画廊的地板也是球形的。建筑给人的效果是迷幻般的精彩绝伦。

建筑整个几乎被金属覆盖,5000平方米刨光过的铝包着屋顶,6880米长的标准预制铝板复合墙面.>布罗德瑞克结构公司(Broderick Structures Ltd)制作3D电脑模型来掌控复杂的几何结构包括一些屋顶细部等。




此馆免费开放入馆(注:特殊展览有可能收取入场费),馆内皆为无障碍空间,每天(12月24、25和26 日除外) 10.00am--6.00pm开放(11月到隔年2月时,闭馆时间提早一小时为下五5点)。


 里伯斯金1946年出生于波兰,1994年起任教于UCLA(加州大学洛杉矶分校)。德国在册建筑师BDA,1999年Daniel Libeskind设计的柏林犹太人纪念馆获德国建筑年度奖。后来又获日本广岛第五届艺术奖,并于7月28日到10月20日在广岛现代艺术博物馆展出作品。


Introduction in English

 The War Memorial Museum of the Imperial War Museum is located in five locations in England, three of which are in London and one in Trafford, Greater Manchester, England. It is one of the representative works of deconstructive architecture. He was awarded the 2003 British Construction Architecture Award, often referred to as IWMN, and sometimes translated into the Northern Branch of the Royal Museum of War. It was founded in 1917 during the First World War and recorded the war efforts and sacrifices of the British Empire. Today's museum's mission is "to make people understand modern war and its impact on individuals and society"


The Manchester Imperial War Museum opened on July 5, 2002. Designer Daniel Libeskin, a world-renowned architect, spent about 28 million on the construction. The company is responsible for Sir McCabin Construction Company and British Construction and Environmental Advisory Company Oyana.


The Imperial War Museum is a national museum with many branches. It was founded in 1917 to record the historical facts of World War I and the contributions of the people of the British Empire to the war. The Parliamentary Act of 1920 formally established the board of directors of museums and their governing bodies, and declared its opening at the Crystal Palace. From 1924 to 1935, the museum moved to two small galleries next to Imperial College.

ollection to World War II, and in 1953 it expanded again to all military operations involving Britain and the Commonwealth since August 1914. Thus, the Imperial War Museum became the National Museum of War Conflicts in the 20th century. It interprets and records all aspects of modern warfare and personal warfare experience, whether allied or enemy forces, whether soldiers or civilians, whether military or political, whether social or cultural aspects. It covers the causes, processes and outcomes of war conflicts, so it has very important educational significance.


The board of directors of museums strives to collect every piece of evidence within the scope of the museum collection, and consequently to maintain the art collection. The Museum has more than 15,000 paintings, sketches and sculptures, and more than 30,000 posters. The collection includes items ranging from aircraft, armoured combat vehicles, naval vessels to uniforms, badges, personal equipment, medals and decorations; British and foreign documents; more than 155,000 printed books in reference rooms; 120 million feet of film and over 650 hours of videotapes; and more than 6 million photographs, negatives and slides. And about 32,000 hours of historical tapes.


Therefore, the Imperial War Museum is not only a traditional museum, but also a national art museum, a large national archive of written and audiovisual records, and a research center. Its activities include not only the collection of cultural relics, documentation, research and the protection of collections, but also exhibitions, education, publishing, research, trade and participation in and holding various related meetings.


In 1966, the first extension of Lambeth Road Museum was completed, which provided more space for the storage of art collections and archives, the darkroom for photo development and seminars. Since 1936, although the collection of the Lambeth Road Art Museum has expanded and its collection is more abundant, it has not been expanded and the maintenance and visitor service of the old buildings have not been properly arranged. In 1986, the first phase of the comprehensive renovation and expansion of Lambeth Road Museum was started, aiming at increasing its limited exhibition area, providing relevant facilities for this museum of international significance, and restoring aging and damaged buildings to meet modern standards. The first phase of the project cost 16.7 million pounds. The government has asked the museum board to raise funds through the public and to withdraw 4.5 million from its own revenue. The project was completed in March 1989 and opened at the unveiling ceremony hosted by the Queen on June 29, 1989. The second phase of the project, the renovation of the four-storey East Infill, was completed by the end of 1994 at a cost of 2.2 million through the new construction and repairing of the original art showroom, with an additional area of 1,500 square metres. The third and final projects add 5,300 square meters of new building area, including a specially built education center, temporary and long-term exhibition galleries and the National Holocaust Exhibition. The project, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, was opened by the Queen on June 6, 2000.

The Imperial War Museum built three new branches in 1970 and 1980. In 1976, the Museum officially acquired the Duxford Airfield in Cambridgeshire, which serves as a collection room and Museum for collections, archives and works of art at the same time. Today it is an excellent public museum jointly run by the Duxford Executive Group under the Board of Directors and the Cambridge County Council. The runway next to the museum is owned by the Cambridge County Council. In 1978, a World War II cruiser named HMS Belfast, with a drainage of 11,500 tons, was "collected" by the museum and joined the museum. The cruiser has been moored in the Pool of London by a private trust company since 1971.


Third, in 1984, the Cabinet Department of Operations in Whitehall opened to the public as a museum. On April 1, 1989, the board of directors of the Imperial Museum took over the museum. Previously, the board of directors only managed for the UK Department of Environment. In addition, since 1986, the museum has been using a building on Lambeth Road, which mainly stores audio-visual archives. These audiovisual files were previously hidden in Al Saints Hospital on Austral Street, London SE11. On July 5, 2002, the Northern Museum of the Imperial War Museum in Trafford opened to the public.


Therefore, the Imperial War Museum is a national museum with many branches. Its branches cover six places, five of which are open to the public. All branches are an integral part of the museum.






    最近更新:2025-01-14 12:39:32
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