博物馆大门口 ,有一座用整块大石雕成的"雨神",它高8.5米,重168吨;院中还立有一根图腾大铜柱,柱上有一个巨大蘑菇顶,顶上蓄水,向四面喷洒,象一个"雨泉"。都寓意古代墨西哥人所渴望的水,强调水在推动墨西哥文化发展中的作用。
博物馆分两层。第一层有12个陈列室,统称"古代文化遗产"。陈列人类学、墨西哥文化起源,以及欧洲人来此之前墨西哥各族居民的文化和生活实物,系统介绍德奥蒂化坎、托尔特卡、墨西卡、瓦哈卡、墨西哥湾、玛雅、北部和西部8种墨西哥印地安文化 。第二层10个陈列室,展出印第安人的服饰、房屋式样、生活用具、宗教仪器、乐器、武器等,统称"现代印第安人的生活"。全馆参观路线总长5千米。
古典玛雅文化,全盛时期是在公元150年以后,公元700年到800年之间达到鼎盛阶段,公元900年后突然绝迹了。它的起源、形成和突然销声匿迹,迄今都是一个谜 。这里有一个反映玛雅文化的第9陈列室,展出了雕刻精细、富有立体感的石碑石雕;形式多样、结构复杂的各种神殿;久负盛名的库库尔岗石像、绚丽多彩的波南巴克壁画以及各种类型的陶俑、陶器,美不胜收。尤其是按照实体大小复原布置的帕兰凯王墓,宽4米、长9米、高7米 ,墓室的雄伟、墓盖深雕的精美,翡翠面具及饰物的豪华,把玛雅文化展示得更加突出。
" 现代印第安人的生活 ",表现了作为玛雅和阿兹特克的后裔而生存下来的印第安人的生活,虽然他们在墨西哥沙漠地带或原始森林中度着严峻的日子,但还保持着他们的民族特色。展品色调鲜艳,丰富多彩,给人以深刻印象。在墨西哥居民中约有700万印第安人,分属82个不同部族,使用56种语言。
The Mexican Museum of Anthropology began with the discovery and preservation of the Solar Calendar. "Solar Calendar Stone" is the worship of Aztecs. In 1520, when the Spanish ravaged the Aztec capital, the worship was buried underground. Until 1790, the solar calendar was discovered again. It was excavated from the ground and preserved and studied as a precious historical and cultural heritage, thus the activities of the Mexican Museum began.
In 1865, with the assistance of Napoleon III of France, Emperor Maximilian Joseph, who ruled Mexico, designated the National Museum as the building on Gomoneda Avenue opposite the northern side of the National Palace in the capital today. After the Second World War, with the increasing abundance of collections, the old museum could no longer meet the needs of storage. So when Roberts Matteos was President of Mexico, a new museum of anthropology was designed and constructed, which was opened in September 1964.
At the entrance of the museum, there is a "god of rain" carved from a large stone, which is 8.5 meters high and weighs 168 tons. In the courtyard, there is a big totem copper pillar with a huge mushroom roof on which water is stored and sprayed on all sides, like a "rainspring". Both imply the water that ancient Mexicans longed for, and emphasize the role of water in promoting the development of Mexican culture.
The Museum has two floors. The first floor has 12 showrooms, collectively known as "ancient cultural heritage". It presents the anthropology, the origin of Mexican culture, and the cultural and living objects of Mexican inhabitants before Europeans came to Mexico. It systematically introduces eight Mexican Indian cultures: Deotihuakan, Tolteka, Mexica, Oaxaca, Gulf of Mexico, Maya, North and West. On the second floor, there are 10 showrooms showing Indian clothes, house styles, daily necessities, religious instruments, musical instruments, weapons and so on, collectively known as "modern Indian life". The total length of the tour route is 5 kilometers.
The 12 showrooms of "Ancient Cultural Heritage" are a microcosm of the cultural heritage left by the ancient Indian peoples over the past 4000 years.
About 3,500-4,000 years ago, settlements mainly planting corn began to appear in south-central Mexico. At the same time, the early religious culture and art mainly making pottery, terra-cotta figures and stone tablets appeared. These were supported by a large number of unearthed physical specimens.
The symbolic work of Olmega culture, which flourished between 2300 and 3200 years ago, is the "giant stone statue". There is a huge stone statue from the site of San Laurinso. It is 2.28 meters high and weighs 30 tons. It is basalt and has a thick nose and lips. It has the characteristics of African blacks.
2000 years ago, Mexico entered a period of prosperity in shrines and cities. The restoration model of Deotihuakan, 50 kilometers north of Mexico City, including the Sun Pyramid, the Moon Pyramid, the Water Temple and other religious buildings, reflects the cultural characteristics of that time.
The classical Mayan culture reached its peak between 700 and 800 A.D. after 150 A.D. and suddenly disappeared after 900 A.D. Its origin, formation and sudden disappearance have been a mystery so far. There is a 9th showroom which reflects Mayan culture. There are exquisite and three-dimensional stone tablets and carvings, various temples with various forms and complex structures, the famous Kukul Gang stone statues, colorful Bonanbak murals, and various types of terracotta figures and pottery. Especially the Palancai tomb restored according to the size of the entity is 4 meters wide, 9 meters long and 7 meters high. The majesty of the tomb chamber, the exquisite carved tomb cover and the luxury of jadeite masks and ornaments make the Mayan culture more prominent.
"Modern Indian life" reflects the life of the Indians who survived as descendants of Maya and Aztec. Although they lived in the Mexican desert or primitive forest, they still maintained their national characteristics. The exhibits are colorful and impressive. There are about 7 million Indians in Mexico, belonging to 82 different tribes and using 56 languages.
The Mexican Museum of Anthropology is unique in the world museum circle with its unique and attractive collection. Its collection not only reflects Mexico, but also reflects the process of the early civilization of the whole Americas. For the first time, it shows the glorious history of the Americans to the people of the world. Visiting this famous museum, people marvel at the remarkable achievements of ancient Americans, but at the same time, they will cast aside the long-formed historical prejudice. You will realize that the Indians are not a barbaric and uncivilized nation as described by the Spanish invaders, but a once glorious nation, which has also played an important role in promoting the development of world civilization.