Born in Bologna. 1945, at the age of ten, he began to study painting under the guidance of Phyllis CARENA. He accepted the Brera Academy of Art (at the Institute, 1951) and studied there as a draftsman until 1954 at studio Acil Phu Bnnie. 1955 he went to Paris, where he met Roberto Mata and Wifredo Ram. His first solo exhibition was in Milan 1959.
In his early career occupation, adami works of expressionism, but in his 1964 exhibition time Cassell, he developed a painting style of French cloisonnism nostalgia, with flat color and black line area. Unlike Gaug, however, adami object is highly stylized pieces often appear, such as the retractable room (1965).
In the last century in 70s, to address the political adamy in his art, and the subject matter such as modern European history, literature, philosophy, and myth. In 1971, he and his brother Gioncarlo created a film desert tour. 1974 he explains a poem by Helmut Heissenbuttel, the occasional poem number 27. In the course of the ten Reich ten original prints {MAG} gallery. 1975, the philosopher Jacques Derrida a long article, "R: into the bargain, adamy work with adami painting exhibition as an excuse to discuss the function of" letter and a proper name in the painting "reference" narration, ideology, technology, copy the phoneme, this biographeme, politics". [1]
A review of four between 1985 and 1998, adamy display works. They are held in Paris, Julio Center (de price Spain), Tel Aviv, and Buenos Aires. 2010, the art of Boca Raton Museum Special Exhibition of paintings and drawings adami. [2]
Gallery of soup on behalf of the Asia Europe since 2004.