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罗吉尔·凡·德尔·韦登Rogier van der Weyden

罗吉尔·凡·德尔·韦登(1399或1400 - 1464年6月18日)是一个早期荷兰画家。幸存的作品主要由宗教三部曲,圣坛雕刻和委托单一双连画肖像。他是非常成功的,在国际上著名的一生中,他的画作——或被出口到意大利和西班牙,他收到佣金,在别人,菲利普,荷兰人的高贵和外国首领。15世纪下半叶,他黯然失色Jan范艾克的受欢迎程度。然而他的名声仅仅持续到17世纪,很大程度上是由于改变口味,他几乎完全被遗忘的18世纪中叶。他的声誉在慢慢重建在接下来的200年,今天他是已知的,罗伯特Campin和范艾克的第三个(出生日期)三大早期佛兰德艺术家(“Vlaamse Primitieven”或“佛兰德原语”),和广泛的最有影响力的画家北部15世纪。卡雷尔·曼德写道,罗吉尔·凡·德尔·韦登的伟大的艺术贡献在于他的思想,他的作文和灵魂的呈现的表情痛苦,快乐或愤怒,回火的情感主题的见证他的工作。

  • 中文名罗吉尔·凡·德尔·韦登
  • 性别
  • 国籍荷兰
  • 出生日期1399或1400
  • 逝世日期1464年6月18日
  • 职业画家

 由于档案损失在1695又1940,还有van der Weyden生命中的几个事实。  rogelet德乐牧场(牧场罗杰)出生在 图尔奈 (现在的比利时)在1399或1400。他的父母是亨利乐牧场 Agnes de Watré洛杉矶。他娶了1426左右,Elisabeth Goffaert,并在1436成为布鲁塞尔镇的画家,并改变了他的名字从法国佛兰德格式,成为“van der Weyden”。   牧场家庭定居在图尔奈,罗吉尔的父亲曾是一个“马îTRE coutelier市(刀制造商)。


1426罗杰嫁给了Elisabeth,一个女儿 布鲁塞尔 鞋匠Jan Goffaert和他的妻子Cathelyne van Stockem。罗杰和Elisabeth有四个孩子:科尼利厄斯,谁成为一个 隐没 和尚,生于1427;女儿Margaretha 1432。21十月1435日前家庭定居在布鲁塞尔,两个年轻的孩子出生:Pieter在1437月1438,谁会去成为一个画家和一个金匠分别。 

从三月二日1436起,他举行了“画家镇布鲁塞尔”( stadsschilder ),一个非常有声望的职位是因为那时布鲁塞尔的辉煌的法院最重要的住宅 来源于勃艮第公爵 。在他搬到布鲁塞尔,罗杰开始使用他的名字的佛兰芒语版:“罗杰van der Weyden”。他后来进入学徒可能的事实,在在1420年代图尔奈市是在危机和作为一个结果,行会功能不正常了。已故的学徒可能是法律手续。Jacques Daret也就二十几岁,一直生活在露营的家庭工作了至少十年。这是可能的,罗吉尔得到了一个职称(硕士)在他成为一个画家,他被授予荣誉在他毕业之际酒。复杂的和'教训'图像和成分的绘画特质归因于他有时被当作在这个假设的论点有利于。


在他后来的人生超越,当时仅仅是一个工匠的罗杰社会和智力状况。在一般的记载Jacques Daret作品之间的密切联系和绘画的文体,是Robert Campin和van der Weyden,都是必须考虑的Rogier van der Weyden作为露营的学生主要论点。


精力充沛的,微妙的,富有表现力的绘画和流行的宗教观念对欧洲绘画的影响很大,不仅在法国和德国也在意大利和西班牙。 帕诺夫斯基 写的多罗杰van der Weyden引入新的宗教肖像画他的画;他描绘顾客参与神圣的事件和人们的祈祷的画像Madonna形成diptychs联合半肖像。他又重新流行的主题 哲罗姆 从狮子的爪子去刺。汉斯·梅姆林 是他最大的追随者,虽然没有证据证明他师从罗杰。Van der Weyden也对德国画家和雕刻的影响很大 马丁·盛高厄 谁的指纹遍布欧洲的第十五世纪最后几十年。间接Schongauer的版画帮助传播van der Weyden的风格。Delenda写道,除了 Petrus Christus 一个弟子 扬·凡·艾克 对罗杰,van der Weyden的艺术痕迹可在所有第十五个世纪的艺术家们发现,不同程度的。 

English Introduction

 Due to the loss of files in 1695 and 1940, there are several facts in the life of van der Weyden. [] rogelet Le ranch (ranch Roger) was born in Tournai (now Belgium) at 1399 or 1400. His parents are Henry Le ranch [9] Agnes de Watr Losangeles. He married Elisabeth Goffaert, 1426, and 1436 in the town of Brussels became a painter, and changed his name format from the French Flanders, become "van der Weyden".anch family settled in Tournai, Rogier's father was a horse TRE lies in coutelier city (knife manufacturer).

In 1426 Roger married Elisabeth, a daughter of Brussels shoemaker Jan Goffaert and his wife Cathelyne van Stockem. Roger and Elisabeth had four children: Cornelius, who became a monk was born in 1427, daughter of Margaretha 1432. In October the 1435th 21 before the family settled in Brussels, two young children were born: Pieter in the 1437 month of 1438, who is going to become a painter and a goldsmith. 

Since March 2nd 1436, he held a "painter Brussels town" (stadsschilder), a very prestigious position because then the glory of Brussels court of the most important residential Dukes of burgundy. Before he moved to Brussels, Roger began to use his name in the Flemish version: "Roger van der Weyden". He later entered the apprentice may in fact, in 1420s the city of Tournai is as a result of the crisis and the guild, function is not normal. The late apprentice may be a legal formality. Jacques Daret, who is in his twenties, has been living in a camp home for at least ten years. It is possible that Rogier got a job title (Master) in which he became an artist, and he was awarded the honor of wine on the occasion of his graduation. The complexity and the 'lesson' image and the compositional characteristics of the painting are attributed to the fact that he is sometimes regarded as beneficial in this hypothetical argument.

In his later life beyond, at that time only a craftsman of Roger's social and intellectual status. In general the close connection between Jacques Daret works and painting style, is Robert Campin and van der Weyden, are the main points of the Rogier van der Weyden must be considered as camping students.

Energetic, subtle, expressive paintings and popular religious ideas have a great influence on European painting, not only in France and Germany but also in Italy and spain. Panofsky wrote more than Roger van der Weyden to introduce a new religious portrait of his paintings; he depicted the customer involved in the sacred event and the prayers of the people of the portrait of Madonna formed a diptychs half portrait. He's back on the popular theme of Jerome from the lion's paw.  Hans Memling is his greatest followers, although there is no evidence that he is under the tutelage of Roger. Van der Weyden also had a great influence on the German painters and sculptures of Martin who was the last of the last fifteenth decades of the fingerprints of europe. Indirect Schongauer prints help spread the style of van der Weyden. Delenda wrote that in addition to the Petrus Christus a disciple of Roger, van der Weyden traces of art can be found in all fifteenth centuries of artists, varying degrees of.






    最近更新:2025-01-17 15:17:04
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