雷切尔瑞秋(1664 6月3日- 1750 8月12日)是荷兰静物画家。
雷切尔Ruysch生于1664 6月3日在海牙向科学家弗雷德里克Ruysch和玛丽亚后,建筑师的女儿彼得帖子。她的父亲是解剖学和植物学教授,和业余画家。他有动物骨骼的广阔的收集和矿物和植物标本雷切尔用来练习她的绘画技巧。在年轻年龄,她开始画花和她父亲的收藏昆虫的流行方式奥托Marseus面包车Schrieck。她知道他和他的弟子们从他的工作霍特斯植物园阿姆斯特丹,她的父亲做业务。
雷切尔也就会知道,并与花的画家相会扬和玛丽亚Moninckx,阿莉达Withoos和约翰娜海伦娜Herolt -格拉夫,谁所有的人都对她的年龄,谁的霍图斯业主工作艾格尼丝座和谁像她的父亲,还与合作该厂收藏家简和卡斯帕Commelin。1679年,在年龄十五,Ruysch当了学徒到威廉·阿尔斯特,一个突出的花卉画家在阿姆斯特丹。他在阿姆斯特丹的工作室看起来出过花的画家工作室玛丽亚面包车Oosterwijck。Ruysch研究了面包车阿尔斯特,直到他在1683年去世。除了绘画技巧,他教她如何在花瓶里安排花束所以它看起来自然,少正规化。这种技术产生了她的画更现实和三维影响。到时候Ruysch十八岁的她被生产和销售分别签署的作品。
它是未知是否Ruysch是阿姆斯特丹的一员圣路加公会,但她在17世纪80年代早期签署的作品显示奥托Marseus面包车Schrieck的影响。通过1699雷切尔和她的家人搬到了海牙,在那里她被会员提供了Confrerie Pictura在海牙作为他们的第一位女性成员。[6]1701年,她和丈夫都成为海牙画家的公会成员。几年后,1708年,Ruysch应邀在法院工作,杜塞尔多夫和作为宫廷画家约翰·威廉,选举人宫廷。她获得涂在她定期带到杜塞尔多夫家作品的合同。她保持距离1708为他和他的妻子工作,直到1716年王子的死亡。
It's not known if Ruysch is a member of the St. Luke's Guild in Amsterdam, but her work, signed in the early 1780s, shows the influence of the Otto marseus van schrick. Through 1699 Rachel and her family moved to the Hague, where she was offered by members to confreie pictura as their first female member in the Hague. In 1701, she and her husband became members of the Hague painters' Guild. A few years later, in 1708, Ruysch was invited to work in the court, Dusseldorf and as court painter John William, electing the court. She was awarded a contract to paint works she regularly brought to Dusseldorf's home. She kept a distance of 1708 working for him and his wife until the prince's death in 1716.
Art historians believe that Ruysch is one of the most talented still life painters in both men and women. ]Through her death at the age of 86, she produced hundreds of paintings, more than 250 of which have been recorded or are being attributed to her. Her work was built out of date from when she was 15 years old to a few years before she died.
Ruysch has a deep understanding of drawings and earlier traditional techniques. This knowledge improved her drawing ability. Stylistically, her works, with their playful elements and brilliant colors, are part of the Rococo movement. She got a lot of attention to all the details of her work. The petals are carefully made with delicate strokes. [9] Ruysch's painting background is usually black this pair of flower paintings in the second half of the 17th century fashion. Her drooping flowers and wild asymmetrical stems create paintings that seem to have a lot of energy for them.
Ruysch has painted many woodland photos of her early work featuring small animals, reptiles, butterflies and fungi. Later she used floral paint as her main focus, and continued to paint until she died, so she continued in the 17th century style, down to the middle of the next century.
Ruysch's skill is played down in the minute observation of each flower, and then it will be very difficult to make a careful arrangement. In essence, such arrangement is a completely realistic way when the flower does not support the other's good. With most floral pieces common from the last third of the 17th century, the color of the flower is more carefully balanced than in earlier photos.
The symbolic meaning of each flower was carefully developed in the 17th century, but this most concerned launched a single flower into a piece of vanitas. Apart from Yang van huysum, there is no 18th century flower painter with the skill of Rachel Ruysch.