乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·萨尔维达萨索费拉托(Giovanni GuidiGiovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato)生于1609年8月25日,死于1685年8月8日。萨索费拉托是17世纪意大利巴洛克画家。乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·萨尔维达萨索费拉托常常被以他的出生地萨索费拉托(Sassoferrato)作为称号。1609年萨索费拉托出生在萨索费拉托小镇,一个位于意大利中部的地方。萨索费拉托小镇地理位置很特殊,它处于罗马( Rome)和佛罗伦萨(Florence)的中间,亚平宁山脉(Apennines)的东部。
1609年萨索费拉托出生在萨索费拉托小镇,一个位于意大利中部的地方。萨索费拉托小镇地理位置很特殊,它处于罗马( Rome)和佛罗伦萨(Florence)的中间,亚平宁山脉(Apennines)的东部。
萨索费拉托的父亲Tarquinio Salvi也是一位画家,幼年的萨索费拉托跟随父亲学习绘画。萨索费拉托其他的绘画学习经历没有太多的文献记载,但大多数人认为萨索费拉托是在壁画家卡拉齐(Annibale Carracci)的手下当学徒。其他两个对萨索费拉托影响较大的人物是纪多·雷尼( Guido Reni)和弗朗西斯科( Carracci trainees Francesco Albani)。而弗朗西斯·罗素则认为,纪多·雷尼很可能是萨索费拉托的导师。萨索费拉托的作品风格主要是受拉斐尔(Raphael)、丢勒(Albrecht Dürer)、圭尔奇诺(Guercino)等人的影响。也有人认为,萨索费拉托也有可能是受17世纪30年代在罗马遇到的皮埃尔·米格纳尔德(Pierre Mignard)的影响。萨索费拉托几乎没有获得公共奖励,像卡罗多尔斯(Carlo Dolci)一样,他获得的更多的是私人赞助。萨索费拉托除了创作一些较小的作品外,还在1630年创作了佩鲁贾的本笃会修道院的圣皮埃特罗(San Pietro),以及1643年在圣萨拜娜(Santa Sabina)、罗马(Rome)祭坛的装饰品。1683年红衣主教齐格(Cardinal Chigi)把萨索费拉托的自画像呈递给科西莫三世(Cosimo III)。乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·萨尔维达萨索费拉托于1685年8月8日逝世。
Sasso brooklyn Joe was born in 1609 in sasso phila town, a place that is located in central Italy. Sasso phila town geography position is very special, it is in Rome (Rome) and Florence (Florence) in the middle of the Apennines (Apennines) in the east.
Sasso turns her father's Tarquinio Salvi is a painter, juvenile sasso phila followed his father to study painting. Sasso phila painting learning experience of the other, not a lot of documents, but most people think sasso Geraldine ferraro was muralist in Karachi (Annibale Carracci) as an apprentice. The other two for sasso phila influential figure is ji, rennie (Guido Reni) and Francisco (Carracci trainees Francesco Albani). And Francis Russell argues that ji, rainie is likely to be sasso Geraldine ferraro's mentor. Sasso Geraldine ferraro's work style is mainly affected by Raphael, Raphael, Durer (Albrecht Durer), keisuke kino (Guercino) and others. There are also people who believe that sasso phila Joe may be encountered in Rome by the 1630 s, Pierre mig, DE (Pierre Mignard). Sasso flaherty had little access to public reward, such as carol dole (Carlo Dolci), he was the more private sponsorship. Sasso Geraldine ferraro, in addition to some of the smaller works in 1630 created a benedictine monastery of st of perugia skin etro (San Pietro), and in 1643 in st. Sabina (Santa Sabina) and Rome (Rome) the decoration of the altar. In 1683, Cardinal Chigi (Cardinal Chigi) my sasso brooklyn's self-portrait to seamus III (Cosimo III). Giovanni batista, vader sasso Geraldine ferraro died on August 8, 1685.