欧仁·德·布拉阿斯Eugene de Blaas(1843年7月24日-1932年2月10日),出生于罗马,是一位意大利画画家。
他的作品中有拉福马nuziale sacrestia;拉一种彩券Campielo威尼斯;在联合国educanciatu Una一场di burattini;Ninetta。艺术评论家路易吉Chirtani重回国家队的,当这幅画陈列在Mostra di威尼斯,形容这是漂亮,讨人喜欢,漂亮,抚摸,清洗,抛光,洗衣女工在一幅Blaas先生最喜欢威尼斯贵族的肖像画家,穿着晚会绸缎,闪亮的珠宝,发型的富人。
He was born at Albano, near Rome, to Austrian parents. His father Karl, also a painter, was his teacher. The family moved to Venice when Karl became Professor at the Academy of Venice. He often painted scenes in Venice, but also portraits and religious paintings.
Among his works are La forma nuziale in sacrestia ; La tombola in Campielo a Venezia; Una scena di burattini in un educanciatu; and La Ninetta. The art critic Luigi Chirtani, when the painting was displayed at the Mostra Nazionale di Venezia, described it as Beautiful, flattering, pretty, caressed, cleaned, polished, laundress in a painting by Mr. Blaas, the favorite portraitist of great Venetian aristocrats, dressed in gala satins, shining jewelry, hairstyles of the rich. [1]
His colorful and rather theatrical period images of Venetian society, e.g. On the Balcony (1877; Private Collection), were quite different compared to delicate pastels and etchings of the courtyards, balcony and canals of modern Venice.
Eugene de Blaas' paintings were exhibited at the Royal Academy, Fine Art Society, New Gallery and Arthur Tooth and Sons Gallery in London, and also at the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool