雅克布兰奇Blanche, Jacques Emile(1861年1月1日—1942年9月20日),出生在巴黎,是一位法国艺术家。
布兰奇出生在巴黎。他的父亲是一个成功的精神病学家做了一个时尚的诊所,他成长在富裕的巴黎附近帕西在一所房子属于紧身连衣裙的de Lamballe.
1902年,雅克布兰奇接管的方向Academie de La调色板直到1911年,他仍将董事。
画家中最著名的作品是他父亲的画像,马塞尔·普鲁斯特(私人收藏,巴黎),诗人皮埃尔Louys,Thaulow家庭(奥赛博物馆、巴黎),奥布里比尔兹利 (国家肖像画廊、伦敦)伊薇特Guilbert和臭名昭著的美弗吉尼亚Oldoini,伯爵夫人的马匹他父亲治疗精神疾病。别人包括他画詹姆斯·乔伊斯,茱莉亚斯蒂芬,埃德加德加,德彪西一样,奥古斯特·罗丹,科莱特,托马斯·哈代,约翰。辛格。萨金特,查尔斯·康德,珀西格兰杰,塔玛拉Karsavina作为斯特拉文斯基的火鸟.
他是作者一生的不可靠的肖像:维多利亚时代晚期:爱德华七世时期的盛会:1870 - 1914(伦敦:J.M.削弱,1937)一生的画像,1918 - 1938(伦敦:J.M.削弱,1939),哪些沃尔特Sickert说:“他很容易扭曲的事情他听到或不可怕的小谎”
Blanche was born in Paris. His father was a successful psychiatrist who ran a fashionable clinic, and he was brought up in the rich Parisian neighborhood of Passy in a house that had belonged to the Princesse de Lamballe.
Although Blanche received some instruction in painting from Henri Gervex, he may be regarded as self-taught. He became a very successful portrait painter, with a style derived from 18th-century English painters such as Thomas Gainsborough as well as Édouard Manet and John Singer Sargent. He worked in London, where he spent time from 1870 on, as well as Paris, where he exhibited at the Salon and the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts. One of his closest friends was Marcel Proust, who helped edit several of Blanche's publications. He also knew Henry James and is mentioned in Gertrude Stein's The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas.
In 1902 Jacques-Émile Blanche took over the direction of the Académie de La Palette, where he would remain director until 1911.
Among the painter's most famous works are portraits of his father, Marcel Proust (private collection, Paris), the poet Pierre Louÿs, the Thaulow family (Musée d'Orsay, Paris), Aubrey Beardsley (National Portrait Gallery, London), and Yvette Guilbert and the infamous beautyVirginia Oldoini, Countess of Castiglione whom his father had treated for mental illness. Others he painted included James Joyce, Julia Stephen, Edgar Degas, Claude Debussy, Auguste Rodin, Colette, Thomas Hardy, John Singer Sargent, Charles Conder, Percy Grainger, and Tamara Karsavina as Stravinsky's Firebird.
He was the author of the unreliable Portraits of a Lifetime: the late Victorian era: the Edwardian pageant: 1870–1914(London: J.M. Dent, 1937) and More Portraits of a Lifetime, 1918–1938 (London: J.M. Dent, 1939), about which Walter Sickertsaid "he is liable to twist things he hears or doesn't into monstrous fibs".