现存布拉曼特完整的代表作之一,是位于罗马蒙托里奥圣彼得修道院中的小教堂坦比埃多(1502--1508)。这座成为盛期文艺复兴建筑最初范例的小型建筑,从古典神庙获得启示,由庄严的多利斯式圆柱构成回廊,上面的槽部托着架在鼓形座上的弯窿,整个建筑浑然一体,虽然不大,却颇具气势。它的和谐,它的单纯,它的勃勃生机,均体现了这个不同于中世纪的新时代的理想。《圣彼得大教堂》(1502--1508) 圣彼得大教堂最初是由布拉曼特( Donato Bramante )设计,他在设计图赋予罗马的伟大建筑–万神殿新的解释,实现他所得意的中央堂形式的最大规模。重建圣彼得大教堂的计划在1506年便决定下来,当布拉曼特在设计这个新的中枢式的大教堂时,面临着几个问题:圣彼得的陵墓在高坛之前,因此必须建在圆顶之下始之成为教堂的中心点;另外,但意大利自古典时代以来便没有建造过像圣彼得教堂那样宏伟的建筑:而且当圣彼得教堂的建筑计划图刚完成时,布拉曼特却被召去重建梵谛冈的部份建筑。
布拉曼特在1514年去世时,新的圣彼得教堂的地基以准备妥当,但他所提出用来支撑圆顶的支柱却不足以承担其重量,以致后来接掌这个工程的人不断增加这些支柱的厚度,以致经费不断的追加,使得工程进行缓慢。这个问题一直到米开朗基罗(Michelangelo)在 1547 年接管以后才获得解决。整个教堂共花了一百多年才完成,教堂大多根据米开朗基罗的设计建造,整个教堂有一百八十七公尺长,面部全部以大理石装饰,包括十一个小礼拜堂和四十五个祭坛。教堂的中心是教宗的祭坛,两旁走道有七十六公尺长,其上则是米开朗基罗所建造的巨形圆顶。
Bramante was born under the name Donato d'Augnolo,[3] Donato di Pascuccio d'Antonio, or Donato Pascuccio d'Antonio[citation needed] in Fermignano near Urbino. Here, in 1467, Luciano Laurana was adding to the Palazzo Ducale an arcadedcourtyard and other Renaissance features to Federico da Montefeltro's ducal palace. Bramante's architecture has eclipsed his painting skills: he knew the painters Melozzo da Forlì and Piero della Francesca well, who were interested in the rules of perspective and illusionistic features in Mantegna's painting.
Around 1474, Bramante moved to Milan, a city with a deep Gothic architectural tradition, and built several churches in the new Antique style. The Duke, Ludovico Sforza, made him virtually his court architect, beginning in 1476, with commissions that culminated in the famous trompe-l'oeil choir of the church of Santa Maria presso San Satiro (1482–1486). Space was limited, and Bramante made a theatrical apse in bas-relief, combining the painterly arts of perspective with Roman details. There is an octagonal sacristy, surmounted by a dome. In Milan, Bramante also built the tribune of Santa Maria delle Grazie (1492–99); other early works include the Cloisters of Sant'Ambrogio, Milan (1497–1498), and some other constructions in Pavia and possibly Legnano. However, in 1499, with his Sforza patron driven from Milan by an invading French army, Bramante made his way to Rome, where he was already known to the powerful Cardinal Riario.
In Rome, he was soon recognized by Cardinal Della Rovere, shortly to become Pope Julius II. For Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile or possibly Julius II, Bramante designed one of the most harmonious buildings of the Renaissance: theTempietto (1510) of San Pietro in Montorio on the Janiculum. Despite its small scale, the construction has all the rigorous proportions and symmetry of Classical structures, surrounded by slender Doric columns, surmounted by a dome. According to a later engraving by Sebastiano Serlio, Bramante planned to set it within a colonnaded courtyard. In November 1503, Julius engaged Bramante for the construction of the grandest European architectural commission of the 16th century, the complete rebuilding of St Peter's Basilica. The cornerstone of the first of the great piers of the crossing was laid with ceremony on 17 April 1506. Very few drawings by Bramante survive, though some by his assistants do, demonstrating the extent of the team which had been assembled. Bramante's vision for St Peter's, a centralized Greek cross plan that symbolized sublime perfection for him and his generation (compare Santa Maria della Consolazione at Todi, influenced by Bramante's work) was fundamentally altered by the extension of the nave after his death in 1514. Bramante's plan envisaged four great chapels filling the corner spaces between the equal transepts, each one capped with a smaller dome surrounding the great dome over the crossing. So Bramante's original plan was very much more Romano-Byzantine in its forms than the basilica that was actually built. (See St Peter's Basilica for further details