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朱尔斯.不列塔尼Jules Breton

( 现实主义画家 )

朱尔斯不列塔尼Jules Breton(1827年5月1日—1906年7月5日),是十九世纪法国现实主义画家。

  • 中文名朱尔斯不列塔尼
  • 外文名Jules Breton
  • 性别
  • 国籍法国
  • 出生地法国
  • 出生日期1827年5月1日
  • 逝世日期1906年7月5日
  • 职业画家
  • 毕业院校法国美术学院





他的第一个艺术培训是不远的运输大学圣贝尔坦公司附近Saint-Omer他遇到了画家Felix De环1842年,打动他的年轻人才,说服他的家人让他学习艺术。布列塔尼的了根特1843年他在那里继续学习艺术美术学院德环和画家范德一颗心去1846年,布列塔尼人搬到安特卫普他带着教训在哪里吗Egide查尔斯·古斯塔夫·Wappers和花了一些时间复制佛兰德大师的作品。1847年,他去了巴黎,在那里他希望完美的艺术训练美术学院.

巴黎他学习的工作室米歇尔·马丁Drolling他遇到了和成为朋友的几个现实主义画家,包括弗朗索瓦Bonvin古斯塔夫·布里与他早期的条目巴黎沙龙反映了他们的影响力。他第一次工作是在历史主题:圣反坦克炮说教在高卢,1848年革命的影响下,他代表了痛苦和绝望。他的画显示的沙龙1849年痛苦和绝望和饥饿1850 - 51。


工作日结束,1886 - 87,鲁克林博物馆

两幅画都已经被破坏了。饥饿后成功所示布鲁塞尔根特,布列塔尼人搬到比利时在那里他遇见了他未来的妻子Elodie。Elodie是他早期的老师的女儿Felix de环。1852年,布列塔尼人回到法国。但他发现他并不是天生就是一个历史画家,他回到大自然的记忆和印象的国家对他在早期的青年。1853年,他表现出的回归收割者,众多农村农民的第一个场景受到瑞士画家的作品路易斯·利奥波德罗伯特布列塔尼的农民形象的兴趣是建立从那时起,他最出名的是今天。1854年,他回到村里的运输他定居的地方。他开始拾穗,受季节性领域工作的劳动力和不幸的困境离开收集收获后剩下的。拾穗获得了三等勋章,推出的布列塔尼人的职业生涯。他收到佣金从国家和他的许多作品被法国艺术管理和购买送到省博物馆。他1857年绘画小麦,祝福阿图瓦在沙龙展出同年获得了二等勋章。

布列塔尼人Elodie de环在1858年结婚。








他还写了几本书,是一个公认的作家出版一卷诗集(珍妮)和几个版本的散文有关他的生活作为一个艺术家和其他艺术家的生命,他个人知道;其中Les冠军等海蓝之谜》(1876),号peintres du世纪末(1900),戴尔芬伯纳德(1902),和洛杉矶Peinture(1904)。布列塔尼人1906年7月5日在巴黎去世。



English Introduction

Early life and training

Breton was born on 1 May 1827 in Courrières, a small Pas-de-Calais village. His father, Marie-Louis Breton, supervised land for a wealthy landowner. His mother died when Jules was 4 and he was brought up by his father. Other family members who lived in the same house were his maternal grandmother and his uncle Boniface Breton. A respect for tradition, a love of the land and for his native region remained central to his art throughout his life and provided the artist with many scenes for his Salon compositions.

His first artistic training was not far from Courrières at the College St. Bertin near Saint-Omer. He met the painter Félix De Vigne in 1842 who, impressed by his youthful talent, persuaded his family to let him study art. Breton left forGhent in 1843 where he continued to study art at the Academy of Fine Arts with de Vigne and the painter Hendrik Van der Haert. In 1846, Breton moved to Antwerp where he took lessons with Egide Charles Gustave Wappers and spent some time copying the works of Flemish masters. In 1847, he left for Paris where he hoped to perfect his artistic training at the École des Beaux-Arts.

In Paris he studied in the atelier of the Michel Martin Drolling. He met and became friends with several of the Realist painters, including François Bonvin and Gustave Brionand his early entries at the Paris Salon reflected their influence. His first efforts were in historical subjects: Saint Piat preaching in Gaul then, under the influence of the revolution of 1848, he represented Misery and Despair. The Salon displayed his painting Misery and Despair in 1849 andHunger in 1850-51.

Both paintings have since been destroyed. After Hunger was successfully shown in Brussels and Ghent, Breton moved to Belgiumwhere he met his future wife Elodie. Elodie was the daughter of his early teacher Félix de Vigne. In 1852, Breton returned to France. But he had discovered that he was not born to be a historical painter, and he returned to the memories of nature and of the country which were impressed on him in early youth. In 1853 he exhibited Return of the Reapers, the first of numerous rural peasant scenes influenced by the works of the Swiss painter Louis Léopold Robert. Breton's interest in peasant imagery was well established from then on and what he is best known for today. In 1854, he returned to the village of Courrières where he settled. He began The Gleaners, a work inspired by seasonal field labor and the plight of the less fortunate who were left to gather what remained in the field after the harvest. The Gleaners received a third class medal, which launched Breton's career. He received commissions from the State and many of his works were purchased by the French Art Administration and sent to provincial museums. His 1857 painting Blessing of the Wheat, Artois was exhibited at the Salon the same year and won a second class medal.

Breton married Elodie de Vigne in 1858.


He continued to exhibit throughout the 1870s and into the 1880s and 1890s and his reputation grew. His poetic renderings of single peasant female figures in a landscape, posed against the setting sun, remained very popular, especially in the United States. Since his works were so popular, Breton often produced copies of some of his images. He was extremely popular in his own time, exhibiting numerous compositions at the Salons that were widely available as engravings. He was one of the best known painters of his period in his native France as well as England and the United States. In 1880Vincent van Gogh walked 85 miles to Courrières to pay a visit to Breton, whom he greatly admired, but turned back, put off by Breton's high wall. 

In 1886, Breton was elected a member of the Institut de France on the death of Baudry. In 1889 he was made commander of the Legion of Honor, and in 1899 foreign member of the Royal Academy of London. His brother Emile, an architect by training, and his daughter Virginie were also painters.

He also wrote several books, and was a recognized writer who published a volume of poems (Jeanne) and several editions of prose relating his life as an artist and the lives of other artists that he personally knew; among them Les Champs et la mer(1876), Nos peintres du siècle (1900), Delphine Bernard (1902), and La Peinture(1904). Breton died in Paris on 5 July 1906.

Breton was essentially a painter of rustic life, especially in the province of Artois, which he quit only three times for short excursions: in 1864 to Provence, and in 1865 and 1873 to Brittany, whence he derived some of his happiest studies of religious scenes. His numerous subjects may be divided generally into four classes: labour, rest, rural festivals and religious festivals. Among his more important works may be named Women Gleaning, and The Day after St Sebastian's Day (1855), which gained him a third-class medal; Blessing the Fields (1857), a second-class medal; Erecting a Calvary (1859), now in the Lille gallery; The Return of the Gleaners (1859), now in the Luxembourg; Evening and Women Weeding (1861), a first-class medal; Grandfather's Birthday (1862); The Close of Day (1865); Harvest (1867); Potato Gatherers (1868); A Pardon, Brittany (1869); The Fountain (1872), medal of honour; The Bonfires of St John(1875); Women mending Nets (1876), in the Douai museum; A Gleaner (1877), Luxembourg;Evening, Finistère (1881); The Song of the Lark (1884); The Last Sunbeam (1885); The Shepherd's Star (1887); The Call Home(1889); The Last Gleanings (1895); Gathering Poppies (1897); The Alarm Cry (1899); Twilight Glory (1900).

Willa Cather's novel The Song of the Lark takes its name from Breton's painting.






    最近更新:2025-01-18 17:19:53
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