汉斯·布克迈尔(Hans Burgmair the Elder 1473—1531)有深厚的版画技术基础。法国画家。
汉斯·布克迈尔(Hans Burgmair the Elder 1473—1531)有深厚的版画技术基础。被马克西米连皇帝聘为宫廷画家。当丢勒受聘来为皇帝主持大型木刻时,他是当然的主要助手,他为那座192块木版的凯旋门刻制了67块。也参与凯旋们游行仪仗木刻的设计。还为皇帝的著作《恩宠》、《白色国王》作插图。他也是明暗套色木刻的方面者之一,传世的《马克西米连皇帝骑马像》和《死和爱》是他的主要代表作。
Hans burgmair the elder 1473-1531 has a deep foundation in printmaking technology. He was employed as a court painter by Emperor Maximilian. When Dele was hired to preside over the large-scale woodcarving for the emperor, he was the main assistant of course. He carved 67 pieces for the 192 piece triumphal arch. Also participated in the design of wood carvings for the honor guards of the triumphal marches. He also illustrated the emperor's works grace and the white king. He is also one of the facets of the light and dark wood carvings. His masterpieces are marchimilian's horse riding statue and death and love.