朱利奥 · 坎皮Campi, Giulio(1500年——1572年3月5日),意大利画家。
老大一家著名的画家、皮出生克雷莫纳。他的父亲Galeazzo(1475 - 1536)教他艺术的第一课。
1522年,在曼图亚下,他学习绘画、建筑和造型朱里奥·罗马诺。他参观了罗马,成为古董的一个热心的学生贝纳迪诺——远亲,他结合伦巴第和罗马的传统。 与他合作卡米洛•Boccaccino的儿子薄伽丘Boccaccino,皮也可能接受培训。
皮被称为“卢多维Carracci克雷莫纳”他的影响力,因为皮是在文艺复兴时期的影响力在克雷莫纳,后者是在博洛尼亚的巴洛克式的学校。当他只是27朱里奥教堂的执行桑特'Abondio他的杰作,一个处女和孩子Sts克理索和Nazarus装饰,精湛的自由绘画和壮丽的颜色。他的许多画作隆重和虔诚地构思,自由,积极的、崇高的风格,和广泛的处理。他动画在所有工作由一个深的虔诚。他的许多壁画作品都被保存在教堂的克雷莫纳,曼图亚,米兰圣玛格丽特教堂,在他的家乡小镇。在他的主要作品的后裔从十字架上圣Sigismondo在克雷莫纳的穹顶壁画圣Girolamo在曼图亚。他参与了重建和教会的饰圣丽塔在克雷莫纳。在圣altar-piece Sigismondo和他需费大力气的工作被著名Ghiso雕刻,陈述。
The eldest of a family prominent painters, Campi was born at Cremona. His fatherGaleazzo (1475–1536) taught him the first lessons in art.
In 1522, in Mantua, he studied painting, architecture, and modelling under Giulio Romano. He visited Rome, became an ardent student of the antique, and likeBernardino — distantly related to him — he combined a Lombard and Roman traditions. He collaborated on some works with Camillo Boccaccino, the son ofBoccaccio Boccaccino, with whom Campi may also have received training.
Campi is called the "Ludovico Carracci of Cremona" for his influence, since Campi was as influential during the Renaissance in Cremona as the latter was on the Baroque school of Bologna. When he was just twenty-seven Giulio executed for the church of Sant'Abondio his masterpiece, a Virgin and Child with Sts Celsus and Nazarus, a decoration masterly in the freedom of its drawing and in the splendour of its color. His numerous paintings are grandly and reverently conceived, freely drawn, vigorously coloured, lofty in style, and broadly handled. He was animated in all his work by a deep piety. Many of his fresco works are housed in churches of Cremona, Mantua, Milan and in the church of Saint Margaret's, in his native town. Among his chief works are the Descent from the Cross in San Sigismondo at Cremona, and the frescoes in the dome of San Girolamo at Mantua. He was involved in the reconstruction and decoration of the church of Santa Rita in Cremona. An altar-piece in San Sigismondo and his Labours of Hercules were engraved by the celebrated Ghiso, il Mantovano. 72.