罗伯特·康平(R. Campin, 1375-1444)也被称作佛莱蒙大师。我们无法确知他的真实姓名,也不了解他的生平事迹,但他的作品却流传下来。罗伯特·康平(佛莱蒙大师)的代表作是《麦洛德祭坛画》,这是一幅三叶祭坛画,大约作于1425年,在这幅作品中我们可以看到一种穿透画面的空间感,一种现实世界的真实反映。这在尼德兰绘画中实属首创。《麦洛德祭坛画》中间描绘的是受胎告知的内容,两旁左幅是捐助人的像,右幅是木匠约瑟在做鼠夹。
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的Seilern三部曲或基督的埋没,c 1425。只有两个Campin三部曲的生存[3]
的Merode祭坛的装饰品罗伯特•Campin 1425 - 1428
Campin首次出现了图尔奈从1405 - 6的档案,作为一个自由掌握的公会的画家,有很多猜测他的起源和出生地实际上是未知的,虽然他有时是出生在上市瓦朗谢讷.[4]1410年,他收购了国籍,这表明他没有在那里出生。
在20世纪,一些学者认为Flemalle的主人可能是罗伯特•Campin记录作为一个画家图尔奈从1406年开始。论点转身一篇论文提到两个学生进入他的工作室在1427年雅克Daret和Rogelet de la牧场。后者可能是Rogier van der Weyden。一个证据确凿的装饰画通过Daret显示惊人的相似Flemalle大师的作品,所做的早期作品Rogier。因此,人们很容易认为Daret和Rogier门徒Flemalle的主人,即罗伯特Campin。然而,另一种可能性是,Flemalle板画了Rogier自己当他还在二十多岁。一些学者甚至认为著名的沉积在普拉多(马德里)Campin而不是Van der Weyden。
了三部曲埋没(或“Seilern三部曲”科陶德研究所、伦敦)可以上溯到1425。[5]中央面板显示了他对雕塑的债务的时间(Campin已知彩饰几个雕像)。在这之后,他画圣母的婚姻(博物馆普拉多电影院,马德里)和诞生(德第戎美术博物馆)1420 - 1420。
大约1425 - 1428 Campin画Merode祭坛的装饰品,一个三张相联镶画的(3)委托私人使用。的报喜占据了中央面板。的大天使加百列显示接近玛丽,她坐着看书。她描述了一个严守的中产阶级佛兰德回家。几个工作归功于罗伯特Campin可能看到的赫米蒂奇,包括双连画板描绘三位一体和圣母和耶稣的画像。其他作品中显示普拉多博物馆,伦敦国家美术馆.
Campin first appears as settled in Tournai from the archives of 1405–6, as a free master of the guild of painters, and there has been a lot of speculation about his origin and birthplace which is actually unknown, although he is sometimes listed as having been born in Valenciennes.[4] In 1410 he bought into citizenship, suggesting he was not born there.
He attained the offices of dean of the guild and wardenship of a church and other civic office, and eventually ran a large workshop. By 1432, however, he lost his civic positions because of scandals, and probably his role in political disturbances in the city. In 1429 he was found guilty of withholding evidence, and sentenced to go on a pilgrimage, and in 1432 was convicted of adultery and banished for a year.
Margaret of Burgundy, wife of the Count of Holland and sister of John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy intervened on his behalf, and this was reduced to a fine. The dated Werl Altarpiece (1438) shows he continued to work (the two outer wings are in the Prado; the main panel is lost). He died in Tournai.
Although heavily indebted to 14th centurymanuscript illumination, Campin displayed greater powers of realistic observation than any other painter before him. He was one of the first to experiment with the use of oil-based colors, in lieu of egg-based tempera, to achieve the brilliance of color typical for this period. Campin used the new technique to convey strong, rounded characters by modelling light and shade in compositions of complex perspectives. It remains a matter of debate how far the complex symbolism that is generally accepted as existing in the work of Van Eyck also exists in the work of Campin.
Art historians have long been keen to trace the beginnings of the Northern Renaissance - with far less evidence to go on than in Italy. For a long time it was thought that Jan van Eyck was the first painter to make full use of the innovations apparent in manuscript illumination in panel painting. By the end of the 19th century it became clear, however, that Van Eyck was the contemporary of an artist who painted a number of works, including the Mérode Altarpiece. Dated to about 1428, the altarpiece (now in the Cloisters of the Metropolitan Museum) is permeated with loving attention to details and realism. Three other panels in a similar manner, supposed to come from the so-called abbey of Flémalle (it has been established that there was, in fact, no such abbey), are now in Frankfurt. It was argued that these works belong to one "Master of Flémalle", whose identity at that time could not be established.
In the 20th century, several scholars suggested that the Master of Flémalle may be Robert Campin, documented as a master painter in Tournai from 1406. The argument turns around a paper mentioning two pupils entering his studio in 1427 - Jacques Daret and Rogelet de la Pasture. The latter was probably Rogier van der Weyden. A very well-documented altarpiece by Daret shows striking similarities with the works of Master of Flémalle, as do early works by Rogier. Therefore, it is tempting to assume that both Daret and Rogier were disciples of the Master of Flémalle, i.e. Robert Campin. Another possibility, however, is that the Flémalle panels were painted by Rogier himself when he was still in his twenties. Some scholars have even attributed the famousDeposition in the Prado (Madrid) to Campin rather than Van der Weyden.
The tightest definition of the works from his own hand includes only the "Flémalle" panels, a'Nativity at Dijon, a Crucified Thief (fragment of a Crucifixion) in Frankfurt, two portraits of a man and woman in London (of around 1430), and perhaps the Seilern Triptych. This, which excludes the best known works usually attributed to him, which are then assigned to his workshop or followers, is the position taken by Lorne Campbell.
The Entombment Triptych (or "Seilern Triptych" Courtauld Institute, London) is dated to around 1425.The central panel shows his debt to the sculpture of the time (Campin was known to have polychromed several statues). After this, he painted the Marriage of the Virgin (Museo del Prado, Madrid) and Nativity (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon) around 1420-1425.
Around 1425-1428 Campin painted the Mérode Altarpiece, a triptych (three paneled paintings) commissioned for private use. The Annunciation occupies the central panel. The Archangel Gabriel is shown approaching Mary, who sits reading. She is depicted in a well-kept middle-class Flemish home. Several works attributed to Robert Campin may be seen in the Hermitage, including diptych panels depicting The Holy Trinity and The Virgin and Child. Other works are displayed in the Prado, and the London National Gallery.