扬.范德.卡佩勒Capelle, Jan van de(1626年1月25日—1679年12月22日),荷兰画家。
他的父亲(1594 - 1674)是一个cloth-dyer,他的母亲来自鹿特丹;他们在阿姆斯特丹在1622年结婚。乔安妮的洗礼记录Nieuwe Kerk1626年1月25日,阿姆斯特丹。(通过描述他Gerbrand van den Eeckhout)作为一个自学成才的艺术家,但可能接受过某种形式的训练西蒙德Vlieger的风格他复制或者是接近他早期的作品,也许等大师威廉·范·德·老。他收到了公民身份阿姆斯特丹1653年7月24日,一个本质上为城市精英尊敬的仪式。几个月前,2月2日,1653年,他娶了Annetje Jansdr。Grotingh砖匠的女儿。Van de Cappelle是一个非常富有的人,他从不为他的生活需要依靠他的画,当然也不知道如果他加入了城市圣卢克的公会,或者是单独的“画家的兄弟会”成立于1653年。他是否卖掉了他的工作,他这样做,目前还不清楚。
布瑞蒂斯亚伯拉罕建议Van de Cappelle的一个朋友伦布兰特,在破产的销售在1656年和1658年他是一个大买家,谁画的画像他和他的妻子。有人猜测他可能用他的业务联系人,帮助获得委员会伦勃朗的最后,和经济上非常有用,群像委员会德雷伯行会的理事1662股。
他最早的绘画是一个重要的约会已经高度完成一个从1645年开始,且只有一个是在1660年代。从这个大多数作者认为他晚年致力于他的生意,他的弟弟Franchois还。1661年5月,他在Koestraat买了一栋房子,附近Nieuwmarkt,从更加昂贵Keizersgracht.旁边的房子,有一个花园,一所学校,是销售的一个儿子Sweelinck,在购买契约van de Cappelle只是叫席尔德(画家)而不是画家。
在1677年他的妻子根据他,van de Cappelle自己葬在Nieuwe Kerk 12月22日,1679年。他离开了七个孩子。库存在死亡幸存了下来,他的财产信息的主要来源是关于他令人印象深刻的艺术收藏。列出所有花了七个月。他离开他的孩子六个房子,一个国家南部的房子Loenen在河上Vecht(乌特勒支)、游艇“44金币”,丝绸和债券价值92720荷兰盾。一份冗长的清单,列举的项目从他华丽的衣橱,(包括他紫罗兰色的长袜)以及一个大而重要的艺术收藏列表
一个冷静,1650 - 1655
他的大部分作品是海洋或河景,几乎总是与一些船只,但他也留下了许多小冬季景观的方式Aert van der从不;这些似乎都日期在1652年和1654年之间。[19]他的海景(使用术语松散)可能是大或小;九的例子伦敦国家美术馆最大的集团在一个集合,不同122 x 154.5厘米(NG 967:48 x 61英寸)和34.8 x 48.1厘米(NG 865:14 x 19英寸)。
他没有兴趣在风大浪急的海面或万里无云的天空,显示大多云的天空,地平线低,大约15 - 20%的纵轴。乌云往往反映在死者平静的水面,尽管光涟漪可能被显示。作为荷兰海景是常有的事,通常会有军舰或“statenjacht”(“国家游艇”),一位官员游艇用于运输、官方的敬礼和其他业务。组成的边缘通常切片通过船只,让他们看到一半。Van de Cappelle绘制了许多游行海洋主题,描绘“正式收集船仪式场合”。其他作品,主要是更小、更少的繁忙的主题,通常被称为一种“平静”,显示“一个普及的明亮的氛围,软化所有轮廓和结合形式和地方色彩”,[或者是肯尼斯•克拉克所说,“天空反射在水面上的时候,有了团结的明亮的氛围……的全部意义van de Capelle·范·德”。在他的早期作品他柔和的调色板的“色调”,但与本地特色enlived明亮的色彩,但在他的晚期作品搬到“温暖的金色色调,特别让自己更大的用色的繁荣时设置看起来光彩照人的日落对水的深绿松石蓝色的天空,就像在河的场景与帆船(鹿特丹,Boymans-van Beuningen博物馆)".根据他的著名学者,玛格丽塔·拉塞尔,”比任何其他的艺术家,除了只伦勃朗,van de Cappelle是画家的光”。
Cappelle使少量的蚀刻画,只有两个签署的景观现在完全是归功于他。不到二十的近750 1680库存有自己的图纸可看作是相同地幸存下来。
这幅画由弗朗斯·哈尔斯曾被认为是失去的Jan van de Cappelle的画像
van de Cappelle 500伦勃朗的画之一
他最大的艺术收藏之一,192年[25]绘画和超过7000的图纸,几乎所有荷兰一些佛兰德的作品,在很大程度上集中自己的专业化的海洋绘画和冬天的风景。他自己的肖像,伦勃朗(一对与妻子之一)弗朗斯·哈尔斯,他是唯一知道的人画了两个最伟大的荷兰肖像画家。然而,如果他们生存的身份绘画已经丢失。伦勃朗是声称自己是一个艺术家的肖像,1648年一次城堡霍华德,1961年,诺顿西蒙买了一个哈尔斯称为Cappelle的画像,但现在只是一个年轻人的画像。也有通过肖像格布兰特van den Eeckhout和Jan van Noordt也untraced。
收藏品包括油画简•列文,亨德里克Goltzius,保卢斯波特,亚当Elsheimer,杜勒,大卫Vinckboons,Pieter Aertsen,荷尔,雅各Pynas,Jan Miense Molenaer,范Heemskerck,Frans Floris,飞利浦·科尼克和Pieter Lastman佛兰德的艺术家代表鲁本斯(三幅画),范戴克,雅各Jordaens,老布鲁和奥斯塔这。Van de Capelle拥有83图纸Jan窝Uyl。图纸的大群个体艺术家建议他买了他们工作室的工作图纸完成后死亡或退休。伦勃朗的画可能是收购了破产的销售在1656年和1658年。
Van de Cappelle对画家有相当大的影响力的海洋和冬季主题,包括威廉·范·德·年轻在前者,Jan van·凯塞尔在后者,亨德里克和在这两种。
Van de Cappelle似乎并没有参与太多的商业艺术世界,这可以解释他的缺席等当代艺术家的传记的集合了超过500人的生命阿诺德Houbraken在他的大的schouwburg der Nederlandsche kunstschilders en schilderessen——“大剧场的荷兰画家”,(1718 - 21)。Joachim von Sandrart(1606 - 1688)塞缪尔·范根(1627 - 1678)也忽视他。这可能也是部分结果传记作者的偏见反对当代海洋后,风景,和静物画绘画,被认为是最低的层次结构的类型。他很长时间或许比荷兰,在英格兰和他的作品的分布仍然反映了这一点。
His father (1594–1674) was a cloth-dyer, his mother came from Rotterdam; they married in 1622 in Amsterdam. Joannes' baptism is recorded in the Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam on January 25, 1626.[4] He was described (by Gerbrand van den Eeckhout) as a self-taught artist, but probably received some form of training from Simon de Vlieger, whose style he copied or is closest to his early paintings, and perhaps other masters such as Willem van de Velde the Elder. He received the citizenship of Amsterdam on 24 July 1653, an essentially honorific ceremony for one of the city elite. A few months before, on February 2, 1653, he had married Annetje Jansdr. Grotingh, the daughter of a bricklayer. Van de Cappelle was a very wealthy man who never needed to rely on his painting for his livelihood, and it is not known if he joined the city's Guild of Saint Luke, or the separate "brotherhood of painters" founded in 1653.[6] Whether he sold his work, or how he did so, is unclear.
Abraham Bredius suggested Van de Cappelle was a friend of Rembrandt, at whose insolvency sales in 1656 and 1658 he was a large buyer, and who painted portraits of him and his wife. It has been speculated that he may have used his business contacts to help obtain the commission for Rembrandt's last, and financially very useful, group portrait commission, the Syndics of the Drapers' Guild of 1662
His earliest dated painting is an important and already highly accomplished one from 1645, and only one is dated in the 1660s. From this most authors assume he devoted his later years to his business, in which his brother Franchois also worked. In May 1661 he bought a house in the Koestraat, near Nieuwmarkt, moving from the even more expensiveKeizersgracht. The house with a garden, next to a school, was sold by a son ofSweelinck, and in the deed of purchase van de Cappelle is simply called schilder(painter) and not a master painter.
His wife predeceased him in 1677, and van de Cappelle himself was buried in the Nieuwe Kerk on December 22, 1679. He left seven children. The inventory of his property at death has survived and is the main source of information about his impressive art collection. It took seven months to list all.He left his children six houses, a country house south of Loenen on the river Vecht (Utrecht), a pleasure yacht, "44 bags of ducats", silk and bonds together valued at 92,720 guilders.A lengthy list of the items from his splendid wardrobe was made, (including his violet stockings) as well as a list of his large and important art collection.
The majority of his works are marine or river views, nearly always with several vessels, but he also left a number of small winter landscapes somewhat in the manner of Aert van der Neer; these all seem to date between 1652 and 1654. His seascapes (using the term loosely) may be large or small; the nine examples in the National Gallery, London, the largest group in a single collection, vary between 122 x 154.5 cm (NG 967: 48 x 61 inches) and 34.8 x 48.1 cm (NG 865: 14 x 19 inches).
He had no interest in rough seas or cloudless skies,showing large cloudy skies, with the horizon low, about 15-20% of the way up the vertical axis. The clouds are often mirrored in the dead calm water, although light ripples may be shown. As is often the case in Dutch seascapes, there is often a warship or "statenjacht" ("States yacht"), an official yacht used for transport, official salutes and other business. The edge of the composition often slices through vessels, leaving them half seen. Van de Cappelle painted many parade marine subjects, depicting "a formal gathering of ships for a ceremonial occasion".[2] Other paintings, mostly smaller and of less busy subjects, a type often called "calms", show "an all-pervading luminous atmosphere that softens all outlines and unifies forms and local colours", or as Kenneth Clarkputs it, "When sky was reflected on water, there was achieved that unity of luminous atmosphere which is ... the whole point of van de Capelle and van de Velde". In his early works he followed the muted palette of the "tonal school", but enlived with local highlights of bright colour, but moved in his later works to "a warmer golden tonality, exceptionally allowing himself a greater colouristic exuberance when setting the rosy glow of a sunset sky against water of a deep turquoise blue, as in the River Scene with Sailing Vessels (Rotterdam, Boymans–van Beuningen Museum)".According to his leading scholar, Margarita Russell, "More than any other artist of his time, with the exception only of Rembrandt, van de Cappelle was a painter of light".
Cappelle made a small number of etchings; only two signed ones of landscapes are now firmly attributed to him. Fewer than twenty of the nearly 750 of his own drawings in the 1680 inventory have survived identifiably.[24]
He had one of the largest art collections of his day, with 192 paintings and over 7,000 drawings, nearly all Dutch with a few Flemish works, and concentrating heavily on his own specialisms of marine painting and winter landscapes. He had portraits of himself by both Rembrandt (one of a pair with his wife) and Frans Hals, and he is the only person known to have been painted by both of the greatest Dutch portraitists.However, if they survive the identity of both paintings has been lost. The Rembrandt was claimed to be a portrait of an artist of 1648, once at Castle Howard, and in 1961Norton Simon bought a Hals then called a portrait of Cappelle, but now just Portrait of a Young Man. There were also portraits by Gerbrandt van den Eeckhout and Jan van Noordt, also untraced.
The collection had major groups as follows:
The collection included paintings by Jan Lievens, Hendrick Goltzius, Paulus Potter, Adam Elsheimer, Dürer, David Vinckboons, Pieter Aertsen, Holbein, Jacob Pynas, Jan Miense Molenaer, Maarten van Heemskerck, Frans Floris, Philips Koninck and Pieter Lastman; Flemish artists represented included Rubens (three paintings), Van Dyck, Jacob Jordaens,Pieter Bruegel the Elder and Adriaen Brouwer. Van de Capelle owned 83 drawings by Jan den Uyl. The large groups of drawings by individual artists suggest that he had bought their studio stock of working drawings complete after their death or retirement. The Rembrandt drawings were probably acquired at his insolvency sales in 1656 and 1658.
Van de Cappelle had a considerable influence on painters of both marine and winter subjects, including Willem van de Velde the Younger in the former group, Jan van Kesselin the latter, and Hendrick Dubbels in both.
Van de Cappelle does not seem to have participated much in the commercial art world of his day, which may account for his absence from the all the contemporary collections of artists' biographies such as the over 500 lives by Arnold Houbraken's in his De groote schouwburg der Nederlandsche kunstschilders en schilderessen – "The Great Theatre of Dutch Painters", (1718–21). Joachim von Sandrart (1606–1688) and Samuel van Hoogstraten (1627–1678) also overlook him. This was also probably partly the result of the biographers' following contemporary prejudices against marine, landscape, and still life painting, regarded as the lowest in the hierarchy of genres. He was for long perhaps better known in England than Holland, and the distribution of his works still reflects this.[citation needed]
The largest collection of his work is the nine paintings in London, as mentioned above. There are works in the Rijksmuseum, the Mauritshuis, Rijksmuseum Twenthe, in the Getty Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art,[36] National Museum of Wales,Detroit Institute of Arts, Manchester Art Gallery (3), Nationalmuseum, Wallraf-Richartz Museum and elsewhere