卡尔范Carle van Loo(1705年2月15日—1765年7月15日),法国画家。
Charles-Andre van厕所,圣母,1738年
他出生在不错的,然后的一部分公国的萨。范厕所跟着他哥哥让-巴蒂斯特·都灵,然后罗马1712年,在那里他学习了Benedetto Luti和雕塑家皮埃尔Legros。在离开意大利1723年,他在工作巴黎就读于科学研究院皇家,他获得了1723年第一次画奖,并获得了一等奖1727年历史绘画一样,他未来的对手弗朗索瓦布歇。在1727年再次访问都灵之后,他受雇于王维克多Amadeus II的撒丁岛,因为他画一系列主题的说明《。1734年,他在巴黎定居,并于1735年成为的一员皇家Academie de Peinture et de雕塑在学院的层次迅速和玫瑰。也就是蓬巴杜夫人和法国法院正在艺术家在他们的庇护下。他被装饰着圣迈克尔的顺序和命名第一个画家国王法国路易十五在1762年。他是一个最成功的宫廷画师但他的画像以及历史绘画也喜欢走遍欧洲的一个巨大的成功。1765年7月15日他死于巴黎。
He was born in Nice, then part of the Duchy of Savoy. Van Loo followed his brother Jean-Baptiste to Turin, and then to Rome in 1712, where he studied under Benedetto Luti and the sculptor Pierre Legros. After leaving Italy in 1723, he worked inParis, studied at the Académie Royale, where he gained first prize for drawing in 1723, and received the first prize for historical painting in 1727—as did his future rival François Boucher. After again visiting Turin in 1727, he was employed by king Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia, for whom he painted a series of subjects illustrative of Tasso. In 1734 he settled in Paris, and in 1735 became a member of the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture and rose rapidly in the hierarchy of the academy. Madame de Pompadour and the French court were taking the artist under their patronage. He was decorated with the Order of Saint Michael and namedFirst Painter to king Louis XV of France in 1762. He was a most successful court painter but his portraits as well as history paintings also enjoyed an enormous success throughout all Europe. He died in Paris on 15 July 1765.
By his simplicity of style and correctness of design, the result of his study of the great Italian masters, he did much to purify the modern French school; but the contemporary praise that was lavished upon his productions now appears undue and excessive. His patrons included members of the court, the Gobelins factory, private individuals, and the church. In the ensuing centuries, Van Loo's critical fortune has plummeted, although his ability remains admirable, and the quality and variety of his work command respect. His Marriage of the Virgin is preserved in the Louvre.