沙特朗,西奥博尔德Chartran, Theobald(1849年7月20日—1907年7月16日),法国画家。
西奥博尔德Chartran(1849年7月20日- 1907年7月16日)是一个经典的法国宣传画家.
作为“T”,他是其中的一个艺术家负责偶尔漫画的《名利场》杂志,专门从事法语和意大利语。他的工作包括对《名利场》教皇利奥十三世,朱塞佩•加里波第,意大利翁贝托一世,威廉•亨利•沃丁顿在1878年,查尔斯·古诺,威尔第,欧内斯特升,朱尔斯格利威斑马,拿破仑约瑟夫·查尔斯·保罗·波拿巴,维克多。雨果,mcmahon元帅,Granier de Cassagnac,路易·勃朗,大仲马,儿子在1879年,所有。
总统西奥多。罗斯福的官方肖像最初委托西奥博尔德Chartran 1902年,但当罗斯福看到最终产品他讨厌它,将它藏在白宫的最黑暗的角落。当家庭成员称之为“新猫”使他看起来很无害,他它摧毁和雇佣约翰。辛格。萨金特是一幅更男性化。
Théobald Chartran (20 July 1849 – 16 July 1907) was a classical French propaganda painter.
As "T", he was one of the artists responsible for occasional caricatures of Vanity Fair magazine, specializing in French and Italian subjects. His work for Vanity Fair included Pope Leo XIII,Giuseppe Garibaldi, Umberto I of Italy, William Henry Waddington, all in 1878, Charles Gounod,Giuseppe Verdi, Ernest Renan, Jules Grévy, Napoléon Joseph Charles Paul Bonaparte, Victor Hugo,Marshal MacMahon, Granier de Cassagnac, Louis Blanc, and Alexandre Dumas, Fils, all in 1879.
President Theodore Roosevelt's official portrait was originally commissioned to Theobald Chartran in 1902, but when Roosevelt saw the final product he hated it and hid it in the darkest corner of the White House. When family members called it the "Mewing Cat" for making him look so harmless, he had it destroyed and hired John Singer Sargent to paint a more masculine portrait.
Among Chartran's work is his portrait of René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laënnec, the inventor of thestethoscope.