约翰·科利尔Collier, John(1850年1月27日—1934年4月11日),英国画家、作家。
1889年科利尔Mady结婚的妹妹埃塞尔·赫胥黎。2]直到已故妻子的妹妹的婚姻法案1907这样的婚姻是不可能在英格兰,所以仪式发生在挪威。他的第二任妻子,他有一个女儿和一个儿子,先生劳伦斯·科利尔,他是英国驻挪威大使1941 - 51。
科利尔肖像题材的范围是广泛的。例如在1893年,包括他的臣民色鬼斯塔姆,什鲁斯伯里主教先生;John LubbockFRS;N霍恩比(兰开夏郡的队长11);爱德华·奥古斯都英格(海军上将和北极探险家)。
拉迪亚德·吉卜林(1891年);画家先生劳伦斯Alma-Tadema(1884),演员J.L. Toole(1887)和马奇肯德尔,艾伦特里和赫伯特Beerbohm树(在温莎的风流娘儿们)(1904年);教育机构负责人等的主人贝列尔学院爱德华游民(1904),狱长华顿托雷·(1889)和通用电气公司的教务长伊顿公学(1897)。士兵如元帅主厨师的喀土穆(1911)和陆军元帅弗雷德里克·海恩斯先生(1891);两个印度人王公贵族,包括大君的尼泊尔(1910年);和科学家等查尔斯·达尔文(1882),艺术家的岳父赫胥黎教授(1891),威廉王国克利福德,詹姆斯·普雷斯科特焦耳和爵士迈克尔•福斯特(1907)。克拉克报告总共32赫胥黎的家庭肖像在半个世纪后,他的第一次婚姻。
科利尔于1934年去世。他进入国家传记词典》(卷1931 - 40,1931年出版)比他的工作的弗兰克·霍尔因为它的庄重。这仅仅是真实的,然而,他的许多杰出的老男人的肖像——他的画像的年轻男人,妇女和儿童,他所谓的“问题图片”,涵盖日常生活的场景,往往非常聪明和新鲜。
他在艺术的字典条目(1996 7卷,p569)杰弗里·阿什顿,指的是他的笔触的隐形“无法令人兴奋的和平使用漆”,但对比,“科利尔的强大和令人惊讶的色彩”,“创造了一个令人不安的逼真的情绪和外观”。
Collier was from a talented and successful family. His grandfather, John Collier, was a Quaker merchant who became a Member of Parliament. His father (who was a Member of Parliament, Attorney General and, for many years, a full-time judge of the Privy Council) was created the first Lord Monkswell. He was also a member of the Royal Society of British Artists. John Collier's elder brother, the second Lord Monkswell, was Under-Secretary of State for War and Chairman of the London County Council.
In due course, Collier became an integral part of the family of Thomas Henry Huxley PC, President of the Royal Society from 1883 to 1885. Collier married two of Huxley's daughters and was "on terms of intimate friendship" with his son, the writer Leonard Huxley. Collier's first wife, in 1879, was Marian (Mady) Huxley. She was a painter who studied, like her husband, at the Slade and exhibited at the Royal Academy and elsewhere. After the birth of their only child, a daughter, she suffered severe post-natal depression and was taken to Paris for treatment where, however, she contracted pneumoniaand died in 1887. Collier's daughter by his first marriage, Joyce, was a portrait miniaturist, and a member of the Royal Society of Miniature Painters.
In 1889 Collier married Mady's younger sister Ethel Huxley Until the Deceased Wife's Sister's Marriage Act 1907 such a marriage was not possible in England, so the ceremony took place in Norway. By his second wife he had a daughter and a son, Sir Laurence Collier, who was the British Ambassador to Norway 1941–51.
Collier's range of portrait subjects was broad. In 1893, for example, his subjects included Lovelace Stamer, Bishop of Shrewsbury; Sir John Lubbock FRS; A N Hornby (Captain of the Lancashire Eleven); Edward Augustus Inglefield (Admiral and Arctic explorer).
His commissioned portrait of the Duke of York (later George V) as Master of Trinity Housein 1901, and the Prince of Wales (later Edward VIII) were his major royal portraits. The latter work was hung in Durbar Hall, Jodhpur, Rajputana.
Other subjects included two Lord Chancellors (the Earl of Selborne in 1882 and the Earl of Halsbury) in 1897; The Speaker of the House of Commons, William Gully, (1897); senior legal figures the Lord Chief Justice Lord Alverstone (1912) and the Master of the RollsSir George Jessel (1881).
Rudyard Kipling (1891); the painter Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1884); the actors J.L. Toole (1887) andMadge Kendal, Ellen Terry and Herbert Beerbohm Tree(in The Merry Wives of Windsor) (1904); heads of educational institutions such as the Master of Balliol Edward Caird (1904), the Warden ofWadham G.E. Thorley (1889) and the Provost of Eton (1897). Soldiers such as Field MarshalLord Kitchener of Khartoum (1911) and Field Marshal Sir Frederick Haines (1891); two Indian maharajahs, including the Maharajah of Nepal (1910); and scientists includingCharles Darwin (1882), the artist's father-in-law Professor Huxley (1891), William Kingdom Clifford, James Prescott Joule and Sir Michael Foster (1907). Clark reports a total of thirty-two Huxley family portraits during the half-century after his first marriage
A photocopy of John Collier's Sitters Book (made in 1962 from the original in the possession of the artist's son) can be consulted in the Heinz Archive and Library,National Portrait Gallery. This is the artist's own handwritten record of all his portraits, including name of subject, date, fee charged, and details of any major exhibitions of the picture in question.
Collier died in 1934. His entry in the Dictionary of National Biography (volume for 1931–40, published 1949) compares his work to that ofFrank Holl because of its solemnity. This is only true, however, of his many portraits of distinguished old men — his portraits of younger men, women and children, and his so-called "problem pictures", covering scenes of ordinary life, are often very bright and fresh.
His entry in the Dictionary of Art (1996 vol 7, p569), by Geoffrey Ashton, refers to the invisibility of his brush strokes as a "rather unexciting and flat use of paint" but contrasts that with "Collier's strong and surprising sense of colour" which "created a disconcerting verisimilitude in both mood and appearance".
The Dictionary of Portrait Painters in Britain up to 1920 (1997) describes his portraits as "painterly works with a fresh use of light and colour".