科内利斯.施普林格Cornelis Springer(1817—1891)是19世纪荷兰风景画家。
他是他的父亲,威廉木匠施普林格(1778年至1857年)的学生。他的学生亨德里克格里特十Cate,Kasparus Karsen和雅各布斯·范德STOK。他成为了阿姆斯特丹的一员画家集体菲利克斯Meritis并于1847年获得金奖的教堂内部的彩绘他是著名的水彩画,版画和图纸,尤其是他而周游全国勾勒的城市景观和城市的场景。他被授予了比利时的利奥波德秩序于1865年,并在1878年他被邀请约瑟夫·以色列通知公共事务部荷兰上的计划国家博物馆。
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ornelis Springer (1817, Amsterdam – 1891, Hilversum), was a Dutch 19th century landscape painter.
He was a pupil of his father, the carpenter Willem Springer (1778–1857). He was a pupil of Hendrik Gerrit ten Cate, Kasparus Karsen, and Jacobus van der Stok.[1] He became a member of the Amsterdam painters collective Felix Meritis and won a gold medal for a painting of a church interior in 1847.[1] He is known for watercolors, etchings, and drawings, especially of city views and town scenes that he sketched while traveling around the country.[1]He was awarded the Leopold order of Belgium in 1865, and in 1878 he was invited with Jozef Israëls to advise the Dutch Ministry of Public Affairs on the plans for the Rijksmuseum.[1]
His son Leonard Springer became a landscape architect.