扬雅各Spohler(1811在Nederhorst范登贝尔赫 - 1866年在阿姆斯特丹),荷兰北部一个19世纪的画家。
他是以冬季风景而闻名,是画家雅各布·扬Coenraad Spohler和约翰内斯·弗朗西斯Spohler的父亲。1830至1839年他曾在阿姆斯特丹(他后来返回,1861年起居住),哈勒姆1840年至1843年,布鲁塞尔1844年至1847年(与1853年短暂再次),海牙1848年至1849年,莱顿1850至60年,和1854至1855年鹿特丹。除了他的儿子,他教画家威廉VESTER。
According to the RKD he was a pupil of Jan Willem Pieneman and became a member of the Koninklijke Academie in Amsterdam in 1845.[1] He is known for winter landscapes and became the father of the paintersJacob Jan Coenraad Spohler and Johannes Franciscus Spohler.[1] He worked in Amsterdam from 1830-1839 (where he later returned and lived from 1861 onwards), Haarlem 1840-1843, Brussels 1844-1847 (and briefly again in 1853), The Hague 1848-1849, Leiden 1850-1860, and Rotterdam 1854-1855.[1] In addition to his sons he taught the painter Willem Vester.